In all honesty i have played a lot of games on this site but i will never understand the hype of this game.It is being developed since 2017 and it has barely any enjoyable content.(Yes i mean sexual thats why we are here for after all.DanielK for example has created like 5 games in the same timeline and they have tons of sex scenes.Yes the stories he creates are ridiculous but they have content.Can someone explain to me the hype besides the good art?
Unlike other games where its fuck, fuck, fuck, and no consideration for the taboo nature of what is going on, this one takes time to let it breathe. It doesnt make sense for a woman who has been with one man her entire life to just straight cheat on him immediately. She is going to work her way up to that, while discovering her true nature or some bullshit like that. Its better writing then Bang, bang, bangity bang.
Having said that the updates are far too slow. This way of doing it is fine if you can keep a consistent pace. Thats the problem i have at least. Like the game should be episodic, i know people dont like comparisons here, but if this game had that length of a Being a Dik then i would be fine with waiting 1 year for an episode. The issue is when we wait six months and get two scenes. The scenes may be fantastic but the story has barely moved, and it creates issues where people on certain paths dont get any content.