
Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
While Jason and Haru are insignificant characters, Patricia certainly isn't. And the Yoga event which I thought was going to be Patricia convincing her that Sophia that she is still desirable, even by someone younger like Marie, fell far short. So the Museum date is the next opportunity for this to happen. But is probably just a ploy by Patricia to get her sister horny enough so she can make a more serious move than the kiss on day 16, either on the date or the next day with Zoey while horse-riding. And on playable day 15, this might be Patricia's first chance to get Sophia alone for long enough to discuss the kiss from the nightclub.
You could do so much more with Patricia, we don't need the museum guys distracting the scene from the most interesting characters. In fact, it would be better to have just a one on one scene with Sophia and Patricia. This would give them the opportunity to talk about all the things you mentioned, develop their relationship further, and not waste it with Jason and Haru. If Patricia wants to convince Sophia that she's still desirable, then Patricia could recommend that they go back out with Ellie's friends. At least these guys are established and we have spent some time with them.

Instead we're going to get a scene where Patricia manipulates the situation to put Sophia in a weird position that will be both hot, but highly contrived. We would have more color, more character development, with Patricia alone. Patricia and Sophia should have more screen time together, because she is one of Sophia's main corrupters.
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May 24, 2020
Absolutely nothing I said indicates any "desire in you to quickly come to a hot content, no more." I'm so tired of this retort because it's lazy, insulting, and incorrect.
Much like the 1st side-job, the time L&P spends on these scenes could be better spent elsewhere on characters and stories that advance the plot more efficiently.
We want it faster, but if the game was based on the principles: fewer characters, we will move on to hot events faster. Then it would become like everything that is full of the network and not interesting.
One leads to another, it's clear as day and night, isn't it. Or is it?

In my opinion, including content like the 1st side job, a date with the museum boys, etc is not conducive to telling a compelling story. Scenes with minor characters are likely to be controversial or boring, because they either feel unnatural or because there's no connection to the characters.

These scenes do not necessarily need to contain "hot content", they instead need to advance our understanding of Sophia, her relationships, and her evolving sexuality.
What? The museum scene is all about buidling up Sophia/Patricia bonding, careful there. Through these "boring" scenes we might have a better understanding of MC's personality. And that upcoming museum event is gonna be anything but far from boring. C'mon, 2 youngsters vs 2 hot chicks, my mind is melting already.

I would rather have a scene with Sam (just an example) and his mom where we get to see a deep exploration of the relationship between the three of them.
Fuck me dead, but I've no faintest idea, where did it come from. Is our Sammy peeping on Amber or hitting on her behind the scenes? If even Sophia/Zac/Alyssa is questionable, than Sophia/Sam/Amber is almost out of the discussion. Correct me, if I'm wrong.

Look at the controversy around the jail scene in this last update. People are freaking out that Sophia would do anything with Larry. I don't necessarily share that feeling, but I can understand their point. Imagine now if we get a date scene with the museum boys- if Sophia does anything sexual with them this place is going to riot. And the complaints will have merit.
You're probably mixing up The Dylan Twist with the prison event. Some folks were pondering about her behavior, but it fails in comparsion with the shitstorm from the 0.100. There will be no sexual content up until Day 19, both Alley_Cat and Old dog mentioned that at least half a dozen times, including today:eek:

These scenes do not necessarily need to contain "hot content", they instead need to advance our understanding of Sophia, her relationships, and her evolving sexuality.

I don't care about the museum boys, the mailman, the movers, the old men at the 1st job, or the thugs. Any screen time they receive is taking precious oxygen away from better, more important, characters.
One goes hand in hand with another. By cutting "redundant" content we either breaking the narrative of the story of how it's intended to be told or converting it into yet another average and bleak fuckfest game. I'm with L&P on this one.
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Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
You could do so much more with Patricia, we don't need the museum guys distracting the scene from the most interesting characters. In fact, it would be better to have just a one on one scene with Sophia and Patricia. This would give them the opportunity to talk about all the things you mentioned, develop their relationship further, and not waste it with Jason and Haru. If Patricia wants to convince Sophia that she's still desirable, then Patricia could recommend that they go back out with Ellie's friends. At least these guys are established and we have spent some time with them.

Instead we're going to get a scene where Patricia manipulates the situation to put Sophia in a weird position that will be both hot, but highly contrived. We would have more color, more character development, with Patricia alone. Patricia and Sophia should have more screen time together, because she is one of Sophia's main corrupters.
While it would be great to see more of Jules, Christine, Elena and Melanie, I'm not getting my hopes up. I've already heard we never see Elena again, which is a shame. And I'm still waiting to hear more on when we'll get to see Jules' ballet performance from day one.

What I think is becoming apparent is that L&P and the editors/translators clearly have a bias, but are also trying to appeal to a wide audience, which is why some parts of the game can appear so disjointed. As a young, college age male, it's starting to show that he has a bias towards having Sophia attracted to one. Like Jason, Haru and DeShawn. I'm beginning to think all the extra characters are L&P's way of testing the waters to see what sticks, instead of just sticking to a story he's written
You're probably mixing up The Dylan Twist with the prison event. Some folks were pondering about her behavior, but it fails in comparsion with the shitstorm from the 0.100. There will be no sexual content up until Day 19, both Alley_Cat and Old dog mentioned that at least half a dozen times, including today:eek: ...
The first sex scene is on the Filthy route on playable day 19, not sexual content. We had sexual content in the Ellie scene. And the prison event had sexual content as well, even if physically Sophia didn't have sex


Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
You're probably mixing up The Dylan Twist with the prison event. Some folks were pondering about her behavior, but it fails in comparsion with the shitstorm from the 0.100. There will be no sexual content up until Day 19, both Alley_Cat and Old dog mentioned that at least half a dozen times, including today:eek:

One goes hand in hand with another. By cutting "redundant" content we either breaking the narrative of the story of how it's intended to be told or converting it into yet another average and bleak fuckfest game. I'm with L&P on this one.
No, I'm not mixing up the Dylan Twist- people here were very upset about the prison scene because they felt like it was totally out of Sophia's character to do anything sexual with Larry. The Dylan Twist is it's own monster and was obviously much more controversial.

Also, "sexual content" isn't just sex. Alley Cat has been clear that sex won't happen until Day 19, but every time Sophia shows a boob, or plays with herself, or day dreams about sex, that's all sexual content.

I wouldn't use the word redundant. The scenes I'm talking about aren't necessarily redundant, they just aren't as compelling as alternatives that would make better use of established characters. In my mind, alternatives to one-off scenes that make better use of good characters and maximizes L&P's time and resources would be a great way to improve the story's pacing.

I don't feel like anything I'm saying is controversial. Either I'm not explaining myself well, or you guys like the pacing of this story far more than I thought. It's not about the sex, it's about making the best use of limited releases to tell a strong story.
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May 24, 2020
The first sex scene is on the Filthy route on playable day 19, not sexual content. We had sexual content in the Ellie scene. And the prison event had sexual content as well, even if physically Sophia didn't have sex
Also, "sexual content" isn't just sex. Alley Cat has been clear that sex won't happen until Day 19, but every time Sophia shows a boob, or plays with herself, or day dreams about sex, that's all sexual content.

I wouldn't use the word redundant. The scenes I'm talking about aren't necessarily redundant, they just aren't as compelling as alternatives that would make better use of established characters. In my mind, alternatives to one-off scenes that make better use of good characters and maximizes L&P's time and resources would be a great way to improve the story's pacing.

I don't feel like anything I'm saying is controversial. Either I'm not explaining myself well, or you guys like the pacing of this story far more than I thought. It's not about the sex, it's about making the best use of limited releases to tell a strong story.
For me it's just teasing, nothing more. Yeah, your blood pressure rises, heart starts beating faster, but the only real "sexual content" is on the GW route for now, anything else is cute and feels like an appetizer before the main meal.

gingersweetgirl, all of us would like that L&P somehow managed to increase the development process. It's been disputed here many times and the general consensus is ... he won't:ROFLMAO:

Let's be real for now. The guy basically discovered a goldmine. Unlike some other dev's (ISTOR is the best illustration), he releases his content on a more or less regular basis, some may call it even milking, whatever. Why would anyone in their sane mind would try to significantly speed the whole process up by hiring additional help? And that's only if we start having a hunch that L&P is deliberately plaiyng on our nerves.

I guess, he's going at full speed. I don't really want to point you at his previous responses, but the quantity of assets his working with and sharing, correcting, overseeing even the smallest details would only drag everything. All in all he doesn't believe that that many people would meet his standards. Oh, and sharing the income with complete strangers is a so-so idea.


New Member
Dec 28, 2019
More questions .. I've been reading the comments and I don't understand 1 thing, what does it mean, "The Twist" that everyone talks about? . and 2, do you have information about what will happen in the next updates? And if so, until what day do they have information?


Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
More questions .. I've been reading the comments and I don't understand 1 thing, what does it mean, "The Twist" that everyone talks about? . and 2, do you have information about what will happen in the next updates? And if so, until what day do they have information?
"The Twist" isn't really worth getting into, as many of us have strong opinions on it, often opposing. And it's been removed anyway, so has no real effect on the current version of the game.

As for the next couple of updates, information on that can be found in the Update plan. Also coming up soon is the museum date with Jason, Haru (from day 2) and Patricia on playable day 14, and the horse-riding event with Patricia on playable day 15. Ellie should also be returning playable day 14 as well.

Deleted member 1023239

Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2018
I don't dislike Dylan as several games have mother-son relationships, however, I prefer Sam over Dylan.
me too prefer sam and zack over dylan, he is too pervert
i have 4 play-through with dylan
1. match him with emma
2. send him to boarding school
3. make sophia as dylan harem
4. cuckolding dylan by inviting sam to bikini show
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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2017
I left for a few hours while I tried to recover some of what was once a good sense of humour, plus there's that matter of RL. As I believe that the Dev is now catering to a specific set of tastes, I wondered if it wouldn't be better to forget that once I was, ( an old cynic), convinced by the mission statement in the AWAM Patreon blurb, nearly three years ago & rather just finally accept that this is not going to become the gameworld equivalent of 'the great 21st Century erotic novel.' I've been wrong in defending this story. I've voluntarily misled myself in setting down various thoughts on this thread & hoping they might have some influence in keeping the story "realistic." I now freely admit that I've been coming at this from an incorrect perspective, especially in my repeated claims & blinkered idea that it was something other than yet another porn game. It comes from over-thinking things & it is in fact just another incest-based porn game, albeit with some differences from the usual standard fap fodder. First, there's the quality of the renders, which are excellent, no question. Then, there's the characters, who are more interesting than the average 1- & 2-dimensional pixel people found in many games. Also, there's the slow motion approach, by which I mean that a lot will happen, (& has happened) but that it will possibly take the best part of 10-15 years. I can state that I no longer have any issues with that situation.
It should have been obvious to me, as a one-time reader of classical porn novels/novellas/short stories & having once had access to such material from the 18th century onwards, that my expectations were far too high. It strictly speaking, wasn't fair of me to expect this game/VN to live up to it's own hype. Don't misunderstand me, I don't regret setting down ideas, debating sundry points, or believing that this game was something that it isn't. Nobody was twisting my arm. I could almost say that I enjoyed it while it lasted & some of the time, I did enjoy it. Then again, I wasn't paying anything, which now I'm even more pleased about!
I was, perhaps, a trifle arrogant in assuming that I could make some sort of indirect contribution to the game's progress & connection with reality, albeit in a fictional setting. Maybe I should have had more faith in the Dev. & his knowledge of what the public wants. AWAM's core audience wants big tits, apparently, big enough to give a second's forewarning of their owner coming round the corner. Even though breasts are composed of exactly the type of fat that an active, sporty, jogger, swimmer, career woman about town, who teaches games would lose. NO!!, 36D would never be enough, you might even classify that size as the top end of "medium." It's almost sacreligious...I see that now. Thank you L&P for showing me the error of my ways. "Mea Culpa." It's no matter if they fluctuate over the days & weeks, just as long as the trend is "bigger," because "bigger is better" & it has nothing to do with any subconscious memory of the warmth & security provided by "Mom's" mammaries. I'm sure that all your fans are adults who have outgrown their mothers, which leads neatly into the matter of that young rascal, Dylan, ah....stuff it. I won't "even go there." Wait.....What...Hey, "look at the knockers on that, watch those puppies jiggle, you don't get many of them to the pound/kilo/whatever!" Last time I said anything like that was standing in a gang on a street corner over 50 years ago....then I grew up.
So, lets be positive, let's think more like a 15 year old who hasn't actually made love to anyone but himself. As Aiden & his tasks have been, or seem likely to be downgraded, there's no harm in suggesting a few things for tasks 4-8, (the 'missing' tasks) that his youthful enthusiasm might conjure forth.

Task 4. Get a tattoo. This would be a picture of Aiden fucking Sophia from behind. She should get it on her arse & the protagonists must be recognisable, especially Sophia who has to have an "ahegao" face,. You know a cross between Edvard Munch's "The Scream" & The Rolling Stones logo. Also, the cross-eyes are essential. Aiden will pay with money borrowed from his uncle. How Sophia explains it to Liam, is her problem.

Task 5. Get a tongue piercing of the type that consists of a metal ball. This will be useful for Aiden later. Also get 3 piercings & rings in the top of each ear. No particular reason but will disfigure Sophia further so that she looks younger. Stupid but young.

Task 6.Get nipples pierced ready to receive rings. Again, Aiden will pay etc., etc.

Task 7. Get clitoris pierced ready for a ring. This does nothing to enhance sexual pleasure but helps to confirm Aiden's ownership. Maybe the ring should be engraved with something appropriate. I know, "Aiden's little cumslut."

Task8. Get a breast enlargement. 40DD+ is not big enough. It's a huge expense but remember "bigger is better." Recovery time will be about 3 months.

Hang on, '3 months,' that sounds familiar.....

Deleted member 1023239

Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2018
First, there's the quality of the renders, which are excellent, no question. Then, there's the characters, who are more interesting than the average 1- & 2-dimensional pixel people found in many games
too bad the dev is now focusing on render quality which is he can make remastered version when the game is completed rather than increasing quality, enlarging breast, make it smaller again, and last he removing dylan twist for his patron sake, i'd say he is inconsistent

and second he keep introducing new minor character, new environment than progressing the story and major characters he already make

Task 4. Get a tattoo. This would be a picture of Aiden fucking Sophia from behind. She should get it on her arse & the protagonists must be recognisable, especially Sophia who has to have an "ahegao" face,. You know a cross between Edvard Munch's "The Scream" & The Rolling Stones logo. Also, the cross-eyes are essential. Aiden will pay with money borrowed from his uncle. How Sophia explains it to Liam, is her problem.

Task 5. Get a tongue piercing of the type that consists of a metal ball. This will be useful for Aiden later. Also get 3 piercings & rings in the top of each ear. No particular reason but will disfigure Sophia further so that she looks younger. Stupid but young.

Task 6.Get nipples pierced ready to receive rings. Again, Aiden will pay etc., etc.

Task 7. Get clitoris pierced ready for a ring. This does nothing to enhance sexual pleasure but helps to confirm Aiden's ownership. Maybe the ring should be engraved with something appropriate. I know, "Aiden's little cumslut."
it is already done on a different game GGGB, i doubt his patreon is fan of masochist punk version of sophia

Hang on, '3 months,' that sounds familiar.....
don't tell me that the plastic surgery recovery time that we encountered early 2020 before covid19 take place
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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2017
too bad the dev is now focusing on render quality which is he can make remastered version when the game is completed rather than increasing quality, enlarging breast, make it smaller again, and last he removing dylan twist for his patron sake, i'd say he is inconsistent

and second he keep introducing new minor character, new environment than progressing the story and major characters he already make

it is already done on a different game GGGB, i doubt his patreon is fan of masochist punk version of sophia

don't tell me that the plastic surgery recovery time that we encountered early 2020 before covid19 take place
As I was being cynical & sarcastic about a game once loved, now detested, I deliberately picked tasks that I wouldn't particularly want to see, because I've seen them before, or because they would create yet more complications. (I believe the Dev thrives on complications like the 2 side-jobs). I thought about the fluctuation in breast sizes & wondered whether we wait 3 months, or more, between updates, so that the "actress" playing Sophia can recover from yet another variation to her physique, assuming that she's a "method actor." I don't play GGGB but is it also aimed squarely at virginal schoolboys?


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2018
I think fan arts should be included in the main game. I mean the ones from the good quality, reputed fan art renderers. It could act as side quests. Makes the game world even bigger and we'll have enough contents each update and we'll complain less.
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