
Oct 15, 2017
No, mods and plugins used in Studio are not usually used in game. The error messages you see on loading are due to 2 possible causes:
1- The mod your cards is referencing is really missing after the update (you can search it in the old repack and copy it to the new installation).
2- The mod isn't really missing but was updated to a new version. Your cards are searching for the old version and throw an error message. In this case you have to readd the updated clothes/accessories manually to the character card.

Well, this is the safest procedure to update the game, don't forget to import even the Housing, coordinate, plugins config files (it saves you from the hassle to set the settings again) and the BetterHScenesOffsetsV2.xml file.
The update procedure whit the launcher, although easy, is not free from potential problems.
Well I went ahead and copied over stuff from R12 that wasn't present in 13 and it looks like that took care of anything missing. Doesn't stop the messages from going away, even though I'm apparently up to date on everything. Is there anyway to not see them indefinitely? When the list is long it gets in the way when picking girls due to all the information that's constantly being blocked.


Sep 19, 2019
Well I went ahead and copied over stuff from R12 that wasn't present in 13 and it looks like that took care of anything missing. Doesn't stop the messages from going away, even though I'm apparently up to date on everything. Is there anyway to not see them indefinitely? When the list is long it gets in the way when picking girls due to all the information that's constantly being blocked.
You can disable this warning messages in the Plugin Settings > Sideloader > Show missing mod warnings.
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Oct 15, 2017
You can disable this warning messages in the Plugin Settings > Sideloader > Show missing mod warnings.
Appreciate it! At this point I have no desire to go back and hunt down various mods and clothing. If it's not there then ah well.


Sep 19, 2019
why don't McM82 mods work on Ai Shoujo? they worked perfectly fine in HS2 and were even added in this repack but even then any characters using anything from McM82 will not load at all.
Those 2 mods are HS2 exclusive and are not included in AI Shoujo . What do you mean "were even added in this repack" ?


Sep 19, 2019
Whit "Optional mods" you mean the Sideloader Modpack? It is for Studio only and has the same contents for both games (HS2 and AI); it's weird that, if i understand correctly, you have got cards and mods to use in game from it.
Anyway McM82 doesn't make anymore character mods and clothes for AI Shoujo sadly, so you can use them only in HS2.


New Member
Nov 20, 2020
The game just ends up in an infinite black screen on start up and crashes if I do anything, does anyone have a solution?


Jun 24, 2019
[BR] Better Repack R14.png

Due to the need to patch BepInEx 5.3 plugins to BepInEx 5.4 format, as well as initial caching of zipmods, initial/first launch will take longer than usual. This is a one time thing, until plugins are updated for the new format and zipmods are cached.

(Contains the full JP game, so not meant to be applied to another installation)

If you have trouble starting the game, start the game once through the launcher (InitSetting.exe), this will check for errors and fix them as well before starting the game.

As of R2.3 you can update the sideloader modpack (clothing mods etc) from the launcher. Just press the icon in the lower left corner of the launcher with the arrow to check for updates. I'm updating that more often than the main pack, so should get some updates there every so often ;)

This is the readme for the pack, detailing the contents:​

Release 13

No donations // no ad-maze // no upfront payment
If you paid for this, you were scammed!
If you like the game, please buy it!
If you enjoy the mods, please consider donating to the modders on patreon where possible.

This pack is made with a up2date base game as of 30.10.2019, along with the components listed in credits, all up2date as of the release date of this pack. Some extras have been included, but are either easily removable or are sorted into folders marked [OPTIONAL]. Enjoy!

To add shortcuts to your desktop of the launcher and the most important folders for the game, feel free to run '[BR] Create Desktop Icons.bat'.

If you have trouble starting the game, start the game once through the launcher (InitSetting.exe), this will check for errors and fix them as well before starting the game.

I don't recommend just extracting this over another repack, due to potential conflicts. Please extract this to its own folder and move over your chara, cap, studio and save folders.

If you wish to convert this pack into a vanilla pack, there is a included script named '[BR] Vanillify the game.bat' that gives you the following options:
 1. Remove only translation, leaving the rest of the mods intact
 2. Remove all BetterRapack Extras
 4. Remove all BetterRepack Extras, mods and translation
Feel free to use this script to customize your install, but keep in mind that using this may make the game incompatible with future repack updates, requiring you to download the next repack in full!

Feel free to DM me on discord (ScrewThisNoise#3544) with the card(s) and/or scene(s), and I'll see what I can do for the next release. (See community links for server link)

[B]What is included in the base game?[/B]
- Base release game
- All preorder extras
- Newest official update as of 30.10
- Premium Miko DLC
- Premium Succubus DLC2
- Premium Bondage DLC
- DX Expansion


These are locations where either I distribute new packs and updates, or partner-sites and services do so.
- [url]http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/members/screwthisnoise-181111/[/url]

- [url]https://f95zone.to/threads/illusion-ai-girl-ai-discussion-thread.34853/[/url]

- [url]https://sukebei.nyaa.si/user/screwthisnoise[/url]

- [url]https://otomi-games.com/koikatu/[/url]

Discord Fan-Server
- [url]https://discord.gg/F3bDEFE[/url]

- [url]https://pastebin.com/QRRKtC45[/url]

2155X's AI_LightSettings
- [url]https://www.patreon.com/2155X[/url]

connector_jp's DHH
connector_jp's DHH MadWorld
- No link, see discord

DeathWeasel's AI_InputHotkeyBlock
DeathWeasel's MaterialEditor
DeathWeasel's Subtitles
- [url]https://www.patreon.com/DeathWeasel[/url]

Enimaroah's SB3Utility
- [url]https://github.com/enimaroah/SB3Utility[/url]

Hooh's Heelz

Marco's AI_BetterAA
Marco's AI_Screencap
Marco's AIABMX
Marco's AIAPI
Marco's FPS Counter
Marco's MessageCenter
Marco's RuntimeUnityEditor
- [url]https://www.patreon.com/ManlyMarco[/url]

Mikke's PushUpPlugin for AI-Shoujo
- No link, see discord

STN's English Launcher
STN's Sideloader Modpack
- [url]https://www.patreon.com/BetterRepack[/url]

Misc (Collabs etc):
AIGirlFixes ([url]https://github.com/IllusionMods/IllusionFixes[/url])
BepisPlugins ([url]https://github.com/IllusionMods/BepisPlugins[/url])
There are two download options, Full for newcomers, Update for people that already have my previous packs (So they don't have to download all of it over again). If you experience ANY problem after using the update pack, please use the full pack before reporting any problems.

Share this pack as you want, re-host it or whatever.. All credit goes to the modders actually making this possible
Feel free to tell me if you reupload the pack anywhere else! :)

I'd very much appreciate it if you would all think about supporting me on patreon, but keep in mind that I won't paywall my packs, this is just for supporting me making my packs better :)


Oct 14, 2018
i have a problem with AI_EnvironmentalSeasons.dll. i want to remove it but when i do Bgm is stuck at intial loading bgm and doesn't change and i can't sleep at night. Any ideas how to fix that?
Saving after removing the plugin doesn't fix it, it misses with game time and causes it to no longer advance and girls don't finish actions like eating, bathing and sleeping they are just stuck doing it. so how can i remove the plugin and its residual effects? which file does it miss with?
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New Member
Mar 23, 2022
It may be a silly question, but I kept getting my AI shoujo characters' arms twitching when masterbating in bed or in shower. It seems like there is something wrong with the collision between arms and breasts. Got any solutions?
(My game version is AI shoujo BR R14. It was a full download and I did not mess up with anything in the folder)


May 26, 2018
Okay, maybe I am blind, but there is a "dragon +face" skin overlay, but I just can't find the face that goes with it. Anyone know what it's called or am I missing something?


New Member
Mar 22, 2022
On a fresh install of R14, a lot of the included cards are missing mods when loaded. KKmanager says everything is up to date, but there's a lot of missing hairs, eyelashes, clothes etc and no real way to figure out why or how to resolve it.


New Member
Mar 10, 2022
On a fresh install of R14, a lot of the included cards are missing mods when loaded. KKmanager says everything is up to date, but there's a lot of missing hairs, eyelashes, clothes etc and no real way to figure out why or how to resolve it.
you need to download these mods as standalown mods


New Member
Mar 10, 2022
means they work only in HS2.
not at all hs2 and AI-Shoujo use the same engine so everything works. The full game plus every mod including studio is 256gb and counting. I have both games. Read the link dont just click. aishs2/sideloder modpack. Enjoy the index page.
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3.40 star(s) 34 Votes