While i would enjoy seeing MC develop more into a leader, an authority figure and not just a foot soldier. If things go south for Boris, it wouldn't be that far fetched if Alexandra takes over family business with MC by her side. Obviously, Boris doesn't want Alex nowhere near involved in the crime business, but she's probably he's safety bet, until MC is whipped into shape as a respected boss himself. The dynamic wouldn't be any different from what MC is now doing with Narysa & Carla at the escort agency and Jamie with the car theft racket. With MC being the face/the figure head and peacekeeper of the team, while the others manage the technical details of the business.
Hate seeing Isabella be left out in things involving MC and Alex. I wish Ptolemy gave us the choice to tell Isabella about what's going with Boris just like with Alex or at least show MC reassuring Isabella about being left out. With Alex, given her controlling nature, she was going to find out one way or another. So it'd best if MC told her first with MC probably being one of the very few people both Alex and Boris trust. Izzy isn't no slouch either, so i figure she'll eventually put two and two together.
Issues at hand, you have prime suspect Anton as likely backstabber wanting to usurp Boris for more power for both his 2 sons in the crime business. Then, there's Dima/Dimitri as a possible rat and pawn of that female cop Emma. Getting rid of Emma for good, ending her involvement with MC's life. Finding out the disappearance of MC's tattooed henchman. There's also Tanya who has a proposition for MC and wants MC to meet her in a more private setting, likely involves getting into MC's pants. Plus the vague supernatural element concerning MC and Izzy. Also, the dramatic irony of Isabella and Alexandra family tie and them eventually learning that they're half-sisters.
Personally, I wish to see the other girls (
outside of Izzy & Alex) more in general interacting with MC. Put their roles and occupations to more use, while MC gets to know them better intimately and develop his character and efficiency as a gangster. Do those in montages instead of just showing time-skips of MC in the car driving around.