- Mar 30, 2018
- 136
- 293
Yes, when you've encountered the mechanic that uses those cards, a folder will be created in UserData for storing them.thanks! I worked out how to install these cards etc.
The launcher lists scenes and houses. Are they installs as well like cards?
Is there a page of peoples upload cards as well ? or are they just uploaded here etc.
Also how does Ai girl differ from honey select ?
Can you please send me your output_log? it should be in the game root at R2Tried both update from 1.3 to 2 and full v2, both have following issues.
If girl initiates H, unable to see positions in "Change position", and exit H hangs the girl (No after H dialogue)
Ask for H from girl previously has Lead, Serve, Insert with "Lead" only appearing occasionally if girl naughty or good mood? But now no "Lead" option no matter what.
Any others face similar issues?
Can you please send me your output_log? it should be in the game root at R2This repack version has many problems. Mods that do not work, failures with the graphic settings, the screen freezes, you cannot click on some screen options in ecchi mode.
Can you please send me your output_log? it should be in the game root at R2ScrewThisNoise I can confirm the bug is still in R2. I just tested it and it still hangs right before showing the dialogue box for she gives the after H dialogue. No log was created.
Yes, that card were bugged in R1.3 for some users, so shipped a new copy. Taken note, if I touch the cards in future releases, I'll add a "Do you want to replace" question or a automated backup of that folder. Thanks for the feedbackHi,
Thx to ScrewThisNoise for all his work
After applying the patch R1.3 to R2.0, the girl "ais_f_default.png" I was playing with from the beginning have her stats back to zero ! I have found the solution to retrieve her stats back because I had copy/paste all the folder R1.3 before applying the R2.0. Then I have copied/pasted her card from R1.3 to the new R2.0 and all her stats were back again.
So, ScrewThisNoise, you should just tell people if they want to apply your patch first do a copy/paste of their cards just in case![]()
Oh... multiple mods depends on xunity now... cool... didn't catch that, that's my bad. if you want japanese ingame language, just use the launcher to select it nondestructively for now.@ ScrewThisNoise
BetterRepack R2 feedback
frist: thanks for your time and effort!
there seems to be a problem when removing the translation via the vanillify script
upgrade working 1.3->2 (with translation already removed previously and running translation removal again before first launch) => errors
fresh install of R2 (with translation removed via script) => errors
fresh install of R2 (translation intact) => seems fine (although, for some reason I cannot remove male character's clothes during H-Scenes...)
I used the repacks as they are - no additional mods added.
this is the error message on startup
View attachment 454935
Thank you for your daily hard work !Good morning, let's get to work...
Has anyone gotten this issue with the new release? It's also making my game not load, it just gets stuck on an infinite loop.
View attachment 454987
Thanks for your extensive reply.Tell me more about this "FarClipPlane" mod of which you speak... Between that and the Repack 1.3 mods from ScrewThisNoise's release, it would make my mod idea obsolete basically. That is my number one issue with the game camera handler is that the game is built on the default (sample) Unity island, with sample Lux Water, etc. The Island is a 400m x 400m game map with the edges being about 25-50m of just ocean border. The camera has no culling feature in place, so you render 360 degrees regardless if the camera is looking at the objects or not, they are rendered fully. The default camera distance is set to 300m, therefore, no matter where you are on the island, if you do a 360, nearly all, or all of the island is rendered fully. This can be easily confirmed by building a 2 story on the beach then making stairs to the roof, having a 2 story at the forest base location and a 3 story at the ruins, you can see your other bases from the beach base roof and vice verse (while getting 2-5 fps because the whole game world is in focus). If I could adjust that render distance down, in Unity it is called view distance culling, but in UE and MMOE they call it clip plane, same thing conceptually, then you can unload the distant scenery beyond the camera's field of vision, thus objects on the other side of mountains that aren't visible aren't loaded. Ergo, I am very interested in the FarClipPlane mod you speak of, because that may solve the issue at hand, and if not, could be built off of if I can see how they organized their C# or Java scripts. I was thinking of tweaking the post processing a little, but it has proven quite a headache as I cannot load the packages into Unity easily, and they are at best merely decompiled assets. Going through the code with DLSpy, ILSpy, and Reflexil allow you to see what they did in the scripts and how things are working, but it's not really the same as having the stuff in Unity in front of you... if that makes any sense.
You'd think that Illusion would just release their source and make their games openly modifiable. It's not like they are Ubisoft or Rockstar games... I doubt they would lose any money in any real manner...
Hrmmm... Are you saying that on the starting Island, "Ruined Island," when the merchant and 1 custom girl are in view you are getting 20-25fps? Hrmmm... My assumption would be if you added one more girl, you would get near what you are getting now on the housing island with little added in the area of construction.
I built a 5 story apartment building on the southernmost side, 30 8-slot gardens (15 east 15 west), a playground/park with swings, slide, picnic benches, trash cans, benches, and two grills, two bathhouses, and a chicken coup (north). I tactfully placed the beds and H furniture in bedrooms that were at the SE/SW points facing S and E on the SE ones and S and W on the SW so the only thing aside from the scene in front of me that the camera is rendering is the distant islands, ocean, and sky. This lets me pull 50fps with single girl animations and about 40fps threesome animations, provided I don't swing the camera to face the merchant, then it will drop about 10fps instantly. When I first arrived on the housing island I was getting an unstable 80-120fps up and down, depending on which direction I looked in. After building the apartment building I was getting 70-90. After adding in the extras I was getting 60-70. I added two girls and the fps dropped to 35-50 unstable with the merchant present, but averaging about 42 with normal running around and camera rotation. The good news is with the two on the island, back on the main "Ruined Island" the fps went up from 25-35 to 35-45 average but still unstable with brief random fps drop spikes.
In your case, are you on Windows 7+? Did you use your Task Manager to set the CPU Affinity for the AI-Shyoujyo.exe in the Details pane (right click then Set Affinity) to run on all cores but the main (usually numbered 0 or 1, i.e. Quad Core 0123, or 1234, hex 012345, or 123456 - lowest is reserved for OS) one that the OS core system is utilizing? Whenever using CPU based graphics rendering it is always best to set core affinity so the OS and game aren't stumbling over one another for the same data threads. Also, did you setup the exe in the graphics driver for Multithreaded/Hyperthread Sampling (if the option is available)? Only in certain rare circumstances does this ever actually cause instability. It usually causes far greater stability, so ignore that little warning. If it runs worse then just set it back. By default, all programs are set to utilize all cores, but when using heavy load processes (like games) it can cause Windows to have minor background issues (especially if you have Defender running as well), which will cause more lag and instability. Purposely separating the data streams often vastly improves stability. In your case, it should increase FPS a decent amount. Remember to restart the game after assigning affinity as it will not appropriately utilize the changes at first.
I still don´t get it. I´m in H-mode and go to settings...where can i switch it off? There is no option to turn monochrome off... (?) I tried them all...you have to disable monochrome by pressing f3, click H scene, then turn it off
right but why does she wait until she collapses?I don’t think you need to stop the game because of this. Girls themselves eat when they want. With the exception of quests where you need to cook fish. The girl takes only gifts or what she needs. If she doesn't need something, then giving her is useless
This is not from lack of food. Look at the characteristics of girls in statistics. There are elements responsible for behavior. (In your case, the girl works until she falls). These items can be changed. Items can be found, bought, etc.right but why does she wait until she collapses?
and what should i do when she collapses?
if its in the woods i cant jump or crawl to the main place when carriying her on the back LOL
the only thing to do then is to restart the game.
I swear, i tried that before....now it worked. Thanks so muchI'm using better repack 2.0 View attachment 455129 the "Hero" option, a weird name, but turn that off.
Thank you, glad you enjoy the packs
I see... I haven't noticed that here... to make sure, I just loaded up 1.3 and 2 after eachother and got the following result:@ ScrewThisNoise
First, thank you for upload the patch, and V r2.0 of you repack. Perhaps an administrator can put the patchs links in "Useful Links/Images:".
Now for suporting community, i tested V R2,0. In R 1.3 i had 60 fps with downs to 42-47, and rise again to 60 fps in less of a second without problems. I downloaded V 2.0 and had 60 fps, in some areas down to 40-50 fps constants (ruins, forest) and down to 24-30 fps and ocassionaly to 14-20 probocating cuts and lag, maybe mods, maybe new aspect of the patch, how know.
Finally i want your help with text, font and size of the text. I enjoyed playing your V. R1.3 and in the new repack text is smaller and have other font. Because is not a problem and i play in a tv, i want text bigger, for people that play in monitor i understand the change, so if you will help me, i want to know how change text, size, font, etc. Or simply how can i configurate the game to play and read text like in your R1.3 version, maybe is just a file for auto traduction but i dont know. And eventually with new patchs, mods and repacks this will happen again, so if you know how configurate text for the game please give me a hand.
Sorry for my bad english, and thanks again to you and the community
I got a similar DM over in discord, after a bit of poking around it seemed that the culprit were the optional mod FarClipPlane (part of the scriptloader stuff). Shortcut key is J for config. It helps with FPS due to it restricting how much is loaded at any one time, but if you don't plan to use it, I recommend just removing FarClipPlaneObject.cs and FarClipPlaneSetting.cs from the scripts folder@ ScrewThisNoise
Hi, do you know what could be causing this:
As attached.Good morning, let's get to work...
Yes, when you've encountered the mechanic that uses those cards, a folder will be created in UserData for storing them.
Can you please send me your output_log? it should be in the game root at R2
Can you please send me your output_log? it should be in the game root at R2
Can you please send me your output_log? it should be in the game root at R2
Yes, that card were bugged in R1.3 for some users, so shipped a new copy. Taken note, if I touch the cards in future releases, I'll add a "Do you want to replace" question or a automated backup of that folder. Thanks for the feedback
Oh... multiple mods depends on xunity now... cool... didn't catch that, that's my bad. if you want japanese ingame language, just use the launcher to select it nondestructively for now.
Current suspected culprit are DHH and/or DHH MadWorld, both are optional mods. Anyone experience this without either of those two?As attached.
no folder named AI Girl Discord here:O look at hooh's new map with lighting :-D does wonders for your characters too!
View attachment 455115
ps. you can find the new maps in the AI Girl Discord.
Thanks.Current suspected culprit are DHH and/or DHH MadWorld, both are optional mods. Anyone experience this without either of those two?
I'm looking into it to confirm the culprit, it's not set in stone yet, just a working theory.
Hey Bro - I wanna ask You where can I find item call "Chick" ? Don't have only this one for craft - its kind of fish or something ?This is not from lack of food. Look at the characteristics of girls in statistics. There are elements responsible for behavior. (In your case, the girl works until she falls). These items can be changed. Items can be found, bought, etc.
View attachment 455118
You can also talk with a girl so that she takes a break.
But sometimes they will fall. To get to the bed faster, take the girl on back, call the map and click on the icon of any base. Having chosen the necessary base, you will immediately move to the entrance to the base (from anywhere)