Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2017
And so much for the communication!:(

You had the opportunity to complete the expression of your work which was reasonable stated in the 1st two paragraphs. Then you go off and vent WHILE YOU STILL DO NOT HAVE THE TEAM YOU SAID YOU WOULD! Why would anyone believe anything you say from your tower. We all know Viper is a flaming jerk. It is why I have IGNORED him. You just add fuel to his fire to vent your frustration. Really! We have the same frustration with YOU because you don't do what you say you will do. And what you say has no corroboration. You are not credible in your own defense.

Get a team together, as you said you would! Encourage some open discussion and share thoughts on artwork (Does not have to be your plans for AWAM.) Have members of your team available to interact. And get a skin that is thicker than a sheet of tissue paper. Then you move from pretentious recluse to interesting Dev. I don't think there is a snowballs chance in hell of this happening but, the ball is in your court. Don't drop it!:devilish::cool:
It's funny this dude complains about exactly the same things I do but ignores me for some reason.

Did you read what this post was about? I know it is his game. This was not about the game!

He has two choices. Avoid interaction except through Patreon or interact in many locations including here. If you look at his interactions here they are always contentious. He never works the crowd. In his recent post, to his apparent nemesis Viper, he had two good paragraphs he could have built on and then given Viper an appropriate and earned IGNORE. I stated as such. Not a damn thing about his game.

Then I called him on HIS PROMISE to build a team when he hit a certain subscriber level. This is still not about his game. It is all about him and his promises and his possibilities. I encouraged him to be a dev who interacted with the community (Go read the recent Where the Heart is Thread. Cheeky and Ace are just chatting away. Some is their views of trolls some is their views of games some is their game.)

So take time to Read TomUK before you jump to a conclusion. I encouraged him to interact here on art (He is skilled. as you capture immediately in the 1st two paragraphs) even if it had nothing to do with AWAM. I encouraged him to build his team and have them contribute. It all builds his credibility. Not one damn thing about his game! I encouraged his interaction here as an artist not just a contentious, pretentious dev.

To be blunt not a damn thing about the game but, his results and promises for sure!
I know I'm on ignore but you're going to click the button and read this post anyways so here it is:

There are several good questions in this thread
Several talks about plot, render tech, ways to help Lazy&Passive, etc. he ignores all of those.

Who does he answer? Me. It's not the first or the second time.
He actually takes more time answering me than answering his patrons, his patrons' emails and from what I heard, attending to his discord.
He even took time of his precious overbearing schedule to look at 18 renders of an amateur dude.

Think about that for a while. Everytime he starts getting caught in his shenanigans, he comes in blasting away all mad like any of this is actually meaningful. Would be hilarious if not a bit sad, really.

And don't call me a nemesis. I've supported the development of this game for a long time, tried to get him help of a translator, offered to pay for a dev to work with him so he could see that a team could work better etc. I'm not a nemesis, I'm a realist, and the reality is this is a milking machine made up to drag as long as he needs until he ends up abandoning it whenever he has had enough.

That was for the last update. Has he made this a long term arangement or even announced that he has an actual team. Nope just a one time translator. If he had this guy for the current update then translation would already be done right! Oooops, I forgot he needs to write the whole event so he can't use the translator yet. I hope he developes a relationship here. I hope it becomes a team. Until that is a fact I don't count on it. One can hope.
That guy was only a dude to get his game under Patreon's rules.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2020
Imagine being this salty lmao
Since we're talking about output, let me remind you your translation output was 2.15 pages per day in the last update and your rendering was 5 per day. 6 months to do a morning of your Game.

Regarding my renders, I have absolutely no intention of ever making this a career, I'm not a fan of salary cuts nor I want to never be able to talk about what I do for a living.

Someone told me to try Daz and I did, 50 hours were enough to make my renders look better than your first X updates in your VN. That's how you should compare it. Don't compare it after you had 15000 hours of doing this. Again regarding my renders, pretty cool that you came out of your second account but still spouting the same bullshit but here's my answer dear Lazy&Passive

  • They are indeed looking at the action. The ones that aren't is the guy trying to get with Sophia's sister and Sophia's sister.
  • Expressions aren't bland or preseted and they were indeed made on the normal dials per face section (mouth open eyes closed etc etc you know the drill). Try to go out once in a while when you take a break from your 11h a day (yeah, right) job and you'll see cartoonish expressions only go in.. cartoons.
  • I did indeed use Photoshop on everything. Everything. And anyone not holding a grudge and writing with raging tears on his eyes can see that.
  • Used Dforce on the dress except on the last renders which werent even supposed to be posted but fuck it its fan art so what does it matter?
  • Hair looks shit because it's the shit hair you chose for this scene because apparently Sophia changes lenght of hair like you change excuses.
  • Wrong about the standard prop lighting. I'm sorry if I didn't go and use GodRays like Sophia has ascended from heaven in every fucking scene.
  • That's an amateur with 2 hours on his hands. It would have taken you 4 days to do 18 renders. I'm pretty sure I could use 42 hours more (basically doubling my Daz experience) and get them better than what they look like.
  • In the last few pages there is a professional with 15000 hours' renders with legs clipping a table and hair clipping a forehead lmao.
  • Again, all of it, including rendering 1440p, was done in 2 something hours. You can't even translate 5 sentences of your damn suposedly already written script in that time.

Also if you were as good at arguing as you are making excuses for your game delays you would have noticed that it has been stated that I have 50h of experience in Daz with no intentions of pursuing anything around this. You come here on top of your 15000 hours of DAZ, bash renders that look better than yours when you started doing this and way above those 50 hours but then say this:

Lmao. So you know experience makes a big difference in this and then come and compare 15000 hours of experience with 50h?

Here's a render of yours buddy, with 6 months of experience under your belt which assuming you were part-time doing this at the time goes to the ballpark of 700 hours. Bland render. Congrats.

Lastly, a woman riding a mechanical bull being boring or not it's all a matter of preference, it'll probably be boring to someone who prefers the MC to jack off 2 kids.

We're still waiting on the stream you said you would do.
We're still waiting on the better development cycles.
We're still waiting on the promise you made about hiring someone to help.
We're still waiting on faster development output based on the promises of
1. dedicating full time to this, which you clearly don't.
2. based on better hardware, faster scene creation/rendering times
3. less events per update
4. getting a team to work with you
We're still waiting for you not to take 1 day to translate 2 pages of MS Word (with help, can't even imagine without help how many you would have done).

So far the only thing we don't need to wait are excuses.

edit: Oh and regarding the cyclist analogy, I'll give you a hand buddy (but not like Sophia gave a hand to those 2 kids ;) ;)
An amateur picked up a bycicle. Went with it to do the tour and some Lance Armstrong fans confused that amateur with Lance .
That's what's up. I'm not sure if it's the amateur that should feel good or if it's Lance that should feel bad. Based on your rage, I assume it's Lance that would feel bad.
Well you were also pretty salty when sled_chair criticized your renders and made assumptions that were not true according to you. Numerous messages after that where you continue to ask him to send email to L&P and so on. You were pretty triggered by him even though you don't care much about art and stuff. So I can only imagine someone who is serious about his art getting triggered when assumptions are made on his renders and there are constant attempts to show his art his full of errors while those errors are so small in such low number of renders that they don't even account for a percent or two of his entire work.

The man right behind Patricia is actually not looking at Sophia for sure. I zoomed in to see where his eyes were looking and they are definitely not looking at Sophia on the bull. Just so you see I am not making things up and hating on you,



clearly the eyes are not in Sophia's direction. In this same render the way Patricia is showing her ring is not humanly possible. The position of her fingers, not something humans can generally do. Anyone who doubts that, try and replicate the position of each of her fingers and see if you ring finger stands as straight as Patricia's. And Patricia is not even looking at guy infront of her and as for the expression on Patricia's face again it conveys nothing. Another basic error is that when someone puts a finger so close to your eyes you can't focus on it so you tend to flinch back. But here it is as if the guy has no intention of going back even if it means he can't see Patricia's finger or try act like a human and move a bit back.

I am no daz expert but I can see the basic things too. I don't know about what others think, but a render of Sophia on which she is riding the bull, her expression is indeed bland. That potrayed no emotions. Poses aren't that natural either.
All in all there are many other mistakes in your renders too which are basic. What L&P said about your renders isn't lie at all. If in just one render there are so many problems I can only imagine the others and this is from someone who knows not the technicalities, people with proper technical knowledge can definitely say much more. If L&P were to deliver renders with such errors it would be totally unacceptable to everyone here to even include them in the game.

And I will honestly say that anyone who got confused that it was an L&P render totally didn't even care to properly look or have no sense at all. The first and obvious difference that should tell anyone that it is not an original is Sophia's skin colour. If they can't even see that I don't know about them. The only thing that probably confused most is the patreon link leading to L&P's page. The YouTube channel..... They just want thumbnails for click baiting, yours did the job or that guy too was redundant enough to not see the basic differences from the previous teasers of the event.

Everytime you write something it is to show that L&P's daily work is way too easy and can be done 2 hrs max and he is just wasting time. And then you say that he only targets you.
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New Member
Jul 7, 2021
For the record, you are arguing with a known pirate who was stealing intellectual property for a long time.
One day, after many a night of fruitless onanistic behaviour, he decided that he will, to put it euphemistically, borrow a certain game from a certain Polish developer and this is basically how it started.
I was not paying attention to his career, as this is my first and last statement in regard to that nonentity, but I do wonder if he himself being who he is, was impugning any pirates because if so, then the hypocrisy would be beyond symptomatisch...
  • Haha
Reactions: Piat
Jul 23, 2021
Well you were also pretty salty when sled_chair criticized your renders and made assumptions that were not true according to you. Numerous messages after that where you continue to ask him to send email to L&P and so on. You were pretty triggered by him even though you don't care much about art and stuff. So I can only imagine someone who is serious about his art getting triggered when assumptions are made on his renders and there are constant attempts to show his art his full of errors while those errors are so small in such low number of renders that they don't even account for a percent or two of his entire work.

The man right behind Patricia is actually not looking at Sophia for sure. I zoomed in to see where his eyes were looking and they are definitely not looking at Sophia on the bull. Just so you see I am not making things up and hating on you,

View attachment 1445463

View attachment 1445466

clearly the eyes are not in Sophia's direction. In this same render the way Patricia is showing her ring is not humanly possible. The position of her fingers, not something humans can generally do. Anyone who doubts that, try and replicate the position of each of her fingers and see if you ring finger stands as straight as Patricia's. And Patricia is not even looking at guy infront of her and as for the expression on Patricia's face again it conveys nothing. Another basic error is that when someone puts a finger so close to your eyes you can't focus on it so you tend to flinch back. But here it is as if the guy has no intention of going back even if it means he can't see Patricia's finger or try act like a human and move a bit back.

I am no daz expert but I can see the basic things too. I don't know about what others think, but a render of Sophia on which she is riding the bull, her expression is indeed bland. That potrayed no emotions. Poses aren't that natural either.
All in all there are many other mistakes in your renders too which are basic. What he said about your renders isn't lie at all. If in just one render there are so many problems I can only imagine the others and this is from someone who knows not the technicalities, people with proper technical knowledge can definitely say much more. If L&P were to deliver renders with such errors it would be totally unacceptable to everyone here to even include them in the game.

And I will honestly say that anyone who got confused that it was an L&P render totally didn't even care to properly look or have no sense at all. The first and obvious difference that should tell anyone that it is not an original is Sophia's skin colour. If they can't even see that I don't know about them. The only thing that probably confused most is the patreon link leading to L&P's page. The YouTube channel..... They just want thumbnails for click baiting, yours did the job or that guy too was redundant enough to not see the basic differences from the previous teasers of the event.

Everytime you write something it is to show that L&P's daily work is way too easy and can be done 2 hrs max and he is just wasting time. And then you say that he only targets you.
You are trying to argue with someone who doesn't accept facts and truth. IMO, it's waste of time. And that's why I just ignored him and let him make a fool out of himself. Assumptions that are not true? Look careful. That's his middle name. :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2020
Imagine being this salty lmao
Since we're talking about output, let me remind you your translation output was 2.15 pages per day in the last update and your rendering was 5 per day. 6 months to do a morning of your Game.

Regarding my renders, I have absolutely no intention of ever making this a career, I'm not a fan of salary cuts nor I want to never be able to talk about what I do for a living.

Someone told me to try Daz and I did, 50 hours were enough to make my renders look better than your first X updates in your VN. That's how you should compare it. Don't compare it after you had 15000 hours of doing this. Again regarding my renders, pretty cool that you came out of your second account but still spouting the same bullshit but here's my answer dear Lazy&Passive

  • They are indeed looking at the action. The ones that aren't is the guy trying to get with Sophia's sister and Sophia's sister.
  • Expressions aren't bland or preseted and they were indeed made on the normal dials per face section (mouth open eyes closed etc etc you know the drill). Try to go out once in a while when you take a break from your 11h a day (yeah, right) job and you'll see cartoonish expressions only go in.. cartoons.
  • I did indeed use Photoshop on everything. Everything. And anyone not holding a grudge and writing with raging tears on his eyes can see that.
  • Used Dforce on the dress except on the last renders which werent even supposed to be posted but fuck it its fan art so what does it matter?
  • Hair looks shit because it's the shit hair you chose for this scene because apparently Sophia changes lenght of hair like you change excuses.
  • Wrong about the standard prop lighting. I'm sorry if I didn't go and use GodRays like Sophia has ascended from heaven in every fucking scene.
  • That's an amateur with 2 hours on his hands. It would have taken you 4 days to do 18 renders. I'm pretty sure I could use 42 hours more (basically doubling my Daz experience) and get them better than what they look like.
  • In the last few pages there is a professional with 15000 hours' renders with legs clipping a table and hair clipping a forehead lmao.
  • Again, all of it, including rendering 1440p, was done in 2 something hours. You can't even translate 5 sentences of your damn suposedly already written script in that time.

Also if you were as good at arguing as you are making excuses for your game delays you would have noticed that it has been stated that I have 50h of experience in Daz with no intentions of pursuing anything around this. You come here on top of your 15000 hours of DAZ, bash renders that look better than yours when you started doing this and way above those 50 hours but then say this:

Lmao. So you know experience makes a big difference in this and then come and compare 15000 hours of experience with 50h?

Here's a render of yours buddy, with 6 months of experience under your belt which assuming you were part-time doing this at the time goes to the ballpark of 700 hours. Bland render. Congrats.

Lastly, a woman riding a mechanical bull being boring or not it's all a matter of preference, it'll probably be boring to someone who prefers the MC to jack off 2 kids.

We're still waiting on the stream you said you would do.
We're still waiting on the better development cycles.
We're still waiting on the promise you made about hiring someone to help.
We're still waiting on faster development output based on the promises of
1. dedicating full time to this, which you clearly don't.
2. based on better hardware, faster scene creation/rendering times
3. less events per update
4. getting a team to work with you
We're still waiting for you not to take 1 day to translate 2 pages of MS Word (with help, can't even imagine without help how many you would have done).

So far the only thing we don't need to wait are excuses.

edit: Oh and regarding the cyclist analogy, I'll give you a hand buddy (but not like Sophia gave a hand to those 2 kids ;) ;)
An amateur picked up a bycicle. Went with it to do the tour and some Lance Armstrong fans confused that amateur with Lance .
That's what's up. I'm not sure if it's the amateur that should feel good or if it's Lance that should feel bad. Based on your rage, I assume it's Lance that would feel bad.
They started the war with an urgent need to prove that even with little experience you can render good pictures in a reasonable time. And your pictures didn't go bad! But like all artists you have to put up with being criticized for your technique and art. Now they have to eat the shit they got into.
And as far as your maximum demands on L&P are concerned, it makes no sense to go into it, as the statements of L&P correspond to the facts, and you push aside every argument from L&P and also from participants in this forum why it does not work that way after all, as irrelevant.
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Forum Fanatic
Feb 5, 2019
You guys realise that all that talk about the graphic is pointless,right?
After 5 more years,parts of the game will looks awfull.They already did btw.And after 10 years probably half of the game will looks below average or worst.
True but L&P has increased the quality.
We can discuss if there will be presets for a realistic indoor/outdoor image in the future.
Metahuman Creator/Unreal Engine is approaching a realistic skin but we don't know if they use a light system or not.

As far as animation goes, Badik is hard to beat, that's for sure.


Forum Fanatic
Feb 5, 2019
I haven't ever seen any of BaDik animations but I have seen of Fashion Business. They are pretty good too. Recently they also started adding animations which change camera angles at least 3-4 times, pretty long animations as well.
My guess is that with some money you can pay a programmer to create a script for animations. You set the path by selecting the edges and the script makes the movement slowly. At each step a render, and I think there is a possibility to automate this.


Game Developer
Oct 22, 2017
Or you could answer the questions directly here which would be easier. If you have time to engage with a troll you have time to engage with those of us who are honestly trying to ask you good questions.
Just write me an email if you wanna know something. I didn't follow that forum site for months and see now that it was for a good reason. And now I'm off from it for at least another 6 months.

Old Dog

Formerly 'Old Sea Dog'
Jul 20, 2017
I don't know if I'm wrong much, but it's possible that ViperDonkey gathers quality material for his own game or for a partner.
So, the interests are many, he has a pc equipped for that, so ... who knows?
Hey nexer was it you that did the wall paper for Alyssa's living room?
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Active Member
Feb 26, 2020
There was no demand at all in his post, just a simple quote from one of the goals on your very own patreon page. A goal that was never fulfilled, just like so many other promises and statements you've made in the past. None of this is a demand, it's just a matter of credibility which you always manage to ruin yourself with the way you act towards those who actually support you.

Reading your posts reminds me of a 15 year old kid raging over a lost game in Fortnite.
I reached limit for today with likes, so I can't give you one. But exactly this 100%
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