Old Dog

Formerly 'Old Sea Dog'
Jul 20, 2017
Funny you should say that because here is another screenshot of the principal office.

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If that teacher stop the fight as Dylan said, that teacher was obligated to send the students involved to the principal office as an assault took place. This means the principal should have known about it in regards to the altercation or that teacher should have reported it. And since Sophia is a teacher there, you think the other teacher would have told her about it. When they were in the principal's office, Sophia and Principal Johnson were surprised to hear what was happening.

And KillJoys is right, after Sophia flashed her panties to the class, that should have spread like wildfire as a rumor. Plus the other students should have overheard what they were saying when Sophia and Aiden were talking about the task. That classroom is small.

So once again, The story is not making any sense at all. Because it was written for "The Twist" that was removed. So it brings me back to my original point about plotholes.

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Another thing that annoyed me is when mrs.Torres told Sophia that her best route to chnage Dylan's history grade is going through the school board but Sophia is still unsure whether she should take that course of action,crazy.

Old Dog

Formerly 'Old Sea Dog'
Jul 20, 2017
Sophia tries to look like a faithful wife in Cathy's eyes. A nun.
After the way she dressed at the concert without anyone forcing her, it's too much of a change.
I did ask L&P about this and he said that Sophia cannot dress sexy/stylish everyday,even though her hubby almost owns a fashion company.
I do agree though that Sophia looked dull/drab compared to the other ladies
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Sep 15, 2017
I'm fairly sure L&P significantly underestimates how many of us enjoy his game, but are just waiting for him to pull his finger out and not worry so much about CS.

If he could get progress to a decent level, say CS, RS, P&T for a single event, at 2 - 3 weeks, 4 weeks tops, I'd be far more likely to be a patron. I'm still waiting for a 2 - 3 month update cycle, which would be the initial criteria for patronising, based on what he said initially when moving to 1/3 day updates.

My worry is that with event updates, people are going to forget his progress is slowing, to unreasonable levels, if they haven't already
By deciding to deliver on the basis of the single scene, the dev proves that he is not at all trying to shorten the overall time that his game will last (between 20 and 25 years). Rather, he seeks to lure his supporters with updates closer to each other in order to keep them occupied.
But the big picture will be that the medium sized scenes that we have seen so far will be stretched to the maximum to constitute an update. And if he will start with an update every 3/5 weeks, as usual, he will put forward all kinds of pretexts to bring them down to 8 weeks and maybe more. And he thinks people are not going to complain because they will feel like they are playing AWAM every 2 months compared to 5/6 months in the past.
We will talk about this in a year, but be sure that the playable day will go from 1 year to over 18 months without the dev worrying.
We all remember the first promises of 1 playable day per month. And then he adopted the trick of the 1/3 of playable day per update system to speed up the pace and we all saw that it only slowed it down even more.


Jun 20, 2017
Thought I haven't downloaded since v0.06, from the various discussion and comments it's evident that this story is now too complicated with too many charectars and loose ends that it's almost impossible to finish without leaving plot hole behind.

Don't know about "the script" the L&P have which he was boosted from earlier, apperance of new charectar, "twist after twist" etc reminds me of school days when we have to make long stories so we branches it out with "but there's another twist.. but he don't know about his brother xxx" kind of segments.

This story should be more straightforward, a thug, gangster, Bully etc doesn't need to follow tease or slow corruption path to get to her panties...my 2 cents.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2021
Want to bet my friend. The CS and RS will 100% be completed BEFORE the end of this month.

He has a personal life, an adult man has stuff to take care of. There can be personal reasons for interruptions. I don't hold it against him for that and surely believe he will be able to do it before month end
now the autumn holidays are coming in germany because he will take a break and vacation with the children.


Engaged Member
Apr 23, 2017
There are numerous possibilities to this. I too have been in fights at school. But never was sent to the principal. The teacher handled the matter. He would give a diary note or worse case ask to bring parents next time. But of course he forgot and I never told anything in my house. :p:p .
The level of the fighting could be measure if it were one on one, maybe. But in the case Seven vs. Two, That would end up in a principal office or someone knowing about it other than the teacher that broke it up.

The class thing, that was an accidental flash atleast for the students and who said that people wouldn't talk about it. Nowhere it is mentioned that the students kept quiet about it. So it is also a reasonable assumption they did talk about it themselves. Since it was not intentional it was never a big deal and didn't get reported anywhere and this discussion stays among students. They talk about with each other. Laugh about it maybe even recall the incident at a particular time of their day to help them out. But since that aspect is not necessary for the story at the moment, we aren't getting any focus on it. Already he is not able to meet the deadlines he set for himself, plus people complain he does unnecessary renders, on top of that if he spends renders, showing students talking about Sophia after class, with no intention of using it in the story for now, it is a waste. Just because we aren't shown every single thing doesn't mean we can only make one assumption - that it didn't happen. He can't show you what each of those students did after class.
No, he can't show everything, but he can do it through narration. This brings me to my next point.

As for talking, whispering is also a thing. You have to realise that ofcourse they are whispering not talking. Some people whisper so silently that even if I am a feet away from them I hear nothing. Funny incident - I actually once thought I has bad hearing because I never could hear this girl sitting beside me whispering to her friend in front. The benches were adjacent to each other and yet. So one day I had my friend sit in my place and tell me if he could actually get what they say. And my man came back saying, that there's no way one can gear thise two.
Whispering is a thing, but it is up to the author to tell you when the conversation becomes a whisper through narration. So here's the scene for the first task.

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At no point did L&P mention that this conversation was a whisper, which he should have done in the narration text in the first photo. He could have added, "and beings to whisper to Aiden." Also, you noticed that Sophia is standing roughly three feet from Aiden, if I had to guess. That is no longer a whisper range; someone is going to hear you. And you can see in the text of that conversation, Sophia and Aiden were ending each sentence with an exclamation point which the conversation was getting heated. This usually means your voice is starting to elevate to a higher tone. On top of that, look who she is standing next to in that photo: Aiden's Girlfriend, Jennifer. Also, if you're following the story, the only two people that seem to know about the task are Aiden and Andre.

If she was going to whisper to Aiden, she should have been much closer than that to prevent anyone from hearing.

If you want to change the narrative of that part to fit what you believe to be a whisper, you can do so, but keep in mind that you are changing the story to fit your needs for that scene or any other scene.

Old Dog

Formerly 'Old Sea Dog'
Jul 20, 2017
The level of the fighting could be measure if it were one on one, maybe. But in the case Seven vs. Two, That would end up in a principal office or someone knowing about it other than the teacher that broke it up.

No, he can't show everything, but he can do it through narration. This brings me to my next point.

Whispering is a thing, but it is up to the author to tell you when the conversation becomes a whisper through narration. So here's the scene for the first task.

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At no point did L&P mention that this conversation was a whisper, which he should have done in the narration text in the first photo. He could have added, "and beings to whisper to Aiden." Also, you noticed that Sophia is standing roughly three feet from Aiden, if I had to guess. That is no longer a whisper range; someone is going to hear you. And you can see in the text of that conversation, Sophia and Aiden were ending each sentence with an exclamation point which the conversation was getting heated. This usually means your voice is starting to elevate to a higher tone. On top of that, look who she is standing next to in that photo: Aiden's Girlfriend, Jennifer. Also, if you're following the story, the only two people that seem to know about the task are Aiden and Andre.

If she was going to whisper to Aiden, she should have been much closer than that to prevent anyone from hearing.

If you want to change the narrative of that part to fit what you believe to be a whisper, you can do so, but keep in mind that you are changing the story to fit your needs for that scene or any other scene.
You know I have never noticed the tv screen in the top left corner before :ROFLMAO:
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Well-Known Member
May 6, 2017
If the announcement was made later, it doesn't matter. He has his story laid out. We don't know that the twist will happen, he knows. He is not writing the story on a whim.
Yes, at that point L&P didn't know yet that he should/will delete the twist. So it's all still based on Dylan ordering Aiden to do some things with his mom.
I had a long discussion with L&P about the twist at the time. Yes, I was one of those guys, who didn't like the twist at all and was glad he deleted it. And I think I remember him explicitly pointing out that sentence to me. ... "why do you think Dylan whispered this to his mother?"
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Active Member
Jan 18, 2021
sure, those who follow a certain path may not see any new content even if they download the update; simply because the passed variables are not active
yes. another little drawback of the per-event release is that according to the path you are playing you might have 0 playtime.

But what I was getting at is more from a technical point of view. And I know that it seems a minor issue especially if compared to all the others. But having a computer science background myself, I know that it can turn into a bigger issue if you are not careful.

I'll give you an example with the upcoming Nathalie's event that I discussed here some time ago.
There are 3 different starting points for Nathalie event:
  1. Nathalie is waiting at the door after Dylan/Sophia run in the park (no matter what happened there, the hobos, the stretching etc etc). The only thing that changes is that if you get all Dylan's points (+4), he was suggesting a massage and the sight of Nathalie changes the plan and he says he will be at Sam's. But I guess he will be out the house in any case.

  2. Dylan and Sophia watch TV instead of going running, Nat rings the door while they are lying on the sofa

  3. Nathalie texts Sophia to get in.


    This same scene happens in different routes:
    1. Refuse Aiden's 3rd task, she will go see Patricia and Carl, talk to Dylan about boarding school, no running, she will be reading a book in the garden when Nathalie texts
    2. Do the 3rd task but hook up Dylan with Emma (Emma/Dylan path), she will be reading a book in the garden when Nathalie texts
    3. Dylan is already in the boarding school, after the dress event she will be reading a book in the garden when Nathalie texts
    4. If you called off the deal in the 2nd task there is again the (same old) scene where she drives the guys to the boarding school and once back home she will be reading a book in the garden when Nathalie texts

For each one of the above "mini route" (in total 11 different blocks of code) he has a simple jump to a `day19_To_Be_Continued` label that then show the "to be continued" screen.
Now the actual event is not affected by any of this routes but each of the 3 starting point requires few renders of transition into the common scene with the actual event. And, for example, you can note that Sophia is dressed different in 1 than 2 and 3. So she has to shower and change into that dress, for example.

So in the code, when he starts the event with Nathalie, he has to go back to each one and jump to the proper transition scene. Not a big deal, but after 3-4 months I can assure you that you forgot how the code looks like, so you have to spend some time to figure out what you did (unless he does a little bit of coding even during the CS).

What I'm saying is that from a merely technical point of view is easier to deal with this branching and multiple paths in one shot rather than suspend for the release of the single event and restart again later on for the next.

Again, it depends on the situations/events and it is not the biggest issue, but you can see how it could quickly lead to bugs.

Sorry if it is a boring and uninteresting discussion, it's just my programming OCD that kicked in ;)

Old Dog

Formerly 'Old Sea Dog'
Jul 20, 2017
yes. another little drawback of the per-event release is that according to the path you are playing you might have 0 playtime.

But what I was getting at is more from a technical point of view. And I know that it seems a minor issue especially if compared to all the others. But having a computer science background myself, I know that it can turn into a bigger issue if you are not careful.

I'll give you an example with the upcoming Nathalie's event that I discussed here some time ago.
There are 3 different starting points for Nathalie event:
  1. Nathalie is waiting at the door after Dylan/Sophia run in the park (no matter what happened there, the hobos, the stretching etc etc). The only thing that changes is that if you get all Dylan's points (+4), he was suggesting a massage and the sight of Nathalie changes the plan and he says he will be at Sam's. But I guess he will be out the house in any case.

  2. Dylan and Sophia watch TV instead of going running, Nat rings the door while they are lying on the sofa

  3. Nathalie texts Sophia to get in.


    This same scene happens in different routes:
    1. Refuse Aiden's 3rd task, she will go see Patricia and Carl, talk to Dylan about boarding school, no running, she will be reading a book in the garden when Nathalie texts
    2. Do the 3rd task but hook up Dylan with Emma (Emma/Dylan path), she will be reading a book in the garden when Nathalie texts
    3. Dylan is already in the boarding school, after the dress event she will be reading a book in the garden when Nathalie texts
    4. If you called off the deal in the 2nd task there is again the (same old) scene where she drives the guys to the boarding school and once back home she will be reading a book in the garden when Nathalie texts

For each one of the above "mini route" (in total 11 different blocks of code) he has a simple jump to a `day19_To_Be_Continued` label that then show the "to be continued" screen.
Now the actual event is not affected by any of this routes but each of the 3 starting point requires few renders of transition into the common scene with the actual event. And, for example, you can note that Sophia is dressed different in 1 than 2 and 3. So she has to shower and change into that dress, for example.

So in the code, when he starts the event with Nathalie, he has to go back to each one and jump to the proper transition scene. Not a big deal, but after 3-4 months I can assure you that you forgot how the code looks like, so you have to spend some time to figure out what you did (unless he does a little bit of coding even during the CS).

What I'm saying is that from a merely technical point of view is easier to deal with this branching and multiple paths in one shot rather than suspend for the release of the single event and restart again later on for the next.

Again, it depends on the situations/events and it is not the biggest issue, but you can see how it could quickly lead to bugs.

Sorry if it is a boring and uninteresting discussion, it's just my programming OCD that kicked in ;)
Of course I never missed my precious event but I am happy that the 3rd task is the last one that you are forced to do and if you do turn Aiden down from now on it does affect Alyssa at all,happy days
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Forum Fanatic
Feb 5, 2019
IMO, it's highly unlikely that a 16-17 year old already has a fetish. My guess is that you get there by experimenting, the predisposed shorten the journey but they need a few experiences too.

There can be such cases with fetishes at 16-17 if they started their sex life much earlier.

L&P had to load "someone" and Dylan was chosen. A bit of a no-choice because Sophia's evolution is tightly linked to Liam's disinterest. A man with little interest in sex or "lost" interest is difficult to tie to a fetish.
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