
Jan 11, 2019
awam is a good game, but when updated, new characters appear and new events occur.
I don't think this is a bad thing, but what we want is progress between existing characters rather than new events.
In my opinion, it would be better for L&P to develop a story between existing characters rather than create a new story.
After that, I think that if we create a new character and a story, our dissatisfaction will go away.


Forum Fanatic
Feb 5, 2019

Interestingly, DAZ triangulates all polygons when the base object has only polygons.

DAZ tris all poligons
Wall Dylan Bedroom.jpg

But outside DAZ
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Devoted Member
Mar 28, 2017
actually same question can be address to you... are you here just for 4k wallpapers or want progress in story? do you want game which is tending to be under construction for a decade? updated 3 times a year? what makes so big difference between 4k and 1080p in watching wallpapers od virtually generated charachters?
Sadly the game will be in development much more than a decade.Also we are getting updates 2 times a year.
Well that's obviously a fake - Aiden sitting up the front?
That's not even Ayden,that some imagination.Probably Sophia's
Jul 23, 2021
As we all know, "somebody" posted this image with L&P's patreon link, pretending that it is from L&P. I rolled my eyes with people who were actually deceived. The somebody now claims that L&P must have been milking because he was able to make this render in a short time frame.

I don't have any intention to offend him. Actually, I thought it's one of sound renders from a newbie using pre-made lightings, poses and expressions. But he started comparing his work with L&P's. Let's find out why I immediately noticed it's not from L&P.

  • Focus of the image: Story of the scene seems to be about Sophia riding the bull but she was not focused. I can guess it's because her pose turns out ugly and unnatural. But that's a huge lost opportunity there.
  • Camera headlamp turned on: A typical newbie mistake. You forgot to turn off camera headlamp and the lighting is visibly noticeable in the image and breaking realism of the scene because everything (e.g., eyes, skins, ...) is shiny and bright in the front part of the scene. It also means he does not have the renderer's eyes yet.
  • Lighting: Basically no lighting effort. I am not sure what L&P does for his lighting. But his scene includes volumetric ray and HDRI (high-dynamic-range imaging) feel. There is none in the image above because "somebody" just used the light from the environment as it is.
  • Poses and expressions: Somebody tried to express people in the scene amused by Sophia riding bull. But since he used default poses and expression, emotion of the scene feels like a fake smile or a bad acting. And as for Sophia pose, somebody tried to blur, but the unnatural hand/leg poses were noticeable. This would not happen in L&P's
  • Empty tables: OK Let's assume everybody in the scene came to see Sophia but nothing in the tables?
  • Camera angle: not optimized at all. I don't see basics of scene composition. I don't think he even experimented many angles whether focus is on the people or on Sophia.

In summary, the somebody made the scene with pre-made lighting, poses, expression, and so on without optimizing them. And the speedy result may be good for fan art and for some VN, but I don't expect it from L&P's. Ultimately, here is decision you can make. If you are satisfied with this kind of render for VN, go find one. There are hundreds of them, if not thousands. If you not satisfied and you still feel his milking, you might have text fetish. Go to literotica.com and enjoy.

thanks t3alqdansam for his suggestion.
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