Just played through the update and not too hopeful on my personal interest, tbh.
1. Still no paths/choices. Just a bunch more text to click through. Biggest sore point.
2. H-how could male protagonist have a growth spurt... in college? (Both in height
and... penis size? Like, I mean
a very significant one). The medical community would be baffled and he'd likely be hooked up to tubes and monitors for serious scientific evaluation. Is.. is this a sci-fi now? I've heard of a "second puberty" in a metaphorical/comical sense to describe some sort of mid-life crisis behavior-wise. But never a physical one. lol. Wow. Baffled.
3. Due to #2, the most appealing and unique aspect of the game for me so far, beyond the appealing art and general story concept, has now been eliminated. There are a variety of games out there in the sexually insatiable wife/girlfriend category, involving an attractive nympho cheating on the male love interest due to a helpless sex addiction. But inevitably, that male love interest is nearly always in one of two categories:
A. Some pathetic schlep, physically or otherwise, who no reasonable person would ever imagine in their wildest dreams would be going out with the female protagonist. Entirely implausible to the point of breaking immersion and losing any interest.
B. A perfect physical match for the female protag: Tall, muscular, big dick. Successful in their professional life as well. Where the F protag... just happens to be a big slut, too. Typically boring, without much oomph.
Up until this update, what held my interest in potential future developments was in deviation of the typical #3. That very rare but plausible 3C situation in this wayward-girlfriend/nympho-wife category where the male protagonist is attractive, intelligent and has a lot to offer the 10/10 female protagonist in the way of love, support and generally great relationship material... despite coming up a bit short in several categories where her instinctual physical desires overpower her love and reason. Basically the male protag
had that rare and perfect look up until this update for that scenario. Attractive. Plausibly "cute" enough to women to gain a very attractive woman's interest and then maintain it through a great emotional connection where both partners just happen to "click" right. But... maybe not physically imposing or endowed enough to keep such a 10/10 nympho's carnal desires 100% satiated in the bedroom. He was basically a 7/10 physically till now. Good looking but much less muscular, of average height to slightly shorter than average, and a smaller than average but not comically tiny cock.
The element of a 7/10 trying to keep a 10/10 through their deep emotional bonds and the 10/10 struggling not to let nature and her carnal desires get the better of her could've added a lot more spice and impact to their story. But it looks like the dev had 2nd thoughts and maybe a lack of confidence, deciding to pull a 180 there and provide the typical 3B scenario.
The non-existent choices in this game so far and the knock-off ORS menu/text style are still the biggest sore points for me that need improving. But with the male LI's baffling physical change, the story so far has lost any potential uniqueness as well, not to mention such a change at that age being pretty weird and implausible scientifically, in and of itself.