
May 2, 2017
does anybody know the console code to reset the number of times you can forcibly transfer a curse at a shrine?

edit: nm, figured it out SugarCube.State.variables.skewedForced = 0


Jan 28, 2018
Ive been curious to see if someone would make a html game similiar too this for awhile eager to try it out


Sep 17, 2017
One of the things I love about this is the curses are amazing. I can't wait for the other habitation zone endings. I wonder what's next though.
Last edited:


New Member
Jun 25, 2018
FloricSpacer If you are open to feedback and suggestions, here's mine.
As a big Made In Abyss fan, I'm not a fan of most of the adult content in it, like the ridiculously exagerated slutty transformations, it's honestly well done, just not my taste. This didn't prevent me from dodging said content and enjoying the game though, so I don't have a problem with that.
However, the game needs a stronger viable gameplay loop that allows exploration. Right now the gameplay is mostly there, but it's not loopable at all. A finite gameplay isn't necessarly bad, but it still needs at least some amount of loop to feel like a gaming experience, which in this case would be centered around exploring/"experiencing" the abyss.
For that I have 2 major suggestions and a minor one that I think could help make the game into a proper gaming experience.

1 : Money
As it is now, the amount of money a player can earn is pretty much fixed. Because relics can be taken only once, it is impossible to make a living as a relic digger, and relics are the only significant way of getting money. Same with the
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What I would suggest for this is pretty simple, make some relics repeatable, not all of them obviously, and maybe not an unlimited amount of time for all of them, but some could be farmable like the sun spheres in Made In Abyss. This would give a reason to go dives and climb back up and it would allow to hire more companions and see more of the game during each run.

2 : Corruption
Right now, corruption is way too harsh to allow for multiple dives without transforming into a crazy lustful depraved abomination (which is a HUGE turn off for me, both for gameplay and for sexual content), and quickly not even possible at all because the amount of corruption you can purge is also finite.
For that the first solution is easy, lower the corruption decrease significantly for both relics and ascending. Secondly, add long term ways to mitigate the corruption decrease through progression (for exemple the warding bracers could give corruption resistance like Saeko instead of just a gain) and/or more repeatable ways to gain corruption and to remove curses, you could tie that into the economy changes I suggested so that it adds something to do with that money.

Minor suggestion : Expend the "combat score" mechanic from layer 8 to the other layers. Sure a lone unequipped average girl would have no chance againt bandits or a baying gourmet, but I would expect a cat girl with sharp claws/fangs, lightning fast reflexes and super dexterity to be able to drive them off without the help of a gun. And yes there is the magical "use a combination of relics" button, but I have no idea how it works, as far as I can tell it's pretty much just a cheat code. Having that combat score mechanic on every fightable encounter would be a lot more immersive and would add more meaning to the relics and curses you take.

Of course those changes would also need to tweak the corruption and money price of things, but that's standard game balancing. I'd gladly help you make the game but I have no idea how to make a game like this, so I don't know how much I can do. I've looked around the game files and have figured out how to change some values, I can already do minor tweaks to my liking, but I can't do much more.

Those are just my thoughts on the subject, in the end, it's your game, so it's your decision to take them into account or not.
Thank you for spending the time and effort into making the game and sharing it with us. From the inspirations you draw from, the music choices (i've been listening to Sunken Ruin while writing this) or the engaging writing, I can tell that this is a work of passion and it is very well done.

Thank you again for your work, and take care of yourself out there.


Game Developer
Apr 27, 2020
I think the verticality of the game is awesome: Lots of curses to get, great amount of levels, decent amount of companions, great relics and over general good ideas. Some of the level i find less interesting in their content (Curses in 8 are a bit dark and debilitating. 4-5 are less my thing and i prefer going "hard" on lvl 6 curses). Mechanically the game is sound but a bit hard. Trying to play male staying a male or a female staying a female is definitely the hard mode for this game. But i'm guessing that's the intent.

Horizontally is where i would like to see more content. You don't really see much H content (mostly txt, no pics) unless you move layers. Some pop up when you go back to the "main" screen of a level (like Hijink Ensues). Mostly the current content is 1 post with maybe a name change. So without going into detail in this already WAY too long post, that's the part i would like to see develloped. Things to do in the layers, possibility of curse "activation", seeing some of the incomplete curses fleshed out (like Barter system, in the limelight, etc.) Basically more opportunity to get H content.

Better spaced text in the appearance section would be cool too. But that is a super small detail. If you get too much Curses the last section becomes somehwat hard to read.

But again, love the game

Small bug report as per saves:
1) You can buy Maximum Fluff if you have hairless even though it says you can't
2) If you are a female and your twin is a female, the txt will still talk about your penises. Not included in the zip save file is that if you started the game as a female and your twin is female you will get a string of red text. The message "companion new message" flag will also never disappear.
Thanks! Regarding the twin bugs, I think those will be sorted out in which will be released soon.

Yeah, I think someone trying to minimize changes is certainly harder haha. Though whether that's a sex change or other changes is up to the player I think.

What sort of things would you like to do in the layers if more were possible? I'm thinking of ways to add more interaction now, and I'm open to ideas.

Understandable, but can you add in an auto calculator for the agartha jobs section?
Oh, good idea! That's a bit tricky since so many things can go into it. but it should go into the todo list haha.

Sorry, I forgot we were on a different conversation; I was thinking of the last one, about travel time. I know the omen eyes give that extra sensitivity, though for some reason lately the number hasn't gone up for me even though I spent like 100 days living off the food and water on layer 6. Anyway, back to what we were actually saying, my confusion with the number was why it was written out as a multiplication of two other numbers instead of just showing us the final number (to the extent that I didn't even know whether it was actually meant to be a decimal). Also, perhaps a bit more structure is needed here? It is kind of hard to imagine what "your body's erogenous zones are 189% more sensitive" or "189% of your body is a hyper-sensitive erogenous zone" would even mean since percentages only go up to 100 unless we're referring to changes.
Edit: so, I'm not sure what was going on with that 100 days I was talking about, but I just spent a while in layer 6 in a different run (in and it seems to be actually working? No idea what that was about.
Edit again: ok I'm in the same run but it's stopped at 65*3 percent this time (I'm camping here in 30-day intervals to wait out a pregnancy).


Okay, first off I wish companions weren't limited in that apparently arbitrary way (unless there was some in-universe reason mentioned in the tutorials or something that I've forgotten about or you wish to keep that limit in place for whatever reason, in which case fine).
Second, when you say "the logic breaks down," are you referring to the programming or the narrative? Personally, I want to have literally hundreds of kids with a single pregnancy, so that's why I'm invested in this lol. If you're referring to how it makes sense in the narrative, you could add scenes while someone is pregnant with vaguely that many kids to show the character(s) reflecting on how many children they have; if the character only has a normal number of kids for one pregancy, they'd just react like it's a normal pregnancy, but if they have more then you could show them reacting to unusual aspects like a much bigger belly or something (with different reactions for different ranges like 1-3, 4-15, 16-30, 30-100, and 100+? all of these are "number of children at once," of course) Or maybe the Abyss detects pregnancies and expands the space inside the womb so that all the children fit in one body, and either they can tell they have a lot of kids through mundane means (such as the weight, for example) or they can't but feel like they have a fuckton of kids because of the Abyss (the Abyss apparently already puts in their heads information about the curses you take on, so doing the same thing for the space-warping would make sense there)? And perhaps this has already been noticed by divers and larger numbers of kids is not unheard of, so Outset Town is prepared for that eventuality? Feel free to bring up anything I might have missed there, as these ideas came to me as I was writing.
The omen eyes can go over 100% since you can get multiple levels on one region, it just makes it ultra-sensitive. And that's a good point, it will be changed to a single percentage in!

Yeah, the companion limitation is just because I updated the player to give multiple births, but not the companions haha. I'll see if I can fix that, though I'm not sure we're tracking the necessary variables to make that happen, so it may be tricky.

The logic is the narrative logic haha, since the same scene with 1-2 kids doesn't quite fit with 100 kids. But I'll consider adding more scenes to deal with that.

Thanks for the feedback and ideas!

I just remembered something that I probably should have mentioned before came out, but for some reason the minimum age thing doesn't work anymore; my character was pushed down to age 7 through a combination of foraging and age reduction curses despite the minimum age being set at 18. it was working in previous builds, I remember
Thanks! This is fixed in, releasing soon.

Ive been curious to see if someone would make a html game similiar too this for awhile eager to try it out
I hope you enjoy it!

One of the things I love about this is the curses are amazing. I can't wait for the other habitation zone endings. I wonder what's next though.
Thanks! I'm glad you like it!

FloricSpacer If you are open to feedback and suggestions, here's mine.
As a big Made In Abyss fan, I'm not a fan of most of the adult content in it, like the ridiculously exagerated slutty transformations, it's honestly well done, just not my taste. This didn't prevent me from dodging said content and enjoying the game though, so I don't have a problem with that.
However, the game needs a stronger viable gameplay loop that allows exploration. Right now the gameplay is mostly there, but it's not loopable at all. A finite gameplay isn't necessarly bad, but it still needs at least some amount of loop to feel like a gaming experience, which in this case would be centered around exploring/"experiencing" the abyss.
For that I have 2 major suggestions and a minor one that I think could help make the game into a proper gaming experience.

1 : Money
As it is now, the amount of money a player can earn is pretty much fixed. Because relics can be taken only once, it is impossible to make a living as a relic digger, and relics are the only significant way of getting money. Same with the
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What I would suggest for this is pretty simple, make some relics repeatable, not all of them obviously, and maybe not an unlimited amount of time for all of them, but some could be farmable like the sun spheres in Made In Abyss. This would give a reason to go dives and climb back up and it would allow to hire more companions and see more of the game during each run.

2 : Corruption
Right now, corruption is way too harsh to allow for multiple dives without transforming into a crazy lustful depraved abomination (which is a HUGE turn off for me, both for gameplay and for sexual content), and quickly not even possible at all because the amount of corruption you can purge is also finite.
For that the first solution is easy, lower the corruption decrease significantly for both relics and ascending. Secondly, add long term ways to mitigate the corruption decrease through progression (for exemple the warding bracers could give corruption resistance like Saeko instead of just a gain) and/or more repeatable ways to gain corruption and to remove curses, you could tie that into the economy changes I suggested so that it adds something to do with that money.

Minor suggestion : Expend the "combat score" mechanic from layer 8 to the other layers. Sure a lone unequipped average girl would have no chance againt bandits or a baying gourmet, but I would expect a cat girl with sharp claws/fangs, lightning fast reflexes and super dexterity to be able to drive them off without the help of a gun. And yes there is the magical "use a combination of relics" button, but I have no idea how it works, as far as I can tell it's pretty much just a cheat code. Having that combat score mechanic on every fightable encounter would be a lot more immersive and would add more meaning to the relics and curses you take.

Of course those changes would also need to tweak the corruption and money price of things, but that's standard game balancing. I'd gladly help you make the game but I have no idea how to make a game like this, so I don't know how much I can do. I've looked around the game files and have figured out how to change some values, I can already do minor tweaks to my liking, but I can't do much more.

Those are just my thoughts on the subject, in the end, it's your game, so it's your decision to take them into account or not.
Thank you for spending the time and effort into making the game and sharing it with us. From the inspirations you draw from, the music choices (i've been listening to Sunken Ruin while writing this) or the engaging writing, I can tell that this is a work of passion and it is very well done.

Thank you again for your work, and take care of yourself out there.
Thanks so much for this well thought out feedback!

As I think about the game, I'm inclined to agree with most of your points, though they may be difficult to address in practice.

I've been thinking of the Abyss as a single adventure without much looping to prevent things like repetitive grinding, but you're right, that does preclude the possibility of extending the adventure through traveling up and down more. It should be finite imo, but I can add more incentives to travel around.

One thing I'm planning is an NPC on layer 2 which requests things from layer 3-5, so if you go down and return to her then you get a benefit in terms of corruption bonuses, some medkits, and scenes with her. That can help mitigate the cost of going down and up again in a way that doesn't feel like grinding and makes sense in the narrative. If that character works well then I'd consider adding other similar incentives to the game as well. Do you think something like that matches what you're thinking?

One concern I have about repeatable Relics is that they aren't actually interesting content and that if they're efficient to get then they'd basically amount to grinding. Or if they're inefficient to get then player's are better off getting normal Relics anyway. Since there are quite a few normal Relics already.

Yes, the
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Regarding the large amounts of overt sexuality in the game, I definitely see where you're coming from. I think that the author of the original CYOA this is based on would also agree at this point haha (it would be one of his 2 main criticisms of the original I think), so I personally don't want to make the focus of the game on the sex all the time. I'd rather have it feel like an adventure than a porno. And now that you mention it, I hope I haven't been focusing too much on that, since there have been many requests for more H scenes. But I'm glad that hasn't hurt your enjoyment of the game at least.

Regarding corruption, I view that as one of the more precious resources in the game, since the only way to deal with it consistently is to make hard choices that the player would typically prefer not to make. I think some of the pressure of the expedition is the player choosing how to cope with the increasing corruptive pressure of the Abyss.

So, I'm not sure I'd want to just add a bunch of things like the warding bracers, since I'm not sure there can be a balanced cost to those that doesn't make them much better than Curses. I do see that some people have a lower tolerance for corrupting Curses though, so maybe I could add a "low corruption" mode where you get 2x corruption from all Curses or something to make that easier? Do you think something like that would accommodate your needs?

And yeah, I agree the combat system is a bit lacking right now. I'm not sure just expanding the one from Layer 8 to all of the layers is the best way to handle it, but I can see why you think there needs to be some improvements for sure. I'm open to suggestions on how to change it, but ideally it would still fit well with the existing encounters.

If you want to help with development of the game (and even just contributing ideas counts for that!) then I'd recommend you join the Discord server. That's the main place that development discussion happens and a few people are already helping out there! Even if you don't know much about coding or game development, I think your thoughts are quite valuable and I'd like to hear more of them!

And I can't take credit for everything, since a lot was from the original image CYOA that inspired the game, but it really is a work of passion, so I'm glad that comes through when you play it!

loaf of bread

New Member
Feb 5, 2020
Just wondering since y'all have a curse that makes you look more like the opposite sex is there going to be one that makes you look more like your current one?

The reason for the question is because I tried to make the most masculine character I could but I still get called a twink without any of those curses.

Also how do I kill the doll?


Game Developer
Apr 27, 2020
Just wondering since y'all have a curse that makes you look more like the opposite sex is there going to be one that makes you look more like your current one?

The reason for the question is because I tried to make the most masculine character I could but I still get called a twink without any of those curses.

Also how do I kill the doll?
That's weird, you shouldn't be called a twink unless you're taken some gender reversal Curses or had some other similar transformation. You should look like a typical man, or something like that.

I am open to adding some sort of gender enhancement Curse though, I'll consider it.

You can't kill the doll. You can avoid it or not use it though. Actually, using the doll transforms you in the direction of a little doll. Have you used it? That could explain why you look like a more feminine man.
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loaf of bread

New Member
Feb 5, 2020
That's weird, you shouldn't be called a twink unless you're taken some gender reversal Curses or had some other similar transformation. You should look like a typical man, or something like that.

I am open to adding some sort of gender enhancement Curse though, I'll consider it.

You can't kill the doll. You can avoid it or not use it though. Actually, using the doll transforms you in the direction of a little doll. Have you used it? That could explain why you look like a more feminine man.
I didn't use it at activated on its own then told me to go to sleep I refused, now I'm in a dress and a diaper.

The Twink thing happened before hand.

Also thank you for responding!


Jul 11, 2018
The omen eyes can go over 100% since you can get multiple levels on one region, it just makes it ultra-sensitive. And that's a good point, it will be changed to a single percentage in!

One thing I'm planning is an NPC on layer 2 which requests things from layer 3-5, so if you go down and return to her then you get a benefit in terms of corruption bonuses, some medkits, and scenes with her. That can help mitigate the cost of going down and up again in a way that doesn't feel like grinding and makes sense in the narrative. If that character works well then I'd consider adding other similar incentives to the game as well. Do you think something like that matches what you're thinking?

One concern I have about repeatable Relics is that they aren't actually interesting content and that if they're efficient to get then they'd basically amount to grinding. Or if they're inefficient to get then player's are better off getting normal Relics anyway. Since there are quite a few normal Relics already.

And yeah, I agree the combat system is a bit lacking right now. I'm not sure just expanding the one from Layer 8 to all of the layers is the best way to handle it, but I can see why you think there needs to be some improvements for sure. I'm open to suggestions on how to change it, but ideally it would still fit well with the existing encounters.
True, though I do have to ask if it just continues increasing or if it'll stop at some point?

This sounds like a good idea, though maybe also put one on layer 1? Maybe some robot or old lady that goes between the two layers for some reason? It makes some sense, especially since the de-aging food is on layer 3.

To be fair, the main issue, I think, is not the amount of content, but the money. It is a bit unrealistic for there to be a profession that makes no money beyond a certain point (since relics are finite) that somehow persists within an economy built around it. Maybe some relics can just respawn in-world as a result of what they are? For example, the Phoenix Obol revives you after you die--which, given the game, will mean you died in the Abyss--and then the Phoenix Obol is destroyed and unusable; perhaps this unusable Phoenix Obol simply disappears back into the Abyss, gets repaired, and reappears in its original resting place, but only if the one who took it is the one who used it? Or, perhaps, you could add some scenes where you are asked to use some relics for a task and are paid for doing so, but this would only be possible for some relics, perhaps only the ones you or your companions use? Like, if you happen to have Managed Misfortune, perhaps some guy who likes curses but isn't easily able to see them might want to see some curse but hasn't been able to see it yet, so you can use Managed Misfortune to show him the curse (since, best I can tell, the ones you store are toggleable, though maybe this isn't true of all of them) if it's not one that would conflict with one you already have (in which case perhaps the guy can tell it wouldn't work with you)?

I think their comment wasn't so much them wanting to expand the kind of combat you find on layer 8 to other layers, but just having the assessment of "how would you do against these enemies given your companions and defenses" to be spread to the other layers. This might even be a solution to the problem of just giving people an option to skip fights by saying "yeah I totally have the right relics for this situation."
I didn't use it at activated on its own then told me to go to sleep I refused, now I'm in a dress and a diaper.

The Twink thing happened before hand.

Also thank you for responding!
Did you have one of the Encyclopedia, Saeko, or the smartphone? If you didn't (or if you turned off abyssal knowledge), how many days did you forage for food on layer 1? I ask because the effect of that food without abyssal knowledge is to permanently alter your body in a similar manner to the Gender Reversal Curse, which after 1 iteration probably wouldn't make a male character look like a woman yet; if you have abyssal knowledge, this effect is only temporary. I had kind of the opposite problem where my female character looked to others like a man because I had foraged for food on layer 1 too many times.

Also, suggestion to FloricSpacer, maybe add a record of how food and water from the layers has affected you? I know that information used to be presented on the appearance screen, but now most of it isn't (including the layer 1 food, which is odd). Also also, perhaps include the omen eyes on the appearance screen in (at least until a separate place for cataloguing food effects is implemented)? Like, for some reason my metal skeleton is on the appearance page despite that not affecting my appearance unless my skin is removed somehow, so why not your body's heightened sensitivity as a result of the omen eyes?


Sep 17, 2017
I personally love the darker curses on level 8. Level 8 seems to be where shit starts getting a bit creepier and horror erotica is always fun. I saw for level 9 that there were curses going more into the direction of eldritch abomination which I'm looking forward too.

As for the curses of level 8 I do want to see the companions react to the darker curses. Maybe having one of the companions carry us around if we lose all our limbs. Or having to trust our companions to help us out if we took all the dark curses. It would also be interesting to have them be their own habitation ending for the surface.

Another thing I would love to see is more reaction to taking the more animalistic curses. Like the companions treating you more like an animal then a person since some of the curses imply (Specifically the one on level 7) implies that.

If I could ask, what will Below the Veil do? I didn't really get a general idea for it, but it seems interesting.

I like the companions, but I would love to have the twin be an option at the very start. But taking this companion would lock out that curse on level 8.

Also, will there be more interaction with our twin if we selected that curse? Like for settling on the surface?

Sorry I know this is a lot of suggestions. My last suggestion is having a species category. For instance, if you take on treats that would make you more a demon your species would change to that. It would mostly be useful for unique endings.

But like I said I do love this game, and it's an idea I haven't seen used in games like this.


New Member
Jun 25, 2018
I wouldn't recommend making it grindy either, my suggestion can have many interpretations and balancing. I think those are 2 keywords here, "incentive" and "mitigation".
"incentive" for money, encourage the player to explore. "mitigation" for corruption, allow the player to see a possible path for their exploration.

Layer 2 NPC quest : That's not what I was thinking, it's even better :D. Adding some of that mitigation and incentive AND some story and even H stuff for people who want more, great idea. I did have something similar in mind, for exemple with the lab at layer 5, you could have a similar npc where you can do something for them (tasks, hand in relic, cash, or even "test subjects") and in return they remove a curse using some technologie they have developped, maybe with small side effects like injuring you or something, cause things are not so simple in the abyss ^^.

About repeatable relics, it can be balanced to be not not grindy but still repeatable multiple times or even (in theory) infinitly, first by finding the right balance of selling price/corruption cost/time to find/requirement to find, and secondly by giving those relics a cooldown, could be in days, could be by traveling a certain amount of layers or something. The idea here would be minor relics to pick up along the way for a small but steady and reliable money income. I'd say 0 to no more than 2 relics like that per layer.

For layer 7, it's honestly pretty broken (as in glitched) right now, so I'm not sure I can propose ways to make it more durable wihtout it being a grind. Maybe a cooldown similar to what I said for relics.

On the sexual content. You're doing fine, people on this forum tend to be way too noisy about demanding adult content, I get it this is an adult site, but some go as far as trashing a perfectly good game just because it has the "no sexual content" tag. So you shouldn't worry too much about it and focus on making the game how you want it to be ^^

For the corruption, I get what you mean, I'm not suggesting giving tons of ways to negate it. But rather, integrating a few ways to mitigate it in longer term than just "+20 corruption for $60 once". Saeko's passive is a great exemple, could also have something in layer 7 that you pay to add corruption, or a wonder that gives you a passive that increase corruption gained from curses, etc. Something like that, the main purpose would be to extend the maximum amount of time one can dive before having to settle down in order to increase the opportunities of adventures.

About combat, there's just too many possibilities, and I don't know how hard they would be to put it the game. My first thought was to base it on the one from layer 8 because it's already here and would probably be the easiest as you would "just" need to import it to other layers.

Oh one thing I forgot to mention about my suggestions, is that it would make the specter of the end a much more relevant threat, right now there's no way you can keep diving for 900 days anyway, so you really forget about it...

In any case, if the balancing isn't exactly to my taste, and why would it be, it's not my game, I can always tweak it myself just for me. So I'm fine with keeping my suggestions more in line with your view of the game ;)
Also I just joined the discord, who knows, maybe I can be of some help there. I do have coding bases in a few language, just no idea of the process to make a game like this. I am starting to understand how the html file is organised though.
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Sep 17, 2017
Oh one thing I forgot to mention about my suggestions, is that it would make the specter of the end a much more relevant threat, right now there's no way you can keep diving for 900 days anyway, so you really forget about it...
Well to be fair to that, I'm sure when they add more levels it will be more relevant. I imagine that this will go on to at least past 10 levels. If it goes to 20 levels that would mean going back and forth while gathering the relics. Since most relics the deeper you go the longer it takes. Then if curses get somewhat hard to manage, (Level 8 curses and some of the level 9 curses look like they'll be interesting), then time increases any more. And level 8 can totally screw you if you spend too much time in that level. Anyways I think the specter of the end is just something they have planned for being relevant in later levels and future versions.

And correct me here if I'm wrong, but once you encounter the Specter of the End doesn't it keep hunting at the start of level 1 after you encounter it?


New Member
Jun 25, 2018
Well to be fair to that, I'm sure when they add more levels it will be more relevant. I imagine that this will go on to at least past 10 levels. If it goes to 20 levels that would mean going back and forth while gathering the relics. Since most relics the deeper you go the longer it takes. Then if curses get somewhat hard to manage, (Level 8 curses and some of the level 9 curses look like they'll be interesting), then time increases any more. And level 8 can totally screw you if you spend too much time in that level. Anyways I think the specter of the end is just something they have planned for being relevant in later levels and future versions.

And correct me here if I'm wrong, but once you encounter the Specter of the End doesn't it keep hunting at the start of level 1 after you encounter it?
The specter haunts you from the day you step into 3rd layer, and no matter where you go or what you do, except choosing a place to settle in, it WILL kill you in 900 days. It is basicaly a countdown to finish your run of the game, one way or another ...

And sorry to disappoint you, but from exploring the game files, it doesn't seem like there is much plans for more than 9 layers, maybe 10, but at some point things have to stop escalating you know. Once you've been through literral hell and reality bending horrors, at some point the game would just lose itself into non sense if it kept going too far. Also, it is much better to have 9 well crafted and rich layers than 20 soulless bland layers.
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Sep 17, 2017
The specter haunts you from the day you step into 3rd layer, and no matter where you go or what you do, except choosing a place to settle in, it WILL kill you in 900 days. It is basicaly a countdown to finish your run of the game, one way or another ...

And sorry to disappoint you, but from exploring the game files, it doesn't seem like there is much plans for more than 9 layers, maybe 10, but at some point things have to stop escalating you know. Once you've been through literral hell and reality bending horrors, at some point the game would just lose itself into non sense if it kept going too far. Also, it is much better to have 9 well crafted and rich layers than 20 soulless bland layers.
True, true, (you got a chuckle out of me from just literal hell and reality bending horrors.) I can see at least 10 layers if only to round things out. And yeah, I would rather have 9 or 10 well-crafted and rich layers.


Jul 11, 2018
Well to be fair to that, I'm sure when they add more levels it will be more relevant. I imagine that this will go on to at least past 10 levels. If it goes to 20 levels that would mean going back and forth while gathering the relics. Since most relics the deeper you go the longer it takes. Then if curses get somewhat hard to manage, (Level 8 curses and some of the level 9 curses look like they'll be interesting), then time increases any more. And level 8 can totally screw you if you spend too much time in that level. Anyways I think the specter of the end is just something they have planned for being relevant in later levels and future versions.

And correct me here if I'm wrong, but once you encounter the Specter of the End doesn't it keep hunting at the start of level 1 after you encounter it?
Actually, given that this is basically just turning a pre-existing not-really-a-game into an actual game, I happen to know it will only go up to 9 since the not-really-a-game only went up to 9. Many of the game's assets came from there, and if you download it you will see what I mean.
The specter haunts you from the day you step into 3rd layer, and no matter where you go or what you do, except choosing a place to settle in, it WILL kill you in 900 days. It is basicaly a countdown to finish your run of the game, one way or another ...

And sorry to disappoint you, but from exploring the game files, it doesn't seem like there is much plans for more than 9 layers, maybe 10, but at some point things have to stop escalating you know. Once you've been through literral hell and reality bending horrors, at some point the game would just lose itself into non sense if it kept going too far. Also, it is much better to have 9 well crafted and rich layers than 20 soulless bland layers.
To be fair, at the moment it actually won't kill you. I can't remember where I saw it, but for me the Spectre was going to come for me in -285 days at one point some time ago.


Sep 12, 2020
Excuse me, but is it possible as a man to have sex with khemia in what way?

And if it's not possible, please just tell me how I do it with a female character............ I feel stupid because I've already tried so many times XD.

Postada: This game is really interesting.


out fighting regex
Feb 23, 2023
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Jul 11, 2018
Are there any cheats or a debug mode? I had my fun trying it for real but don't feel like grinding to see lower levels.
Well, in the "use items and relics" menu, there is an option that says "perform other stat adjustments to correct for errors." This menu allows you to change dubloons, corruption, bullets (this one only actually works if you have the gun), time, water (the bottled ones, not the flasks), and food. You can also simulate a commerce balloon (which allows you to do multiple things from most layers of the abyss, including access the shop), cheat in relics (not just one copy, either), change companion affection, and take/remove curses without affecting corruption (though some curses actually depend on a dialogue that comes when you accept them, so I'd recommend learning which of the ones you want to take are actually like that). There's also a "debug menu" option in this menu, which will allow you to teleport to the hubs of each layer (including the to-be-implemented layer 9). There's a couple of options I didn't mention, but they don't really qualify as "cheats."


Nov 12, 2016
Thanks! Regarding the twin bugs, I think those will be sorted out in which will be released soon.

Yeah, I think someone trying to minimize changes is certainly harder haha. Though whether that's a sex change or other changes is up to the player I think.

What sort of things would you like to do in the layers if more were possible? I'm thinking of ways to add more interaction now, and I'm open to ideas.
I've been thinking about this one for a while...So to increase interaction you need to populate the levels and to populate those level you need to give those inhabitants a purpose. The only populated place at this point being the surface and the base mechanic of the game is trying to force the player to not go back there because of the corruption cost.

The habitation option could give the flavour of the populated spaces and the types of interaction (from being a tribe slave, being experimented on or exploited by succubi and incubi. Interaction could be forced by curses (needing sexual release for exemple) or a similar "job" mechanic found on the 7th (?) floor. Shops of corrupted foods and water could also be a thing. The purpose here is to find and create situation to trigger various perks. Eventually it could give flavor to a curse like "In the limelight" where you use your cellphone to broadcast shows to level you travelled earlier?

So mainly, my best idea at the moment would be expand on the habitation element.

Also, twin curse still talks about removing your penis even if your character and twin don't have one while using the " Maybe you spread your legs and I'll fit myself right in between " option.
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