And like I said - some people can suspend disbelief enough to enjoy the story and characters for what it is. I play roleplaying games for over 30 years now - so it's second-nature for me to immerse myself in a make-believe story - even if some of it is implausible.
You opinion and points and duly noted on number of occasions. Out of curiosity - is it your position that Dating My Daughter, Man of the House, and Dreams of Desire are believable?
What do you assume that I look at every story and say "No things can not happen!" ? I immerse myself in stories often. I enjoy cinema and literature. I have played adventure games, and role playing as well. But if story pulls me out of it, it is on the story. This happens in bad films, or bad games, or sometimes in bad endings or scenes in good games.
I know my English is not strong. So I can try to make clear as possible. Believing and suspending disbelief works differently in different games, or books or cinema. Man of the House, Dreams of Desire, and Dating My Daughter are not realistic. They do not try. Dreams of Desire is a story about magic, so magic is accepted from the beginning. Man of the House and Dating my Daughter are excuses for incest. That tone is set up from the beginning. Dating My Daughter very specially tries to not be real. It is pure fantasy. Attacking them for not being real would be like saying Avengers is not real. It is true point, but meaning nothing.
Acting Lessons is different. That it tries to be something like the reality of the world. In early chapters mainly. Character like Megan, Melissa and Liam are realist. They work and act like people you know or might have known. Liam fighting cancer in real and heart breaking way. Even idea of three way relationship which in every other game is after thought is handles in a way that can be considered realistic. Surely, the problem is that when it comes to other drama... Pink does not even attempt at realism. Peter, Dick and Leah are very much not good characters or good villains. Peter and Dick acts like what someone who has only seen abusive man in cinema think they act as. And Leah, I have argued over many times she is not real in all important way. If game is set as horror or suspense from the starting of it, then Leah being a horror monster is less a concerning problem. But game is set as realistic romantic comedy that then asks player to accept tragedy, then accept after that it is horror all along. But if player stops to look at game from before and game at end and after 6, then all small problems become bigger.
And if suspending of disbelief is always ok. Would you be just as happy with story if villain was Hedwig? Or Pearson? Or Liam? If consistant part of telling a story is not important, then why tell story at all?
I can can hardly wait for the next and final chapter (not that I would want the story to come to an end just yet), I really want to see how my path with my main babe Melissa comes to end, hoping for a happy ending of course!
I have to ask how. In any way under god could happy ending exist? If Melissa
Happy ending would be less real than events that started mess in first place.