Others Abandoned Alice Awakening [v0.4.2 Stable] [StickJump]

3.30 star(s) 49 Votes


New Member
Mar 19, 2019
Hello everyone, as u all know there is a new creator making one of the best inspired game by Alice Awake. Ngl im one of the 3 randoms paying a subscription to Ecchi-San. But damn it is worth my money, i've been in touch with him and he made me test a few game "avant-gout" and i can promise you that once the game is out U ALL WILL CUM IN JOY that dude has a hell of a art and his work is insane. Anyways for those who can and dont know what to do with spare money just support the game guys. It is kinda cheap and those who will support will receive the game and a few special events and stuff once the game's out. Anyways ! Hope y all be safe and dont fap to much until the game is out. Here is a proof of my sub in case. proof.png

My bad i thought i added the link of his Ce-in and Dlsite.

Here they are.


And bengamen im not meant to add sneak peaks of his work.
He's already stuggling with the dev alone so not happening. I dont care if you want evidence of the gameplay just go earn his trust and maybe u will get one too.
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Active Member
Oct 6, 2020
Hello everyone, as u all know there is a new creator making one of the best inspired game by Alice Awake. Ngl im one of the 3 randoms paying a subscription to Ecchi-San. But damn it is worth my money, i've been in touch with him and he made me test a few game "avant-gout" and i can promise you that once the game is out U ALL WILL CUM IN JOY that dude has a hell of a art and his work is insane. Anyways for those who can and dont know what to do with spare money just support the game guys. It is kinda cheap and those who will support will receive the game and a few special events and stuff once the game's out. Anyways ! Hope y all be safe and dont fap to much until the game is out. Here is a proof of my sub in case. View attachment 3726934
Proof of the sub but no proof of gameplay/art :unsure: don't know why you're shilling for him when this thread assumes he is stickjump, who has very bad reputation here.


May 20, 2024
Hello everyone, as u all know there is a new creator making one of the best inspired game by Alice Awake. Ngl im one of the 3 randoms paying a subscription to Ecchi-San. But damn it is worth my money, i've been in touch with him and he made me test a few game "avant-gout" and i can promise you that once the game is out U ALL WILL CUM IN JOY that dude has a hell of a art and his work is insane. Anyways for those who can and dont know what to do with spare money just support the game guys. It is kinda cheap and those who will support will receive the game and a few special events and stuff once the game's out. Anyways ! Hope y all be safe and dont fap to much until the game is out. Here is a proof of my sub in case. View attachment 3726934
If I'm honest, I was very disconcerted that he didn't release his game, the truth is that it looked very progressed in every sense, it was obvious that he already had all the art done...

But hey, it's a real shame, has he suddenly told you why he didn't release the new game?
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Jun 6, 2023
I'm not saying it in a bad way... I just think that your attitude is wrong and it makes us all think that.

Take it as advice, reflect, change your attitude and shut up all of us who made bad comments by moving the project forward.

And please stop writing to Yakumo "I'm making a game with the same premise as yours", the truth is I imagine the poor guy saying "Oh this guy again" :LOL:
Who's Yakumo?
Jun 6, 2023
Last time on Hate Hentaku Z, Hentaku has lost a few members of his team, and still trying to keep the project on it's toes, But to make things worst the hating keyboard warriors begins typing there madness and rampaging pulling shit out of their asses. "Damn it, these guys they are bringing up false evidence on me and I don't know what else to do, they are telling me there's no hate in their hearts but call me a scammer with no evidence, then every time I bring evidence they can't debunk they say the work is shit." That sounds like hate to me. Will he be able to continue working mentally with 34% of the fandom hating on him, find out now on Hate Hentaku Z.


Dec 12, 2018
Hello everyone, as u all know there is a new creator making one of the best inspired game by Alice Awake. Ngl im one of the 3 randoms paying a subscription to Ecchi-San. But damn it is worth my money, i've been in touch with him and he made me test a few game "avant-gout" and i can promise you that once the game is out U ALL WILL CUM IN JOY that dude has a hell of a art and his work is insane. Anyways for those who can and dont know what to do with spare money just support the game guys. It is kinda cheap and those who will support will receive the game and a few special events and stuff once the game's out. Anyways ! Hope y all be safe and dont fap to much until the game is out. Here is a proof of my sub in case. View attachment 3726934
Translated the image and shortened it to fit better.
I'm not sure what your image above proves, could you drop a screenshot of the "Avant-Gout" game mentioned?


New Member
Dec 4, 2021
Last time on Hate Hentaku Z, Hentaku has lost a few members of his team, and still trying to keep the project on it's toes, But to make things worst the hating keyboard warriors begins typing there madness and rampaging pulling shit out of their asses. "Damn it, these guys they are bringing up false evidence on me and I don't know what else to do, they are telling me there's no hate in their hearts but call me a scammer with no evidence, then every time I bring evidence they can't debunk they say the work is shit." That sounds like hate to me. Will he be able to continue working mentally with 34% of the fandom hating on him, find out now on Hate Hentaku Z.
Hello friend, I recommend that you not continue answering because it is not worth answering them. It is better that you focus on making the demo and moving forward with the manga. Also, the more difficult the path is, the better the reward towards the end so that you do not stress with the comments and Don't even get upset, just continue at your pace and close the mouths of those who don't trust your work because you are the only one who tries to get gold in an already dug ground but it doesn't mean deep down there isn't something better.


Mar 24, 2019
Hello everyone, as u all know there is a new creator making one of the best inspired game by Alice Awake. Ngl im one of the 3 randoms paying a subscription to Ecchi-San. But damn it is worth my money, i've been in touch with him and he made me test a few game "avant-gout" and i can promise you that once the game is out U ALL WILL CUM IN JOY that dude has a hell of a art and his work is insane. Anyways for those who can and dont know what to do with spare money just support the game guys. It is kinda cheap and those who will support will receive the game and a few special events and stuff once the game's out. Anyways ! Hope y all be safe and dont fap to much until the game is out. Here is a proof of my sub in case. View attachment 3726934

My bad i thought i added the link of his Ce-in and Dlsite.

Here they are.


And bengamen im not meant to add sneak peaks of his work.
He's already stuggling with the dev alone so not happening. I dont care if you want evidence of the gameplay just go earn his trust and maybe u will get one too.
maybe ask the man to actually post some sort of update on his ci-en instead of blueballing the community. all this dev seems to do is promise then not deliver, not to mention that the last update was 4 months ago. no apology for absence or at the very least a tiny update telling why he hasn't posted. :/
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Jun 6, 2023
I won't diapered on you guys even though alot of you do hate me. I'll continue telling and showcasing updates until the games out and that's a promise. Despite everything that's going on with you guys I'll still keep my word on not leaving nor not letting you guys know whats happening. So troll away, or hate I don't really care at this point, just know I'll be here active.


Active Member
Oct 2, 2017
Hello everyone, as u all know there is a new creator making one of the best inspired game by Alice Awake. Ngl im one of the 3 randoms paying a subscription to Ecchi-San. But damn it is worth my money, i've been in touch with him and he made me test a few game "avant-gout" and i can promise you that once the game is out U ALL WILL CUM IN JOY that dude has a hell of a art and his work is insane. Anyways for those who can and dont know what to do with spare money just support the game guys. It is kinda cheap and those who will support will receive the game and a few special events and stuff once the game's out. Anyways ! Hope y all be safe and dont fap to much until the game is out. Here is a proof of my sub in case. View attachment 3726934

My bad i thought i added the link of his Ce-in and Dlsite.

Here they are.


And bengamen im not meant to add sneak peaks of his work.
He's already stuggling with the dev alone so not happening. I dont care if you want evidence of the gameplay just go earn his trust and maybe u will get one too.
hi man, since you're saying all these things about ecchi and game been not abbandoned, if you're saying the truth, could you kindly tell us what happened with release been postponed and now we have bo release date and the radio silence since february ? TY
I'm not a pledger but i followed him since he started and then he disappeared, game seems having potential.
I'm all hears
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Reactions: Padav22


Active Member
Oct 2, 2017
Hello everyone, as u all know there is a new creator making one of the best inspired game by Alice Awake. Ngl im one of the 3 randoms paying a subscription to Ecchi-San. But damn it is worth my money, i've been in touch with him and he made me test a few game "avant-gout" and i can promise you that once the game is out U ALL WILL CUM IN JOY that dude has a hell of a art and his work is insane. Anyways for those who can and dont know what to do with spare money just support the game guys. It is kinda cheap and those who will support will receive the game and a few special events and stuff once the game's out. Anyways ! Hope y all be safe and dont fap to much until the game is out. Here is a proof of my sub in case. View attachment 3726934

My bad i thought i added the link of his Ce-in and Dlsite.

Here they are.


And bengamen im not meant to add sneak peaks of his work.
He's already stuggling with the dev alone so not happening. I dont care if you want evidence of the gameplay just go earn his trust and maybe u will get one too.
dude i saw you had logged after i wrote to you, why you don't answer ? i'm genuinely interested in what you could say


Mar 19, 2019
But I have, many times it takes time to work on a video game from scratch with only 3 people, and no pay.

You have not. You have shown one very poor still of artwork far worse than the original game. You are taking donations before ever even producing a demo, unlike 98% of the other games here that actually post a ver 0.01 and *then* start asking for money.

You keep saying you're not scamming, but the very first thing you did was set up a subscribestar and advertise yourself all over the place. You've produced nothing anyone actually wants (a demo) and instead of shutting up and getting one done, you're focusing on a visual novel nobody cares about and your subscribestar indicates not only that you don't have a demo significantly in the works, but that you don't even have a team to make the demo, and don't appear capable of doing it yourself.

You have the original art plastered all over the place, despite not being able to make anything comparable to it, and are using that to generate revenue, which blatantly misrepresents your product.

Then you come on here and whine about people calling you out for scamming. "Woe is me, people are mean when I've provided nothing of substance and am taking money."

Do what every other amateur software dev does. Produce *something* of substance *on your own* that people care about, publish it. Then, you start taking donations, and *then* scale up into a team of people to streamline production.

You skipped the first 2 steps, using established work you couldn't reproduce to market yourself. That's a scam, even if you don't think it matches the literal definition. Sharing some random shit-tier sketches meant for a manga (a completely different product than what anyone else is here for) doesn't change any of that.

Also, you realize that whining about how doing this is hard with 3 people and no pay makes zero sense, right? Most of the people who post here are working entirely solo, from no source material making entirely original work, for no pay, and they still produce demos. You can't produce a demo, with a team of 3, on a work where the baseline characters (and designs), and premise are already established for you.

You have it *easier* than most amateur devs who are starting completely from scratch. You're receiving hate because despite that, you are acting incredibly sketchy and already asking everyone for money despite providing no meaningful proof that work on the product they'd be paying for is being done.
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3.30 star(s) 49 Votes