
Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
This is an excellent observation! This strongly suggests that Ellie met Logan previously, and did not want her mother to know (probably because she knew Sophia would disapprove of Logan.) The exchange of numbers would then be staged for Sophia's benefit with Sophia somewhat gagged because of the lie Sophia told to the young men (not being currently married). How much is Ellie hiding from Sophia? Can we trust anything she tells Sophia, or anyone else for that matter?
Good catch, Jack.
It's far more likely that L&P just got sloppy with the timeline.


Jul 17, 2020
As with any of these updates. If you at certain paths and done certain choices you end up more happy with the updates then those that isn't. As was said above, this is a problem with all these games/novels where there is to many characters and archs involved.

Talcum Powder

Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2018
After rewatching the AJA bonus scene a couple of times, solely for research purposes of course, I have changed my appraisal. It’s actually pretty fucking amazing. The loops are short, sure, but the lighting, facial expressions and hand gestures, posing, sense of weight and gravity and force of collisions are really close to flawless.



Forum Fanatic
Jun 23, 2017
exactly. stop the hate please. respect the work
Just for the record, responsible critic is NOT hate and L&P is a PROVEN LIAR. That is a simple proven fact, there are enough of his posts saved which clearly show how he bends the truth and strews in lies when he sees a need for them. L&P is a person who will never tell the truth, if a lie brings him equal success.
It is not hate to state that his development speed is abomiable and any firm would have kicked him out long ago, not only because of his nearly unparalleled slowness, but his tirades and general behaviour.

I am sad that it had come to this, I like this game and L&P has great talent for renders. I even defended him in the beginning, but what happened in the last years (or better often not happened at all) and his full-of-himself toxic personality makes such a thing the past.
And if you truly believe L&P has even the slightest inklination to ever finish this game instead of skimming money as long as possible, then I have a nice bridge across the Danube I can sell you for a special price. It will totally satisfy you, since it is the best bridge ever, all other Devs, eh, architects are amateurs against this bridge! I can even show you a vid of it, just 30 Euro for a minute, eh, ten seconds loops! Interested?;)


Forum Fanatic
Jun 23, 2017
Question is why do you care about the author ? I'm a patreon and never even talked to him. Because i don't need to, if i don't like the guy but i like the story. I stick to the story or i move on period. No need to call him a liar or a milker or whatever.
Who am i to judge ? Nobody
While I suspect you to be a burner account of one of L&P´s shills (account 2 days old, only posts in this threads and sound like an old "aquaintance" here right down to style and word selection)I give you the benefit of doubt for now and explain it.
I do not care about the personal likes and dislikes of a Dev, that is his/her thing, but I care about some character traits of Devs I follow or support, because I like to know what I can expect from them. And L&P has a combination of unreliable liar and greedy egocentrism which makes clear what you can expect from him in the long run.


Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
Let's try to unpack what happened in 0.155, which at the moment has more impact on the whole story.

Aiden's 4th Task

  • In the first teaser in front of the mirror we have been told that "She also won't go exactly like this "revealing" above to work." In the end it was just a matter of fixing the shirt so that less cleavage was exposed. Well not much difference IMO.. :)
    View attachment 1758714 View attachment 1758715
    And the long debated question about going to school with or without the bra found his answer in Sophia forgetting about that part of the deal out of habit and going with it.

  • The most interesting aspect IMO is how the 3 different outcomes from the previous 3rd task[1] played out in this one.
    • If she went full filthy during the task (day19_Sophia_accepts_Ares_breast_groper) then:
      • there is an initial discussion when she goes out in the corridor with Aiden where the issue of him groping her is addressed. It is explained that Aiden payed the other model to leave (unbeknownst of Xavier) and he also financed the whole thing. And obviously Sophia shows all her disgust and anger for what happened.

      • only under this condition Sophia has the choice to let them watch while she takes the bra off. Which can make sense as choice as it fits the higher filth level she reached by letting Ares grope her.
    • Only if she exposed her breast during the art class (day19_Sophia_exposed_her_breast_art_class) she has the choice of fulfilling the task, otherwise she won't at all. Again, this makes sense according to the past actions (i.e. if she didn't find the courage to do it during the art class "protected" by the mask, it would be difficult to believe she does it in front of the class.)

    • These choices *may* reveal the direction of the Aiden's tasks. As I said in another post, I felt that the Aiden's path has taken a dark turn (task + bonus scene) and probably this **could** lead to a very dark path of corruption and submission for Sophia. For what Aiden **seems to imply** in the dialogue that he wants the students to "own" the teacher and do anything to her as they like, the story can very well turn like any other porn teacher-students trope. I dunno if it is the case, it's just a vibe of mine and honestly I won't like it.
      In any case I think it is clear that the choices used in this task let imagine that with highly corrupted Sophia things will be pushed farther (in the classroom and out-of-school). I mean, the way the flashings were played out is revealing about how much farther she may go in the next tasks.
      (and obviously, the story has to progress and we could only expect that things gets lewder and lewder, it's just that the vibe I get, which could be wrong, is more towards a "classic" porn VN rather that the more erotic nuance that made this VN stand out)

    • If I'm not wrong, this is the first event that *highly* depends on the previous choices made in another event. And it is a good example of how things can escalate in complexity when multiple choices/outcomes are presented and must be dealt with. I tried to make a (simple? :ROFLMAO: ) flowchart to represent the narrative flow of the Aiden event. I only modeled the choices and the parts related to the 3rd task, not the little changes in the dialogues due to previous choices. Most of the player choices are also under the condition of having more filth points but for simplicity I haven't cover them. I don't think the result is much more clear :D
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  • Between the task and the bonus scene, the anger and contempt of Sophia towards Aiden &C is more clear than ever and even if she has to submit to the request she still has the force to fight back (with words and with a well deserved slap! Can we say she Will Smith-ed him? :D).
    This time she was not aroused by the task but rather by the situation and the interaction with Zac in 2 occasions, just after she gets groped by him
    st "Well, I basically invited him to knead my breast after all!"
    st "And he was completely overwhelmed by the situation."
    "The situation was so embarrassing but she still became heated."
    "As she was walking, she felt the moisture between her legs."
    st "What the hell? I can't believe that I actually got aroused by that!"
    if day18_Sophia_saw_Zac_naked:
    "There was also something so tingly about the situation, too. And she couldn't help but think of Zac's cock, which she only got to see in it's full glory two days ago. "
    and after the discussion with Zac at the end of class (which happens only if (i) she let him stay in the tanning room and (ii) massage her during Alyssa's event, i.e. zac_price >= 2)
    st "God, I can't believe I let Zac see my breasts! What the hell am I doing here? Where's this going to end up?"
    st "Maybe I should finally look for other options!"
    st "But..."
    st "Somehow, this shit was kinda exciting! Once again, I can't believe it!"
    st "One of my students blackmailing and humiliating me turned out to be an exciting experience?! What the heck?!"
    if zac_price >= 2:
    st "I don't know why, but somehow, I don't regret that Zac got a peek at my boobs."
    st "Just like with his mom, I feel a certain bond with him."
    st "He's probably the only student in the class I'd feel that way about after such an incident!"
    this obviously opens up the path with Zac in the future and once more it could be a sign of the corruption she will be experiencing going down the Aiden path.

  • On a more frivolous note, whether it is a coincidence or not, Sophia's bag appeared in the event: difficult to tell, but it seems that L&P reads the forum more than we think and put the answers of our debates in the game. Another example, Sophia requisitioning the phones as it has been discussed here. Or even some inside jokes like the pigeon and the rat in the diner conversation. ;)

Bonus Event
  • Sorry if I'm a broken record on this, but it still puzzles me why L&P censured that teaser! :unsure: Many speculations later and now that we have seen it, that was much more a "teaser" that the 2nd one that completely spoiled the event. I will never understand it! :ROFLMAO:

  • Story-wise, this event brought a better understanding or confirmation of the dangerousness of Aiden and Andre, seemingly not just some stupid teenagers pretending to play gangsters as we maybe underestimated before. The proof is in Jennifer's character who now we understand not being his "girlfriend" by choice but yet another case of Aiden's extortion game.

  • And sure enough another bunch of potential branches for the future. From the fact that the bonus event can happen no matter the choices related to the task, but still a choice for the reader to make, to the option to intervene or not to stop the scene. For now we know that Sophia can ask Morello to also "free" Jennifer if she intervene to stop the scene. We will see what other ramifications that could have in the future.


  • We were wondering under which conditions Sophia will ask for help. As expected, the necessary condition is for Sophia to have at least exposed her breasts (larry >=9), which enables day19_Sophia_contemplates_asking_Morello_for_help_with_Aiden. Then it actually does not matter whether she fulfill the task or not, she has the option no matter what happens in the classroom.

  • We were wondering about the "quid pro quo" that Morello might propose, we got the "I would like you to do us a favor, though" situation ;), although he's talking about a small favor that might or might not be asked in the future. Kudos to ashitanojoe for catching this line as a reference to "The godfather"! ;)
    So yes, getting rid of Aiden might come at a cost in the future.

  • Again on a frivolous note, the "bra mystery" is still unsolved I think. As in the teaser, she is wearing one during the but it's not mention anywhere that she put it back on (if she removed it). When she is leaving school and met Jennifer, it does not seem she is wearing it again.
    View attachment 1758716
    And in the car it's cleverly occluded by the arm, damn it! :ROFLMAO:
    View attachment 1758721
    Anyways, this is just a silly and very minor aspect that had some debate because every detail counts when speculating: it's not necessary that it is written to imagine that at some point she recompose herself before going to Morello.

  • The meeting for the 5th task. Those two-three lines at the end have a lot of unpack.
    • Many of us noted that the dress she is ready to wear to meet Aiden is cute but not really the type you want to wear when meeting such a sleazebag, especially after she might have witnessed in the bonus scene.
      View attachment 1758756
      It's strange because Aiden doesn't ask for it, he only imposed the dress code for school. In a way this could be coherent with the corruption level achieved after the 4th task, with Sophia becoming less and less inhibited and accustomed to the wicked game.

    • The other important thing about the meeting that I almost missed is that it will take place (in the next update??) no matter the Morello's decision. And Morello told her he will send his men to visit Aiden later. So, **potentially** the visit may have different outcomes, among which Morello's chivalry barging in and maybe "save" Sophia from another humiliating demand.

    • Which leads to the question whether the meeting is solely to give her the assignment to be done at a different time (the next day, the next class etc) or the whole task will take place. It's strange to ask her for a meeting just to give the assignment instead of the usual call/sms. It could be a task to do in place, with a lot of possibilities for depraved requests, or elsewhere/another time-frame.

      The 5th task is not listed among the events of this PD, it could be that the visit is just a short event for the assignment (i.e. not worth it to be listed) or he didn't want to spoil it. This makes the next update more interesting.

[1] Once she accepts to meet with Aiden, the task is automatically fulfilled.
On the other hand depending on the choices during the art class there are 3 different paths:
1) she refuses to dress as Aphrodite, there will be small talk with students at the end but not showing of the paintings and no Ares/Aiden at all.
2) if she stop Ares from groping her, there will be small talk with students at the end but not showing of the paintings and Aiden won't reveal Ares was him.
3) if she has wine and allows Ares, she will look at the paintings at the end and Aiden reveals he was Ares.
This is a great write-up, thank you! I think the next task will definitely be done in-person, or will involve something very immediate. From a very practical standpoint there's only just so many schooldays left in the game, so things need to start happening quickly. There's still a bunch of tasks left in the storyline, and I suspect that they're likely to conclude around PD25. So packing two tasks into one PD isn't the craziest idea in the world.

As for her outfit, I like the idea that it's a subconscious decision by Sophia that reflects her corruption. If so I hope it's mentioned in the next update, otherwise I suspect that L&P just wanted a sexy outfit.


New Member
Sep 8, 2021
I kinda like the blackmail dares given by aiden to slowly corrupt the protagonist w exhibitionism and tasks. Are there more games like this with these kind of progressive tasks? I know there is a "blackmail" tag available in seach mode, but if anyone knows any good games from experience, i would love to try them!
Special request
try fashion business and manila shaw
Thank you!

Jack Adams

Active Member
Mar 1, 2019
It's far more likely that L&P just got sloppy with the timeline.
I gave this option some consideration, and discarded it for the following reasons:
To date L&P's storyboarding has been very good, even if dialogue in a given scene may lack continuity. I considered the one-week skip in time that L&P finally decided against. This would add 7 days to the story-boarding at the point of this playable day. If he did not shift Ellie's timeline back to the contiguous flow of time with everything else it would still be only 12 days that Ellie and Logan have known each other (with the one week jump retained.) Given the estimation of time as 2 to 3 weeks between Ellie and Christine, the 'sloppy' retention of an extra week still does not account for the dialogue.
I also considered that Ellie might be 'sloppy' in her relationship duration estimation, and then discarded this as well. Ellie is a stellar academic student across the board. Students like this that I know and have taught on a high school and college level have a specificity of language that is actually at an annoying level for many.
I also considered L&P's past writing style. In the past L&P has consistently used terms such as nearly and almost when a timeframe is not spot on. No sloppiness is evident there.
In addition, Ellie has been depicted as sneaky and disingenuous on more than one occasion. My conclusion is consistent with Ellie in both temperament and deed. I will hold to it until evidence from the game proves it to be wrong. This is my most honest estimation for the incongruity.
Sincerely, Jack.
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Jan 20, 2018
Just noticed the v0.160 in the title and thought, wait a min the thread got updated? It was done just a couple days before, so now going to pop into the current story and see how the Parker family and friends are doing without reading any spoilers here!


May 23, 2018
Wow,this update was like crazy short,oh my goddess after 5 or 6 months,you know I have no problem with all the teasing stuff because that's what makes the story interesting and I really like the story and how every situation slowly makes sense,it's a very well constructed storytelling,I used to get in the patreon page to see the next update progress,but I can't anymore,at this point the only ones who gonna finish this game will be my grandkids,I feel sorry for those who are patreon members,Lust And Passion,more like Lust And Greed if you ask me,I'm out.
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