
Active Member
Oct 6, 2017
  • The most interesting (and somehow strange) thing for me is where to place this event in the storyline.
    If you played all the possible paths of the meeting, you see that she always has the choice to flee at some point. And somehow one could expect that this will break the deal with Aiden, from fleeing right away to refusing any of his requests later on.
    Well, if you look at the code you will see that the choices for this event will only increase GW and FW points and set only 2 variables to distinguish the final choice of Sophia, breast (day20_Sophia_showed_her_breasts_to_Aidens_gang) or groping (day20_Sophia_let_herself_getting_groped_by_Aidens_gang). Nothing else. This means that
    • at least at the moment it seems that the deal is still on no matter what happens.

    • in any following event if he needs to check what happened (what choices have been made) in this event to e.g. determine the dialogues or some future choices he can only check whether the two variables are false to detect that Sophia didn't go through the last part. But e.g. he has no way to express the fact that she left as soon as she saw the gang members and hence nothing really happened.
  • Unless this is a bug (possible/probable), this means that the whole event is basically "meaningless" in term of the future events. It won't have an impact on the deal with Aiden and even in dialogues and choices nothing much can be related to what happens. He could still use the FW points to try to figure out the choices that have been made but it is hard because all FW points are in common with other paths. And he has abandoned this way of use them since the early PDs.

    If it is a bug and he forgot to set some variables on the way, it also means that if fixed the scene will need to be played again for the variables to be in your save game.

    If the event instead is just what we have, i.e. it does not count at all for the story, what was the purpose of the event. It feels almost like it was not a planned event until the last release and rather added along with the Morello's boy visit to make it a standalone (as in it would have taken more time to finish v0.160 with the fight scene so let's split it...). :unsure:

    Regardless, story-wise the purpose of the event seems only to increase the FW and the corruption of Sophia and show what Aiden is up to. But because of the above it does not seem to have a real impact on the story.
The variables introduced by L&P in his game often serve to define, rather than future plot developments, parts of the dialogue between the characters involved in the scenes. Take, for example, Aiden's fourth task for Sophia.
Sophia chooses Zac as the beneficiary of her show for:
- a practical reason: he is positioned in the center of the classroom and is therefore perfectly visible to both Aiden and Andre,
- a sentimental reason: she already has some familiarity with him (as her son Dylan's teammate she has also frequented him outside of school).
However, there is no relevant reference in the code to his counter value (zac_price):
- neither as a possible limiting factor for choosing him ( there is no if zac_price >= x) and thus performing the task,
- nor as an increment at the end of the task itself (there is no $ zac_price += 1), despite the obvious progress made by Zac as Sophia's LI.
The only reference to such a counter is to determine, based on the "close experiences" Sophia had with Zac, certain parts of Sophia's inner dialogue during the selection of the "right student" and other parts of dialogue between the two once the task is completed. When the task is completed, a new variable is introduced (day20_Sophia_fulfilled_Aidens_4th_task = True) which, while not (by its name) directly correlating with Zac, is nonetheless closely related to his character and therefore I believe will be placed side by side with his counter as an indicator of Sophia's advancements toward Zac.
Probably the same thing will happen with the variables you mentioned in this last update, and L&P will use them, as an index of the progressive humiliation Sophia has suffered toward Aiden, in future dialogue scenes between the two.
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Message Maven
Mar 28, 2017
Why he takes so long on updates has puzzled me for quite sometime and I have never really been satisfied with his answers so I stopped being a patron of his 2-3 months ago
He was not like that at the beginning.
The first 6 days was done really fast.Still not fast enough to fool me to believe he can actually finish the game in 3-4 years.
Still until the end of 2018(actually 6 January 2019) we had first 8 playable days done.
Imagine what will be if he was so slow from the beginning.We will be at PD 4 at best.


Engaged Member
Apr 7, 2018
In my opinion, this is not an intentional choice, but rather a glaringly big (and equally worrying) bug in the scene-writing part of the previous update.
I don't know how it occurs to you, but in my playthrough, it only occurs if at this point of the game I choose to "Forgive Logan":
View attachment 1831442
This is because at the end of every possible option, I am redirected to scenes (day20_Sophia_meets_with_Aiden_at_his_hangout or day20_Sophia_meets_with_Aiden_at_his_hangout) that don't take into the slightest consideration the value of the key variable to see the scene of Don Morello's henchmen's intervention (day20_Sophia_asked_Don_Morello_for_help = True). If, on the other hand, I choose "Don't forgive him" the problem doesn't arise and my eventual choice to ask Don Morello for help is realized with the scene of his henchmen's visit to Aiden and his friends.
I hope the script will be fixed before the release of the next update, because otherwise playing this latest version of the game is compromising for its future development (if the player wants to close Aiden's path and cannot do so because of a script bug, it can be a big problem for other game paths as well).
It has already been reported.


Sep 25, 2017
What you guys think my opinnion i think it fair for people who want fast update they will have every month but you have to accept it will be short and people who want long update thay can wait 4-5month right? just like he say simple as that
1event per month anyway
what different you wait for 4 month you get 4 event am i right?
I need somone to make me understand about this.

Ruby Tuesday

Jun 29, 2020
Let's try to unpack what happened in v0.161

In the end, as it was announced few days ago, there were 2 separate events and Sophia is not aware of what happened if she asked for help. Not to bother you with code stuff, but that was not how in the last release things were planned. Whether Sophia asked for help or not she was headed to meet Aiden. Whether it was a bug or a way to avoid spoiler, we don't know.

Morello visit

  • The first thing to note is the dialogues at the very beginning in which **it seems** that Aiden's long term plan is revealed. Maybe not literally but in the substance is a path of humiliation and submission. Whether he said that to impress the other gang member or not, but it is probably not far from what he is planning to do. And it is consistent with what he said Sophia in the corridor during the 4th task (Sophia being "owned" by the students).

    ai "I'm telling you, my slutty teacher will come any moment and I'll make her show her tits for us!"
    Bald Latino" Ah, you talkin' bullshit, amigo! You should stop smokin' that weed shit. It's ain't good for you! *Ha-ha*"
    ai "I'm serious, man! I'm on her! You'll see!"
    ai "And in two weeks, she'll suck each of you and you can get the leg over her *grin*!"

  • He chose the violent way to resolve the problem with Aiden. When I saw the guy entering with the baseball bat I had that Negan moment with Lucille on his shoulder ;). Now it will be interesting what happens next, if Aiden will ever come back in the scene and / or there will be other developments. I would not expect him to come back to school for a while after a beat like that. I wonder though if there will be any retaliation attempt.

  • In the end Jennifer was not mentioned by Morello's boys and there is no use at all of that option in the code. Probably the beating will be enough to keep away Aiden for a long time even for Jennifer, even if not explicitly mentioned.

The meeting

  • Long story short, there was no task, it was just a set up to have some "fun" at Sophia expense and humiliate her in front of the gang.

  • The most interesting (and somehow strange) thing for me is where to place this event in the storyline.
    If you played all the possible paths of the meeting, you see that she always has the choice to flee at some point. And somehow one could expect that this will break the deal with Aiden, from fleeing right away to refusing any of his requests later on.
    Well, if you look at the code you will see that the choices for this event will only increase GW and FW points and set only 2 variables to distinguish the final choice of Sophia, breast (day20_Sophia_showed_her_breasts_to_Aidens_gang) or groping (day20_Sophia_let_herself_getting_groped_by_Aidens_gang). Nothing else. This means that
    • at least at the moment it seems that the deal is still on no matter what happens.

    • in any following event if he needs to check what happened (what choices have been made) in this event to e.g. determine the dialogues or some future choices he can only check whether the two variables are false to detect that Sophia didn't go through the last part. But e.g. he has no way to express the fact that she left as soon as she saw the gang members and hence nothing really happened.
  • Unless this is a bug (possible/probable), this means that the whole event is basically "meaningless" in term of the future events. It won't have an impact on the deal with Aiden and even in dialogues and choices nothing much can be related to what happens. He could still use the FW points to try to figure out the choices that have been made but it is hard because all FW points are in common with other paths. And he has abandoned this way of use them since the early PDs.

    If it is a bug and he forgot to set some variables on the way, it also means that if fixed the scene will need to be played again for the variables to be in your save game.

    If the event instead is just what we have, i.e. it does not count at all for the story, what was the purpose of the event. It feels almost like it was not a planned event until the last release and rather added along with the Morello's boy visit to make it a standalone (as in it would have taken more time to finish v0.160 with the fight scene so let's split it...). :unsure:

    Regardless, story-wise the purpose of the event seems only to increase the FW and the corruption of Sophia and show what Aiden is up to. But because of the above it does not seem to have a real impact on the story.

  • The other question that can be raised is why the Morello option is not anymore possible? Once it is decided not to take it because e.g. it is choosing between the lesser of the two evils, it is strange that the option is prevented later on. There is even a passage during the meeting
    if day19_Sophia_contemplates_asking_Morello_for_help_with_Aiden:
    "She suddenly wished so badly that she should've gone to Don Morello. What was she thinking, coming here alone!"
    What prevent Sophia to use the option after the meeting? It's not that the offer had a time limit. It's strange that this issue is not yet addressed. From what we know there won't be any other chance to pick up the offer, but it feels not so logic IMO. Sure, it will mess up the development as it has to reproduce the scenes every time there is a chance to take the offer, but like the boarding school I don't see a logical reason for not being on the table. Unless there will be further developments ahead. :unsure:


Some minor stuff:

  • As also pointed out by nexer, the dialogues during the school break has been fixed with Aiden asking for that particular kind of dress
    ai "Sure. And put on some different sexy stuff for later! Something more sexy and less formal-lookin' than this one! Like a tube top with a matching mini skirt or something."
    ai "But keep the stockings on *grin*!"
  • On the other hand, no other changes were made while Sophia is dressing to have some more insight about her view about the dress

  • The error about the right/left breast of Sophia being groped by Zac during the 4th task has been fixed as well, now it correctly says right

  • There is a minor feature introduced in this release that allows to skip (>>) by 10 pages the list of saves, that would come useful to quickly move between saves of different playthrough. Good job Bibifoc, I guess? :)
    View attachment 1830553
Thanks, just read your comment and how you've unpicked a lot of stuff for us.
I'll just stick to one central point. People have questioned the reason/relevance for 0.161.
I think it was for two reasons.
I've long understood the Aiden/Sophia/corruption thread was key to L&P's story inspiration, he therefore remains committed to developing and expanding it.
This update content clearly demonstrates the dev's aim to show how someone in a subordinate position (Aiden) has the power to control (or emancipate-depending on your point of view) someone of superior status (Sophia). This theme seems critical to L&P, and I think he's right to develop it, after all, it's a big taboo. One might ask why it seems important to the dev, but that's another matter.
Always best to remember AWAM is just a story, but his story, even though so many on this channel feel they have an authority to belittle or modify the story for their own indulgence. Some even have the audacity to to ask, "he's doing things we never even asked for" as if to suggest some personal ownership of the direction or script.
The fact that Sophia was invited to make this meeting with no apparent progress to her "tasks" doesn't matter, it's simply part of Aiden's desire to take greater control, and he succeeded massively.
L&P also knows this game will soon take different directions, completely unrelated to Aiden and his tasks, so I think he wanted to underwrite this core theme using the original hangout backdrop before the thread disappears. Probably for some considerable time.
Personally I'm glad he did, I think it was the best he's achieved thus far. Cheers, and goodbye.


Active Member
Jan 18, 2021
In my opinion, this is not an intentional choice, but rather a glaringly big (and equally worrying) bug in the scene-writing part of the previous update.
I don't know how it occurs to you, but in my playthrough, it only occurs if at this point of the game I choose to "Forgive Logan":
View attachment 1831442
This is because at the end of every possible option, I am redirected to scenes (day20_Sophia_meets_with_Aiden_at_his_hangout or day20_Sophia_meets_with_Aiden_at_his_hangout) that don't take into the slightest consideration the value of the key variable to see the scene of Don Morello's henchmen's intervention (day20_Sophia_asked_Don_Morello_for_help = True). If, on the other hand, I choose "Don't forgive him" the problem doesn't arise and my eventual choice to ask Don Morello for help is realized with the scene of his henchmen's visit to Aiden and his friends.
I hope the script will be fixed before the release of the next update, because otherwise playing this latest version of the game is compromising for its future development (if the player wants to close Aiden's path and cannot do so because of a script bug, it can be a big problem for other game paths as well).
Yes someone already reported that and I think Bibifoc already fixed for the next release.
It is part of the problem I was mentioning at the very beginning of my post, in the previous version Sophia was supposed to visit Aiden no matter the choice about Morello, which led us to come up with the "chivalry" theory and so on. And since this branching was repeated many times through the code it's only natural that one of them might have slipped through during the fixing. Here is the example for those interested
(v0.160 on the left and v0.161 on the right)
this branching was repeated in many places in the code. I don't know if it could be easily refactor in a function that does the job so that it can be easily maintained since it is repeated so many times. I never saw that in other games but also I'm not an expert in renpy, what do you think Bibifoc ?

The variables introduced by L&P in his game often serve to define, rather than future plot developments, parts of the dialogue between the characters involved in the scenes. Take, for example, Aiden's fourth task for Sophia.
Sophia chooses Zac as the beneficiary of her show for:
- a practical reason: he is positioned in the center of the classroom and is therefore perfectly visible to both Aiden and Andre,
- a sentimental reason: she already has some familiarity with him (as her son Dylan's teammate she has also frequented him outside of school).
However, there is no relevant reference in the code to his counter value (zac_price):
- neither as a possible limiting factor for choosing him ( there is no if zac_price >= x) and thus performing the task,
- nor as an increment at the end of the task itself (there is no $ zac_price += 1), despite the obvious progress made by Zac as Sophia's LI.
The only reference to such a counter is to determine, based on the "close experiences" Sophia had with Zac, certain parts of Sophia's inner dialogue during the selection of the "right student" and other parts of dialogue between the two once the task is completed. When the task is completed, a new variable is introduced (day20_Sophia_fulfilled_Aidens_4th_task = True) which, while not (by its name) directly correlating with Zac, is nonetheless closely related to his character and therefore I believe will be placed side by side with his counter as an indicator of Sophia's advancements toward Zac.
Probably the same thing will happen with the variables you mentioned in this last update, and L&P will use them, as an index of the progressive humiliation Sophia has suffered toward Aiden, in future dialogue scenes between the two.
Yes I see your point.
What I was getting at is that even for the example you mention you have the variable day20_Sophia_fulfilled_Aidens_4th_task set to true if you go on with Zac, so that in any future event you will able to test that variable to know that the player went down that path. And automatically you will also know that Zac was involved and so on.

In this meeting I would have expected at least a e.g. day20_Sophia_decides_meeting_Aiden to True or False whether she decides to meet Aiden or not once she saw that the other members were there.

Suppose that they meet at school again on Monday (or Aiden call her for what matters) and there is a dialogue between Sophia and Aiden. How does he check that she drove home immediately so that Aiden can say something like "What the hell happened on Friday, why did you leave, you were supposed...."? There is no way to do it at the moment. Unless it starts to count all the possible FW she can get with Aiden but as I said they are mixed with other events. And somehow this has to be addressed in the next event because it was something important, one way or the other. It's difficult to think that Aiden will let it pass that she didn't show up. He can for sure make some nasty comments about the breast show or the groping with the two variables that are set, but it's not the case for Sophia not showing up.

That's why it feels like that this event was kind of "irrelevant" to the whole story if not to have Sophia humiliate more. Which now that he updated the online walk through is even explicitly written: "Aiden’s only goal here is to humiliate Sophia even more".

It could be a bug. That's the simplest explanation. But then let me then say that since this animation thing the attention to the code (bugs) has decreased as it would be the n-th of the list of the last 2-3 updates.
Last edited:


Apr 4, 2019
1 month 1 update is not looking feasible or should I say not doable by L&P' current standards and rate of work.
This amber event will take him more than 50 days. Take into considerations the rests after release of an update it will be appox 2 months for next event.
So again he is misleading his Patrons into believing that 10 update for playable day is same as 2-3 update per PD.
Players are not going to get same content rate but slowed by margin rate.

Changes suited him not patrons.


Active Member
Jan 18, 2021
I've been thinking about that, too. But Sophia (the player) makes a decision here and it is based on the fact that it is better not to want to have anything to do with the mafia. Some here would consider that a wise decision. And with that the way is set! Even as a developer of the game, I would not allow any reversal - you yourself have spoken of the entropy of decisions.
As for the possibility of the boarding school, I have also searched in vain for a reason why that should no longer be possible.
Yes, I was speaking against my own interest of keeping the entropy at a minimum. :)
I agree with you, the mafia option has potentially much more heavier consequences than sending Dylan to the boarding school. So I do get that once discarded once it might be permanent. And probably I was "biased" by what it is said at the beginning of the Morello's boys visit, which obviously Sophia cannot know, and that inner dialogue that seemed like Sophia having a second thought.
But yes, let's keep it simple for once! ;)

As for the boarding school, I'm not sure what you mean. If you don't choose Morello after refusing the 4th task she actually talks about sending Dylan to the boarding school
menu day20_Sophia_decides_asking_Don_Morello_for_help:
    "Ask Don Morello for help with Aiden":
        $ day20_Sophia_asked_Don_Morello_for_help = True
    "Don't risk it":
        st "Nah, I should't risk it! The consequences could be even worse!"
        if day20_Sophia_fulfilled_Aidens_4th_task:
            st "Guess I have no other choice than meeting that asshole now and see what other sick tasks he has ready for me."
            st "Well, I'm just gonna take my son and Zac from school and talk with my sister and Carl later."
And I guess in one of the next releases or PDs we will have the "usual" scene of Sophia visiting Carl and Patricia.

And as I said in the other post, if you leave the meeting with Aiden the deal **at the moment** is still valid. Or at least nothing in the code or the dialogue seems to indicate the contrary. So it's normal that the boarding school is not mentioned.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2020
Yes, I was speaking against my own interest of keeping the entropy at a minimum. :)
I agree with you, the mafia option has potentially much more heavier consequences than sending Dylan to the boarding school. So I do get that once discarded once it might be permanent. And probably I was "biased" by what it is said at the beginning of the Morello's boys visit, which obviously Sophia cannot know, and that inner dialogue that seemed like Sophia having a second thought.
But yes, let's keep it simple for once! ;)

As for the boarding school, I'm not sure what you mean. If you don't choose Morello after refusing the 4th task she actually talks about sending Dylan to the boarding school
menu day20_Sophia_decides_asking_Don_Morello_for_help:
    "Ask Don Morello for help with Aiden":
        $ day20_Sophia_asked_Don_Morello_for_help = True
    "Don't risk it":
        st "Nah, I should't risk it! The consequences could be even worse!"
        if day20_Sophia_fulfilled_Aidens_4th_task:
            st "Guess I have no other choice than meeting that asshole now and see what other sick tasks he has ready for me."
            st "Well, I'm just gonna take my son and Zac from school and talk with my sister and Carl later."
And I guess in one of the next releases or PDs we will have the "usual" scene of Sophia visiting Carl and Patricia.

And as I said in the other post, if you leave the meeting with Aiden the deal **at the moment** is still valid. Or at least nothing in the code or the dialogue seems to indicate the contrary. So it's normal that the boarding school is not mentioned.
Not just the code but also in the scene we see that the deal is most likely not affected, as when Sophia is asked to give a show she has the option to flee or continue. In the event she chooses to flee Aiden only says "Let her go" like in every other scenario, not anything about the deal Ending. He says it with a smile too and doesn't threaten with hurting Dylan ( probably because he has not told the gang members about the deal ) which further adds that the deal is not off. This was just an additional scene to show off Sophia to his gang members and humiliate her.


Jun 15, 2020
What you guys think my opinnion i think it fair for people who want fast update they will have every month but you have to accept it will be short and people who want long update thay can wait 4-5month right? just like he say simple as that
1event per month anyway
what different you wait for 4 month you get 4 event am i right?
I need somone to make me understand about this.
One thing is short another thing is this. Soon it will be just an image per update.


Active Member
Oct 6, 2017
How does he check that she drove home immediately so that Aiden can say something like "What the hell happened on Friday, why did you leave, you were supposed...."? There is no way to do it at the moment.
There is no need to count Filthy points; if both variables are set to False, it's evident that the player has chosen neither "Show breasts" (day20_Sophia_showed_her_breasts_to_Aidens_gang) nor "Let yourself getting groped" (day20_Sophia_let_herself_getting_groped_by_Aidens_gang), so Sophia has returned home.
Otherwise, based on their different values (and evidently only one of them can be True) we will probably have different dialogues.
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