Engaged Member
Sep 28, 2021
And so much for the communication!:(

You had the opportunity to complete the expression of your work which was reasonable stated in the 1st two paragraphs. Then you go off and vent WHILE YOU STILL DO NOT HAVE THE TEAM YOU SAID YOU WOULD! Why would anyone believe anything you say from your tower. We all know Viper is a flaming jerk. It is why I have IGNORED him. You just add fuel to his fire to vent your frustration. Really! We have the same frustration with YOU because you don't do what you say you will do. And what you say has no corroboration. You are not credible in your own defense.

Get a team together, as you said you would! Encourage some open discussion and share thoughts on artwork (Does not have to be your plans for AWAM.) Have members of your team available to interact. And get a skin that is thicker than a sheet of tissue paper. Then you move from pretentious recluse to interesting Dev. I don't think there is a snowballs chance in hell of this happening but, the ball is in your court. Don't drop it!:devilish::cool:
Really, what is your problem, it's his game, you don't have to play it, if you don't like it, then don't play it. Try and appreciate the time and commitment that has already been put in to the game.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2020
Yeah, I leave you alone, Britneys. Enjoy following (and paying for) the sex carrot he will not give to you. He just discovered a way of living for the next 20 years at ur cost, he just need the right quanity of people like you. LOL
The strange thing is it doesn't hit the people who mock them. I support L&P with a small amount and I have thought about your contribution and noticed that your insult does not hurt me in any way. It has been my decision to support him and it will be my decision to stop at some point. But that they despise me and the other supporters will have nothing to do with it. Rather, I am amused by how frustrating it must be to repeatedly grapple with arguments that obviously don't interest you at all. They have their opinions on the subject and that is a good thing. I do not share it, but I accept it. They consider L&P to be an ass that arouses their anger and absolutely cannot understand why others don't. I am often present in this forum and I like the game, but it is not the center of my world. And that's why I can be patient, don't have to get upset about every statement from L&P and don't develop envy of things that I cannot control.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2021
Yeah, that's the problem with this hair. Always, when she rises her eyebrows to a certain limit, it causes this issue. Sometimes I just forget to adjust the Hairline and Head Size of it at such kind of expressions. I adjusted the base of it to around 0.35. If I'd higher the value, then the hair stands too far away from her head. I usually edit this in Photoshop if I forget to adjust it in such a "higher eyebrow case" in Daz Studio. But if you have like 1000 renders which you need to edit, it can sometimes happen that you overlook some minor tiny mistakes. I'm also just a human and don't have anyone who's controlling every render with a loupe afterwards. And I'm even sure that not everybody would see this immediately.

Viper's just trying once again in a lousy way to reduce my work by finding very, very few small, minor mistakes and trying to generalize them as if my work is worth shit, and he could do much better if he'd take the time, which is just an unfunny, overbearing joke! If you'd pack out that loupe for every game, you'd find mistakes in almost every render while with me it's just in a very few ones! Which is just human! And they're not even that conspicuous.

I really would so much like to do a tutorial video and show you how much wrong you are by thinking this is so easy and quick to create scenes like I do, and especially in that complexity and size! Just the lighting and lighting-effects can take you hours to adjust them the proper way, so that you got a pleasant light/shadow play in the scene! That's why I also can't just render overnight the scenes in a row because every camera angle needs different lighting adjustments and also ton mapping adjustments and other stuff. Plus the detailed work with Photoshop where yeah, sometimes I can overlook something since I'm not a robot!

You think that just because you worked a bit with Daz Studio, you know everything? Just throwing around with resentments and half-knowledge! While in reality, you know shit about me and the amount of work, knowledge, skill and artistic taste which is needed to make scenes like I do!

You're like that moron who bought a super expensive professional aero bike, rode around the park and already think you can also easily ride the Tour de France!

And no, I don't use expression presets since my demo! I'm only working with the posing tab where you got the expressions, mouth, nose, cheeks and brows adjustments. I always change them manually to have the 100% control about the expressions. Yeah, I use preset poses. But 98% of them are shit and look the way like no one would position him/herself in reality. So, I change practically everything in these poses to make them look much more realistic!

I'd just need to do such a tutorial video where I show and explain what everything is needed to make the scenes the way I do. How much stuff you need to know and pay attention to. How difficult it is to create such atmospheric lighting and rays! Etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. Plus the Photoshop after work. Just to make the complete fool out of you! But I don't give people a free tutorial just to prove one troll idiot wrong!

Man, just look at the faces in your renders! They look like dead or as if they're retarded! The poses are basic and easy with mistakes! The people don't even look at the "woman" on the bull! You don't even adjusted that! Her straps look like as if they're dappled in cement! Hair looks shit! You're lighting is so poor and basic! Probably also no Photoshop afterwork! No nothing! It's such a poor, tasteless and easy scene! Just used the standard prop lighting by just adjusting the brightness of it. Wow, a really hard job! Everything is bright. No shadow effects! No effects in general! Nothing! It looks boring as fuck!

First create around 10.000 renders of my quality, with hundreds of different own adjusted huge environments and places! Write hundreds of pages of story! Adjust all the renders in Photoshop to have zero mistakes in them! Just try it! And do it almost every day for 2-3 years and look yourself how relaxed that is and how little time it costs! Then we can talk!

When I started, I also thought that it's so easy, and I created much more renders per day. But then I realized that this is a marathon and not a 100 m sprint! And I'm just a one-man army. Plus gaining more experience meant knowing more possibilties to make the art better and better. Which doesn't go just by itself but needs actual work! More work!

But as long as your renders look that poor and amateurish, and you never wrote any good story and dialogues to them, you really better should shut the fuck up! You're like an April Fools' joke at Christmas and really seems to have no life to find so much time to post so much overbearing bullshit in a know-it-all manner, just to try to put my work down! While showing nothing better yourself!
This entire post is missing the point and just shows that you have basically no clue as to what the discussion was about in the past couple of pages. Instead of coming here and hating on the bad "leeches" of F95, how about you fulfill some of your promises like the ones on your patreon page?

If you're so stressed from working "every day" being a one-man army, how about hiring someone to help you out with some of the stuff? If only there were people who'd apply to do the job. If only there were professional translators offering their help...Oh wait...

How about letting your supporters know when you're going on a 2-3 week vacation again, instead of just disappearing while people keep paying a month with basically no work done without knowing what the heck is going on?

Also, it seems like you keep forgetting that without websites like this one, your game would barely have any supporters at all. The very foundation of your current income was made possible due to PR from F95 and other sources offering your game. But yet for some reason, the people here and elsewhere are just dirty little pirates in your head.

Man, I could keep writing paragraph after paragraph, but I've learned a long time ago back when I was still one of your patreons that it's of no use, because you're so full of yourself it sometimes really is disgusting. You are so talented and your game has such huge potential, but it's not going anywhere if you keep doing what you're doing. Atleast not until the year 2050.


Engaged Member
Jan 30, 2021
Really, what is your problem, it's his game, you don't have to play it, if you don't like it, then don't play it. Try and appreciate the time and commitment that has already been put in to the game.
Did you read what this post was about? I know it is his game. This was not about the game!

He has two choices. Avoid interaction except through Patreon or interact in many locations including here. If you look at his interactions here they are always contentious. He never works the crowd. In his recent post, to his apparent nemesis Viper, he had two good paragraphs he could have built on and then given Viper an appropriate and earned IGNORE. I stated as such. Not a damn thing about his game.

Then I called him on HIS PROMISE to build a team when he hit a certain subscriber level. This is still not about his game. It is all about him and his promises and his possibilities. I encouraged him to be a dev who interacted with the community (Go read the recent Where the Heart is Thread. Cheeky and Ace are just chatting away. Some is their views of trolls some is their views of games some is their game.)

So take time to Read TomUK before you jump to a conclusion. I encouraged him to interact here on art (He is skilled. as you capture immediately in the 1st two paragraphs) even if it had nothing to do with AWAM. I encouraged him to build his team and have them contribute. It all builds his credibility. Not one damn thing about his game! I encouraged his interaction here as an artist not just a contentious, pretentious dev.

To be blunt not a damn thing about the game but, his results and promises for sure!

Old Dog

Formerly 'Old Sea Dog'
Jul 20, 2017
Spends 4 hours adjusting lights, acheivies 1 percent colour gradient change. perfect.

Me a colour blind person. "Huh?"

The one thing that sings true in that rant: " I should create a video".... but you wont will you.

Because that will probably call you out for all the overcomplications you create to justify the time you take.
Spends 4 hours adjusting lights, acheivies 1 percent colour gradient change. perfect.
Are you serious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bishop Robert

Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2018
This is funny man, him building a team...:ROFLMAO:
Let the boy brown nose
So many words, so much shit wrong.
Let's start: First of all I didn't compare my work with L&P like they were the same quality. But since you're talking about comparisons: go compare my renders after 50h of DAZ with L&P's work when he had 50 hours of Daz.

2. Focus of the image: Your opinion.
3. Camera headlamp turned on? No, it's not. That's wrong. There's a lightsource right above her, maybe shined too bright but no headlamp, good try buddy.
4. There's actually hdri in there but no volumetric rays inside. You want what? Particles? Godrays inside a bar at night? It's doable but unecessary for what was a joke. Good try again buddy.
5. Poses and expressions: Absolutely wrong. No presets at all in anything, I'm not L&P (he does use preset expressions and I can even tell you which packs he does use). Every face expression and movement from the torso up was changed (and some clipping feet here and there). Wrong again buddy. The only poses that were used were horse riding poses to make it easier to pose her on top of something. You really think L&P doesn't use pose packs?
6. Empty tables: why put people in there for a fan art render? I could always argue everyone came to see her and the bartender is fucking Sam in the back. Done
7. Camera angle "I don't think he even experimente angles whether focus is on the people or on Sophia". This is how it's noticeable you're just full of shit, you and t3, because 18 renders were posted on the fan art topic with 4 different angles. Wrong again buddy.

I'm not saying they are good or bad. I'm saying I made them like that and some dudes fell for it. Hell even showed up on some youtube video as spoiler.
In 2something hours, I inserted the scene, put some props on the bar, got all the characters added, everyone dressed, everyone posed differently, cameras set up, tried some shit with lights like volumetric lighting, rendered + post process and did the renders attached.
Thats what someone absolutely new with no intention whatsoever of ever having any sort of business in this space does with 50h of experience to post on a fan art thread expecting absolutely 0 reward.
View attachment 1443639 View attachment 1443640 View attachment 1443641 View attachment 1443642 View attachment 1443643 View attachment 1443647 View attachment 1443650 View attachment 1443654 View attachment 1443663 View attachment 1443664 View attachment 1443665 View attachment 1443666 View attachment 1443667 View attachment 1443668 View attachment 1443669 View attachment 1443670 View attachment 1443671 View attachment 1443672

This is what someone whose livelihood is this business with 15000 of DAZ does right now with 2something hours:
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I don't mean to offend but next time, don't make a fool out of yourself "somebody" and if t3alqdansam wants to say something he can do it on his main account.
  • Red Heart
Reactions: uplolop


Active Member
May 20, 2018

All scenes except the last little one are done and rendered.
Currently there are 833 renders for all of them. The "Cathy/Andy" event will be a rather small one and I'm hurrying to finish it next week around Thursday. Then I need to do something in my private life and continue the art editing on Saturday. Tuesday will also be a day where I won't be able to work. But from Wednesday 19 on I will just work on the last part of the update.
So, next week you'll get the last teaser and I'll also announce an approximate release time span for update 0.150


Engaged Member
Jan 30, 2021
actually, he is already working in a team ;)
View attachment 1445079
That was for the last update. Has he made this a long term arangement or even announced that he has an actual team. Nope just a one time translator. If he had this guy for the current update then translation would already be done right! Oooops, I forgot he needs to write the whole event so he can't use the translator yet. I hope he developes a relationship here. I hope it becomes a team. Until that is a fact I don't count on it. One can hope.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2018
Yeah, that's the problem with this hair. Always, when she rises her eyebrows to a certain limit, it causes this issue. Sometimes I just forget to adjust the Hairline and Head Size of it at such kind of expressions. I adjusted the base of it to around 0.35. If I'd higher the value, then the hair stands too far away from her head. I usually edit this in Photoshop if I forget to adjust it in such a "higher eyebrow case" in Daz Studio. But if you have like 1000 renders which you need to edit, it can sometimes happen that you overlook some minor tiny mistakes. I'm also just a human and don't have anyone who's controlling every render with a loupe afterwards. And I'm even sure that not everybody would see this immediately.

Viper's just trying once again in a lousy way to reduce my work by finding very, very few small, minor mistakes and trying to generalize them as if my work is worth shit, and he could do much better if he'd take the time, which is just an unfunny, overbearing joke! If you'd pack out that loupe for every game, you'd find mistakes in almost every render while with me it's just in a very few ones! Which is just human! And they're not even that conspicuous.

I really would so much like to do a tutorial video and show you how much wrong you are by thinking this is so easy and quick to create scenes like I do, and especially in that complexity and size! Just the lighting and lighting-effects can take you hours to adjust them the proper way, so that you got a pleasant light/shadow play in the scene! That's why I also can't just render overnight the scenes in a row because every camera angle needs different lighting adjustments and also ton mapping adjustments and other stuff. Plus the detailed work with Photoshop where yeah, sometimes I can overlook something since I'm not a robot!

You think that just because you worked a bit with Daz Studio, you know everything? Just throwing around with resentments and half-knowledge! While in reality, you know shit about me and the amount of work, knowledge, skill and artistic taste which is needed to make scenes like I do!

You're like that moron who bought a super expensive professional aero bike, rode around the park and already think you can also easily ride the Tour de France!

And no, I don't use expression presets since my demo! I'm only working with the posing tab where you got the expressions, mouth, nose, cheeks and brows adjustments. I always change them manually to have the 100% control about the expressions. Yeah, I use preset poses. But 98% of them are shit and look the way like no one would position him/herself in reality. So, I change practically everything in these poses to make them look much more realistic!

I'd just need to do such a tutorial video where I show and explain what everything is needed to make the scenes the way I do. How much stuff you need to know and pay attention to. How difficult it is to create such atmospheric lighting and rays! Etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. Plus the Photoshop after work. Just to make the complete fool out of you! But I don't give people a free tutorial just to prove one troll idiot wrong!

Man, just look at the faces in your renders! They look like dead or as if they're retarded! The poses are basic and easy with mistakes! The people don't even look at the "woman" on the bull! You don't even adjusted that! Her straps look like as if they're dappled in cement! Hair looks shit! You're lighting is so poor and basic! Probably also no Photoshop afterwork! No nothing! It's such a poor, tasteless and easy scene! Just used the standard prop lighting by just adjusting the brightness of it. Wow, a really hard job! Everything is bright. No shadow effects! No effects in general! Nothing! It looks boring as fuck!

First create around 10.000 renders of my quality, with hundreds of different own adjusted huge environments and places! Write hundreds of pages of story! Adjust all the renders in Photoshop to have zero mistakes in them! Just try it! And do it almost every day for 2-3 years and look yourself how relaxed that is and how little time it costs! Then we can talk!

When I started, I also thought that it's so easy, and I created much more renders per day. But then I realized that this is a marathon and not a 100 m sprint! And I'm just a one-man army. Plus gaining more experience meant knowing more possibilties to make the art better and better. Which doesn't go just by itself but needs actual work! More work!

But as long as your renders look that poor and amateurish, and you never wrote any good story and dialogues to them, you really better should shut the fuck up! You're like an April Fools' joke at Christmas and really seems to have no life to find so much time to post so much overbearing bullshit in a know-it-all manner, just to try to put my work down! While showing nothing better yourself!
i support LP, i have a career making renders, i dont actually use, DAZ Studio but, it doesnt matter what sofwer you use, it's still pretty much the same, i work with 3Ds Max and V-Ray (i make architecture renders) And a lot a people think that it's really easy to make, but it's actually a lot of work, you have to make a lot of adjusments, theres a lot of things you have to get just right, pressing the "render button it's the easiest and best part of my day because you just have to sit and wait from a few minutes to a few hours (depending on the quality of the render) but what takes the most time, it's adjusting the scene, modeling everything, the lighting can ve specially tricky, because some thins can look burn (to bright/white) while other can look to dark, and when you have the perfect lighting for one shot, even if it's the same scene, if it's a different shot from a different angle you do have to adjust the lighting, which again is anoying, and takes time, in my work i usually make 1 or 1 and 1/2 renders per day, so to make a update as LP does, it would take me over a year, whitout considering all the programming, wrighting, etc. (but i'm guessing DAZ Studios rendering time is faster than that of 3Ds Max)

But i do think it would be nice, if you (LP) could get someone to help you with the work so the updates can get done faster, i bet theres a lot a people in here that would like to work for you (like those in the fanart section, who makes their own renders)
Last edited:


Jun 7, 2019
Yeah, that's the problem with this hair. Always, when she rises her eyebrows to a certain limit, it causes this issue. Sometimes I just forget to adjust the Hairline and Head Size of it at such kind of expressions. I adjusted the base of it to around 0.35. If I'd higher the value, then the hair stands too far away from her head. I usually edit this in Photoshop if I forget to adjust it in such a "higher eyebrow case" in Daz Studio. But if you have like 1000 renders which you need to edit, it can sometimes happen that you overlook some minor tiny mistakes. I'm also just a human and don't have anyone who's controlling every render with a loupe afterwards. And I'm even sure that not everybody would see this immediately.

Viper's just trying once again in a lousy way to reduce my work by finding very, very few small, minor mistakes and trying to generalize them as if my work is worth shit, and he could do much better if he'd take the time, which is just an unfunny, overbearing joke! If you'd pack out that loupe for every game, you'd find mistakes in almost every render while with me it's just in a very few ones! Which is just human! And they're not even that conspicuous.

I really would so much like to do a tutorial video and show you how much wrong you are by thinking this is so easy and quick to create scenes like I do, and especially in that complexity and size! Just the lighting and lighting-effects can take you hours to adjust them the proper way, so that you got a pleasant light/shadow play in the scene! That's why I also can't just render overnight the scenes in a row because every camera angle needs different lighting adjustments and also ton mapping adjustments and other stuff. Plus the detailed work with Photoshop where yeah, sometimes I can overlook something since I'm not a robot!

You think that just because you worked a bit with Daz Studio, you know everything? Just throwing around with resentments and half-knowledge! While in reality, you know shit about me and the amount of work, knowledge, skill and artistic taste which is needed to make scenes like I do!

You're like that moron who bought a super expensive professional aero bike, rode around the park and already think you can also easily ride the Tour de France!

And no, I don't use expression presets since my demo! I'm only working with the posing tab where you got the expressions, mouth, nose, cheeks and brows adjustments. I always change them manually to have the 100% control about the expressions. Yeah, I use preset poses. But 98% of them are shit and look the way like no one would position him/herself in reality. So, I change practically everything in these poses to make them look much more realistic!

I'd just need to do such a tutorial video where I show and explain what everything is needed to make the scenes the way I do. How much stuff you need to know and pay attention to. How difficult it is to create such atmospheric lighting and rays! Etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. Plus the Photoshop after work. Just to make the complete fool out of you! But I don't give people a free tutorial just to prove one troll idiot wrong!

Man, just look at the faces in your renders! They look like dead or as if they're retarded! The poses are basic and easy with mistakes! The people don't even look at the "woman" on the bull! You don't even adjusted that! Her straps look like as if they're dappled in cement! Hair looks shit! You're lighting is so poor and basic! Probably also no Photoshop afterwork! No nothing! It's such a poor, tasteless and easy scene! Just used the standard prop lighting by just adjusting the brightness of it. Wow, a really hard job! Everything is bright. No shadow effects! No effects in general! Nothing! It looks boring as fuck!

First create around 10.000 renders of my quality, with hundreds of different own adjusted huge environments and places! Write hundreds of pages of story! Adjust all the renders in Photoshop to have zero mistakes in them! Just try it! And do it almost every day for 2-3 years and look yourself how relaxed that is and how little time it costs! Then we can talk!

When I started, I also thought that it's so easy, and I created much more renders per day. But then I realized that this is a marathon and not a 100 m sprint! And I'm just a one-man army. Plus gaining more experience meant knowing more possibilties to make the art better and better. Which doesn't go just by itself but needs actual work! More work!

But as long as your renders look that poor and amateurish, and you never wrote any good story and dialogues to them, you really better should shut the fuck up! You're like an April Fools' joke at Christmas and really seems to have no life to find so much time to post so much overbearing bullshit in a know-it-all manner, just to try to put my work down! While showing nothing better yourself!
Hi L&P, are you planning on adding any vocal audio for a 'masturbating or sex' scene if it happens in the next update like you did for Sophia & Alyssa scene with Antonio.

In my opinion it makes the scene very hot.


Engaged Member
Apr 23, 2017
The logically handling part in my message is only for a potential sex scene between the two.

We two have already argued whether the two should be treated differently or not. I believe Ellie will have it easier than Dylan. Yes her relationship with Sophia is treading a little too far for normal mother daughter but that will be the case with Dylan soon as well. For me the bigger difference is because of the approach. If L&P mentions that the only reason for a difference between the two is that Ellie is a girl and Dylan is not then I wouldn't agree with him either. It is just part of the reason, the remaining difference lies in the approach.

But I know you are not going to agree with me on this and neither would I agree on your view. All we can do is peace out and keep looking at it in our ways ;)
There is no doubt she is going to have it an easier time, but still doesn't address the logic behind it. You can have different methods and approaches to a story, it is just when you increase the complexity of the story like adding relationship status with family members and then bring the comment into the mix of why one member of the family is further than the other, you only add to the problem of justifying your logic to the audience. He didn't think this one out clearly.

Also, it's not a matter of "IF L&P Mentions", he did. That is his reasoning for why Dylan is where is in the story.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2017
Lust&Passion, most people you replied to are those whom some of us have been ignoring already. We found it's the best way to deal with them. You might do as well. If one could think properly, he would know who is lying. We just hope you can build a team as soon as possible so you can concentrate on creative part of your work. Looking forward to your next update.
Lmao I'm sure he will build a team just because you asked dear fan.
3.20 star(s) 466 Votes