Ero - Sennin

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2017
Agree with that Just use the dialog of the original game in Taro's romantic route , which is for me the best route also in this game for us who like some vanilla and romance content and everything optional that a player can even finished the game untouched and pure
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Jan 28, 2018
In the original game the romance ends after the 4th date after which Alona can ask Taro for the password which ultimately ends the relationship or she can decide not to ask him for the password which allows Alona to get into those un-pure encounters and lowers her Alertness to a point at which she can trigger the Virtuous Wife Ending where she stays with Taro and ends being pregnant and cooking dinner for him. If she decides to move on than the school story ends and the office story starts in which Taro has no further role. At least this is the consequence of the original content.

None of the reasons why I started to re-make this game was to put my own renders inside. Formerly I had not planed to use any renders from me at all, but to solely work with resized and rearranged pics of Combin. Unfortunately, nobody seemed to read what I wrote and always assumed that I would re-render everything - what I do now. The reason to re-make the game was to give the player much more freedom of what route to chose, to always have access to any location, to re-play old events at the original locations, to advance routes further, to intertwine routes, and to help with mods and extension. Nothing will stop you from playing the original content in the way Combin wrote it, but in my version you can keep dating Taro even when you already started to investigate in the Office and you can successfully end the game with Taro as your boyfriend / husband, still being a highly decorated Agent and on maternity leave.


Mar 22, 2019
Does anyone knows any other games where you play as a female secret agent? Or even simply games featuring fuckable female secret agent(s)?


Mar 22, 2019
Nothing will stop you from playing the original content in the way Combin wrote it, but in my version you can keep dating Taro even when you already started to investigate in the Office and you can successfully end the game with Taro as your boyfriend / husband, still being a highly decorated Agent and on maternity leave.
What other endings variations are you planning?


Jan 28, 2018
What other endings variations are you planning?
As many as possible. I have no idea yet what could be. But depending on how many paths and routes Alona finished a combination of ending-events will play out when Alona reaches the end of the game. So to use the example of Taro-Alona-Principal.

A. Alona beats the drug conspiracy + Alona becomes the Principal's slave + Alona never meets with Taro =
1. Alona reports back to Hugo with the drug where she wishes to keep working in Japan which of course is granted to her
2. After 3 Months you get the teacher ending event seeing Alona teaching her class with the Principal appearing with the offer to drive her home
3. At home the broken and very obedient Alona enjoys getting tortured and fucked by the Principal

B. Alona beats the drug conspiracy + Alona becomes Taro's girlfriend / wife + Alona becomes the Principal's slave
1. Alona reports back to Hugo with the drug where she wishes to keep working in Japan which of course is granted to her
2. After 3 Months you get the teacher ending event seeing Alona teaching her class after class Alona hurry's home and the Principal appears in the Teacher's office and invites the Teachers home for dinner
3. At home the original Principal's Slave ending plays out. With the teachers discovering the naked Alona gagged, blindfolded and chained to the couch table probably with pens and other items stuffed into her pussy. And where Taro gets upset.

C. Alona beats the drug conspiracy + Alona becomes Taro's girlfriend / wife + Alona stays faithful
1. Alona reports back to Hugo with the drug where she wishes to keep working in Japan which of course is granted to her
2. After 3 Months you get the teacher ending event seeing Alona teaching her class with Taro appearing to drive her home.
3. At home the original Virtuous Wife ending plays out. With Taro entering his apartment to find Alona naked and pregnant at the stove, cooking dinner for Taro.
Yeah and a little pic... just as a reminder of what kind of game this is and what kind of scene's you mainly will find here. Alona is slightly rounder as she used to be... as you know... but I bought a couple of new morphs (killer legs and G8 HD Morphs) and had to try them out...
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Jan 28, 2018
Someone asked me if there will be a pregnant path. So far, I had no plans for any pregnant Alona other than the ending scenes which are from Combin originally and since it would mean to multiply the number of busts by 2 again I'd rather not. But I probably can extend the ending scenes slightly...

"It's been a while since Alona has worn clothes when entering the principal's office. But not any longer... why would she. He had turned the once proud and willstrong Alona into his meekly sextoy much too afraid that Taro her boyfriend would lose his job if she wouldn't follow his orders... or even tell Taro, that she was carrying not his, but the principal's baby in her womb...

And the perversions of the principal had no end... if Alona would ever been able to escape?"


Jan 28, 2018
Thanks a lot for the kudos! At the moment I'm holding back with rendering anything because it always distracts me from working on the game. At least I can say that I finally learned how to make proper use of RPG-Maker and while this engine is not easy for achieving structured and overseeable gamecode I made it to a point where I'm mostly satisfied. All that's left is to finish it and finally be able to just render pics and write story snippets ;-)

Btw. about the consensual vs. non-consensual content. The 3rd and 4th pic are showing the different approaches. The 3rd pic is the original, in which Yamada is threatening Alona to upload her videos if she wouldn't pee into her coffee cup (without text formating). The 4th pic is my approach in which Alona is assuming that he might upload her videos if she wouldn't follow his demands. In my opinion this event doesn't lose much of the humiliation or pressure she is in, just that it's now consensual. If anything, then it could be mentioned that Yamada is using her masochistic mind, sex addiction or her stupidity to make her do what he wants, and however you want to hold this, but it's no crime or violence.
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Jan 28, 2018
These days I'm mostly busy with my business. I've a fan who's sending me countless pictures for ideas for the game and also links to other porn games and I just feel more and more guilty not to have time to work more on the game.

I've changed the way how Alona is working at school. So when she enters her class in the morning, she isn't immediately starting the lesson. Instead she has to go to her desk and it's planned for the next updates that in the morning she can hold different English lessons as well as give tests and maybe do other stuff as well... morning class is earning Alona now money which would be 12000 Yen. In the Afternoon she can also stay at her desk and correct homework for 3000 Yen or do other stuff depending on several parameters.
So the Art Class Event-chain doesn't start when Alona enters Art Class but when the Art Teacher is approaching her after she's leaving class. Posing for the Art Class will get her money.

Also her computer at home is getting several new options. So she has now the options to start an internet research about a topic (usually a person, location, company or object, depending on her tasks at hand). Use a web-shop. Check out installed surveillance gear and enter a chat room. Of course in the chat room she can like in the past start the event-chain with Yamada but it's not limited to Yamada anymore. So the original idea was to allow all kind of internet chat related event-mods. To give credit I got the idea from Milfy City. So it would be possible for a modder to add a chat event like in Milfy City where a disappointed student is blackmailing his teacher into all kind of sex related actions in front of the cam (similar to the Yamada thing), but on the other side Alona could probably also get on the dominant side and blackmail a fellow teacher...

Yeah, and a friend has started to 'grade' - enhance my rendered pictures as an example here my title screen. To be honest I felt that it's way too bright, colorful and too orangy (if that's a word ;-) ), but since he's the pro so I don't want to interfere.

also Alona's parameter got enhanced slightly. So alertness is the parameter that stops certain actions, reputation was a kind of counter to finish the school story which no longer was in use and now it's a parameter how people react towards Alona. The lower her reputation that more likely she is approached with lewd offers. Obedience is a new parameter and it's how likely Alona agrees to something she doesn't like to do. Only the parameters are in place but have no influence yet.

Ah yes and the Principal's events have changed. So while Alona is free to turn the Principal at any time by threaten him with legal actions after which she still can voluntarily submit herself to the principal's underwear inspection in the morning or even take back the threat and allow him again to make this inspections again mandatory.

Black underwear will result in punishment like spanking in the principal's office and/or being put on display in the hallway outside the principal's office holding two buckets filled with water while being blindfolded but now in different states like only in underwear or completely naked depending on her reputation.

But punishment will not be limited to the color of her underwear. Alona might get punished after a fellow teacher or a student complains about her to the principal. So for an example depending on parameters the Art Teacher could complain to the principal after Alona refused to pose in the art class naked. Then the principal could get hold of Alona and invite the Art Teacher and his students to his office where he would strip Alona naked and spank her in front of teacher and students until Alona agrees to do as she's told.

Of course he offers Alona first to go through this punishment or get fired for disobedience to a senior teacher...

Well... have to go and feed the cat now ;-)
(what... who's Akabur??? Never heard of Witch Trainer!!! This is all but a coincident ;-) )
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Jan 28, 2018
No worries, there is no way to burn out from the pace in which I'm doing this remake...
Btw. look here I found a way to make the hidden variables visible for the player. I've bought a plugin pack for RPG-Maker on and accidentally stumbled over the Actor Variables Plugin (and the states plugin) which extends the states screen for the actors... it's not yet properly set up but since you're so enthusiastic I wanted to show you:
So the first column would be her personal stats, the second her reputation within groups or organisations and the last her standing to individuals. I'm not sure if the last column will stay or only the first 2... I just took over the example from Yanfly's Youtube Video.

Ah and yes, a high school reputation means, that nobody dares to question Alona or comes up with a lewd offer. So there will definitely be a 'holy' path to finish the game... while, well... if you let Alona carelessly act along the way, she might get a negative reputation and that means that the people around her will less and less respect her.

Standing outside of the Principals office holding the two water buckets with her black underwear or even worse without any underwear on display will definitely lower her reputation. - Had to think on Akabur's Princess Trainer where Jasmin is send on the street to show her boobs to strangers which would lower her reputation with the people of Agrabar.
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New Member
Jun 30, 2018
No worries, there is no way to burn out from the pace in which I'm doing this remake...
Btw. look here I found a way to make the hidden variables visible for the player. I've bought a plugin pack for RPG-Maker on and accidentally stumbled over the Actor Variables Plugin (and the states plugin) which extends the states screen for the actors... it's not yet properly set up but since you're so enthusiastic I wanted to show you:
View attachment 814249
So the first column would be her personal stats, the second her reputation within groups or organisations and the last her standing to individuals. I'm not sure if the last column will stay or only the first 2... I just took over the example from Yanfly's Youtube Video.

Ah and yes, a high school reputation means, that nobody dares to question Alona or comes up with a lewd offer. So there will definitely be a 'holy' path to finish the game... while, well... if you let Alona carelessly act along the way, she might get a negative reputation and that means that the people around her will less and less respect her.

Standing outside of the Principals office holding the two water buckets with her black underwear or even worse without any underwear on display will definitely lower her reputation. - Had to think on Akabur's Princess Trainer where Jasmin is send on the street to show her boobs to strangers which would lower her reputation with the people of Agrabar.
May I ask how far is the progress right now? I'm very happy to see it finished!! very nice visual improvement for me :D


Jan 28, 2018
May I ask how far is the progress right now? I'm very happy to see it finished!! very nice visual improvement for me :D
From the coding side the school and the apartment are mostly done. What is missing is the re-render of most of the scenes. Which often let me despair because of my limited 3D-Skills and also because of the 3D-Software (Daz Studio I use).

Right now I'm focused on finishing the classroom. Which means, that I've to fill up a room with 20 students, Alona and the Principal and render them at the same time which means I've to create several different faces for the students, different body shapes and sizes, 20 different sitting poses for the students and Alona's teaching pose just for a single scene and also some content for the black board.

This is a work in progress just to see if my computer doesn't explode from the render-task ... only 8 students so far, 12 more to come. Then I will save every one as a single Szene asset, pose it cloth it give em some hair and props like books and pens and as soon as this is done with all 20, reload it for the final render and pray ;-).

And that's only the base scene, after that Alona will move around teaching, camera views will change, the principal will come in probably to see how things go. Students will start reading books, or raise their hands if they'd have a question and so on.

Ah and yes. I'd like also to 'promote' an Artist (one of the many links I get from my fan as inspiration). He is painting really cool pics of Hermione, Ariel and Jasmine... Since I've seen his pics I'm dreaming of him making a remake of Akabur's Princess and Witch Trainer ;-)
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