Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2017
That's what I find so frustrating about the bar for the concert, he spent a lot of time on it but it seems like it will be underutilized.
Thats what I also thought but once I downloaded the asset, to my surprise everything was pratically done. All he did was add some lights, props and a primitive to put the drums on top. We're talking 2/3 hours tops.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2017
Note- Maybe splitting the game up into seasons would be something that could work. Maybe changing the landmarks would help with expectations and anticipation. Right now most people are frustrated that sex is likely 7+ years away.
This is something I've thought about also, in light of the fact that there now seems to be a fairly general consensus that the story, if "already written", is only an outline. We know that it has had more basic alterations than just tinkering at the edges. Current estimates for various activities/events, combined with a projected finish 20 years from now seem accurate but surely can't really be sustainable or acceptable to fans.

I was musing on how life changes out of all recognition over a 20 year period. [Not something you do a lot when you're young]. Abandonment was being discussed in another thread concerning a game I was playing/enjoying. [Currently not looking too good]. I couldn't help but think of AWAM. It seemed to me that a fundamental question is whether or not L&P has a genuine interest in finishing this game. If he has.....

Radical rethinking, IMO, is necessary to avoid the path of abandonment but even if it could be guaranteed that it wouldn't be abandoned, who the hell wants to wait 7+ years before there's a chance of extra-marital sex? Both side jobs need to go, now, (I wouldn't care how), minor characters need to be written out, or appear as background figures, (Mr. Murray's across the street. Looks like he hasn't got any post for us today. There's Mr. Clark, yeah he's doing a good job cleaning up that graffitti. Isn't that those two thugs? Yes, they got sentenced this morning. 15 years apiece for drugs. Haru, tell Jason, we're both washing our get the idea).

Now, before anybody lands another facepalm, or becomes a museum boys advocate, (Day 2 in San Alejo), I wouldn't have written any of this if it wasn't for the facts as they now stand in real time & AWAM time. I was as curious as the next person about what role these characters might play in the future but they need to go. If time jumps are introduced as well, there might just be a chance of this being finished before people land on Mars with Terraforming equipment.
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Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
This is something I've thought about also, in light of the fact that there now seems to be a fairly general consensus that the story, if "already written", is only an outline. We know that it has had more basic alterations than just tinkering at the edges. Current estimates for various activities/events, combined with a projected finish 20 years from now seem accurate but surely can't really be sustainable or acceptable to fans.

I was musing on how life changes out of all recognition over a 20 year period. [Not something you do a lot when you're young]. Abandonment was being discussed in another thread concerning a game I was playing/enjoying. [Currently not looking too good]. I couldn't help but think of AWAM. It seemed to me that a fundamental question is whether or not L&P has a genuine interest in finishing this game. If he has.....

Radical rethinking, IMO, is necessary to avoid the path of abandonment but even if it could be guaranteed that it wouldn't be abandoned, who the hell wants to wait 7+ years before there's a chance of extra-marital sex? Both side jobs need to go, now, (I wouldn't care how), minor characters need to be written out, or appear as background figures, (Mr. Murray's across the street. Looks like he hasn't got any post for us today. There's Mr. Clark, yeah he's doing a good job cleaning up that graffitti. Isn't that those two thugs? Yes, they got sentenced this morning. 15 years apiece for drugs. Haru, tell Jason, we're both washing our get the idea).

Now, before anybody lands another facepalm, or becomes a museum boys advocate, (Day 2 in San Alejo), I wouldn't have written any of this if it wasn't for the facts as they now stand in real time & AWAM time. I was as curious as the next person about what role these characters might play in the future but they need to go. If time jumps are introduced as well, there might just be a chance of this being finished before people land on Mars with Terraforming equipment.
Haru and Jason don't bother me because I think they act only as an excuse for Patricia and Sophia to further their relationship. If it wasn't Haru and Jason then L&P would need to find another excuse for Patricia and Sophia to get together and do sexy things- and that may require extra characters anyways. But the other examples are perfect because L&P seems to have plans for them that go beyond just a simple plot device like Haru and Jason.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2017
Haru and Jason don't bother me because I think they act only as an excuse for Patricia and Sophia to further their relationship. If it wasn't Haru and Jason then L&P would need to find another excuse for Patricia and Sophia to get together and do sexy things- and that may require extra characters anyways. But the other examples are perfect because L&P seems to have plans for them that go beyond just a simple plot device like Haru and Jason.
Oh've become an advocate for Jason & Haru! Seriously, I get what you're saying. I can think of other characters to consider for the fadeout treatment but they could be more controversial, e.g. Vicky & DeShawn, (or dare I say just Vicky). It's not that I dislike them but there's just not the emotional involvement to warrant taking them further.

If Vicky is meant to be lesbian non-family LI, (which now doesn't seem as likely as it once did), we've got Alyssa & Nathalie for that. If they're going to be swingers, we've got Cathy & Andy to cover that angle. I would contend that it's far more likely to occur with the latter couple, because they're long-term friends of both Sophia & Liam, plus Liam has seen Cathy in her lingerie & well.... Some time ago, in a previous post, I gave a sketched outline of the closest my first wife & I came to this, back in the late 70s when swinging was a 'thing' & how a roomful of people all got cold feet. It's just not that easy & it would certainly threaten existing friendships but it's more likely with people you know than with complete strangers & Liam doesn't know Vicky or DeShawn.

Now I know some fans may think DeShawn is there to provide the interacial fetish but isn't that just too cliched & a bit tired? He would need some rapid progress if it is the case.

There's also the possibility to look at Nathalie & Zac. Where are their stories heading? Are they really necessary? I did say these choices could be controversial. I don't want all of the above to fade from the scene, of course but the VN definitely needs trimming now & not some time 4-7 years from now, when it could be one event every year, if it still exists.
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Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
Oh've become an advocate for Jason & Haru! Seriously, I get what you're saying. I can think of other characters to consider for the fadeout treatment but they could be more controversial, e.g. Vicky & DeShawn, (or dare I say just Vicky). It's not that I dislike them but there's just not the emotional involvement to warrant taking them further.

If Vicky is meant to be lesbian non-family LI, (which now doesn't seem as likely as it once did), we've got Alyssa & Nathalie for that. If they're going to be swingers, we've got Cathy & Andy to cover that angle. I would contend that it's far more likely to occur with the latter couple, because they're long-term friends of both Sophia & Liam, plus Liam has seen Cathy in her lingerie & well.... Some time ago, in a previous post, I gave a sketched outline of the closest my first wife & I came to this, back in the late 70s when swinging was a 'thing' & how a roomful of people all got cold feet. It's just not that easy & it would certainly threaten existing friendships but it's more likely with people you know than with complete strangers & Liam doesn't know Vicky or DeShawn.

Now I know some fans may think DeShawn is there to provide the interacial fetish but isn't that just too cliched & a bit tired? He would need some rapid progress if it is the case.

There's also the possibility to look at Nathalie & Zac. Where are their stories heading? Are they really necessary? I did say these choices could be controversial. I don't want all of the above to fade from the scene, of course but the VN definitely needs trimming now & not some time 4-7 years from now, when it could be one event every year, if it still exists.
I'm totally fine dropping Vicky and DeShawn from the game for exactly the reasons you gave. Even if the two of them represent a specific fetish, I question if they're worth any more time investment. A game like AWAM can't be expected to cater to all fetishes, so either they're here for some sort of fringe kink or they're redundant. If they were to never show up again and all of their planned scenes were given to Dylan, or Ellie, or Allyssa I don't think anyone would complain. For me the sauna scene spoke volumes, L&P couldn't make the dialog convincing and I felt no connection between the characters, no matter how many smoldering looks they gave one another.


Active Member
Jun 5, 2017
In the pic I think that there is 2 images. Above it seems Sophia is standing looking to someone. Below you can see a male arm embracing her or opening her a car's door. But it can be something absolutely different


Forum Fanatic
Jul 17, 2019
I'm totally fine dropping Vicky and DeShawn from the game for exactly the reasons you gave. Even if the two of them represent a specific fetish, I question if they're worth any more time investment. A game like AWAM can't be expected to cater to all fetishes, so either they're here for some sort of fringe kink or they're redundant. If they were to never show up again and all of their planned scenes were given to Dylan, or Ellie, or Allyssa I don't think anyone would complain. For me the sauna scene spoke volumes, L&P couldn't make the dialog convincing and I felt no connection between the characters, no matter how many smoldering looks they gave one another.
the sauna scene was a fantastic stepping stone but I agree with you that it was really badly exploited. I have always said that L&P is held back by something and this has caused the start of many interesting situations, which will then have to be eliminated (as happened for the coach's dlc)


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2019
you can't see anything bro
What are you talking about? It's very clear to me: In the first pic (last preview), Sophia is sitting grabbing her shoes or a purse inside a car maybe. The second pic is even more clear, she is dancing together to a person *edit in blue jeans and white shirt, no doubts. I'm seeing it in a tv screen.
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Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
What are you talking about? It's very clear to me: In the first pic (last preview), Sophia is sitting grabbing her shoes or a purse inside a car maybe. The second pic is even more clear, she is dancing together to a man in blue jeans and white shirt, no doubts. I'm seeing it in a tv screen.
Blue jeans and a white shirt? That's Patricia, not a man. We've already seen that teaser
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Old Dog

Formerly 'Old Sea Dog'
Jul 20, 2017
The game is in no mans land. I agree with you that the 5+ month development cycles aren't the crux of the problem. Instead the problem is that it takes 5+ months and nothing/very little happens. This game lives in the details, so it's going to be really difficult to change the pacing of the game, even if he were to cut everything right to the bone. He doesn't want this game to be nothing but scenes with Dylan, Ellie, and Aiden; and I applaud him for that. It's good to mix the game up and have stories that crisscross one another. It's also good (on paper) that multiple days can go by without seeing a major character, that helps keep things fresh. I recently tried to play a game but quit because literally every scene was with the LI and no one else. After awhile it was just boring that every single conversation had to be so sexually charged. And a lot of game suffer from that. But not AWAM, but it has swung too far in the other direction. We have scenes and characters that are nice but do little but delay progress with the characters we'd rather be spending time with. And since each update covers such a small proportion of the game, and each update takes so long to come out, it's frustrating that everything moves sooooo slowly.

But now I'm just bitching and I don't want to do that. I've mulled over this topic for a long time, and I know we've discussed it to death; but I still think the only way to move the story forward quickly without sacrificing too much of what makes this game unique is to use time jumps. I know it's complicated, and that story lines could get mishandled in the process, but there just doesn't seem to be that much fat to cut. Yeah, you could cut the two side jobs, and that would save a lot of time, but if you start cutting other characters then you're treading on thin ice. I'd rather he cut the two side jobs and then focus on some well positioned time jumps to get the story moving a little. Instead of cutting "fat" he could prioritize and structure the scenes that we're only seeing the important ones. So, for example, Ellie isn't having a shower with Sophia every day- but every time we see her in the morning it is for a shower. We could also consolidate scenes so that something important happens in each one. Right now there are scenes that only add details for the future, but contribute little for titillation or entertainment. If the time jump could eliminate these scenes and consolidate them into other scenes that are simply more entertaining, I think that would be a huge win.

In the end I think no option is great. It's just the nature of how he has structured the game. There is a lot to learn from AWAM about how to structure a slow burn and how to reign in your ambition. I'd really like to make a voyeurism game, but since I don't know DAZ that seems impossible. But anytime I really think about it I find myself really using AWAM as one of the primary guides for what, and what not, to do.

Note- Maybe splitting the game up into seasons would be something that could work. Maybe changing the landmarks would help with expectations and anticipation. Right now most people are frustrated that sex is likely 7+ years away. But what if a season-ending climax could be reached in say 2 years? It wouldn't include sex, but with some restructuring maybe it could be something sexy, dramatic, and attainable. The problem that most of us have is that so much of what this game offers feels unattainable because it's too many years away. But what if a season ending climatic event could be achieved that would act as a pressure relief valve? Maybe setting more short term goals and adding more sexual content than what currently exists would be a good compromise.

Or maybe I'm writing too much.
He has talked about
It has already been discussed what the pictures are


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2019
Blue jeans and a white shirt? That's Patricia, not a man. We've already seen that teaser
Do you mean blurry teaser or the real one? But yeah, Patricia has blue jeans and white shirt, after the enhancement her body looks like a male one, my bad.
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