
Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
Just for you! I knew you would find the error. Every now and then you need a sense of achievement in your life.
Doubtful you made it on purpose, but that is beside the point. Chummer, this is a free forum. As I bear with your stuff, you bear with mine, that how it functions. No hogging of Freedom of Speech only for yourself. That our personal opinion of each other is barely printable, stands on another sheet.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2017
It's at this point that I have the urge to lob something random, (but AWAM related), into the pond to watch the ripples, (I said "ripples") but this close to the update, it wouldn't be good form. Soon we'll have 6 months to mull, chew, grind, speculate & froth about all kinds of things. So, I'll wait until the storm that follows every update is over & then come up with various issues for further debate.

As things stand, I have low to middling expectations of this update but at least the renders should be brilliant.


Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
It's at this point that I have the urge to lob something random, (but AWAM related), into the pond to watch the ripples, (I said "ripples") but this close to the update, it wouldn't be good form. Soon we'll have 6 months to mull, chew, grind, speculate & froth about all kinds of things. So, I'll wait until the storm that follows every update is over & then come up with various issues for further debate.
As things stand, I have low to middling expectations of this update but at least the renders should be brilliant.
Well, that the renders will be great is something we all can agree on, that is a constant of AWAM. And I share your expectation of an average or even a bit lower update coming in. It is just a third of a day after a half a year wait.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2020
Now I found this clip: . I have a feeling that a sex-biography of the ABBA band performed by L&P could turn the art world upside down. Any other works would be unnecessary. The Ideal of the aesthetic progress of mankind would have been achieved. L&P knows how to make sex games without sex.
Agneta is my favorite soloist since childhood ... how sad that time is so fleeting ...

Cold brew

Jul 20, 2020
It's at this point that I have the urge to lob something random, (but AWAM related), into the pond to watch the ripples, (I said "ripples") but this close to the update, it wouldn't be good form. Soon we'll have 6 months to mull, chew, grind, speculate & froth about all kinds of things. So, I'll wait until the storm that follows every update is over & then come up with various issues for further debate.

As things stand, I have low to middling expectations of this update but at least the renders should be brilliant.
Ok, you said ripples.. I still think you should have said "Nipples".
I am positive that "wet nipples" in the pond is something we all would want to mull, chew, grind, speculate and froth about.. ;)


Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
Ok, you said ripples.. I still think you should have said "Nipples".
I am positive that "wet nipples" in the pond is something we all would want to mull, chew, grind, speculate and froth about.. ;)
I've already suggested that may happen in the horse-riding event, although that was a lake, not a pond.

Might also have the opportunity if Ellie goes nude sunbathing and decides to go for a swim afterwards, but sadly that would likely require a full event, which we wont get this update.


Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
May I ask how you know the future schedule? Is there any downloadable document?
When Sophia's first sex scene on the Filthy route is going to be L&P accidentally let slip in a post in this thread. Unfortunately it got deleted afterward, so I can't give you a link.

But most other information can also be found in this thread, thanks to the various members that also happen to be patrons. If you have the patience to read the whole 3000+ pages. I actually recommend it.

Most of the information we have is collated in this post


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2020
Very much so!

As a German myself, I can tell you that German is a great language, but for beginners it is the opposite of English. English starts to get worse if you go deeper into it, in German the beginning is a very steep learning curve, but once the "clicking point" is reached, German becomes really easy.
German (and several related languages) have some cross-linguistically rare features, which make German a very precise, highly variable and picturesque language. It´s complex grammar and sentence variability makes it one of the banes of machine translation. German is of the rare (verb second) V2/OV type, had the Germanic sound shifts, conserves some Indo-Germanic old features like Ablaut and a lot of the case system and developed a big load of linguistical innovations of it´s own over time.
German and a couple other languages are the reason some language researchers bring up new theories of language development or bend old ones, because they do not fit into the neat little box of how the researchers think languages do develop. One example, going by the mainstream theory of language development, modern Standard German should never have developed/conserved verb last sentence constructions. But surprise, it does and functions quite nicely.

But while German is a complex language we should not forget that L&P does not have to translate every nuance of his story. AWAM is still just an eroge, if L&P went on a Gymnasium his school English should easily suffice for a halfway fitting translation. (and one quicker than 2 pages per day)

By the way, does anyone want to do a wager? Who is more likely the culprit of running to the mods wanting the recent "clean-up" of the thread? One of the fan brigade or L&P himself? Interestingly, what was deleted were the posts where it stood (mathematically sound at that) black on white that current daily output of the dev is far below "should be" output. Shamed be he who thinks evil of it!
I'm more of a pro when it comes to the game and its developer. And the whole howling annoys me because it says the right thing but is just dishonest of pirates. But I found this post good.
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