
Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2020
Question for clarity: Is it no MORE blackmail, or no NEW blackmail?

And, to be fair, the Morello plot is better characterized as extortion than blackmail.
The Morello Route could be the vehicle for further alienation between Liam and Sophia. At the next meeting, Morello will clearly state that Sophia has fulfilled her end of the bargain. But he will still insist on getting the money from Liam. Only he'll wait for it and won't break his legs right away. And he could offer Sophia and Liam that Sophia works for him. And depending on the success, debts could then be partially canceled. Even if Liam doesn't refuse straight away but asks Sophia "What do you think?" she will think that she will now have to put herself in danger for Liam's debts and possibly prostitute herself. Whether she really has to become sexually active later on does not matter, but she must fear it. So no, no further blackmail by Morello but further events that make Liam's self-centeredness in this matter increasingly clear to Sophia.


Aug 9, 2017
Speaking of expectations, I've been meaning to sit down and write out my expectations for this update, and what I need to see in order to feel positive about the direction of the game. This is not a comprehensive list, just a stream of consciousness.

Must Haves:
  • I have to see a sensible and substantive progression in the Sophia/Aiden story. Since that will be the meat of this update, this storyline has to stick the landing. While I do not expect anything too sexy (and don't want anything out of character) I do need to better understand why Sophia would continue to go along with Aiden's tasks. I expect that we'll get some sort of Aiden Redemption story arc.
  • Whatever the Aiden task is, it has to be memorable.
  • At least 45 minutes of gameplay.
Things that I'd like to see
  • I'd like to see some development of Liam as a character outside of his job or gambling. If he's going to be involved in the wedding dress scene, it would be good to see him contribute something meaningful.
  • Nudity. While it isn't required, it's always nice to get a little bit of sexual nudity (changing doesn't count). It has to be tasteful and make sense in the context of the game.
What I don't expect or need
  • I don't expect or need any sex in this update.
  • I don't expect any substantial change in the Sophia/Dylan relationship
  • I don't expect or want anything too sexually charged or dangerous from the Aiden task.
  • This update cannot bore me, after 5 months it would be a dagger if I end up bored
  • While I expect some sensible and substantive progression in the Sophia/Aiden story, I do not expect this task to be a turning point- but I could see it setting up a turning point.

I think those are fair and reasonable requirements.
what u get: 5 minutes gameplay and then next 6-7 month break.


Engaged Member
Jan 30, 2021
There is supposed to be no more blackmail in the game, but the devs definition of blackmail is different from everybody else's,he doesn't count the Morrello story as blackmail.
The Bennett storyline has almost reached its end, according to the dev, and whether or not we will see Larry again is open to debate.
Morello still has a part still to play but he also could be finished soon ,so I think the character numbers will drop, but it will take a long time.
Long time is the issue here. The current rate is unacceptable to most. I look forward to L&P increasing production rate because of his increased technical assets and, hopefully, being able to focus the story. The current rate however, stretching into a 20 year plus time frame, is unsustainable. The community of players is not looking for 1/2 a day a year progress. Even a day a year progress is not likely to be sustained. If L&P cannot get to a minimum 2 day a year progress rate the fail button will be pressed by Simon. IMO:coffee:


Engaged Member
Jan 30, 2021
I was nodding along in agreement until I came to the line "some development of Liam as a character", whence I sprayed my keyboard in coffee as I was unable to contain my indignation at that line!!
Seriously though, I don't want too much time spent on Liam unless you are playing the Good Wife route, in which case fair enough. But for those of us in the hope of something exciting on the other routes (and I don't mean sex which we known won't happen for a few more days), I hope to waste as few renders on Liam as possible to try to move the story forward.
Fortunately, I was only eating chocolate.:LOL:

Old Dog

Message Maven
Jul 20, 2017
The Morello Route could be the vehicle for further alienation between Liam and Sophia. At the next meeting, Morello will clearly state that Sophia has fulfilled her end of the bargain. But he will still insist on getting the money from Liam. Only he'll wait for it and won't break his legs right away. And he could offer Sophia and Liam that Sophia works for him. And depending on the success, debts could then be partially canceled. Even if Liam doesn't refuse straight away but asks Sophia "What do you think?" she will think that she will now have to put herself in danger for Liam's debts and possibly prostitute herself. Whether she really has to become sexually active later on does not matter, but she must fear it. So no, no further blackmail by Morello but further events that make Liam's self-centeredness in this matter increasingly clear to Sophia.
I am waiting to see how jealous Liam may get if/when Morello offers Sophia other solutions to there debt.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2020
I know I throw a lot of sarcasm around here, but this is a genuine question because I definitely want to understand:
We are on a website that is almost exclusively dedicated to sharing and discussing what is inarguably stolen intellectual property, so what on earth you are talking about?
If someone asks you not to do something and you do it anyway, it shows a lack of respect. No matter if you are on a pirate site or not. I know that there are a lot of people here who think L&P doesn't respect them either and owes them something because they think he keeps lying and doesn't give them what they want. But exactly these people forget that they enjoy something for free that is actually much more disrespectful. Since I play other games whose development I do not support, I cannot, in this case, throw the first stone.
Of course, it is also naive from the developer to assume that because many are already going crazy here due to the long waiting time, the picture would not find its way here.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2020
I am waiting to see how jealous Liam may get if/when Morello offers Sophia other solutions to there debt.
Yes, but again he will primarily think of himself and his feelings. He won't ask, "How do you feel about it?"
If it turns out the way I thought it would.


Engaged Member
Jan 30, 2021
I am waiting to see how jealous Liam may get if/when Morello offers Sophia other solutions to there debt.
Or does he not get jealous. Does he start to wander off into the options at his business? Is this revealed to Sophia, Dylan, or Ellie? Is there consternation at philandering? Does Sophia go for the 'what is good for the gander is good for the goose'? Does Dylan gain attitude and chase everything in sight. Does Ellie reject males because of Liam's actions and go after Jules etc...?

Will we ever get to these options at the current 1/3 to 2/3 day rate of production? Will there really be any options met? This is ultimately the crux of this year. Maybe two if he is fortunate.:coffee:

Old Dog

Message Maven
Jul 20, 2017
Yes, but again he will primarily think of himself and his feelings. He won't ask, "How do you feel about it?"
If it turns out the way I thought it would.
If Liam does disagree with Sophia's choice she can always tell him that it is his fault that she has to do this in the first place.
I would like to see Liam suffer for his foolishness at the casino

Old Dog

Message Maven
Jul 20, 2017
Or does he not get jealous. Does he start to wander off into the options at his business? Is this revealed to Sophia, Dylan, or Ellie? Is there consternation at philandering? Does Sophia go for the 'what is good for the gander is good for the goose'? Does Dylan gain attitude and chase everything in sight. Does Ellie reject males because of Liam's actions and go after Jules etc...?

Will we ever get to these options at the current 1/3 to 2/3 day rate of production? Will there really be any options met? This is ultimately the crux of this year. Maybe two if he is fortunate.:coffee:
Liam likes people to know that Sophia is his and they can look but that is all they can do


Engaged Member
Jan 30, 2021
Liam likes people to know that Sophia is his and they can look but that is all they can do
So that gets back to the 'will he wander' question. He is into possession not partner?

If so, he will be his own downfall. Not that I support Liam (Loser). Oops! It is just when will we get there. I look forward to the update.

And for all of you out there. I will stop reading here for a bit so as to not be subjected to spoilers.

And I do agree with Ginger that too much of an out of character deal with Aiden could be a nail for me. If this is actually just a long ride and he loses control at the end and sacrifices himself to save Sophia I could live with that condensing the story paths. Otherwise, the turd needs to still be the arrogant little blackmailer he is. Just Sayin.
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Nov 22, 2019
I'll admit, I'd forgotten the Good Wife path. I did play it back in 2018/19 but nothing much happened, so I stopped. As I havn't the knowledge or skills to make comments when it comes to the rendering process, I have to think of other ways to speed things up. Months ago I was one of those supporting the dropping of one or both of the side-jobs & writing out various minor characters. It transpired that the Dev would not countenance discarding the side-jobs & there was no word about minor actors, so it seemed that taking out some of the main paths could be the only remaining option.

I know that getting rid of the blackmail, (or never starting it), is a relatively straightforward matter but this is not the same as ditching it altogether from the game, ie no more development time spent on any aspect of it. This is the precise opposite of what I personally want but the game end horizon is moving too far away. IMO balance & fairness requires dropping the Dylan incest route, preferably at the same time. Just think of the time that would save.

If everything carries on as it is currently, who knows what will happen but based on experience of other games, it's very possible that neither the blackmail or Dylan incest routes will ever be brought to a proper conclusion. So why not remove them now & save us all the frustration? Just a thought....
I wouldn’t remove the Dylan path but I would drastically trimmed it out.

Just some examples :
-We have another event with Patricia, Claire, and Marie (and Dylan)the next day .
There will be (at least) 3 variations of this event : one without Dylan, one where he’s present and has been successful with Marie and one where he wasn’t. (And know that I think about it, maybe one where he was spying on the women showering).

3 or maybe more variations on the same event...

Or the so called “Aiden route”:
-One where Sophia follow the tasks and Dylan keeps going to school
-One where Sophia refuse immediately and Dylan goes to boarding school.
-One where Sophia stops the tasks after the first or second and Dylan is homeschooled (can’t confirm that one has I didn’t even knew it was an option)
-One where Sophia will be able to stop the tasks with a comfortable solution and Dylan will still be able to go to school.
-One later down the road with a not so comfortable solution and Dylan will keep going to school.

We are not talking about little changes in dialogue here but complete separate route with all the renders, dialogues, etc.

Then we have the cuckold Dylan path (which is just ridiculous with how he has been portrayed but at least it’s there from the beginning for does who enjoy that type of kink)

Then we have the Dylan/Ellie path (let’s be serious here, we know for who that path is made for. It’s called Dylan/Ellie and not Ellie/Dylan for a reason...) which is apparently a “side story ” . What does that even mean in this game ?

When people say they’re following the “Dylan path”, what does that even mean at this point ?

The Dylan paths are basically a game in the game.

I would remove all those variations, and keep 1/4 of all the time and energy put in it to flesh out Dylan as a character and his relationship with Sophia. (Nothing against people enjoying him, but for me, I find him even more generic and cliche than some of the most trope Mc teenager game out there.)

Now let’s be real. It will never happen.
This are not suggestions directed to L&p. We are just talking between us here and nothing we say will change his mind.
I just find crazy that he has chosen to add what’s basically another game in his game. ( basically around the 9th or 10th playable day with the Sophia/Amber/DylanSam side story.)
For basically a third of the game, Dylan is like every other characters in the game. Other than the cuckold path, there is no variations or subplot in his route. Either Sophia develop a relationship with him or she doesn’t.

Does putting so much Dylan content in the game has seen a sudden boost in the number of patreons?

We’ll see more clearly after the next playable day (which is heavily focused on Dylan). And if it works, good for him (and not for me:p)

(I think I just wrote a novel again...)


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
A fully fleshed out Liam helps the Filthy route too.
But we need L&P to concentrate and focus, to try and get the next few updates out in a timely manner. The more time L&P spends on fleshing out Liam's character, the danger is that it gives him another cul-de-sac story to lose time rather than pushing the central storyline forward.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
I wouldn’t remove the Dylan path but I would drastically trimmed it out.

Just some examples :
-We have another event with Patricia, Claire, and Marie (and Dylan)the next day .
There will be (at least) 3 variations of this event : one without Dylan, one where he’s present and has been successful with Marie and one where he wasn’t. (And know that I think about it, maybe one where he was spying on the women showering).

3 or maybe more variations on the same event...

Or the so called “Aiden route”:
-One where Sophia follow the tasks and Dylan keeps going to school
-One where Sophia refuse immediately and Dylan goes to boarding school.
-One where Sophia stops the tasks after the first or second and Dylan is homeschooled (can’t confirm that one has I didn’t even knew it was an option)
-One where Sophia will be able to stop the tasks with a comfortable solution and Dylan will still be able to go to school.
-One later down the road with a not so comfortable solution and Dylan will keep going to school.

We are not talking about little changes in dialogue here but complete separate route with all the renders, dialogues, etc.

Then we have the cuckold Dylan path (which is just ridiculous with how he has been portrayed but at least it’s there from the beginning for does who enjoy that type of kink)

Then we have the Dylan/Ellie path (let’s be serious here, we know for who that path is made for. It’s called Dylan/Ellie and not Ellie/Dylan for a reason...) which is apparently a “side story ” . What does that even mean in this game ?

When people say they’re following the “Dylan path”, what does that even mean at this point ?

The Dylan paths are basically a game in the game.

I would remove all those variations, and keep 1/4 of all the time and energy put in it to flesh out Dylan as a character and his relationship with Sophia. (Nothing against people enjoying him, but for me, I find him even more generic and cliche than some of the most trope Mc teenager game out there.)

Now let’s be real. It will never happen.
This are not suggestions directed to L&p. We are just talking between us here and nothing we say will change his mind.
I just find crazy that he has chosen to add what’s basically another game in his game. ( basically around the 9th or 10th playable day with the Sophia/Amber/DylanSam side story.)
For basically a third of the game, Dylan is like every other characters in the game. Other than the cuckold path, there is no variations or subplot in his route. Either Sophia develop a relationship with him or she doesn’t.

Does putting so much Dylan content in the game has seen a sudden boost in the number of patreons?

We’ll see more clearly after the next playable day (which is heavily focused on Dylan). And if it works, good for him (and not for me:p)

(I think I just wrote a novel again...)
I think it was Alley Cat who suggested that L&P should focus to no more than 4-5 routes:
Goodwife route (i.e. Liam +threesomes)
Filthy hetero incest route (i.e. Dylan)
Filthy hetero non-incest route (i.e. Sam / Aiden)
Filthy lesbian incest route (i.e. Ellie / Patricia)
Filthy lesbian non-incest route (i.e. Alyssa)
Beyond that it gets too complicated and we are facing eventual game abandonment


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2017
I think it was Alley Cat who suggested that L&P should focus to no more than 4-5 routes:
Goodwife route (i.e. Liam +threesomes)
Filthy hetero incest route (i.e. Dylan)
Filthy hetero non-incest route (i.e. Sam / Aiden)
Filthy lesbian incest route (i.e. Ellie / Patricia)
Filthy lesbian non-incest route (i.e. Alyssa)
Beyond that it gets too complicated and we are facing eventual game abandonment
This is really solid advice.

At the current pace, we're already starting the "death spiral"-- there are too many routes and permutations of scenes within routes, which slows progress. People start bitching about slow progress, which makes the job less fun for the dev. In time the numbers (which were high because so many kink groups were being serviced) dwindle, and the dev gets *really* discouraged. Eventually they say fuck it and walk away.

I really, really, really wish developers would NOT try to do heavily branching routes from the get go. Pick the most popular route and see it to completion, then go back and add others. If you give players choices they *will* take them, and then you're spending most of your time on branches that few players are even interested in-- mostly completionists who just want to see the content that they paid and waited so much for. Whenever I see anything like "YOUR CHOICES MATTER!!!!1!!!1!!" in the game description I cringe. It's the dumbest thing a dev can do other than hire VAs before the game is complete.
Last edited:


May 13, 2020
Maybe someone knows more about Aiden blackmail list? :) It's so interesting..

So lets talk a little bit about it.. Whats task can be in future? Whats task you want to see in future? :)
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