Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2017
Having story written, and actualy writing the scenes in game are 2 diffrent things.

Imagine if L&P would be making Renpy "the Lord of the Rings" adaptation...
You think he would simply paste in the text from the book into the VN ?? Of course not.

VN need a compleatly diffrent aproach to adequatly portray a scene pre-planned in written form. A lot of times, you realise that something that is described by a single simple line in the written form, and works perfectly, is very elussive and impossible to convey believably in visualised medium.

Adjusting the process of developing a game to allready pre-written story is often way more time-consuming, than making a story as you go, just for the purpose of your game. And most of devs do just that - they have very basic storyline outlined (and those usualy suck), or they do even worse - they build a story arround pre-planned order of sexual scenes, where the poor-excuse of a "story" just carries player along the rails of their unimaginative gameplay progression.

(example: Handjob with Character A, Handjob with Character B .... Blowjob with Character A, Blowjob with Character B ...)
Like Incestor games ... (some of his older games were bit better).

Anyway - having a full story written down, does not save you any time, in fact it might even make it worse, trying to make everythign work in other medium.
Trust me - I know, I tried it myslef. Writing a story is the easy part.

But it is still great that L&P did that, it makes his work stand out allready, and it will help maintain the cohesion of the game in the future. Frankly - I greatly admire everything he does, with the exception of how long it takes to make it. He made the too many variables, and too many characters - but it is easy mistake of over ambition.

Now god please ... may the final 150 version release in 2 weeks tops ...
Don't interpret this as a dig on your post, because it's not:
Thank you for taking the time to explain to everyone that thinks that the story is written as in "the dialogue is written" that it is actually not the case.

As far as what I think, I don't even think the dev as a full story written other than MC gets fucked by X, Y, Z. Gets groped by A,B,C.


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2017
I really wouldn't know, and neither would you or anyone else.
I've worked as a field-translator for a big military project between a security company from my country to a foreign army (yeah, I've led an interesting life...), and I can tell you that differences between languages are much bigger than mere syntax and vocabulary.
Not only that you can't replace word for word or even sentence for sentence to deliver an idea, but you also have to understand the spirit of both languages and the nuances of their different spoken forms. And I really hope you don't have to translate slang!
If you want to know exactly what I mean, just ask uncle Google Translate ;)

Also, the fact that the game is written, doesn't necessarily mean that all the text is laid down in all it's different parts and final form. And so you have to wait until you actually develop the game itself, before sending it to professional translation.
"Story" and "Script" are usually not interchangeable when you're dealing in cinema, games or even books - though in these cases, of course, the technical terms will differ.

But let me stress this: I have no idea if this is the situation with this game and this dev.
He is the only one who actually knows what takes him time, and what doesn't.
I'm just giving my two cents here, because you raised some legitimate questions, which I think others have here, too, and I tried to answer you to the best of my abilities.
Another great post regarding this. Cool having devs and people with experience around here to explain how things work.

Regarding translation: the way L&P works with a translator is by sending him some sentence out of the middle of a lot of sentences, without any context whatsoever for the translator to work with.

Doesn't sound like good translation work.
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Reactions: palmtrees89


Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
So far:
Coach DLC
Homeless DLC

Coming soon:
Halloween Party DLC
Christmas DLC
Maskerade ball DLC
The Vegas Swingers DLC
Walking on the subway DLC
Touching the fabric DLC
I thought "Touching the fabric" was already covered, and if not, is basically going to be different variations during PD13.
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Reactions: Old Dog

Old Dog

Message Maven
Jul 20, 2017
You forgot to define what was important or not, to take on some users to punish everyone, to say that you will do whatever you want anyway and to make yourself a poor victim.

Honestly, KillJoys, you disappoint me. :p
Please forgive ne Apollodore I will try to do better

Talcum Powder

Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2018
is moving!!! see only 5% ok.he is working in the Sophie/Sam event.
Is moving in the wrong direction!!!!
Pct CompleteFactorPct of Update
Created Scenes100%55%55.00%
Rendered Scenes100%25%25.00%
Art edited with PS65%5%3.25%
Programming & Translation0%15%0.00%
Total Pct of Update Completed83.25%
Start Date7/5/2021
Days of Production112
Estimated Completion Date11/16/2021



Active Member
May 29, 2017
Don't interpret this as a dig on your post, because it's not:
Thank you for taking the time to explain to everyone that thinks that the story is written as in "the dialogue is written" that it is actually not the case.

As far as what I think, I don't even think the dev as a full story written other than MC gets fucked by X, Y, Z. Gets groped by A,B,C.
No worries, I am cool.
And you are free to think that all he has is a single sheet of notes with who fuck who ;-

I think it is much more than that, and the "meat" of the story is all laid out allready.
This doesn't mean he has everything ironed out in all the small details. It never works this way. He certainly doesnt have entire dialogues pre-written. It would have been stupid. When you woring on something, small details are always shifting. Some things you didn't consider at first come out after looking at it back after a lot of time.

I do believe the story is pre-written all right, but by the time the game is finished (10-15years ;-) ), it will probably change drasticaly from what it was at the start, some parts re-written, some deleted, others much expanded upon.

This is norm of every creative process.

Try to be positive about it.
At least he is not going back to the days he allready finished re-writing them, and making "A Wife and A Mother Reloaded".
A lot of Authors get caught in the loop of always trying to improve of what they allready done, and it can turn ugly.

At least it is moving forth ;-


Engaged Member
Apr 23, 2017
Is moving in the wrong direction!!!!
Pct CompleteFactorPct of Update
Created Scenes100%55%55.00%
Rendered Scenes100%25%25.00%
Art edited with PS65%5%3.25%
Programming & Translation0%15%0.00%
Total Pct of Update Completed83.25%
Start Date7/5/2021
Days of Production112
Estimated Completion Date11/16/2021

View attachment 1469120
So I had to look up the PS and P&T for V1.30 dates. And this is what I found for people who are curious.

v1.30 - 997 Renders

PS - 5.11.21 - 5.21.21 > 11 Days = 100%
P&T - 5.21.21 - 6.12.21 > 23 Days = 100%

34 days combine

V1.50 - Projection Count 800-900, 833 before Cathy/Andy event.

PS - In Progress > 9 Days = 65%

Old Dog

Message Maven
Jul 20, 2017
So I had to look up the PS and P&T for V1.30 dates. And this is what I found for people who are curious.

v1.30 - 997 Renders

PS - 5.11.21 - 5.21.21 > 11 Days = 100%
P&T - 5.21.21 - 6.12.21 > 23 Days = 100%

34 days combine

V1.50 - Projection Count 800-900, 833 before Cathy/Andy event.

PS - In Progress > 9 Days = 65%
Have you changed your sig?
3.20 star(s) 461 Votes