Yes and game companies should have their game finished before they announce it, so they are ready in time!
The big question that you need to answer: "How are they earning money, while working on something they aren't paid for?" Because it's easy to do, if someone is giving the money.
Or imagine the feedback if they need / want to rework something and 2 other updates are already finished.... yes, great idea! "Nah we appreciate your feedback, but we can't tell you that updates 1 & 2 are already finished and we are working on update 3 which will be released in 16 month. We agree with your feedback, but there is no chance we can implement it in the next 16 month. Just be patient, it might seem we are ignorant, but in reality we listened to @Gwedelino."
Money is of course a problem since usually people don't support project that didn't get an initial release yet.
So yeah, a dev who is waiting to complete 1/2 updates before releasing the very first demo will have to wait longer before starting to get money. This also mean that the initial investment on this game project will be bigger.
However, this can sometimes draw a line between viable projects and those that won't last long.
Any developer that start a porngame project must keep in mind that :
- There is very little chance that their project will be profitable,
- one does not build a professional career around it.
Competition is so hard that devs must seek to maximize their chances if they hope to earn anything through their game.
And in the end, what's better ?
- Having tougher months at the beginning, but putting all its chances on its side in the long run.
- Going for the quicker release, but taking high risks if any big problem occurs.
Regarding feedback, the easier solution is to have playtesters. it's an extra charge, but it's really not the most time-consuming or expensive.
This doesn't work very well for developers that want to let their supporters "vote" about which kind of content will be in the next updates, but to be honest, devs who are in that kind of situation only show that their game has no planning and that the story of their game won't really be interesting.