
Engaged Member
Jan 30, 2021
I don't think it's fair, or accurate, in any way to accuse any regular member of this thread as "impatient". No one is demanding Sophia have sex in the next update, or even in the next Playable Day. As an extension, no one is asking for sex in the next year, even if updates were released quicker. Everyone here knows the deal, we know this is a slow burn and that it's geared more towards eroticism than pornography. Every single thread-regular knows this. Many of the regulars have played this game for years and some supported L&P on Patreon.

The point is, it is dismissive and reductive to brush aside criticism by accusing critics of being impatient. I don't think anyone who waits months for an update can fairly be accused of impatience.

Speaking for myself, I'm fine with the delay itself, my problem is purely in the communication. I've always figured we'd get the next update in late January. The holidays are crazy, and I don't have a problem with any dev taking time off to spend with family. If he had said that I wouldn't have commented at all.

But he didn't. He went off on a vague discussion about new hardware.

The fundamental question is this: do you think his announcement was satisfactory? If you think it was then there's really nothing for us to discuss because I can't fathom how anyone could find it anything but extremely unsatisfactory. I look at the devs I support on Patreon, and none communicate like L&P.

If you don't see his approach to communications as fundamentally poor, and if you aren't troubled by the patterns we're seeing, then we may as well just ignore one another. We're just too far apart on this issue and I don't think any amount of direct discussion will slide that gap. I hope we aren't that far apart.

You used the word "patience" to dismiss criticism, but I think the word you really should have used was "faith". You are clearly dedicated to this game and to L&P's vision of it. I suspect that you assume he's acting in good faith in every matter, so when her says he has something big planned you trust him. I don't share that faith.
What she said!


Dec 3, 2019
They go to a restaurant and order food, they don't like it and think it was really bad, they create a ruckus, make their complaint be known and then leave only to come back next day insult the restaurant again then shamelessly order food there itself, eat it, get the same taste, complain about it and the cycle goes on for them.
Just wanna point out that people keep coming back because they do like the food. What they complain about is the services around it and despite the restaurant promising it will improve, it hasn't. And there's genuine worry that eventually they might not be able to enjoy their favorite food any longer in the future. That's closer to how I would describe this whole mess but IMO this is not a very good analogy to start with.


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2020
Just wanna point out that people keep coming back because they do like the food. What they complain about is the services around it and despite the restaurant promising it will improve, it hasn't. And there's genuine worry that eventually they might not be able to enjoy their favorite food any longer in the future. That's closer to how I would describe this whole mess but IMO this is not a very good analogy to start with.
You have 1000's of restaurants to choose from. Infact the others provide the "gourmet" that most complain about not being here. This isn't the only restaurant available you see. There are some real big players out there. Also when the service is not good and the manager rude to you, would you still want to sit there and eat. Secondly continuing this further the manager has stopped listening to anyone's complaints or suggestions here because 90% percent of them are just driven by hatred and not to provide anything constructive to the topic.

Let alone all of this. I have clearly mentioned, people who genuinely worry and know how to express a grievance are also here. And I have no issues with them There are issues, they should also be discussed but not with a tone and words that is disrespectful to the very person making this game. But the people this message is aimed at are the trolls, the ones who only come in here to slander, who only want to mock at every opportunity they get. Spread false information, create animosity. Who keep saying the same thing again and again like a record on loop even though they are aware that nothing will change because of it since they have already driven away the person who could implement those suggestions.

You can tell by the messages themselves who actually worries about the game and who is here just to pass negative statements. Not just the development pace or the developer but everything from the content, the renders, everything has been made a mockery of. All this thread can successfully do with these messages is get L&P to stop working on this game all together if he follows what is written here. This kind of toxicity is mentally unhealthy for any person creating something.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2020
Your (and not only yours) crusade of trying to shut people up here is starting to be pathetic.
Stop trying to police the thread in your favour. If you don't accept other opinions, then go somewhere else, last time I checked people can say whatever they want in here, within the rules.
This is sick nonsense, lies and your invention!
My crusade only exists in your head. Unlike you, I do not send anyone anywhere and do not try to shut up anyone's mouth, as you do without a twinge of conscience.

In any case, I wish everyone to enjoy the cuisine. It just seems to me that if visitors do not bring negativity into the institution, then it will be much more pleasant and comfortable for them to be here.
Here is my direct phrase: - In any case, I wish everyone to enjoy the kitchen.

Do you understand? Everyone! To everyone - this means both to those who meekly expect the results of L&P's work and to those, since you are constantly accusing L&P of deliberate time-wasting, deception and other nonsense.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2020
I do not know why you think I don't understand. Of course I understand, your analogy is not bad but it is off. You are presenting it as if the restauranteur is troubled by this or the complaints book is a problem for him. If the restauranteur wants the complaints to stop then they should address the complaints through improved service. If the restauranteur does not intend to address the complaints then the restauranteur should not be concerned with them at all.

The analogy is off, in that the complaint book is not inside the restaurant and complaints are not being solicited by the restauranteur, it's outside the restaurant on a public online forum.

If the restauranteur is within their rights to ignore the external complaints book, which they are, and they are ignoring the external complaints book, and this one definitely is, surely someone who is perusing the public forum refuting the complaints and defending the restauranteur who has demonstrated, for years now, that they have no intention of addressing the complaint book, is serving a function with as much utility as un-funny comic releif.
You see, my friend, I only said what I said, nothing more!
There are wonderful words, do not look for a black cat in a dark room when it is not there!

You have attributed to me your messages, which I allegedly meant from messages alien to me, and you give me, quite naturally, the wrong assessment!

Returning to the allegory mentioned above, I will try to clarify.
I'm talking about the fact that the restaurateur is busy, he has a lot to do and a grateful audience. It is quite understandable and acceptable at the same time that he is somewhat worried about constant complaints and he plans to take actions to reduce the number of complaints. But not to the detriment of the work he does. After all, in order to satisfy complaints, he needs additional staff.
So my opinion is that regardless of whether we are satisfied with the work of L&P or not, we, as normal adults, should understand that a restaurateur may be concerned about the qualifications of new personnel and the safety of the secrets of his recipe! For example, his wrong choice of personnel to work for him may not lead to a decrease in the number of complaints, but to a complete catastrophe for his business and for him personally!

I am extremely surprised by the fact that many do not understand this and do not want to understand it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2017
You see, my friend, I only said what I said, nothing more!
There are wonderful words, do not look for a black cat in a dark room when it is not there!

You have attributed to me your messages, which I allegedly meant from messages alien to me, and you give me, quite naturally, the wrong assessment!

Returning to the allegory mentioned above, I will try to clarify.
I'm talking about the fact that the restaurateur is busy, he has a lot to do and a grateful audience. It is quite understandable and acceptable at the same time that he is somewhat worried about constant complaints and he plans to take actions to reduce the number of complaints. But not to the detriment of the work he does. After all, in order to satisfy complaints, he needs additional staff.
So my opinion is that regardless of whether we are satisfied with the work of L&P or not, we, as normal adults, should understand that a restaurateur may be concerned about the qualifications of new personnel and the safety of the secrets of his recipe! For example, his wrong choice of personnel to work for him may not lead to a decrease in the number of complaints, but to a complete catastrophe for his business and for him personally!

I am extremely surprised by the fact that many do not understand this and do not want to understand it.
I'll try to help you understand:

  • The "restaurateur" opened his restaurant 4 years ago
  • In those 4 years the food has been getting out of the kitchen visibly slower as time goes by
  • Every week he tells the clients he will get help
  • He even threw an event in the restaurant saying that if the event got full, he would hire help
  • Even though the event was packed full, he failed on his promises and didn't get any help
  • Food keeps getting slower, plates look pretty but food tastes bland sometimes
  • He constantly contradicts himself, lies about troubles in the kitchen and when he says that the food will be out in 30min, it usually means it's coming out in 50 minutes.
  • Clients tell him to get a waitress and a hostess just to help him out outside the kitchen, so that way he doesn't have to share any secret recipes
  • The menus are full of typos, rushed and sometimes translated wrong
  • Now after 4 years where he said he couldn't find any chef of his level, he suddendly finds a "special chef" and he's building a second kitchen for that same chef. To his clients/investors he gives no details whatsoever of who this chef his, what his specialties are and why does he need a second kitchen. And after 4 years of leading them along he just expects them to trust him, when all his past action tells the clients to do otherwise.
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