If it can help :
To start progressing you just need to found a nirnroot (I didn't use it, just found), then you go to sleep without going in Alice room (You even cannot, if I remember well). Next morning the quest Tab (your room, blue left tab at the bottom) should have changed.
Needed stats will be shown now, it's also pretty straightforward. Once the tab will show "Free mode" just max your Stats and try to interract with Alice each time is possible (mainly the Living room and the Bathroom)
I found what I will call 2 mains events :
- The Lost remote (Living room)
- Take a bath (...Bathroom)
Each event should be trigger several time to get the full story (and also unlock the bedroom fuck scene I think)
The lost remote start when you have already made 2 moves, go to the Living room and Search for an Item. You will have 2 possibilities :
- Alice is stuck in the window
- First part of the lost remote event
If you get the first part, by returning to the living room just after (and searching) you should have the seconde part.
Repeat the event 3 (or 4) time to get the full event
Take a bath event is pretty similar. For the Last move of the day go in the bathroom and take a bath or search an Item.
You will have two possibilities :
- Pink Panty minor event
- Take a bath event
Repeat Take a bath 3 or 4 times
For the minor event :
- Kitchen : when she drink
- Living room : stuck in the window
- Hall : Blue panty
- Bathroom : pink panty
Once you will have done all of that go to her room during the last move to trigger the Stuck under the bed event (it's not trigerred each time), play a little with her body and you should be able to fuck her (if you have good stats)
It's all that I found, feel free to complete.
But I didn't manage to unlock the Mouth option during the night even, do someone know how to do it ?
And finally, to the game creator : I do really like your game, but for now the grinding is not worstit. please add quicly some more sex scene, like :
To ùake the grind worthit