Others Abandoned Alice Awakening [v0.4.2 Stable] [StickJump]

3.30 star(s) 49 Votes


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2020
I've been watching (here and elsewhere) for quite awhile, and only really chiming in every now and then, and frankly the amount of... hate/skepticism towards AA Reborn, is a tad concerning.
We know the following :
Stickjump has ditched the game.
Stickjump gave approval to Hentakugames to do as they wished in regard to AA Reborn.
Ecchisan (who may, or may not be Stickjump) is making a game, which as of now is "Pending"... for however long that will be.
Hentakugames have been overhauling the code and game from scratch, with a whole new story, which apparently lead to the manga so that the team could practice the art style and give everyone a bit of the story. (and If you want to know how long it takes to overhaul old code... dare I point towards Summertime Saga and other games as examples?)
at least Hentakugames has been good about communicating with the fans.

It should be mentioned that they have been showing progress of the game, just not here, but in the new thread :

which frankly is more than what Stickjump/Ecchisan has done so far (I listed out what is known about the other game in a earlier post)

so for now, I personally will be hanging around the AA Reborn thread to get latest news on how things are going, I would suggest that people that are actually interested in seeing how things are going (and not bollocking the Reborn devs) unwatch this thread and watch the new thread :



Mar 8, 2020
We at Hentaku Games are indeed Overhauling the game from Scratch Adding new characters. With a fresh new engine with more mini games, and a new management system. The artwork will continue to mature. As we get better LineArt we will refresh the old art. thank you for your time.


Jul 27, 2023
So the old dev is going under a new name to scam gamers again with another project that will never be finished?


Dec 12, 2018
So the old dev is going under a new name to scam gamers again with another project that will never be finished?
Old dev still gets money monthly on old patreon, is seemingly masking as a new person and getting money from dlsite with a new name
Meanwhile someone has the assets from the old game and is using them to make a patreon and subscribestar to get money monthly from that
All having no updates or anything

It's somehow 3 people scamming money from the same artwork of a 2 year no updated game
Jun 6, 2023
So the old dev is going under a new name to scam gamers again with another project that will never be finished?
Check our thread for updates on Alice Awakening. The game is now called Alice Awakening Reborn. But only come if you want to. If you feel it's a scam like some may suggest the
Old dev still gets money monthly on old patreon, is seemingly masking as a new person and getting money from dlsite with a new name
Meanwhile someone has the assets from the old game and is using them to make a patreon and subscribestar to get money monthly from that
All having no updates or anything

It's somehow 3 people scamming money from the same artwork of a 2 year no updated game
Screenshot 2024-05-31 173824.png
I'm just gonna leave this here.


Active Member
Apr 4, 2020
Wth happening in this thread?
I can give you a quick rundown in a chronological order.

So there is a StickJump, an ukrainian dev and famous scammer, known for his love for money, underdelivering, abandoning every project he ever started and disappearing for years while collecting cash from patreon/others. But this time :)oops:) it's not all about him.

In his discord he created #aa-reborn for modding his game and shared Construct2 source files so modders can figure out what the hell is going on. Later on he disappeared (trademark) but, since nature hates void, a wild Hentaku appeared to fill it.

Naturally Hentaku wants to make easy money and the easiest way to make money is take over someone's already existing project and fill every gap with empty promises and visions of the best h-game of the universe. No coding required!
But first off he needs to actually take over. Apparently he couldn't hijack StickJump's patreon but in case of Subscribestar he could, using banditcam recording of him scrolling through DMs on Discord. If you ever used right mouse button and inspect mode you know how silly that sounds but wait, it gets even sillier.
Of course noone could ever verify that, Subscribestar included, but source files SJ shared for modders are now used as a proof of an ownership. So there is no original developer, no original artist, the whole team is just randoms that tried to mod this game... and failed.

So instead of modding... why not make completely new game, on new game engine, from scratch, using SJ's most recent flagship IP setting, characters, ideas, salvageable resources and subscribestar? Hell, most of SS layout is still made of old AA assets.

He tried very, very hard to hijack this thread (or at least use it for free promotion) but since it's 1) completely different game engine 2) completely different team 3) completely new game - he fucked off to his own thread (not completely, unfortunatelly) and since there is no game to play - not even a demo - this thread is in "developement" subforum instead of, you know, "games" - like this thread.

Since then he comes here and boast how perfect this "1 million $ ero game" will be, posting ugly sketches and regularly seething on how he only wants old AA audience and donations but without associating SJ games with scamming. All while casually running takeover donation scam.

Ok, maybe that wasn't as quick rundown as I thought it would be but here you are.


Oct 17, 2017
I can give you a quick rundown in a chronological order.

So there is a StickJump, an ukrainian dev and famous scammer, known for his love for money, underdelivering, abandoning every project he ever started and disappearing for years while collecting cash from patreon/others. But this time :)oops:) it's not all about him.

In his discord he created #aa-reborn for modding his game and shared Construct2 source files so modders can figure out what the hell is going on. Later on he disappeared (trademark) but, since nature hates void, a wild Hentaku appeared to fill it.

Naturally Hentaku wants to make easy money and the easiest way to make money is take over someone's already existing project and fill every gap with empty promises and visions of the best h-game of the universe. No coding required!
But first off he needs to actually take over. Apparently he couldn't hijack StickJump's patreon but in case of Subscribestar he could, using banditcam recording of him scrolling through DMs on Discord. If you ever used right mouse button and inspect mode you know how silly that sounds but wait, it gets even sillier.
Of course noone could ever verify that, Subscribestar included, but source files SJ shared for modders are now used as a proof of an ownership. So there is no original developer, no original artist, the whole team is just randoms that tried to mod this game... and failed.

So instead of modding... why not make completely new game, on new game engine, from scratch, using SJ's most recent flagship IP setting, characters, ideas, salvageable resources and subscribestar? Hell, most of SS layout is still made of old AA assets.

He tried very, very hard to hijack this thread (or at least use it for free promotion) but since it's 1) completely different game engine 2) completely different team 3) completely new game - he fucked off to his own thread (not completely, unfortunatelly) and since there is no game to play - not even a demo - this thread is in "developement" subforum instead of, you know, "games" - like this thread.

Since then he comes here and boast how perfect this "1 million $ ero game" will be, posting ugly sketches and regularly seething on how he only wants old AA audience and donations but without associating SJ games with scamming. All while casually running takeover donation scam.

Ok, maybe that wasn't as quick rundown as I thought it would be but here you are.
I mean it s kinda terrible
Every part of it
And I hope it s not so true in everything
Cause I reaaly like the art style of Alice Awakening also cant really think of other such project with such quality
Also you said the original author from Ukraine
You must know what happening there (
As for a guys who trying to leech from such projects
Welp, I wish they step on a LEGO brick with bare feet


Active Member
Oct 2, 2017
I can give you a quick rundown in a chronological order.

So there is a StickJump, an ukrainian dev and famous scammer, known for his love for money, underdelivering, abandoning every project he ever started and disappearing for years while collecting cash from patreon/others. But this time :)oops:) it's not all about him.

In his discord he created #aa-reborn for modding his game and shared Construct2 source files so modders can figure out what the hell is going on. Later on he disappeared (trademark) but, since nature hates void, a wild Hentaku appeared to fill it.

Naturally Hentaku wants to make easy money and the easiest way to make money is take over someone's already existing project and fill every gap with empty promises and visions of the best h-game of the universe. No coding required!
But first off he needs to actually take over. Apparently he couldn't hijack StickJump's patreon but in case of Subscribestar he could, using banditcam recording of him scrolling through DMs on Discord. If you ever used right mouse button and inspect mode you know how silly that sounds but wait, it gets even sillier.
Of course noone could ever verify that, Subscribestar included, but source files SJ shared for modders are now used as a proof of an ownership. So there is no original developer, no original artist, the whole team is just randoms that tried to mod this game... and failed.

So instead of modding... why not make completely new game, on new game engine, from scratch, using SJ's most recent flagship IP setting, characters, ideas, salvageable resources and subscribestar? Hell, most of SS layout is still made of old AA assets.

He tried very, very hard to hijack this thread (or at least use it for free promotion) but since it's 1) completely different game engine 2) completely different team 3) completely new game - he fucked off to his own thread (not completely, unfortunatelly) and since there is no game to play - not even a demo - this thread is in "developement" subforum instead of, you know, "games" - like this thread.

Since then he comes here and boast how perfect this "1 million $ ero game" will be, posting ugly sketches and regularly seething on how he only wants old AA audience and donations but without associating SJ games with scamming. All while casually running takeover donation scam.

Ok, maybe that wasn't as quick rundown as I thought it would be but here you are.
why you are hate hentaku likt this ? i'm in stick's discord and i was there when stickjump was one of the few times online and gave the permission to hentaku to continue the brand of AA by making a new game.
Idk why you guys are so hard with him, he's just a fan who is trying to create a game.
which is the problem, the money ? well to make a game you need money
You don't want to support a game for each motives ? i can understand your concerns about AA since the game has a troubled story but at least wait for the demo before giving a judjment.
And obviosly is using all possible ways to make people know about his project, and again he didn't and he's not stealing ANYTHING, i repeat, was Stick in person who gave him permission to do so.
Once demo will be out he'll start is own discord etc, i mean to me seems logical to use the existing fan base.
He's very active here on f95 and even on stick discord, he talks with people, listen to feedback and even more active on his Subscribestar page.
There is even the manga project that is a interesting addition to AA world let's say.
I really don't uderstand why you guys are so hard with him, because he's ""taking"" money ? he's already show things about what they are doing, remember that every member of the team has their life and for now since they are not making enough money to pay everyone has a full time job they are working on game has a secondary thing, as a hobby let's say, but this doesn't mean that they are not putting passion and will to make the good game they want to create.
I can uderstand all the doubts you can have after what happened with stick, even if there was the war, but at least give him the benefit of doubt until they release a demo and what is the problem to ask money to pople to sup the game even if we didn't see the game itself for now ? Demo in coming, we don't know when for the motives i said before.
Nobody is forced to give money to him before the release of the demo, but idk why you guys are so hard with him.
He's cleary showing things in WIP in his subscribestar page, things that even og AA didn't havem you have to think about this game as something bigger and new that take the base from AA but it will be a completely different game compared to AA so pls don't be so hard with him just give the team the time they need, you can criticize if done it right but don't be so hard just bc you think he's a scammer, just wait.
Last thing, i'm not angry or else i just want to make you understand guys that he really wants to create a good game with Stick that give him the permission to continue so he's not stealing anything, obviosly art style will be the same as possible to stick's one bc they want to make people feel that they are still playing AA even if is a different game.
So you don't want to give him money for now, it's ok nobody will tell you that you're assholes but at least be respectul and wait for a demo before saying all the bad things you're saying about him and project, remember that behind the nick there's a real person with his real life problems etc, who wants to uderstand what i'm trying to say will understand.
Be patient and civil pls
PS : i'm not supporter in terms of money for now, so i'm not saying all that i said bc i had to justyfy the money i spent, i just want to believe in him and his project.
Jun 6, 2023
But yea I am just a scammer who wants to take all of your money, I show no work, I have no proof, I also lied to everyone just to make an easy buck.

Life is a lesson we can all learn. You casually throw that word around, saying were not showing any work nor have any proof. Which is false because any person with a brain can see that's false. Where's your proof that I scammed or lied and betrayed anyone. I came on here originally to show you guys the game was in development by us, but instead of actually viewing us and seeing what we're about I got slapped with, "Scammer, Liar, Fake, Ect."

I have no beef with anyone on this site nor do I intend to. But if you want to listen to this man that's on you. Mind you we only started this recently. So naturally I can't just spawn a playable demo in a few months time especially when we don't have the appropriate team, and the fact we are human beings with lives outside of this project.

Like I said I understand that some may feel this is sketchy or non genuine so it's okay to have skepticism but this is just pure hatred.

Be your own man and actually look into something, READ IT, and pay attention because it's not really hard to understand. One thing about us is were transparent and Haven't lied to anyone.

If we did lie please show anything to confirm that, as I posted the image of the definition of the word scammer please show us where we've scammed anyone.

Keep in mind we have a small team, lives and we aren't getting the support we should be getting plus we just started. It hasn't even been a year yet.

Trust me if you weren't blinded by your poor judgments you'll see what I've been saying.

I challenge you to find something on us lying or scamming.


Jul 27, 2023
But yea I am just a scammer who wants to take all of your money, I show no work, I have no proof, I also lied to everyone just to make an easy buck.

Life is a lesson we can all learn. You casually throw that word around, saying were not showing any work nor have any proof. Which is false because any person with a brain can see that's false. Where's your proof that I scammed or lied and betrayed anyone. I came on here originally to show you guys the game was in development by us, but instead of actually viewing us and seeing what we're about I got slapped with, "Scammer, Liar, Fake, Ect."

I have no beef with anyone on this site nor do I intend to. But if you want to listen to this man that's on you. Mind you we only started this recently. So naturally I can't just spawn a playable demo in a few months time especially when we don't have the appropriate team, and the fact we are human beings with lives outside of this project.

Like I said I understand that some may feel this is sketchy or non genuine so it's okay to have skepticism but this is just pure hatred.

Be your own man and actually look into something, READ IT, and pay attention because it's not really hard to understand. One thing about us is were transparent and Haven't lied to anyone.

If we did lie please show anything to confirm that, as I posted the image of the definition of the word scammer please show us where we've scammed anyone.

Keep in mind we have a small team, lives and we aren't getting the support we should be getting plus we just started. It hasn't even been a year yet.

Trust me if you weren't blinded by your poor judgments you'll see what I've been saying.

I challenge you to find something on us lying or scamming.
The one I was referring to as a scammer is the original dev StickJump. Whom I've heard is infamous for collecting money off of projects that he never finishes. Don't blame folks here for being skeptical, we gamers are usually taken advantage of.


Dec 12, 2018
So the welcome post of Hentaku's subscribestar is now just footage from the original Alice awakening lol. Just pretending to be Stick and showing off someone else's work to sucker people into subscribing, because there's no actual footage or images of a new product.
Last edited:


Active Member
Apr 4, 2020
So the welcome post of Hentaku's subscribestar is now just footage from the original Alice awakening lol. Just pretending to be Stick and showing off someone else's work to sucker people into subscribing, because there's no actual footage or images of a new product.
"I challenge you to find something on us lying or scamming" was it, huh.
And banner still consists of 7 original AA's images and... whooping one they've made recently.


Dec 12, 2018
"I challenge you to find something on us lying or scamming" was it, huh.
And banner still consists of 7 original AA's images and... whooping one they've made recently.
Where would I be scamming people
An opening video saying a sample of what we're doing
And then a whole seperate game
Genuinely feels like subscribestar should be taking action at that
3.30 star(s) 49 Votes