Detective Cancer

Deep Cunt
Aug 28, 2018
Does anyone have the full save? xD
A full save only gets you a few animations, a lot of them are not repeatable and happen through the plot as it goes along each character. That's the case with a lot of VNs and most don't have a gallery mode y'know.
It's not that long a game, I did everything in a weekend. :T
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Detective Cancer

Deep Cunt
Aug 28, 2018
it came out like 2 years ago
I know man, that's just Patreon for ya.
A simple VN like this would've been done within a year at most if it was being made by someone with direction and a team, or some kind of overhead. This isn't a corporation, it's not even an indie team, it's just some dude on Patreon doing it and milking it because they can get away with it, plain and simple.
That's how it is now, and I love the game for what it is so far but if it's on Patreon it's gonna take 10 years to a mediocre release or be outright abandoned at some point. This is why I've only ever supported 1 Patreon person and it's the artist CuteSexyRobutts because they just draw and it's amazing art.
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Sep 20, 2017
Heh, so he finally churned up an "update." If you look at the changelog, that massive list actually amounts to pretty much 0 content. Text here, buttons there. Some low-Q Allaway background work here and there.

I really liked this game when it came out. The art was unique. The MC was relatable. In fact, this is the game that had me switch from lurker to active member by creating an account here in 2017 to make my very first post defending it from people as it was in its early state. Check this out. Oof.. so naive.


I was a patreon when he first started making this game, and had some great conversations with him via DMs in early development on where the game was headed. I think he originally had a clear moral compass, but obviously that changed. This was the first game to redpill me into understanding just how H-games on Patreon worked. How devs milked their userbase for money, and how desperate users continued to defend, and pay for absolutely nothing. I'm sure everyone can name quite a few of them off the "Popular Games" list.

Games like these have motivated me to at least consider making my own game. I mean, I've got some decent art skills. As a user myself, I know what I like to see. I know what I don't like to see. But would I end up falling into the same cycle? Get high off that monthly income and become lazy? Milk my loyal fans who brought me to where I am? It's weird to think about. Surely the increased income would motivate you further to continue making the best of your product, right? I mean, there's a reason people always say that it starts out great. Why is that? What makes developers of these games go from frequent updater on low income, to infrequent on higher income? I don't get it. Maybe I never will.

Sorry about the odd philosophical introspection regarding a porn game, but being it was one of my first western H-based patreon games (I'd say House Party was my actual first, before he went with patreon), and having a bit of history with it, I felt compelled to comment my thoughts.

At risk of being too off-topic, I'll mention that I downloaded the game out of curiosity to see how much content was added, extracted all images, and noticed that I hardly missed anything at all from when I stopped playing nearly a year ago. I have to say, seeing the Hitomi content being literally at the same spot it was for over a year did give me a chuckle. The fact that her single nude standing sprite that was used in that beach conversation scene was created in early development nearly 2 years ago just speaks volumes to me.


Detective Cancer

Deep Cunt
Aug 28, 2018
Yeah.. I came to that realisation too and now I'm just offhandedly bitter about Patreon games and I can't justify supporting one anymore like I can the odd art commission every now and then. That's just the state of these things now and it's a shame.
What little there is shows promise but that in itself is disingenuous because that's what gets people to pay every month for no progress :u
I also thought of making my own VN kinda thing, I can draw alright and there's several fairly easily accessible engines to do it on but I'd feel guilty cos my worth ethic for hobbies is just as bad and I hate not earning money. I can barely accept birthday gifts as it is. Oh well. My theory on why they all become like this is they realise if they finish it'll stop, they have a steady income most people would be jealous of and they don't wanna lose that so they wait it out until people complain and release something. I'm sure the more scummy ones have stuff lying around to "release" when needed.
It doesn't take a whole year to draw a few stills and code dialogue choices, let alone 3-5 like some of these games have.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2018
What should I do with talk to mom after walking in while she masturbate I think it's chapter 23.5 for her
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