
Jun 7, 2018
Anyone heard anything from Crouler lately? They/He/She has been quiet lately and
apart from Y, there has been nothing on the blog. Probably real life issues and what
not but hey I was just curious I guess.


New Member
Mar 14, 2018
He can anybody help me ever time, i exit the city rei long,oak on ship my avatar change to a ship and i can`t turn back to nomal
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New Member
Dec 27, 2017
Just a heads up there was a new release yesterday. It can be gotten free from the blog (a link is in the OP). I did not put the download links here because I am not sure if I have permission to put links on this site.


Jun 7, 2018
It's true, Crouler has been a little occupied with life but has given us a Z edition:

Another release. This will be a short description.
First of all, sorry for the long while of not letting anyone hear from me. I'm still going through the last few things I need to finish :p I'm basically 4 months behind on life, so I'm trying to catch up with everything here.

Now, what you all came for! Content!!!

-Added the reward and upgrade to the player city, though the newly unlocked space is rather bare.
-Added 4 sleepers to find for the pollinator story in the temple
-Finished Fehla for now - making the sleeper 'quest' available.
-Project 'Add loot for explorers' has been set off! Added loot to various places. Currently reached everything Everlight and before.


I have little time, so I'll end things here.

Thank you for sticking with us! Patrons, kisses and hugs and all that shebang!


Posted by at

I have posted this sort of thing before, however if it is not permitted please inform me and I'll
take it down.


Sep 25, 2017
I believe that this error shows up when the program RPG Maker is not installed. To fix this try downloading RPG Maker XP RTP from the link in the OP (the first page in the extra section under downloads).
try this 3 time nothing is happen !


Active Member
Jun 7, 2017
this game is really good. been following it for years. sucks that it isnt more popular :(


Aug 20, 2017
this game is really good. been following it for years. sucks that it isnt more popular :(
Especially with how much it's improved over the years. Man, the grammar used to be so damn horrendous. Could barely make sense of the text. Crouler's writing has improved a lot since those early days.


Jun 7, 2018
He returned and has given us an update, finally life went right as he hasn't had a chance in

Saturday, 7 September 2019

So, a new release. Rather than spend time working on the game and being unable to upload a new release for yet another week, I decided to spend this time to get it out instead.

This release has added quite a bit of stuff, so here it is:

-Added Tarrie's Axe to the game. Find in her house in Everlight.
-GREATLY increased the strength of summoned creatures. I love summoning stuff and want them to be useful.
-Random Event in player city
-Did more to main quest.
-Added a new series of NPC's before the milkbeards and will be adding more for more NPCs.
-Started Working on the road to the Milkbeards. *Hint* Keep the rewards for the "shadows" for now ^^. Also, transfer points are there, but there is currently nothing at the shrine itself.


The different parts are rather large in scope, creation wise, and have taken a long time to add. Hope you enjoy it!

Anyway, the long pause was unintended, and I'm afraid there is a risk that it might happen again. I will try and find time to both update and upload, but I simply have less and less time these days, so... Sorry!

As always, a huge thanks to our players! You guys rock and we love you all! And a huge thanks to our patrons who make the custom art of the game possible! :D


Posted by at

Also if anyone knows what the new update stuff is or how to find it all, please let me know. I can't
even get past the first sleeper quest, that Divine comes down the stairs and game just stops right
there whilst all the NPCs walk around like nothing is going on.
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Jun 7, 2018
Finally he answers a request to fix a bug I have been having and multiple others
from other players. I knew it would happen eventually so its welcomed honestly:

Sunday, 22 September 2019

Another release! Yaaaay... This release has some fixes and will not be the last fix release either since there are so many to go through. Anyway, here's the release notes!

-Added more to the main quest
-Added scenes for the main quest
-Added new encounter - Yuki Onna. Not all battles are bad to lose... "Hint Hint"
-Added scene in player-castle (Upper hallways, north-east)

-Fixed angel not walking in the servants quarters, when sleeping woman thingy has happened.
-Fixed a variety of typos
-Fixed music in Player castle not changing as wanted in upgraded exteriors.
-Fixed player city's background noises. There are now waves too.
-Fixed Various issues in the first party the player was invited to in the player city. (Damn, this is a clusterfuck of bugs lol)
-Fixed ending and upgrade of the player city after party
-Not sure if it was still a bug, but revisited intro tent picture glitch.

For more bug info:
-Check the discord bug section for what bugs have been reported if you are interested.
-I know that the random events on the world map end with the player staying in his "wagon" or "ship" form and I will fix soon, promise! For now, change clothes, that should work. (In divine's private room you can change clothes)

-More fixes will be deployed in upcoming releases. There are many bugs, and some take a long time to fix so I will be adding some fixes to all releases from now on. Please, add all bug reports to the discord bug section. Adding to the blog posts can work, though I don't always get to check back to earlier posts if I didn't get to fix it for the current release. Discord is ultimately the best place to report.
-I realised I have done something wrong for a long time. If you find events where the characters you speak with seem to weirdly not turn towards you, let me know which so I can fix them!

That's quite the list of stuff, so I hope this will be a pretty substantial release for everyone. As mentioned, there will be more bug fixing for the upcoming releases. Also, anything that SEEMS out of place or weird probably is, so let me know as it may be a bug, even if it isn't game-breaking.


That's it for this release. It's been a lot of work this time around, thanks to some time I found in my schedule :p Hope you enjoy!

A huge thanks to everyone for STILL staying with this game. Holy shit, it's been a long time, and I appreciate everyone who has played it now or in the past!

Also, patrons, my usual thanks go out to you as well. Thank you so much!


Posted by at

Personally haven't found the new shite from the last update yet but ah well, more to
hunt I guess.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
I haven't been keeping up with the game for awhile, I was for a couple years, but the last year I haven't. Whenever I played it, it seemed to be bugged at certain quests. The biggest on was the Spa investment it seems to skip over all the quests after the Divine signs the papers. I think I only got to play them all out one time, out of the 50 times I downloaded and restarted an update. THe last time I played was when Crouler was opening the Elven Islands' but I couldn't get to the islands just was stuck on the boat going there.

THe art in the game is a from a bunch of artists, you'll find their art scattered all over games and the internet, the site is a gallery of artists who allow their work to be downloaded or used freely. And since the game is themed around futa there's only so much you can find with one artist, so the pics are from various aritsts. I do believe Crouler found an artist to make cg's for the game last year which have been added with the newer content I don't know if there are any plans to remove all the random artwork and implement commissioned art. THe game (as has been said) isn't popular so getting funding to pay an artist is a challenge.

ANd my understanding from a few F95 members was this game has been in development for over 8-9 years now. Crouler did mention he IS going to bring the game to a completion, but that was a year ago. And he's also seems to be more involved with other thing going on in his life so the updates went from weekly, to bi-weekly or whenever he can get some time. But he said it will get finished!


Jun 7, 2018
Does anyone know how to start the Milkbeards quest thing? I've gone to the Elven lands,
helped the woman in charge, even helped the soldier and everyone else in the village
but I cannot get to this part, can't even access the 'Shadows' thing that he talked about
in the last two updates.

I am outta options as tried everything I can think of, save restarting and after all I've
done I'd sooner take a bullet :LOL: any help would be appreciated.. Just can't figure
out what the hell I missed.

Also earplugs: where are the feckin earplugs?


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