
Lightning Emperor
May 14, 2017
You did not understand what I wanted to say I will never defend a person like l & p I did not want to be aggressive in what I wrote but I meant that what you are looking for is to get as much money as possible until one day this game ends or not that will be secondary for hi
i did not understand because of your post,you were not aggressive but you were defensive in that you tried to justify why we are here with this worries we got that cleared up.i do hope this game gets completed and the supporters get what they want but for me its too little and way too long so im out. :) (y)


Conversation Conqueror
May 29, 2020
i did not understand because of your post,you were not aggressive but you were defensive in that you tried to justify why we are here with this worries we got that cleared up.i do hope this game gets completed and the supporters get what they want but for me its too little and way too long so im out. :) (y)
It's the language barrier I couldn't manage to explain myself better lol :ROFLMAO:
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2018
burns out from what,a hectic update schedule seriously.over 1500 patrons back this are seriously suggesting that a dev should plan a game release around his/her retirement plan or to include their healthcare plan at the expense of their patrons.your statment is poor and naive at best.if you want to defend L+P that is your right and i have no problem with that but i would suggest you stick to the known varibles of the dev/game because your post is only going to antagonise people who already have issues with it.
It doesn't matter what a person's schedule is or how many people back their project, a person can burn out for any number of reasons even just getting tired of doing the same project over a long period of time. Look at George R R Martin for example. He was on a roll cranking out his books in the beginning each spaced just a few years apart, but after getting involved in the TV series it's already been 10+ years since we've even heard of when his next book is due out and that's not even considering he has one more book due out after that. Be it a game or book series eventually even the most dedicated creator will get tired of working on the same project for that long of a time. I'm sure both Martin and L&P have thought of new ideas they'd like to work on during the years while continuing with their current projects. And the more those new projects pop up in their thoughts, the more their current project will weigh them down and turn from a joy to becoming a chore.


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2017
It's just unbelievable how you dodge everything that doesn't fit to your theory. But that's what trolls do, so nothing new here. I never said he has any kind of skill in team work. If you read some of my other posts, you'll see I believe he has 0 skill in teamwork, but what does it have to do with the fact he does work with somebody, and as little as may be, that saves him time.
And about insults, I don't support L&P with his stupid insults. They only show he has some serious issues, but be hones here - that's what you really wanted. All you're doing here is calling him names, talk *** about his work and between the lines moking his art. For me it was obvious, knowing how he reacted here in the past, that soon he wouldn't be able to keep himself. If you have even small amount of emotional intelligence you knew this also. That's not me defending him for his insults, just my opinion on the subject.

If I waste your time, feel free to use the ignore function.

And for the sidejob, I didn't gloss over it, but it's irrelevant to what I was discussing here. You can write about it here as long as you like, I guess nobody will defend him for this. He sure ain't perfect. If that's what you're saying, I guess everyone here feels the same.
It's not about being perfect or not, it's about constantly lying. And I'm not the one dodging anything. I quote and answer pretty much everything. Did the same with L&P until he ran away because he had 0 answers other than calling people names.

I hope you're not saying that it's my fault that everytime L&P comes here he shows what a messed up individual he is. I've written plenty of posts about this VN, pros&cons etc.
I, and others, have unmasked plenty of his lies.
Regarding his so called team, let me remind you he had the audacity to come here and lie (obviously) about not getting offers to help him out with translation when we specifically got a translator to contact him (and before you say anything, yes L&P did ask for help getting people in Patron). he just didn't know he knew before he came here spewing nonsense.

Damn, hopefully next time he goes to South Korea he gets his brain rearranged. Would probably do him wonders.
Failed Patreon goal promises. All of them.

How the guy can have a sidejob AND work 11h AND be in a college course is beyond everyone.
Oh wait, maybe he doesn't work the 11h he so much preaches.
THAT would explain a lot, wouldn't it? Yeah.

All the best


Knockout Master
May 11, 2017
Because they love L&P, so everyone who doesn't, is a hater. Quite simple.
Dumb people can only see white or black, never gray.

The fact remains that none of them is able to answer questions and push against facts and just resort to:
  1. sticking to 1 point that everyone has agreed on and waste everyones time (see nexer's posts)
  2. ignore all the remaining facts
  3. ignore every indication that this VN is getting less content every year and more time between updates
  4. promptly lick L&P's ass despite him not giving 2 fucks about anyone here
  5. ignoring the fact that L&P has completed all goals in terms of $ but didnt keep his word
  6. ignoring L&Ps lies who even on the same day writes confliting arguments

Just a normal day in the AWAM thread.
You are overthinking things. It's entirely possible to enjoy an artist's art and dislike the artist for some other reason at the same time but still support their art. These things are not mutually exclusive. The same is true of actors, athletes, and musicians.

Thousands of people paid big money to watch Mike Tyson fight after he was convicted of rape. Does that mean all of those people that bought a ticket are pro-rape? HELL NO! Absolutely not! They are pro boxing. They enjoy his boxing and disregard his personal life and criminal status.

Millions of people bought Micheal Jackson music after he was accused of touching little boys... Does that make them all pro pedo? No... They just love his music.

I love the movie Taxi Driver, and I think Robert DeNiro played the part perfectly. Does that mean that I agree with his personal politics? No... No, it doesn't I don't even like the guy personally.

I'm not saying L&P is guilty of any of that shit, but it doesn't matter if he is because that doesn't change his art.

A lot of people think your rants are just annoying dude. What are you trying to accomplish with them? Are you like trying to get him to lose support, or get shutdown, or lose his cool, or delay launches or whatever?

Nobody wants these outcomes that are trying to push for dude. A lot of people enjoy his game, and don't want all that drama, and think it would be nice if L&P could come in here without people like you causing him to lose his cool then poof from the forums for another 6 months.

Also, you don't know what he has done or hasn't done in terms of his goals. For example his claims he is quit his other job. How do you know he hasn't? He very well could have. Has he been showing you his tax return and pay stubs? You are keeping tabs on that for him letting us know?


New Member
Dec 7, 2020
You are overthinking things. It's entirely possible to enjoy an artist's art and dislike the artist for some other reason at the same time but still support their art. These things are not mutually exclusive. The same is true of actors, athletes, and musicians.

Thousands of people paid big money to watch Mike Tyson fight after he was convicted of rape. Does that mean all of those people that bought a ticket are pro-rape? HELL NO! Absolutely not! They are pro boxing. They enjoy his boxing and disregard his personal life and criminal status.

Millions of people bought Micheal Jackson music after he was accused of touching little boys... Does that make them all pro pedo? No... They just love his music.

I love the movie Taxi Driver, and I think Robert DeNiro played the part perfectly. Does that mean that I agree with his personal politics? No... No, it doesn't I don't even like the guy personally.

I'm not saying L&P is guilty of any of that shit, but it doesn't matter if he is because that doesn't change his art.

A lot of people think your rants are just annoying dude. What are you trying to accomplish with them? Are you like trying to get him to lose support, or get shutdown, or lose his cool, or delay launches or whatever?

Nobody wants these outcomes that are trying to push for dude. A lot of people enjoy his game, and don't want all that drama, and think it would be nice if L&P could come in here without people like you causing him to lose his cool then poof from the forums for another 6 months.

Also, you don't know what he has done or hasn't done in terms of his goals. For example his claims he is quit his other job. How do you know he hasn't? He very well could have. Has he been showing you his tax return and pay stubs? You are keeping tabs on that for him letting us know?
I will try to answer from my point of view, I am not calling anyone to anything, but I think many people share this point of view, I was a patron and gave my money with a certain purpose - to help in the development of the game, speed up its release and, finally, get a full game, but I stopped being a patron when I realized that the increase in money in this case, did not change anything in the development of the game. If the professionals paid for the viewing - the fight took place, the people who paid for the film - watched the film, in this case. Supporting your opinion, I think that people should pay for art and not just give money to the creator, I had the impression that I do not acquire anything paying a person money ...
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Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2021
Also, you don't know what he has done or hasn't done in terms of his goals. For example his claims he is quit his other job. How do you know he hasn't? He very well could have. Has he been showing you his tax return and pay stubs? You are keeping tabs on that for him letting us know?
Didn't he talk about his sidejob in his recent rant a couple pages back? That it's so hard to manage both his job and the development of the game? Which would directly be in conflict with one of the Patreon goals he achieved probably a year or more ago? A Patreon goal that leads people to believe in more time spend towards the development of the game (as that's literally what the goal says), which in return would reduce the time between releases. I'm way too lazy to go back and check, but maybe I'm wrong.

Anyway, if that's the case, I'd call it a pretty scummy way to lure people into paying him, making 'em think that doing so will help with the development speed. I do remember that pretty much the same thing happened when he reached his final goal, though. The one about his college courses and going full-time developer mode. Then again, it's been so long since I stopped supporting his Patreon page that alot of it is starting to become blurry, and I honestly don't really care much about that anymore.

I'm just a dirty little pirate waiting for a free update at this point.


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2020
Didn't he talk about his sidejob in his recent rant a couple pages back? That it's so hard to manage both his job and the development of the game? Which would directly be in conflict with one of the Patreon goals he achieved probably a year or more ago? A Patreon goal that leads people to believe in more time spend towards the development of the game (as that's literally what the goal says), which in return would reduce the time between releases. I'm way too lazy to go back and check, but maybe I'm wrong.

Anyway, if that's the case, I'd call it a pretty scummy way to lure people into paying him, making 'em think that doing so will help with the development speed. I do remember that pretty much the same thing happened when he reached his final goal, though. The one about his college courses and going full-time developer mode. Then again, it's been so long since I stopped supporting his Patreon page that alot of it is starting to become blurry, and I honestly don't really care much about that anymore.

I'm just a dirty little pirate waiting for a free update at this point.
I guess you only read what Viper wrote after those screenshots, anyone with decent English could understand that L&P's statement meant that it is not possible to deliver as many renders at his quality so much dialogue while having a side job. It is not possible for him, which implies that he has quit the side job.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2021
I guess you only read what Viper wrote after those screenshots, anyone with decent English could understand that L&P's statement meant that it is not possible to deliver as many renders at his quality so much dialogue while having a side job. It is not possible for him, which implies that he has quit the side job.
Aight, so I was curious enough to scroll through a bunch of pages to find L&P's post regarding the sidejob. Interesingly enough, said post is now deleted and can only be found in form of a quote from this post, and a screenshot Viper's made later on:

(click on the post to see the quote I'm talking about)
You say, dah...:FacePalm:
I'm not sure why this post was being deleted, and I don't see a reason for a moderator to do so. Could very well mean that L&P himself did it after noticing a little oopsie. And from what I read there, it doesn't sound all that obvious to me that L&P quit his sidejob because he couldn't manage it all. Ofcourse you could argue that that's what he was implying, but to me it sounds more like; "YOU wouldn't be able to do all of this while having a sidejob like I do!", basically bragging in the same way he does in his other recent posts shitting on other creators and acting like god himself. Nothing he said there actually states that he had to quit his job, and nobody else mentioned the sidejob either before he did. Being able to speak decent English certainly doesn't make that statement any clearer. It can be laid out in both ways. Now, obviously supporters gonna say it implies what you think it implies, and the doubters will probably say the opposite, so it's gonna remain a mystery I guess. :p


Engaged Member
Jan 30, 2021
You are overthinking things. It's entirely possible to enjoy an artist's art and dislike the artist for some other reason at the same time but still support their art. These things are not mutually exclusive. The same is true of actors, athletes, and musicians.

Thousands of people paid big money to watch Mike Tyson fight after he was convicted of rape. Does that mean all of those people that bought a ticket are pro-rape? HELL NO! Absolutely not! They are pro boxing. They enjoy his boxing and disregard his personal life and criminal status.

Millions of people bought Micheal Jackson music after he was accused of touching little boys... Does that make them all pro pedo? No... They just love his music.

I love the movie Taxi Driver, and I think Robert DeNiro played the part perfectly. Does that mean that I agree with his personal politics? No... No, it doesn't I don't even like the guy personally.

I'm not saying L&P is guilty of any of that shit, but it doesn't matter if he is because that doesn't change his art.

A lot of people think your rants are just annoying dude. What are you trying to accomplish with them? Are you like trying to get him to lose support, or get shutdown, or lose his cool, or delay launches or whatever?

Nobody wants these outcomes that are trying to push for dude. A lot of people enjoy his game, and don't want all that drama, and think it would be nice if L&P could come in here without people like you causing him to lose his cool then poof from the forums for another 6 months.

Also, you don't know what he has done or hasn't done in terms of his goals. For example his claims he is quit his other job. How do you know he hasn't? He very well could have. Has he been showing you his tax return and pay stubs? You are keeping tabs on that for him letting us know?
Unfortunately, this clear and well considered response, to a Viper rant, has very little chance at success. I appreciate your attempt. The Ignore function is the only sure way to solve the issue of Viper. He has taken it upon himself a quest, that none can guess the actual purpose.

Why L&P then decides to dive into a diatribe, of his own vitriol, with Viper is also an unknowable idea. So many interested posters here and he places them on ignore.

Thank you for the attempt, however.


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2020
Aight, so I was curious enough to scroll through a bunch of pages to find L&P's post regarding the sidejob. Interesingly enough, said post is now deleted and can only be found in form of a quote from this post, and a screenshot Viper's made later on:

(click on the post to see the quote I'm talking about)

I'm not sure why this post was being deleted, and I don't see a reason for a moderator to do so. Could very well mean that L&P himself did it after noticing a little oopsie. And from what I read there, it doesn't sound all that obvious to me that L&P quit his sidejob because he couldn't manage it all. Ofcourse you could argue that that's what he was implying, but to me it sounds more like; "YOU wouldn't be able to do all of this while having a sidejob like I do!", basically bragging in the same way he does in his other recent posts shitting on other creators and acting like god himself. Nothing he said there actually states that he had to quit his job, and nobody else mentioned the sidejob either before he did. Being able to speak decent English certainly doesn't make that statement any clearer. It can be laid out in both ways. Now, obviously supporters gonna say it implies what you think it implies, and the doubters will probably say the opposite, so it's gonna remain a mystery I guess. :p
The first person to mention the sidejob was viper as far as I remember, when he kept taunting with non fulfillment of goals. That's why L&P addressed it.


He says try doing quality scenes like his with that much dialogue and then look how much time is still left and if you could still do a side job. The only interpretation is that he can't do a side job now because of the amount of work.

Wouldn't it be redundant and absolutely stupid for him to brag that he is still doing a side job even though its on his goal to quit it even when no asked him about it. He or any person would only mention it if they are talking about not doing that job anymore.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2021
The first person to mention the sidejob was viper as far as I remember, when he kept taunting with non fulfillment of goals. That's why L&P addressed it.

View attachment 1450630

He says try doing quality scenes like his with that much dialogue and then look if how much time is still left and if you could still do a side job. The only interpretation is that he can't do a side job now because of the amount of work.

Wouldn't it be redundant and absolutely stupid for him to say that he is still doing a side job even though its on his goal to quit it even when no asked him about it. He or any person would only mention it if they are talking about not doing that job anymore.
One thing that speaks for your interpretation is the fact that L&P makes thousands of dollars every month with his game, and a lousy sidejob would pretty much be a waste of time. Time that could be spend on the game's development and even more income.
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