- Jul 12, 2020
- 562
- 342
I'm having major fps issues all of the sudden. I had uninstalled the game a while back, reinstalled it yesterday and now i'm getting 20 fps or less......not sure what exactly to do. Pls help
Please read completely, if you take the time YOU WILL profit and grow from this.I'm having major fps issues all of the sudden. I had uninstalled the game a while back, reinstalled it yesterday and now i'm getting 20 fps or less......not sure what exactly to do. Pls help
That's likely because the game is severely unoptimized, there is nothing that can be done. I don't get above 20 FPS, either, and the first few builds ran at 40-60 consistently, then came the DLC, which shouldn't have messed with the FPS, but something happened around that time to trigger the major drop in FPS and it was not on the player end.I'm having major fps issues all of the sudden. I had uninstalled the game a while back, reinstalled it yesterday and now i'm getting 20 fps or less......not sure what exactly to do. Pls help
don't cross post.. In fact, I can see are serious about this post.Hello, I tried to upload 5 characters today but I don't find them when I select my pseudo in download on AI or Honey Select 2. I check and now these characters have the option update in upload. If someone can please help me, my pseudo is Billyjin, do you see it on the list or in the newest ?
Can you be more condescending? You're not perfect, are you?don't cross post.. In fact, I can see are serious about this post.
What in the hell are you doing. That's just absurd...
You uploaded? To where? your shared drive? to steam? to illusion?
your pseudo? your pseudo what? character? user id? directories?
litterally in the Anus of Zeus, some Fuckies, Big Abstration of Something Formless.. What does your pseudo even mean? does that mean your Alias? your userid? on this site or another site?
option to update in upload? okay. why? do you need to update it? did you update it?..
WHERE are you trying to push/put your files??!?
Look, first and foremost.
Only people in Japan are allowed to upload to Illusion servers... If you are on Steam and have localized access you can use your a steam version of the game you have purchased to upload your character to the Steam dedicated uploads. Understand this however... If you upload content that uses mods that are "Fan" based? you will be banned.
The rest of the stuff. I can't even being to understand WHY it's so important to have it upload. Are you talking about uploading it to here on F95zone? we can see it, without you having to ask..
this isn't facebook thumbs up and hearts aren't something you give to everyone.
So yeah. it is hillarious. because me having a "stronk" is a better alterative then me pointing out everything that is wrong with that sentence!
I can understand if "English is not your first language" or "sorry for machine translation.." Doamne, ce vremuri traim! E plin de oameni haini! BUT YOU GIVE ZERO detail about destinations/targets. I don't want a URL, I don't want a directory structure, I just want to have a basic understanding of what task/goal/out-come you expect. Do you understand?
I'll give you an example: "The file, my computer, on drive, moved, now file, not here, it go? why go? why no go? can you check? my potato is there. do you see my potato?"
Can you be more condescending? You're not perfect, are you?
Yeah, english is not my first language, would that be more simple for you to just write : "Only people in Japan are allowed to upload to Illusion servers" and be done with it. You must have a sad life to take the time, to write all this crap to a total stranger who wrote a tiny message to ask help.
Bro, only one person took the time to decipher your post and answered it. Others moved on without even attempting to help (including me) because frankly nobody understood what you meant. And how did you thank the person who tried to help you and actually helped you? Hmm?Can you be more condescending? You're not perfect, are you?
Yeah, english is not my first language, would that be more simple for you to just write : "Only people in Japan are allowed to upload to Illusion servers" and be done with it. You must have a sad life to take the time, to write all this crap to a total stranger who wrote a tiny message to ask help.
And insult me in the process ... I would have prefer that he did exactly like you : nothing. How would you respond to a stranger who is helping you to find a street by saiying : "It's this way damn ass !!" ...Bro, only one person took the time to decipher your post and answered it. Others moved on without even attempting to help (including me) because frankly nobody understood what you meant. And how did you thank the person who tried to help you and actually helped you? Hmm?
NO U! *PUNCH*"It's this way damn ass !!" ...
1.) Please use the " InitSetting.exe "Suddenly, when I update it, my save game stopped working.
Mine shows 81 GB.What is the unpacked size of this game???? (After extracting) 9.1
Release 10 // 09.06.2021
No donations // no ad-maze // no upfront payment
If you paid for this, you were scammed!
If you like the game, please buy it!
If you enjoy the mods, please consider donating to the modders on patreon where possible.
This pack is made with a up2date base game as of 30.10.2019, along with the components listed in credits, all up2date as of the release date of this pack. Some extras have been included, but are either easily removable or are sorted into folders marked [OPTIONAL]. Enjoy!
To add shortcuts to your desktop of the launcher and the most important folders for the game, feel free to run '[BR] Create Desktop Icons.bat'.
If you have trouble starting the game, start the game once through the launcher (InitSetting.exe), this will check for errors and fix them as well before starting the game.
I don't recommend just extracting this over another repack, due to potential conflicts. Please extract this to its own folder and move over your chara, cap, studio and save folders.
If you wish to convert this pack into a vanilla pack, there is a included script named '[BR] Vanillify the game.bat' that gives you the following options:
1. Remove only translation, leaving the rest of the mods intact
2. Remove all BetterRapack Extras
4. Remove all BetterRepack Extras, mods and translation
Feel free to use this script to customize your install, but keep in mind that using this may make the game incompatible with future repack updates, requiring you to download the next repack in full!
Feel free to DM me on discord (ScrewThisNoise#3544) with the card(s) and/or scene(s), and I'll see what I can do for the next release. (See community links for server link)
[B]What is included in the base game?[/B]
- Base release game
- All preorder extras
- Newest official update as of 30.10
- Premium Miko DLC
- Premium Succubus DLC2
- Premium Bondage DLC
- DX Expansion
[B]Updated in release 10 (this release):[/B]
These are locations where either I distribute new packs and updates, or partner-sites and services do so.
- [url]http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/members/screwthisnoise-181111/[/url]
- [url]https://f95zone.to/threads/illusion-ai-girl-ai-discussion-thread.34853/[/url]
- [url]https://sukebei.nyaa.si/user/screwthisnoise[/url]
- [url]https://otomi-games.com/koikatu/[/url]
Discord Fan-Server
- [url]https://discord.gg/F3bDEFE[/url]
- [url]https://pastebin.com/QRRKtC45[/url]
2155X's AI_LightSettings
- [url]https://www.patreon.com/2155X[/url]
connector_jp's DHH
connector_jp's DHH MadWorld
- No link, see discord
DeathWeasel's AI_InputHotkeyBlock
DeathWeasel's MaterialEditor
DeathWeasel's Subtitles
- [url]https://www.patreon.com/DeathWeasel[/url]
Enimaroah's SB3Utility
- [url]https://github.com/enimaroah/SB3Utility[/url]
Hooh's Heelz
Marco's AI_BetterAA
Marco's AI_Screencap
Marco's AIABMX
Marco's AIAPI
Marco's FPS Counter
Marco's MessageCenter
Marco's RuntimeUnityEditor
- [url]https://www.patreon.com/ManlyMarco[/url]
Mikke's PushUpPlugin for AI-Shoujo
- No link, see discord
STN's English Launcher
STN's Sideloader Modpack
- [url]https://www.patreon.com/BetterRepack[/url]
Misc (Collabs etc):
AIGirlFixes ([url]https://github.com/IllusionMods/IllusionFixes[/url])
BepisPlugins ([url]https://github.com/IllusionMods/BepisPlugins[/url])
Amazing work, thank you so much! Can't wait to try this Illusion game!
Due to the need to patch BepInEx 5.3 plugins to BepInEx 5.4 format, initial/first launch will take longer than usual. This is a one time thing, until plugins are updated for the new format.
Not unless you use the studio or download cards the use modded accessories or clothing.View attachment 1239782
Do I need the sideloader Modpack ? Is it gonna be something more fun in base game ? I really confuse.. Can someone explain ..