I used most common definition used by Wikipedia, "term used to describe language, policies, or measures that are intended to avoid offense or disadvantage to members of particular groups in society", which seems correct to me.
You achieved to totally miss my point, and still prove it right.
You apply this definition to what offend you, to what seem, from your point of view, to be a disadvantage.
But the fact is that there's people who are offended by the sole mention of sex, who think that they become disadvantaged in their search for a spouse, if everybody see sexuality as more than they are ready to provide. And those people, as well as their speech, totally fit the definition you used as reference for "political correctness".
From this I didn't see very PC loaded language in the porn games (maybe I'm wrong, I'm not native english speaker), policies doesn't apply, so only thing which was left of are measures.
The key word here is "I".
Yes, you don't see that much political correctness in games, but in the same time, you clearly don't share OP view over what is "political correctness". For him, there's a lot of political correctness nowadays in adult games, because too few of them explore "the dirty, filthy, forbidden part of the sex".
Unlike you, he don't define "political correctness" as the enforcement of whatever kind of acceptance, but but as the rejection of the "deviancy" implied by any kind of sexuality.
And in the end, both of you are correct... from your own point of view, and with your own definition of what "political correctness" mean. Simply because, like I said, it fully depend of the reader, and nothing more.