
Forum Fanatic
Jul 4, 2017
I really like where this game could go and it does have a massive amount of potential however I do agree with some folk here.

I think most of us would be willing to wait a while for more content while he fixes up what is there and gets the base stable and then build up from that.


Engaged Member
Sep 25, 2016
Is this game still a broke dick bug infested shit pile or did this guy actually get some nuts up on himself and got busy fixing the game


Forum Fanatic
Jul 4, 2017
I think i'm cursed.

As this is one of the games i'm waiting for it hasn't been updated in a while because things hate me.


It's really odd that the story keeps progressing yet the image folder is virtually empty. This in itself causes most of the bugs looking for pics that don't exist...
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Down with Delta-G
May 8, 2017
Yeah it's unfortunate because there are some good ideas in this game. But even the basics are bugged to all hell. Since my first try at this game I'm guessing 6 months ago until most recent version, even the most basic things like the main character's sex just randomly changes in the middle, among many other things. If your game can't even keep the main character's sex straight, you may need to step back and work on the basics for a a couple releases.


Forum Fanatic
Jul 4, 2017
I would have liked to have seen this progress but it really does need them to step back from content and bug fix before adding more or it's going to end up as the spaghetti junction of codes with no way back.


Forum Fanatic
Jul 4, 2017
As far as I know, yes.

I can't find anything that says otherwise but it does seem to be moving really slowly.


Down with Delta-G
May 8, 2017
There's quite a bit of activity and updates on his Patreon and he's gunning for a release on Saturday. Looking at the posts since the last update, it sounds like the missing images should be finally fixed, along with a lot of the neighborhood and base interactions. Whether or not the progress stated in the numerous posts actually gets reflected in the release remains to be seen. I hope so cause I would like to his project on track and playable.


Engaged Member
Sep 25, 2016
Like I said this dude needs to sit down and make a couple versions that are pure bug fixes nothing else just smash bugs cause this boys game is infested with em.


Down with Delta-G
May 8, 2017

A smidgen of improvement over previous versions, mainly because there are less missing images, but still plenty of them. But sadly it's still all over the place bug-wise, pieces of story showing up out of order, some scenes that trigger over and over, text that just doesn't make sense. Some of the new images that did make it are not too bad. But he added some more stuff that of course isn't working. I'm not sure he's ever going to do the work to shore up the foundation of this game to make it actually playable.


Jun 4, 2017
The bugs are intentional.
This game is what it would feel like if you got mind screwed by Total Recall.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
The bugs are intentional.
This game is what it would feel like if you got mind screwed by Total Recall.
Are you really sure about that ? Let's take the first bug that anyone will encounter, the inventory. It's a link displayed on the main screen which lead to a crash because the image don't exist. Or the fact that you see a character twice in the same screen because the author forgot to hide the previous picture ? Or the fact that you suddenly see a character that isn't even in this location and say absolutely nothing (well, this one why not) ? Or the fact that in the middle of a scene, the background change from, let's say your room to the facade of one of the house ?
I agree that there's perhaps few things that are intentional and intend to visually display the PTS of the main character, but sorry, most of the bugs are just that, bugs. Or the author really need to learn about PTS and, since the main character isn't completely human now, mental issues like schizophrenia, because it's absolutely not how it work.

This said, I've just had a quick play and a quick look at the code ; wanted first to know if it was still completely broke. I must admit that there's improvements. But like said by @Infamy, the author really should sit down and take the time to correct everything before adding new content. I think that most of us will still see this as a valid new version even if there's nothing new.
Bonus side for him, a less crappy game can lead to way more patreons, because the idea is good and I think that the author have still a lot to say. In fact I know it. Both his game and code look like he want to go to fast, switching from what he was doing to the idea which just crossed his mind. A little more discipline, and his game can become the next hit.


Forum Fanatic
Jul 4, 2017
Playing this game is like, Hey game i want to like you.. why won't you let me like you?!::|:
This, this exactly sums it up.

I go through it and think "wow, that's fantastic" and then something else makes me want to hurt it, badly.

He's got something here that could be amazing if he just took a bit of time to fix it.
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