This should be fixed in the hot fix which will be coming within the next week!no clue whats going on here, like at all, but it doesn't work
it gets to this point and breaks
We're looking at making the Curses more impactful and considering adding an equipment system and clothing so that those Curses become more meaningful! Do you have ideas of what effects you'd like to see in a system like that?I actually really like this game but I'm a bit disappointed the cloth restrictions don't really affect the run. They do but like maybe there's not enough flavour text to flesh out our character being forced to tread in barely any clothing, or barefoot or nude in snowy mountains or hot desert for example.
Sorry, good point! I added those tags now! You can play as a lesbian.I'm confused...all 3 protagonist gender but no lesbian or gay tag...does that mean each protagonist has its own set of LI? That would be the only logical thing since i also dont see a "no sexual content" tag.
But in case the main tags were forgotten, i just ask if the game can be played as lesbian or if dicks are unavoidable.
We're looking at adding more gameplay impact to Curses! What sort of impacts would you want to see? Was there anywhere you expected an impact, but didn't see one and felt disappointed?I really like the transformation options and the things it could do... But I just cant get with the structure of the game. The structure just feels like most transformations are meaningless and just a means to get corruption. Not the currupton effecting the hero/heroine. They seem to have minimal inpact on events or gameplay. And just going up and down layers with costs make the game feel even more restrictive. Then having events and interactions with the local populase or companions just feels so sparse. Extremly sparse. You cant really talk to companions unless they have something to say, nor can you initiate stuff with them. The surface town mainly just has flavour text atm, nothing really happens in the layer settlments towns as far as I saw playing this new version?
To me at least, it feels like base of the game is there, but needs far more work.
I do apricate the effort in making a transformation base game, Even if I dont feel its there yetIt could be my problem expecting more from the game. /shrugs
And lasly, it was present in the first time i played the game and still in this version,, but can there be an option/cheat to remove that ghost thing that eventually kills yous ? or unless give us an option to deal with it, a way to kill it ? If it only followed you on 1 layer, it wouldnt be as annoying.
Ah, good catch, I'll look into that!The debug remove curse is broken, if you try to remove any curse it throws Error: RemoveCurse is not defined.
The current local AI code is very buggy, we have a dramatically improved version coming in the hot fix within a week.Hey, so I'm completely unfamiliar with AI image generation stuff so maybe this is just on me, but when I run the one click comfyui installer I eventually get to the point where I get this error: "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'torch_directml'" after which the installer doesn't do anything else.
I'm glad you think it's a good foundation! What sort of things do you think feel like bloat to you? What would you like to see added or removed from the game to make it better?I can say that this game adds too many "because this thing is cool so we have to add it" things. Although it is too bloated, it is a good foundation.
In fact, I am not satisfied with the whole treasure and corruption system. It is too "free". MC only needs a few days to get them, and the change of corruption only takes a moment. I think a better system should be to get them through an event chain with options. Players need to make choices in the event chain, balance teammates and deal with corruption. Of course, doing so also means a longer production cycle and more text, as well as cutting the so-called freedom. But I doubt whether those useless treasures that exist purely for the currency management system are really valuable?This should be fixed in the hot fix which will be coming within the next week!
We're looking at making the Curses more impactful and considering adding an equipment system and clothing so that those Curses become more meaningful! Do you have ideas of what effects you'd like to see in a system like that?
Sorry, good point! I added those tags now! You can play as a lesbian.
We're looking at adding more gameplay impact to Curses! What sort of impacts would you want to see? Was there anywhere you expected an impact, but didn't see one and felt disappointed?
You can cheat away the specter of the end by modifying the time value in the cheats menu to be lower, since it goes after you on a set date. Though also, we're considering altering that mechanic. Do you have any idea for how you would prefer for the specter to act in a way that isn't so obtrusive to the gameplay you feel you need to cheat?
Ah, good catch, I'll look into that!
The current local AI code is very buggy, we have a dramatically improved version coming in the hot fix within a week.
I'm glad you think it's a good foundation! What sort of things do you think feel like bloat to you? What would you like to see added or removed from the game to make it better?
I realise adding whole mechanics may be complicated but maybe a simple gear system with stats does sound cool. Even if it's not visually reflected it would be nice if there were small events of flavour texts from the NPCs or party member about our clothing or lack thereof, depending on the situation (and layer climate).This should be fixed in the hot fix which will be coming within the next week!
We're looking at making the Curses more impactful and considering adding an equipment system and clothing so that those Curses become more meaningful! Do you have ideas of what effects you'd like to see in a system like that?
Sorry, good point! I added those tags now! You can play as a lesbian.
We're looking at adding more gameplay impact to Curses! What sort of impacts would you want to see? Was there anywhere you expected an impact, but didn't see one and felt disappointed?
You can cheat away the specter of the end by modifying the time value in the cheats menu to be lower, since it goes after you on a set date. Though also, we're considering altering that mechanic. Do you have any idea for how you would prefer for the specter to act in a way that isn't so obtrusive to the gameplay you feel you need to cheat?
Ah, good catch, I'll look into that!
The current local AI code is very buggy, we have a dramatically improved version coming in the hot fix within a week.
I'm glad you think it's a good foundation! What sort of things do you think feel like bloat to you? What would you like to see added or removed from the game to make it better?
So, we're actually looking at expanding the way events work in the upcoming 1.4 update so that things are more interactive with more meaningful choices! This will apply to things like Relics and also a complete revamp of the threat encounters.In fact, I am not satisfied with the whole treasure and corruption system. It is too "free". MC only needs a few days to get them, and the change of corruption only takes a moment. I think a better system should be to get them through an event chain with options. Players need to make choices in the event chain, balance teammates and deal with corruption. Of course, doing so also means a longer production cycle and more text, as well as cutting the so-called freedom. But I doubt whether those useless treasures that exist purely for the currency management system are really valuable?
Right now the Omoikane Circuit has events tied to the workshop, but we're looking and reducing the reliance on the shop and encouraging surface visits so that becomes less of an issue anyway.Is there a reason why you cant use a commerce balloon to use the Relic Workshop to install the Omoikane Circuit, or to have the Item Shop refill flasks? Cause if you can send other stuff up with the balloon I don't see why you cant send the Circuit + phone to be combined or the empty flasks up to be refilled.
Also would it be possible to add an option to make use of the Kin Eater + Superpositonal Skewer combo for teleportation without needing to use the debug menu?
Edit: Actually, how do you refill flasks on the surface period, I cant find any option for that.
Hmm, I can't replicate this issue. Can you share your save on the Discord server? Or more precise steps to replicate it?Is the 8th Layer suppose to double your food/water consumption? Cause for whatever reason I'm consuming 4 of each per day only on the 8th Layer, even though I should only be consume 2 (I have the Twin).
Ooh, some very interesting ideas! Right now there are stats, and we're looking into expanding their use in an equipment system!I realise adding whole mechanics may be complicated but maybe a simple gear system with stats does sound cool. Even if it's not visually reflected it would be nice if there were small events of flavour texts from the NPCs or party member about our clothing or lack thereof, depending on the situation (and layer climate).
I think adding a lot of different flavour text to flesh out how our character lives through their lack of clothing and how the world reacts to it would already come a long way. Imagine a long rope climbing without gloves, or treading in a desert or snowy peaks barefoot, etc. Incurring injuries that are specific to those situations and having the character rest specifically for these situation with a matching flavour text would be really good for the immersion. Obviously if there is gameplay consequences, I think it's even better. The party members always minding the state of clothing of our character regarding of the temperature/climate would be awesome.
But to reiterate about the gear system, I think simple stats would work.
- defence, which would reduce the risk of injury (assuming the current injury system doesn't change)
- weight, with different thresholds or maybe a unified value with the weight we can carry (perhaps the value may have to change to accommodate clothing system)
- hot/cold/rain resistance, pretty self explanatory
- durability may be really interesting but perhaps this will be getting too complicated to implement
- the slots could be head, face, top, under top (maybe even over top), hands, bottom, under bottom and feet and under feet
The lack of certain clothing would make it easier to sustain injuries, such as no gloves or shoes. Not every clothing would bring value to every stats but even the lack of some clothing can be an advantage
Like more food foraged when not using gloves since bare hands is more comfortable, or bare feet making possible to sneak away since it's more silent than hard shoe soles. But these advantages come with obvious cons of course
Some clothing could help with hiding some curses while the lack of them while show them in broad daylight
- perhaps another set of slots for relics (that would work as accessory slots, such as necklace, bracelet, waist, ankles, etc). Since abyss diving is about knowledge, having to equip beforehand the right relics on the right layers for urgent situations such as fights and traps would be exciting in my opinion. And when it comes to exploration, having the relic in the bag is enough since there's no sense of urgency. Plus having limited slots would force us to think both about which relics to get and which one to prioritise when equipping them
- and maybe we could go crazy and add different type of backpacks (size, carry weight)
Now about the stat values, I don't know if they should be flat or %, I don't know which one would work the best, it depends on your vision of the game I guess. I don't know haha, can't say I'm knowledgeable about game development.
Great to hear you're enjoying it!I really like the way the game is it right now. for the most part it sticks close to the theme of the Abyss series i agree a little with the back pack idea but this ur game and u should do what u feel is right moving forward wish u luck.
This should be fixed in 1.3.1a!After some time of playing (on the third layer) this error appeared. I don't know what it means, I'm not a programmer at all, but portraits stopped generating.
View attachment 4291008
Unfortunately I cant share any steps to replicate it as I have no idea when it even started, I only noticed it was happening when I took the 17 day travel time to descend to the 9th Layer (I had a bunch of travel time reductions stacked) and suddenly used up nearly 70 food and water instead of the expected 34, then I loaded back a save to test some and saw that the double consumption only applied while on the 8th Layer (well, it might've applied on the 9th Layer as well, I never had the chance to check), it might have to do with the twin curse though, but I'm not really sure. I cant give the save either as not long after that the save completely broke with errors and reloading earlier saves only broke those as well.Hmm, I can't replicate this issue. Can you share your save on the Discord server? Or more precise steps to replicate it?
same...Damn, I only just realized comfyAI requires an nvidia GPU. I attempted to do CPU generation but it takes forever. Guess no AI art for me
I'm getting this too, setting the penis slider to anything other than 15 causes it to become absolutely massive.Just went to start a new game and give the newest version a try, was excited to go on my newest femboy adventures! After just finishing the intro, went to see my appearance and noticed a bug. Character creation forces my character to have a penis with more than 55 cm long, decreasing the slider doesn't matter, if i don't click the slider at all it's fine, just goes to 15 cm. Something's up with the body asset generator : /
The debug menu actually really wrecked saves haha, which is why I hid it in the latest updates! It's really only meant for developer use anyway, so it's not something I want to expose to players. You can flip a variable if you really need it lol.Unfortunately I cant share any steps to replicate it as I have no idea when it even started, I only noticed it was happening when I took the 17 day travel time to descend to the 9th Layer (I had a bunch of travel time reductions stacked) and suddenly used up nearly 70 food and water instead of the expected 34, then I loaded back a save to test some and saw that the double consumption only applied while on the 8th Layer (well, it might've applied on the 9th Layer as well, I never had the chance to check), it might have to do with the twin curse though, but I'm not really sure. I cant give the save either as not long after that the save completely broke with errors and reloading earlier saves only broke those as well.
If I had to guess the problem (well, both that one as the broken save) might be because I was using the debug menu to teleport between layers to simulate the two way teleportation of double Superpositional Skewers as I noticed some things acting weird after I started doing that (like some curses I picked regaining the option to be selected after re-entering the layer via the debug menu).
Just went to start a new game and give the newest version a try, was excited to go on my newest femboy adventures! After just finishing the intro, went to see my appearance and noticed a bug. Character creation forces my character to have a penis with more than 55 cm long, decreasing the slider doesn't matter, if i don't click the slider at all it's fine, just goes to 15 cm. Something's up with the body asset generator : /
Fixed in 1.3.1b!I'm getting this too, setting the penis slider to anything other than 15 causes it to become absolutely massive.
We're looking into other GPU support! What GPU do you have? So we can keep than in mind during development. If you want to test it and make sure it works, join our discord server and we may give you experimental builds to work for your GPU.Damn, I only just realized comfyAI requires an nvidia GPU. I attempted to do CPU generation but it takes forever. Guess no AI art for me
If you can't figure it out, you can join our Discord server for quick help with getting it working!someone have a video of ComfyUI in Abyss Diver Interactive