
Apr 17, 2021
Nah, still looking like mid-November at the earliest, and this is with no delays.
Pct CompleteFactorPct of Update
Created Scenes55%55%30.25%
Rendered Scenes55%25%13.75%
Art edited with PS15%5%0.75%
Programming & Translation0%15%0.00%
Total Pct of Update Completed44.75%
Start Date7/5/2021
Festival of Bullshit (excuses)0
Bullshit Days Consumed so far0
Current # Days of Production (less BS consumed)57
Days remaining in Festival of Bullshit0
Estimated Completion Date11/9/2021

View attachment 1381143
I like it!
Can't wait to drink beer at the festival!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2020
Richtig, Sofia sieht toll und etwas trotzig aus. Wenn Sie meine anderen Kommentare zu diesem Thema lesen, werden Sie meine Position verstehen. Ich werde die Erläuterungen nicht wiederholen.
Habe ich schon. Und das war meine Antwort. :)
Oh yes, and Cathy would notice Sophia's afterglow immediately. I have learned in my life that women have a sixth sense for each other.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2020
This isn't complex, it's completely linear. I'm just drawing a straight line based on what we know up until now. Also, there's no way to account for what the percentages actually mean, either: 5% of a scene could be 5 renders or 25 renders, we just don't know.
I understand, my friend, but naively I continue to hope that the update will be released at the end of October, because my birthday is at the end of October!
And I would have liked your posts, but I reached the limit. :)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2020
I have a very contrary thought to that. The corruption in this game is supposed to be willfully and not forced. Putting Sophia in an uncomfortable situation is definitely not a way to willingly let her accept the corruption. She needs to be made to feel comfortable with this. Like the scene with Ellie and Jules, Aiden's 3rd task, she was made to feel comfortable, she was given such an environment where she could feel comfortable and let go. So making her feel uncomfortable only works in the opposite direction
That's how I see it too. Corruption means throwing one's moral and ethical values overboard for a short-term benefit. And that voluntarily! A forced sexual event does not increase Sophia's corruption. Of course, some will say that Sophia could enjoy the "rape" but that goes far beyond reality.


Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
For the people complaining that the bar looks a lot rougher then they thought it would be; not appropriate for Sam's little band to play in, not appropriate for Sophia to be dancing round in a (latex) romper.
I... I'm pretty sure that that's the point.
L&P's intention was to bamboozle not just Sophia, but all of us, about how the scene would play out.

Oh No! A rough and tumble biker bar, and with Sophia dressed like she thought she was going to 'disco night at the Sandals Resort bar and grill' - oof, such a situation is sure to make Sophia uncomfortable, might even push her... out of her comfort zone.
Ideal staging for a game about an austere, happily married woman's slow and steady corruption, no?

Also I do hope that L&P changes the wording of his game description on Patreon some day - take out all the references to 'Realistic' and replace it with 'Grounded'. The difference is subtle but significant (and forgivable for someone who's working with English as their second language).
I think everyone understands what L&P is attempting, there's just disagreement if it's the right approach. The idea of pushing Sophia out of her comfort zone is good, the debate is whether this would be a step too far. Stepping out of your comfort zone is a gradual thing where you (or those that are corrupting you) slowly crank up the intensity. Crank it up too quickly though and the person can regress back deeper into their comfort zone. So if this is truly a biker bar, that would be too much of an escalation in some people's eyes.

Personally though I don't think L&P is going to make the bar that rough. I don't think his intention is some crazy sketchy biker bar. Instead I think this will be a dive bar that happens to have bikers at it. Sophia will feel out of place, but nothing too severe. Still though, letting a kid's garage band play at your dive bar is just stupid.

And maybe the word "grounded" would be better.


Engaged Member
Jan 30, 2021
The end of October looks like a very real deadline for the release of the update! Unless, of course, something happens that will radically delay the work on the update.
If I recall it took him nearly 20 days for coding and translation So at currrent rate he is heading for end of October w/Creation and rendering while still needing some Photoshop and the Code/translation. I am thinking best at end of November. Still better than January.


Engaged Member
Jan 30, 2021
Moving backwards through your points, I (like yourself) hope that Sam comes out of this scene enjoying the same level of interaction with Sophia that other characters have. To be specific: bare boob fondling and kissing feels very appropriate for Sam at this point in the story. If Sophia ingested some alcohol and had an exciting get-away from some 'bad guys' it seems almost mandatory.
In terms of Patricia I agree that this is a fine opportunity as a team building exercise. Even if it were not to promote a future erotic outcome, the potential in this scene to develop stronger sibling bonds is significant especially if Patricia were to stall aggressors (she does have a gun after all) to help Sophia get away.
The impression that I get from your first point is that this scene should serve as a compliment for Sophia's path rather than a mandatory ingredient. I can think of other ways to depict a darker atmosphere as a reflection of Sophia's darker heart (the icon L&P uses for filthy). If this is well written I agree that it will serve the purpose you depicted effectively.
However, all of this is pre-emptive interpretation of a scene that is yet to unfold. I am well entertained by this diversion, and am equally happy to be wrong in much that I have written.
Thank you for your insight, Jack.
Jack, Just a note. Patricia has no place to hide that Deagle. It is a big ass weapon. Mace or Bear spray a whole possibility. So the pressure really may be on Sam and his band. Does Sam step up for the woman he claims to love, in a different realm anyway. May mean using that guitar for a different purpose even if just to slow the pursuit. Only time will tell. Does he whisk her away and Patricia end up racing to the rescue and .... Yup, that is why we wait.


Apr 17, 2021
Jack, Just a note. Patricia has no place to hide that Deagle. It is a big ass weapon. Mace or Bear spray a whole possibility. So the pressure really may be on Sam and his band. Does Sam step up for the woman he claims to love, in a different realm anyway. May mean using that guitar for a different purpose even if just to slow the pursuit. Only time will tell. Does he whisk her away and Patricia end up racing to the rescue and .... Yup, that is why we wait.
I personally don't think anything is going to go down at this bar with regards defending yourself, where you'd have to sit with your back to the wall. Could something pop off, sure. That's always present where alcohol is served. I think it's going to be a good experience for all involved.
I also think some of the characters that we haven't seen in a while will start come back around, full circle.
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Jack Adams

Active Member
Mar 1, 2019
Jack, Just a note. Patricia has no place to hide that Deagle. It is a big ass weapon. Mace or Bear spray a whole possibility. So the pressure really may be on Sam and his band. Does Sam step up for the woman he claims to love, in a different realm anyway. May mean using that guitar for a different purpose even if just to slow the pursuit. Only time will tell. Does he whisk her away and Patricia end up racing to the rescue and .... Yup, that is why we wait.
As always you make good points. In the limited space I make for myself in response I am not as thorough as needed to convey my meaning. A get away scenario can reach beyond the confines of the bar and extend into the parking lot where the Deagle resides in Patricia's car. It is very understandable that you interpreted my depiction the way you did, and... thanx for the reality check.


Active Member
Jan 18, 2021
I think everyone understands what L&P is attempting, there's just disagreement if it's the right approach. The idea of pushing Sophia out of her comfort zone is good, the debate is whether this would be a step too far. Stepping out of your comfort zone is a gradual thing where you (or those that are corrupting you) slowly crank up the intensity. Crank it up too quickly though and the person can regress back deeper into their comfort zone. So if this is truly a biker bar, that would be too much of an escalation in some people's eyes.

Personally though I don't think L&P is going to make the bar that rough. I don't think his intention is some crazy sketchy biker bar. Instead I think this will be a dive bar that happens to have bikers at it. Sophia will feel out of place, but nothing too severe. Still though, letting a kid's garage band play at your dive bar is just stupid.

And maybe the word "grounded" would be better.
I completely agree with you!
I was not imagining this scenario for the concert, but the teaser did not make me uncomfortable about what it could happen. Ok, as I said earlier, I lack first hand experience in this kind of bars, but I don't think that it would be as rough as some people think.

I could be wrong, obviously, but I think we are overthinking the few hints that have been dropped in the teaser.
And this feels like déjà vu to me.
I mean, let's go back to the first teasers of Aiden's 3rd task, at some point the discussion spiralled out of control and we got at least 3-4 pages (of 100 messages) of debate on rape and such. That the game was ruined because for sure going with Aiden without knowing the destination was unrealistic, unbelievable and the raping was around the corner. Things like that, from reasonable concerns that went off the rails. In a different way, but similarly, I feel the reactions about this one are going through the same path.

If someone told us back then the third task was an art modeling (actually, hzjujk did ;)), what would have been the reactions? "Oh the usual cliché!", "Oh a gangbang, it's gonna ruin it" and so on I guess...
Whether you liked the event or not later on, I think we can acknowledge that he created a nice backstory around it, which went beyond the usual cliché, he made the effort to research some art topic and so on. Whether the results was good and enjoyable is then, obviously, up to the personal taste.

It's not at all to defend him, maybe this one will be under par and despicable, we don't know, we'll see. But I would not go overboard with complaints and frustrations, at least yet and until we have new information that could confirm or not the concerns.
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Engaged Member
Jan 30, 2021
As always you make good points. In the limited space I make for myself in response I am not as thorough as needed to convey my meaning. A get away scenario can reach beyond the confines of the bar and extend into the parking lot where the Deagle resides in Patricia's car. It is very understandable that you interpreted my depiction the way you did, and... thanx for the reality check.
I think we are all struggling to help this meet some reality. It had it at the start and we hope it returns. Does not mean she can't corrupt. No, just has to pass a sniff test. Kinda like a Romper. Dare I say sui.......! Nope not gonna do it. Not gonna upset GingerSweetGirl.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
Ok guys, we need to talk. This shit has to stop.

It's a romper.

Not a romper suit.
Not a romper dress.
Not a romper outfit.

Just "romper".

Also, rompers are totally fine to wear to a bar. I mean, they're cute, that's the point. My issue with Sophia's romper isn't that she's wearing one to a bar, it's that her romper defies the laws of physics and looks stupid. Is it sexy? I guess, personal taste and all. But it's offensive to fashion and gravity.

Would I wear one to this bar? No. Oh my no. In her defense though she doesn't know what kind of bar they're going to. But she wasn't crazy for wearing a romper in theory, she just needs to shop at a store that sells better clothes and google where she's going before she gets dressed.

And you know what, that's probably the thing that is MOST unrealistic. When I go out I triple check where I'm going. I Google it, check social media, and ask my friends about the place. How does Sophia not have a better understanding of where she's going? This is like "Being a Girl 101". Next you're going to tell me that she doesn't have her cell phone on her, or that it isn't charged. Or she'll let guys at the bar buy her drinks without watching the bartender make them/pour them.

AWAM: 0/5 stars, would not recommend. Unrealistic clothing and poor demonstration of personal safety.


Edit- to be clear since not everyone speaks English natively, I'm teasing. But seriously, if you call it anything but a "romper" I'll fight you.
I just love that the usage of the word "romper suit" was you personal tipping point!!
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Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
I keep replaying trying to find different scenes. how do you get Sophia to ask Emma to tutor Dylan?
Take Emma shopping etc, and don't get annoyed when she kisses Sophia. If Sophia is doing Aiden's tasks, it should come up as an option then


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
And it is so easy for him to solve. It could easily be part of his realism. Time jumps, no problem. Advance a day, or weeks, or a month not an issue for the audience if he uses it to help his realism. Forget the morning, afternoon and evening series of events. Why not one event a day. As many have discussed, be event based in the releases but, make the event a PD. Once again, simplifying the control of the corruption by making the time frame more believable. Spend time with just Sophia as she works through her dilemmas. The current day has the side job, then Cathy, then Aiden, then the jogging, then Nathalie, then the concert, then back to Cathy. Is Sophia so ignorant of her self she tumbles down the corruption path within hours? Or is she making decisions and accepting consequences that she may not want but, has to accept to achieve certain results/goals. Does she take the time to think about it? Unlike the rationalizations, in a certain scene, that was horrible writing to say the least.

I am getting the impression she is a runaway train and no one is in the driver seat. Not reasonable for whom he presented to start. IMO
100% I have been in favour of time jumps from the beginning.
I would have pitched it that, rather than one month of corruption, it could be one (glorious) summer, with events unfolding over 3-4 months. Much more realistic / plausible IMO.


Engaged Member
Jan 30, 2021
100% I have been in favour of time jumps from the beginning.
I would have pitched it that, rather than one month of corruption, it could be one (glorious) summer, with events unfolding over 3-4 months. Much more realistic / plausible IMO.
3-4 months, make a whole year or whatever. He could have had a whole gamut of time and spread events so it was more simple for himself instead of the logistics of making sense of 4 five or six events a day. Meh, we lost. It is all on him now.:giggle::cool:


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
The end of October looks like a very real deadline for the release of the update! Unless, of course, something happens that will radically delay the work on the update.
Am I right in thinking that the two scenes created and rendered so far are locations where L&P has already created the environments, whereas the next two scenes, the beach / rock / country / biker / truck bar, and Andy and Cathy's house are new environments? Hopefully one of our local Daz experts can confirm that?

So whilst I am glad that so far the creating and rendering speed appears to be faster than last update, there is still at least a possibility of some slippages (depending on whether either of these two scenes might elongate).


Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
Am I right in thinking that the two scenes created and rendered so far are locations where L&P has already created the environments, whereas the next two scenes, the beach / rock / country / biker / truck bar, and Andy and Cathy's house are new environments? Hopefully one of our local Daz experts can confirm that?

So whilst I am glad that so far the creating and rendering speed appears to be faster than last update, there is still at least a possibility of some slippages (depending on whether either of these two scenes might elongate).
Correct. I've been unable so far to even find the asset for where the latest teaser comes from. I had initially thought it was the same asset as the parking lot for the Yoga event, but it doesn't look like it.

Theoretically, Cathy and Andy's apartment could be in the same block as Alyssa's, which would mean he could use the off-the-shelf asset for that event

Talcum Powder

Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2018
Am I right in thinking that the two scenes created and rendered so far are locations where L&P has already created the environments, whereas the next two scenes, the beach / rock / country / biker / truck bar, and Andy and Cathy's house are new environments? Hopefully one of our local Daz experts can confirm that?

So whilst I am glad that so far the creating and rendering speed appears to be faster than last update, there is still at least a possibility of some slippages (depending on whether either of these two scenes might elongate).
From what we’ve seen it looks like the first two events are indeed familiar environments, the bar is new and Andy/Cathy apartment is new.

If that bar has more than a dozen characters in it that’s a lot of time to set up and huge demand on the rendering; that said, it’s been reported that the concert itself isn’t the most important part of the event so… who knows, really?
3.20 star(s) 461 Votes