Others Abandoned A Very Small Business [v0.3.1.1] [Grabiobot]

4.70 star(s) 3 Votes


Dec 10, 2017
Had a little time to play some more and got a bad save file. Meaning that the game crashes reliably when I tried to load the third slot. One and two work without a problem and I played on some more from slot two and saving into slot 10. That works without a hitch as well. I archived the game state, so let me know which files you need to look into it. Overall it seems pretty stable :) As far as I can remember loading issues were the only ones I ever encountered (x64 machine, quad core amd, 8gig RAM, 1gig ati graphics ram)

Moving on to my impressions for the game in
Overall I still like it a lot: The animations are great, the female character models are pretty (the guy is not great but not bad either) and the business part of the business seems to be working as well. The general graphics quality and art style are nice to look at, but become a bit washed out when zoomed in (mostly noticeable with the librarian). The pixel hunt for the books took some time, but to be fair, I wouldn't have known that there is one if I hadn't read here about it...

Which leads to what I think is the major thing that needs to be addressed asap, possibly after the Christmas release:
Damn man, this needs a proper tutorial. Hunh, then again, maybe you can skip a good one for a while (most people like to skip that kinda thing anyways), but what would really help is more information.

Like: Where 's the cap for energy and mood? What 's my programming skill? Why should I play games in the living room when it costs me energy? Napping takes two hours but restores 3 energy. Every damn time I contact a supplier I lose at least time if nothing else. What skill level and relation do I need to negotiate a contract? A negotiating skill of 7 and relations 2 with my balloon supplier didn't let me get multi colored balloons and when I tried to buy them I only got everything else for six hours. Is that a shop I'm doing business with or a lottery? Why can't I buy online at night in general? The rest of the world can and when I come back from showers on the weekend I can't neither restock nor fulfill any customer requests? The last game everything got sold out just on the weekend, the rent subtracted and with only little over a 100 bucks it looked pretty close to a game over for a while. Somebody who 's only playing it for the business managing part will tolerate it but I don't think it goes well for erotica. I got 3 bucks pop-ups at times when we woke up in the morning, don't really know where that came from... Just tooltips would help quite a bit.
Auto(matic) restock helps a little, but buying hats is expensive just to get relations up and makes that pretty long winded. Don't get me wrong, I dig the managing part, but it still needs a lot of work to feel fluid, yet somewhat realistic.

As for the story/quests we know you 're working on it, so that might turn out amazing in time :) As long as there 's no humiliation, abuse, blackmail, rape and the like coming up, it should be good. There are (imho) too many games out there that do that already.
I'm not a big fan of the photo (is that the trader(s daughter)?) but variety is always good :) I noticed by the way that the woman introduced after Laura seem all much younger. Personally I don't mind either way, was just smt. that caught my attention for a second.

Sorry for the wall of text, I tried to be as brief as possible. Congrats on the work so far, the game *is* improving with every iteration in spite of me maybe sounding negative, keep up the good wok! :)
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The Demon of Dark Lusts
Game Developer
May 31, 2017
@Dalmuti: Yes, the flashing scene of Hannha while she sits near Zoey is alredy within the latest release. And this scene is a prerequisite for the upcoming scenes. You can see this scene only when your relationship is high enough with Hannah.
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The Demon of Dark Lusts
Game Developer
May 31, 2017
@Dragonflight: You concerns about Zoey comes too late. Sorry for that man.
But the good thing is that Grabiobot has reworked her, partly on my bidding (or whining) but mostly because he lost a few of his previous used settings for the renders as his SDD had gone to heaven.
She now wears other clothings and the painting of the whole library is also changed because of the whining of Shenze and me. So there will be nothing that hurts your eyes anymore.
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The Demon of Dark Lusts
Game Developer
May 31, 2017
@Dragonflight again: Regarding your concerns about "humiliation, abuse, blackmail, rape and the like coming up" I can only half reassure you. This game will have no rape or "evil" versions of humiliation, abuse and blackmail. The later maybe a problem for you as the game will have different routes that will soon show and one or more of them will be domination routes, but more in the form how the real-life BDSM scene practice them.
Humiliation in form of the typical sissy-cuckoldery will be absent too, but cuckoldery in the form of the dominative and or voyeurstic variety will be there. This means that Laura will not cheat on the MC.
We are not sure however how the possible BAD ENDS will be handled if the MC fucks up great - as they will lead to a game over ending, but it seems that we will not do "erotic" renders or animations for them and I will surely not write these scenes in a stimulative way as they are BAD ENDS indeed.
And before anyone asks again.
No, there will be no INCEST - not because of Patreon but because we have decided against it on principle.

I hope I could answer some of your concerns.
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Dec 10, 2017
@Dragonflight again: Regarding your concerns about "humiliation, abuse, blackmail, rape and the like coming up" I can only half reassure you. This game will have no rape or "evil" versions of humiliation, abuse and blackmail. The later maybe a problem for you as the game will have different routes that will soon show and one or more of them will be domination routes, but more in the form how the real-life BDSM scene practice them.
Humiliation in form of the typical sissy-cuckoldery will be absent too, but cuckoldery in the form of the dominative and or voyeurstic variety will be there. This means that Laura will not cheat on the MC.
We are not sure however how the possible BAD ENDS will be handled if the MC fucks up great - as they will lead to a game over ending, but it seems that we will not do "erotic" renders or animations for them and I will surely not write these scenes in a stimulative way as they are BAD ENDS indeed.
And before anyone asks again.
No, there will be no INCEST - not because of Patreon but because we have decided against it on principle.

I hope I could answer some of your concerns.
First of all, thanks for the reply :) But
Hunh, what concerns about Zoey? That you 'll be a fixing the color palette was a given, just changing the color of her dress seems way less work then changing the whole library :p

Dunno what the typical sissy-cucoldery humiliation is since I delete that kind of stuff if I accidentally get any. Sex for me has to do with fun, and when of the two or more people involved are crying bloody tears in emotional or physical pain that 's just sad in my book.
As for full BSDM and whatnot: If that 's optional, that 's obviously fine. Another route one can take but not has to, can even be mildly amusing at times. There 's good humiliation? I remember seeing the movie Secretary and thinking that they handled it in an admirable way. Not for me but hey, whatever floats your boat. And grabiobot has hyped you to no end for dialogues, lets see what you got.

If Laura decides to go her own way in case the MC gets lazy, that just reasonable. I would expect an ignored women to leave for something better anyway, sounds great to have a woman around that has a brain she is actually using. The only concern is that a lot of branching paths open a lot of additional renders and dialogues and overambitious projects never finish. But you 're not aiming for a release date tomorrow, so there 's not really a problem yet.

Oh and if you want my opinion on the whole Laura (MFC) cheating on you thing: This is a game. What separates a game from film is the interactivity. In other words: if you only want to see some people going at it you might as well watch porn...
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The Demon of Dark Lusts
Game Developer
May 31, 2017
"This is a game. What separates a game from film is the interactivity. In other words: if you only want to see some people going at it you might as well watch porn ..."
That is exactly my attitude.
Nonetheless, if Laura ever should cheat on the MC that is more or less a game over, as the purpose of the game is to fix the relation towards Laura and aquire the amount of money to open a brick-and-mortar office. Therefore, in this game there will be no actual cheating of Laura that is part of the story line, which would not lead to a BAD END.
Sissy cuckoldery is the form of cuckoldery which most people understand when someone yells cuckold, as this is the form where the women humilates the man by cheating on him and letting him know what a loser he actually is.
I do not like that at all, I cannot stand such a behavior from men, as I am a rather a dominante one in my own, so I will surely not write something where Laura humilates the MC in this form as a regular route.


The Demon of Dark Lusts
Game Developer
May 31, 2017
Re Zoey: She now has other facial features too. And I find her way more attractive now then the old one.
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Game Developer
Aug 7, 2017
Had a little time to play some more and got a bad save file. Meaning that the game crashes reliably when I tried to load the third slot. One and two work without a problem and I played on some more from slot two and saving into slot 10. That works without a hitch as well. I archived the game state, so let me know which files you need to look into it. Overall it seems pretty stable :) As far as I can remember loading issues were the only ones I ever encountered (x64 machine, quad core amd, 8gig RAM, 1gig ati graphics ram)

Moving on to my impressions for the game in
Overall I still like it a lot: The animations are great, the female character models are pretty (the guy is not great but not bad either) and the business part of the business seems to be working as well. The general graphics quality and art style are nice to look at, but become a bit washed out when zoomed in (mostly noticeable with the librarian). The pixel hunt for the books took some time, but to be fair, I wouldn't have known that there is one if I hadn't read here about it...

Which leads to what I think is the major thing that needs to be addressed asap, possibly after the Christmas release:
Damn man, this needs a proper tutorial. Hunh, then again, maybe you can skip a good one for a while (most people like to skip that kinda thing anyways), but what would really help is more information.

Like: Where 's the cap for energy and mood? What 's my programming skill? Why should I play games in the living room when it costs me energy? Napping takes two hours but restores 3 energy. Every damn time I contact a supplier I lose at least time if nothing else. What skill level and relation do I need to negotiate a contract? A negotiating skill of 7 and relations 2 with my balloon supplier didn't let me get multi colored balloons and when I tried to buy them I only got everything else for six hours. Is that a shop I'm doing business with or a lottery? Why can't I buy online at night in general? The rest of the world can and when I come back from showers on the weekend I can't neither restock nor fulfill any customer requests? The last game everything got sold out just on the weekend, the rent subtracted and with only little over a 100 bucks it looked pretty close to a game over for a while. Somebody who 's only playing it for the business managing part will tolerate it but I don't think it goes well for erotica. I got 3 bucks pop-ups at times when we woke up in the morning, don't really know where that came from... Just tooltips would help quite a bit.
Auto(matic) restock helps a little, but buying hats is expensive just to get relations up and makes that pretty long winded. Don't get me wrong, I dig the managing part, but it still needs a lot of work to feel fluid, yet somewhat realistic.

As for the story/quests we know you 're working on it, so that might turn out amazing in time :) As long as there 's no humiliation, abuse, blackmail, rape and the like coming up, it should be good. There are (imho) too many games out there that do that already.
I'm not a big fan of the photo (is that the trader(s daughter)?) but variety is always good :) I noticed by the way that the woman introduced after Laura seem all much younger. Personally I don't mind either way, was just smt. that caught my attention for a second.

Sorry for the wall of text, I tried to be as brief as possible. Congrats on the work so far, the game *is* improving with every iteration in spite of me maybe sounding negative, keep up the good wok! :)
Thank you very much for your feedback and suggestions. I hope the bug you encountered with slot 3 got solved in v0.3.1.1. Please let me know if it was this bug:
in v0.3.1 games saved in the business module (anywhere in the Work action in the living room) will not load.
If this was the bug you encountered, then it got fixed in v0.3.1.1 (savegames created with v0.3.1 still can not be loaded, but all savegames created with v0.3.1.1 should now always work).
If it is something else (for example, if your game in your slot 3 was created by v0.3.1.1) then please send me your savegame.

You are very right about a tutorial and I should write one as soon as possible. I am currently very busy with making changes for v0.3.2 but I hope to have some time in the week before publishing it, while I'll be waiting for translations, proof-reading and testing. Also, I have already made some progress regarding tooltips but I'm not sure how much of it will be visible in v0.3.2.

Regarding the photo, that's Roxanne (the second trader) and I and next version (probably v0.3.3), you could talk to her about that picture to unlock some content :) (I would not disclose any more yet :)).
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Dec 10, 2017
"This is a game. What separates a game from film is the interactivity. In other words: if you only want to see some people going at it you might as well watch porn ..."
That is exactly my attitude.
Nonetheless, if Laura ever should cheat on the MC that is more or less a game over, as the purpose of the game is to fix the relation towards Laura and aquire the amount of money to open a brick-and-mortar office. Therefore, in this game there will be no actual cheating of Laura that is part of the story line, which would not lead to a BAD END.
Sissy cuckoldery is the form of cuckoldery which most people understand when someone yells cuckold, as this is the form where the women humilates the man by cheating on him and letting him know what a loser he actually is.
I do not like that at all, I cannot stand such a behavior from men, as I am a rather a dominante one in my own, so I will surely not write something where Laura humilates the MC in this form as a regular route.
Thank your for clearing that up! Learning a new thing every day...
I see, so your relationship with Laura will stay the anchor point for the entire game. Fair enough :) Doesn't blow up the scope either. I mean, there 's two goals for the game: Earning 50k and fixing your relationship with Laura. The first one can be achieved, the second one therefore never will be. But offers plenty of opportunities to expand the game and there 's no reason to not like that ^^


Dec 10, 2017
Thank you very much for your feedback and suggestions. I hope the bug you encountered with slot 3 got solved in v0.3.1.1. Please let me know if it was this bug:
in v0.3.1 games saved in the business module (anywhere in the Work action in the living room) will not load.
If this was the bug you encountered, then it got fixed in v0.3.1.1 (savegames created with v0.3.1 still can not be loaded, but all savegames created with v0.3.1.1 should now always work).
If it is something else (for example, if your game in your slot 3 was created by v0.3.1.1) then please send me your savegame.

You are very right about a tutorial and I should write one as soon as possible. I am currently very busy with making changes for v0.3.2 but I hope to have some time in the week before publishing it, while I'll be waiting for translations, proof-reading and testing. Also, I have already made some progress regarding tooltips but I'm not sure how much of it will be visible in v0.3.2.

Regarding the photo, that's Roxanne (the second trader) and I and next version (probably v0.3.3), you could talk to her about that picture to unlock some content :) (I would not disclose any more yet :)).
Hey grabiobot, my pleasure.

The save is from the current build and indeed around the Work action menu. I saved before contacting Marco because I didn't want to waste more time with balloons I already had on AIR. And got only red and ilu balloons as suspected by the way. I did chose the advanced start since I played before (thanks for that one by the way, appreciated :) ) but I don't suspect that that could be responsible in any way.

Oh, almost forgot: I 'm sure you 're planning on implementing a separate inventory button (low priority for now) so I 'll just mention it pro forma. Some future build will make it unnecessary to contact traders to see your stock and see the state of current affairs. In regards to how much you can implement before publishing: Just take the extra time :) Nobody wants a game that crashes cause it 's obviously annoying and unplayable, wouldn't do you any service.

I haven 't raised prices much cause when I did go up by 2% the expected sales dropped to zero with around a 1000 subs. Will have to fiddle around a bit to see where the magic numbers are.
What 's the cap on your programming skill by the way? When I had automation on level 6 it seemed to be working fine but I never pushed too much of the business side, early build and all.

In regards to your earlier post: Fingering and tools are boring to me personally, especially when you can go all the way anyhow. But again, extra options never hurt and the more people are drawn to the game, the merrier.
Please don't let that puzzle be a sliding puzzle. I am fine and can solve around every other puzzle, this is the only one I hate with a passion.
Sorry for the dumb question: Hannah is the librarian, Roxanne is the trader, Zoey is the other girl in the library, is Yvonne the yoga teacher? I liked her beyond the character model for what seemed like an outgoing an cheery personality :)

So it was Roxanne on the photo. I barely had any contact with her and didn't look at the photo too closely since it didn't peak my interest. That I still made the connection means you did a good job on her model :)
And no problems about disclosing more about her since at this point I only like Laura, Hannah and Yvonne anyways :p
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Game Developer
Aug 7, 2017
Hey grabiobot, my pleasure.

The save is from the current build and indeed around the Work action menu. I saved before contacting Marco because I didn't want to waste more time with balloons I already had on AIR. And got only red and ilu balloons as suspected by the way. I did chose the advanced start since I played before (thanks for that one by the way, appreciated :) ) but I don't suspect that that could be responsible in any way.

Oh, almost forgot: I 'm sure you 're planning on implementing a separate inventory button (low priority for now) so I 'll just mention it pro forma. Some future build will make it unnecessary to contact traders to see your stock and see the state of current affairs. In regards to how much you can implement before publishing: Just take the extra time :) Nobody wants a game that crashes cause it 's obviously annoying and unplayable, wouldn't do you any service.

I haven 't raised prices much cause when I did go up by 2% the expected sales dropped to zero with around a 1000 subs. Will have to fiddle around a bit to see where the magic numbers are.
What 's the cap on your programming skill by the way? When I had automation on level 6 it seemed to be working fine but I never pushed too much of the business side, early build and all.

In regards to your earlier post: Fingering and tools are boring to me personally, especially when you can go all the way anyhow. But again, extra options never hurt and the more people are drawn to the game, the merrier.
Please don't let that puzzle be a sliding puzzle. I am fine and can solve around every other puzzle, this is the only one I hate with a passion.
Sorry for the dumb question: Hannah is the librarian, Roxanne is the trader, Zoey is the other girl in the library, is Yvonne the yoga teacher? I liked her beyond the character model for what seemed like an outgoing an cheery personality :)

So it was Roxanne on the photo. I barely had any contact with her and didn't look at the photo too closely since it didn't peak my interest. That I still made the connection means you did a good job on her model :)
And no problems about disclosing more about her since at this point I only like Laura, Hannah and Yvonne anyways :p
Thanks for sending me your savegames. I tried them all in my build and all loaded perfectly, so the bug you encountered is fixed and you should not see encounter it again in v0.3.2.

Re: 2% markup. I don't know, maybe you sent me the wrong savegames, but in the game in slot 3 you already sell Simple Red Balloons at 17% and you can increase your markup up to 114% ant still sell 1 item per day.

Re: puzzle. No, it's a jigsaw puzzle.

Re: Yvonne. It's a new girl. You haven't meet her yet and I don't know if I'll be able to include her in v0.3.2. This is how she looks :)


Dec 10, 2017
Thanks for sending me your savegames. I tried them all in my build and all loaded perfectly, so the bug you encountered is fixed and you should not see encounter it again in v0.3.2.

Re: 2% markup. I don't know, maybe you sent me the wrong savegames, but in the game in slot 3 you already sell Simple Red Balloons at 17% and you can increase your markup up to 114% ant still sell 1 item per day.

Re: puzzle. No, it's a jigsaw puzzle.

Re: Yvonne. It's a new girl. You haven't meet her yet and I don't know if I'll be able to include her in v0.3.2. This is how she looks :)
Happy to hear, sounds like it 's pretty much bug free now :)
(- pretty much cause from what I can tell no software really ever is) By the way: Loading from the save once I had overwritten it with a new one worked no problem.

Re:markup. Interesting, I had no idea that you could go that high with your profit margin. Sounds more reasonable than I would have expected from a game that is not only focused on the business sim, so that 's my bad. Apologies.

Great, jigsaw puzzles are something that most people are familiar with from their childhood, should be fun and it kinda fits to photo and painting :)

Hello Yvonne. Thanks for the reply and update, happy Friday 0/
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Game Developer
Aug 7, 2017
As I promised, today I start working on the Christmas gift!

It will be a jigsaw puzzle inspired from AVSB. Solving some of the puzzles will trigger animations but even the ones without animations will display some nice sexy graphics :).

I hope you all will enjoy this mini-game!


Reach out for the Truth
Jul 16, 2017
Merry Christmas from the AVSB Developmental Team

So we been working on this little secret project for the past week as a little Christmas gift from us to you all for playing, critiquing and supporting the game

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4.70 star(s) 3 Votes