I am actually stunned, how the game has seemed to drop in quality for literally no reason. Episode 6 wasn't too bad besides the ending, but it was obvious that our choices started not to matter much.
And with episode 7, it seems like it's effectively killed all momentum, and fun that was built from the beginning of the story. The light-hearted tone, effective writing with great character development, and choices, that at least seemed to give nuance to the story.
Now we are left with a very focused narrative, where there are no choices, momentum has has been pushed off a cliff as major characters have been killed off for absolutely no reason, cheap plot twists and everything has become dark and cheap to add drama. At least the earlier Liam diagnosis, while depressing, it still felt sort of authentic, and made you feel empathetic towards him.
Seriously, I have never seen such a drop-off in quality like this. Acting Lessons was my favorite game and sure episode 6 took a dip, but I didn't think it could end up how poorly it is now. The ending of episode 6 and episode 7 have effectively ruined the story for me. Anyone else really disappointed, and puzzled as to why the dev would steer the narrative in this direction. Seriously, episodes 1-5 seem like there were written and developed by a completely different team, and they have all left the building by now. It's like the new team had a completely different vision and direction to take than the initial team lol. I love the dev and hope they have more success in the future, as I still love the earlier episodes, I'm just a little disappointed.