Dr PinkCake

Nah, thank you and anyone else who is working on the game. It's near perfect.

Also, just some advice, I wouldn't take it too much to heart when people dislike Megan (I'm seeing plenty of these types of comments on here). She's a unique girl with an interesting personality as any "main girl" should be, so she's obviously not going to be for everyone.
I'm just glad that people are passionate! That's what I hoped for. Their opinions will not change the direction of the game. I'm too headstrong to let that happen and the story is already written.

see..my late wife was like melissa...damaged..beaten by her first husband and we did it our first date..and got married within two weeks..but we had years of married bliss full of love and caring before she passed..thats why i say melissa is "wife material" ..just need the right guy to treat her with respect
This genuinly makes me sad to read. I hope my story doesn't stir up emotions in you. I can't spoil anything but be advised that it will be a roller coaster.


What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Feb 17, 2018
Yeah, yeah, game is good. Fine. Sure, artwork is spectacular. Okay, okay. And, agreed, story is tight.

But, really, what I want to know is the origin of your name. Is it a funny thing or some birthday trauma from when you were 8 and forced to wear something awful?


Devoted Member
May 10, 2018
I'm just glad that people are passionate! That's what I hoped for. Their opinions will not change the direction of the game. I'm too headstrong to let that happen and the story is already written.

This genuinly makes me sad to read. I hope my story doesn't stir up emotions in you. I can't spoil anything but be advised that it will be a roller coaster.
no worries..this is a game..and i'm old,not prone to emotion anymore..lol....i was just saying why i see melissa as wife material from personal experience


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
Hands down, best game on this site. Feels more like adult game version of "Friends": drama, humor, characters, dialogue...all believable and well executed.
Plus it's good to see some consequences, for once.

Only "criticism" I have is lack of morefriend route with Megan ( Especially later on, when you hear about her past, kind of makes you want restart) and relationships with other characters moving "too fast" next to her's.
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Engaged Member
Nov 18, 2017
I really hope that Liam doesn't have anything terminal wrong with him. The comedy out of him is hilarious and if something happened and he wasn't around anymore, that would suck. Please just let it be non-fatal bodycrabs or hemorrhoids. Although Megan cheating on the MC and bustin' out one-liners does sound kind of intriguing.... ;)XDXDXD


May 21, 2018
100% agreed ... and even that I also do not like Melissa, she is not so pretty like other girls for me ... for me it's Megan > Rena > Leah > > > > > Melissa ... sry I don't understand the hype around her ... and pls don't kill me :D
Aaaah too bad , I got the rope prepared, just needed the time to find the perfect tree :p

see..my late wife was like melissa...damaged..beaten by her first husband and we did it our first date..and got married within two weeks..but we had years of married bliss full of love and caring before she passed..thats why i say melissa is "wife material" ..just need the right guy to treat her with respect
Sad but you earned my respect, sir.


New Member
Nov 29, 2017
I'm just wondering if there is a way not to engage a relationship with Megan? I was thinking of a walkthrough where you kinda become good friend with her and then you can go after her friends without beeing unfaithful? She's so sweet that being unfaithful almost makes me feel bad for a virtual girl... while the other characters are irresistible (yeah, Melissa of course). But after all, Megan is almost the main protagonist of the game, so maybe this doesn't make much sense.
I think the beauty of the story is the fact that melissa sees that mc and megan do like eachother and she will be conflicted between her friendship and his feeling toward mc. also she doesnt know if the feeling is reciprocated. also mc isnt just a vessel for the player he does like megan and unlike some players (including myself) doesnt have strong feeling for melissa yet. maybe through choices its possible to grow an strong bond with melissa and also not breaking megans heart and everything be rainbows and unicorns or maybe this will never be implemented and story takes surprising and tragic turns (which I really hope so even though Im secretly hoping for the first option).
at this point the only things that Im sure of is that I want more of this story and based on previous episode I fully trust dr pinkcake to deliver amazing episodes which stir up my feelings.
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Well-Known Member
May 25, 2017
Liam also makes an appearance in Anna Exciting Affection. I noticed him on Sergey's yacht. Liam, I had no idea your boss was boyfriend to Anna's sister!
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
This game is really cool, romance is really nice and characters have depth and are really different. Music is nice and liam is really funny character. I Recommend this game for all. My favorite is Megan.
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Nov 26, 2017
This is such, such a good game. Love the writing, the characters, just all of it. And Liam is just the fucking best.


Feb 10, 2018
100% agreed ... and even that I also do not like Melissa, she is not so pretty like other girls for me ... for me it's Megan > Rena > Leah > > > > > Melissa ... sry I don't understand the hype around her ... and pls don't kill me :D

See..THIS is the ultimate proof when a developer have made a great game. When players can discuss the characters and relate them and imagine them as to what they would be in real life. And that is a good thing..this game is really great. Love it. And ithink i can contribute with a little theory to why a girl like Melissa would be concidered atleast "gf material". The simple answer is shes a girl with less limitations then Megan. That doesent mean that she would run around fucking others day in and day out when in a relationship with a guy like you. But she has a wild side. I mean lets face it if one had a thing going on with a Melissa and then gets offered doggystyle on the couch whom in this thread would say no to that. Ok so shes a wreck one could say but since were ytalking about them as "real persons" in this scenario then lets look at wheres at in her life now. Beeing beaten and not feeling good at all. She does cry in your car opening up remeber. That can be fixed. Just look at what thunderrob is writing.

And hell yea who wouldnt want a Megan but lets stop and think here. What is more likely to meet out on the streets..a Melissa (that it sadly exists way to many of out there irl)..or a Megan that you meet and after first day comes to you with her troubled mind and on basicly the same night showers in your aparetemnt walking around halfnaked and is the perfect dreamgirl beauty and of all guys falls for YOU after 48 hours. Now that sure would be something but is WAY unlikely.

Sad but true:teary:

OT this game is great as i said and Megan is hot hot hot:heartcoveredeyes:..and Melissa is the spice named yummy:heartcoveredeyes:..and im REALLY curious about Rena:heartcoveredeyes:
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Feb 10, 2018
see..my late wife was like melissa...damaged..beaten by her first husband and we did it our first date..and got married within two weeks..but we had years of married bliss full of love and caring before she passed..thats why i say melissa is "wife material" ..just need the right guy to treat her with respect
I raise my glass and salute you:)


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2018
The writer(s?) of this game did a really good job so far. Every character is interesting in its own way. It's also great how some choices affect multiple characters at the same time in a natural way.

My favorites are Melissa, Rena and Ana. They are the most attractive pixel-girls in this game and they are also mysterious one way or another.

And Liam is a great side-kick. It's funny how the walkthrough has to mention there is no gay stuff happening, because in the beginning Liam seems to be overly caring. But he grows on you the more play.


Jul 21, 2017

not i..i had him pegged as "old spice commercial guy"
Well, Terry Crews did Old Spice commercials, too. ;)

But while I like Isaiah Mustafa, I think he's too suave. Too sophisticated. Liam's too much of a swaggering, over-the-top dudebro. He's loud, he's brash, he's boisterous. He has no Inside Voice. Which is why we love him.


What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Feb 17, 2018
Sort of a Chris Rock in a Wesley Snipes body.
4.60 star(s) 831 Votes