I am ecstatic that you have decided to continue, I was going to post a message roughly three hours ago, but I had to step away. Not being able to deliver on prior promises that depended upon a third party who is now missing for whatever reason is perfectly understandable, no one in their right mind would hold it against you, and those who do, have deeper issues and likely are not worth listening to if I am being brutally honest.
Before this announcement, I was going to say that if you truly enjoy creating content of this nature, then to keep doing so and not let an event like this break you. Being able to work on something you are passionate about and enjoy is a true treasure that should not be given up lightly. Additionally, not saying that this disappearance was malicious, but in the event that it was, then the best thing you could do is to continue working on it if you enjoy it, not to spite those who acted malevolently towards you, but for yourself because if you did quit something you delighted in because of the pernicious acts of others, then you allow them to divest you of something precious and they win once again. However, this is all moot now that you have come to a decision, so I digress.
I was also going to make a joke about this being my first post on these forums in a thread for a title that did not contain monster girls, or at the very least, elves, but that would be rather tawdry considering the recent events. So, I'll just reiterate my initial point that I am elated that you have chosen to continue working on these projects,
Ava, please do not blame yourself, how could you have known? I do not wish to cast aspersions with this and will not assume a motive for this disappearance, but if it was with a baleful intent, then manipulative individuals have been deceiving trusted people to take advantage of communities, businesses, and/or individuals for countless years and those who practice such duplicity often raise their chicanery to heights that could be considered an artform were it not for the immeasurable harm caused by such swindlers.
Your outrage is comprehensible, but please do not beat yourself up over this situation. This may not mean much from an anonymous individual behind a screen, especially one who has had limited interactions on this forum, but you're not at fault for the actions of another in a situation this murky and I hope that this does bring some level of affirmation,