3:38:29.265:Engine Version: 5.0.5 (Build 1195 from Build date: Jun 1 2018)
3:38:29.265:Time needed for preloading game: 53 msec
3:38:29.265:No config.ini in C:\Users\..\AppData\Local/Adventures of Willy D 021//config.ini
3:38:29.272:Using DX11 Subsystem
3:38:31.160:Initializing graphics interface. Surface size: 1366x768, render size: 1920x1080
3:38:31.478:red, green, blue, alpha, depth size: <0, 0, 0, 0, 0>, doublebuffer <0>, accelerated <1>
3:38:31.911:Serialization finished. Needed time: 306 ms
3:38:31.916:SetupParents finished. Needed time: 5 ms
3:38:31.916:SortLinks finished. Needed time: 0 ms
3:38:31.938:Interfaces loaded. Needed time: 15 ms
3:38:31.958:Blocks loaded. Needed time: 21 ms
3:38:31.993:Failed to run string in Lua: [string "(30,4)"]:52: 'end' expected (to close 'for' at line 18) near 'else'
3:38:31.993:String content: -- * globals * -- (used by read_ini and delete_ini)
local iniFilename = 'config.ini'
local iniFile = io.open(iniFilename, 'r')
-- * retrieves game settings from config.ini + sets condit?ions | values appropriately! * --
function read_ini()
-- * locals * --
local r_fullscreen = getObject('Scenes[Options_Menu].SceneConditions[fullscreen?]')
local r_resolution = getObject('Scenes[Options_Menu].SceneValues[resolution?]')
-- * script * --
if iniFile then
local line = iniFile:read()
print('-- * --')
print(iniFilename .. ' exists!')
print('retrieving settings from ' .. iniFilename .. '!')
for line in io.lines(iniFilename) do
-- * begin if else * --
if line == 'Fullscreen = No' then
r_fullscreen:setValue(VConditionValue, false)
print('fullscreen mode is off!')
if line == 'Fullscreen = Yes' then
r_fullscreen:setValue(VConditionValue, true)
print('fullscreen mode is on!')
end end
-- * --
if line == 'Resolution = Auto' then
r_resolution:setValue(VValueInt, 0)
print('resolution is set to auto!')
if line == 'Resolution = 1920x1080' then
r_resolution:setValue(VValueInt, 4)
print('resolution is currently set at 1920x1080!')
if line == 'Resolution = 1680x1050' then
r_resolution:setValue(VValueInt, 3)
print('resolution is currently set at 1680x1050!')
if line == 'Resolution = 1280x1024' then
r_resolution:setValue(VValueInt, 2)
print('resolution is currently set at 1280x1024!')
if line == 'Resolution = 1024x768' then
r_resolution:setValue(VValueInt, 1)
print('resolution is currently set at 1024x768!')
end end end end end
-- * --
-- * end if else * --
print(iniFilename .. ' does not exist!')
-- * removes the config.ini file so we can replace it with the temporary file! (only called if we have edited any of the settings) * --
function delete_ini()
if iniFile then
3:38:31.993:Failed to run string in Lua: [string "(30,5)"]:110: 'end' expected (to close 'function' at line 2) near '<eof>'
3:38:31.993:String content: -- * creates a temporary file to store edited settings which is renamed once the original config.ini file has been removed! * --
function save_ini()
-- * locals * --
local newIniFilename = 'config.ini.bak'
local newIniFile = io.open(newIniFilename, 'w')
local fullscreen = getObject('Conditions[fullscreen?]'):getBool(VConditionValue)
local resolution = getObject('Values[resolution?]'):getInt(VValueInt)
-- * convert resolution integer into a string * --
local res_str = 0
if resolution == 1 then res_str = '1024x768'
if resolution == 2 then res_str = '1280x1024'
if resolution == 3 then res_str = '1680x1050'
if resolution == 4 then res_str = '1920x1080'
end end end end
-- * write the data file * --
newIniFile:write('File = advanced_menu_example.ved\n')
-- * write the comments for fullscreen section! * --
newIniFile:write('# Fullscreen = {Yes|No}\n')
newIniFile:write('# Yes - starts the game in fullscreen\n')
newIniFile:write('# No - starts the game in a window\n')
if fullscreen then
newIniFile:write('Fullscreen = Yes\n')
-- * write comments for the resolution section! * --
newIniFile:write('# Resolution = {Auto|Desktop|Custom}\n')
newIniFile:write('# Auto - wide-screen support is activated if a wide-screen display is detected\n')
newIniFile:write('# Desktop - current desktop resolution is used when game is started in full screen mode\n')
newIniFile:write('# Custom - enter a custom value eg: Resolution = 1920x1080\n')
newIniFile:write('Resolution = Auto\n')
newIniFile:write('Fullscreen = No\n')
-- * write comments for the resolution section! * --
newIniFile:write('# Resolution = {Auto|Desktop|Custom}\n')
newIniFile:write('# Auto - wide-screen support is activated if a wide-screen display is detected\n')
newIniFile:write('# Desktop - current desktop resolution is used when game is started in full screen mode\n')
newIniFile:write('# Custom - enter a custom value eg: Resolution = 1920x1080\n')
newIniFile:write('Resolution = ' .. res_str .. '\n')
-- * write comments for the subtitles section! * --
newIniFile:write('# Subtitles = {Yes|No}\n')
newIniFile:write('# Yes - show subtitles during the game and videos\n')
newIniFile:write('# No - don\'t show subtitles during the game and videos\n')
if subtitles then
newIniFile:write('Subtitles = Yes\n')
newIniFile:write('Subtitles = No\n')
if sfx then
newIniFile:write('SFX = Yes\n')
newIniFile:write('SFX = No\n')
-- * write comments for log section! * --
newIniFile:write('# LogLevel = {Info|Warning|Error}\n')
newIniFile:write('LogLevel = Error\n')
-- * write comments for volume section! * --
newIniFile:write('# MusicVolume|SoundVolume|SpeechVolume = int value {0-100}\n')
-- * close the ini file! * --
-- * rename config.ini.bak to config.ini! * --
if os.rename(newIniFilename, 'config.ini') then
print(newIniFilename .. ' was sucessfully renamed to config.ini!')
print('saving new settings to config.ini!')
print('renaming ' .. newIniFilename .. ' to config.ini was unsuccessful!')
-- * print various statements to the log file! * --
if fullscreen then
print('fullscreen has been set to on!')
print('resolution has been set to auto!')
print('fullscreen has been set to off!')
print('resolution has been set to ' .. res_str .. '!')
3:38:31.022:SubSystem doesn't support runtime shaders
3:38:31.022:SubSystem doesn't support runtime shaders
3:38:31.022:SubSystem doesn't support runtime shaders
3:38:31.022:SubSystem doesn't support runtime shaders
3:38:31.023:Scripts loaded. Needed time: 85 ms
3:38:31.023:Time needed for loading game: 2759 msec
3:39:07.351:Serialization finished. Needed time: 37 ms
3:39:07.351:SetupParents finished. Needed time: 0 ms
3:39:07.351:SortLinks finished. Needed time: 0 ms
3:39:07.478:Serialization finished. Needed time: 36 ms
3:39:07.478:SetupParents finished. Needed time: 0 ms
3:39:07.478:SortLinks finished. Needed time: 0 ms
3:39:07.556:Serialization finished. Needed time: 18 ms
3:39:07.556:SetupParents finished. Needed time: 0 ms
3:39:07.556:SortLinks finished. Needed time: 0 ms
3:39:07.622:Serialization finished. Needed time: 21 ms
3:39:07.622:SetupParents finished. Needed time: 0 ms
3:39:07.622:SortLinks finished. Needed time: 0 ms
3:39:07.691:Serialization finished. Needed time: 22 ms
3:39:07.691:SetupParents finished. Needed time: 0 ms
3:39:07.691:SortLinks finished. Needed time: 0 ms
3:39:07.754:Serialization finished. Needed time: 20 ms
3:39:07.754:SetupParents finished. Needed time: 0 ms
3:39:07.754:SortLinks finished. Needed time: 0 ms
3:39:07.800:Serialization finished. Needed time: 19 ms
3:39:07.800:SetupParents finished. Needed time: 0 ms
3:39:07.800:SortLinks finished. Needed time: 0 ms
3:39:07.884:Serialization finished. Needed time: 35 ms
3:39:07.884:SetupParents finished. Needed time: 0 ms
3:39:07.884:SortLinks finished. Needed time: 0 ms
3:39:07.939:Serialization finished. Needed time: 30 ms
3:39:07.939:SetupParents finished. Needed time: 0 ms
3:39:07.939:SortLinks finished. Needed time: 0 ms
3:39:09.049:Serialization finished. Needed time: 31 ms
3:39:09.049:SetupParents finished. Needed time: 0 ms
3:39:09.049:SortLinks finished. Needed time: 0 ms
3:39:10.076:Serialization finished. Needed time: 16 ms
3:39:10.076:SetupParents finished. Needed time: 0 ms
3:39:10.076:SortLinks finished. Needed time: 0 ms
3:39:54.809:Abnormal program termination. Failed to save dump file to 'C:\Users\..\AppData\Local/Adventures of Willy D 021/vsplayer.dmp' (error -2147024865)
3:39:54.857:Executable: Visionaire 5.0.5 (Build date: Jun 1 2018, Build 1195)
3:39:54.981:Abnormal program termination. Failed to save dump file to 'C:\Users\..\AppData\Local/Adventures of Willy D 021/vsplayer.dmp' (error -2147024865)
3:39:54.981:Executable: Visionaire 5.0.5 (Build date: Jun 1 2018, Build 1195)
3:39:54.981:Abnormal program termination. Failed to save dump file to 'C:\Users\..\AppData\Local/Adventures of Willy D 021/vsplayer.dmp' (error -2147024865)
3:39:54.981:Executable: Visionaire 5.0.5 (Build date: Jun 1 2018, Build 1195)
3:39:54.981:Abnormal program termination. Failed to save dump file to 'C:\Users\..\AppData\Local/Adventures of Willy D 021/vsplayer.dmp' (error -2147024865)
3:39:54.981:Executable: Visionaire 5.0.5 (Build date: Jun 1 2018, Build 1195)