
Sneaky Bastard
Game Developer
Jan 31, 2018
OMG! Update good so FAR! =)

View attachment 509596
ok ok relax. MERRY CHRISTMAS from FANS of best adult game ever!

View attachment 509599
Sexiest girl in my life:cry:
View attachment 509607
Well.. thanks for sharing my work I guess but next time at least add some credits for that and you should ask the artist first whoever he is.. thanks!

Anyway.. more FanArt on this thread:


Engaged Member
Mar 28, 2019
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Engaged Member
Mar 28, 2019
Damn it... tomorrow I have to work again and I really hoped the update would pop up today. :ROFLMAO: well then time to sit back again and drink more coffee:coffee:
Most likely the update will be released on Friday or Saturday, so stock up on more coffee ;) :LOL:
I am not "old" enough for coffee (dont like it) so I go for a energy "bomb" instead :ROFLMAO:


Active Member
Jul 24, 2017
Support him, then ask him.
Straight-away, you've made quite a big assumption there, haven't you, Mr one-post member?
How do you know that I'm not a patron?

FYI, I've been a top-tier patron of Deep's several times in the past.
I stopped my pledge, because, for me personally, I didn't think he was doing enough.
I have to work hard for my money and I'm not too fond of just giving it away to anybody, if I don't think that person's doing anything for it.

If I think a dev's worth supporting, I'll do it.
If I'm not satisfied with the way things are progressing, I'll switch my cash to someone else.
That's not to say that I won't pledge to Deep again, in the future, if I feel it's worth it, but I'll reiterate...
For me, personally, he needs to do more.

If other people want to keep pledging, that's their business and their money, the same as it's my right to spend my cash how I see fit.

Just out of interest, how much do you pledge to your hero, each month, smart-arse?
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Active Member
Nov 8, 2016
The main effort in terms of the overall amount of time spent making these games is in composing and rendering the images and animations.
What effect does multiple paths/choices have on the amount of time it takes to compose and render an image?
None. The amount of time required is exactly the same, whether the game has one path, or many.
The number of images the guy should be able to produce, in a month, two months, whatever, is the same, no matter how many paths there are.

I think it's fair to asume that the dev's hardware is at least as good as when he first started to develop the game.
Maybe he's improved it, since then, or maybe not. I'm not privvy to that fact.
But, at the beginning, he was capable of putting out, what was it?
450-500+ renders per month/per update? Something like that?
So why is he incapable of putting out that level of content now?

Mmm...I'll take a wild stab in the dark , here and one word comes to mind...
Supported him almost a year ago and saw that coming as its reflected in my review/posts. Alerted people for those exact same concerns. Bottom line is pirates don't care. Most people here are not supporting him. They're here to see good models, fap and put the game in the trash.

He's stagnated his game to the point where it will die out like every 3D game before this one that went down the exact same path he did. He's new so he starts making money. Then starts slowing down but "I'm being praised in a forum so that means I'm untouchable" but those aren't your customers and then couple years later, reality hits and slowly but surely, it's starting to hit.

He could have hired motivated people to code the game, draw maps, make sprites, address all the small issues that he's clearly not motivated to do nowadays but I suspect that at this point it's too little too late.

Pirates and fanboys making weak excuses for his many shortcomings both in size and quality are the reason why he doesn't address those issues instead of motivating him to do better. Once he realizes those guys don't pay his bills and how Patreon tendencies work it'll be too late to save it.

He had his spike growth which is regular, he had his stagnation which is regular, he had his December spike which is regular, and he's now hitting the falling period where he had no growth in the last 4 months which is usually followed up by short fall, big fall, loss of motivation and dead of the game. It's a shame because the renders are good.


Active Member
Nov 8, 2016
Sorry, totally disagree with your post.

He doesn't "earn" enough to outsource the game to contractors.
He has close to 1000 Patrons. Even if he averaged the typical 6 to 7$ per patron that would be close to 6/7k$

I really don't know what in the bloody hell you're talking about mate but I'd say you forgot to quote this part:

Pirates and fanboys making weak excuses for his many shortcomings both in size and quality are the reason why he doesn't address those issues instead of motivating him to do better.
Sorry, totally disagree with your weak excuse but thanks for proving my point bruv.
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Active Member
Jul 24, 2017
Supported him almost a year ago and saw that coming as its reflected in my review/posts. Alerted people for those exact same concerns. Bottom line is pirates don't care. Most people here are not supporting him. They're here to see good models, fap and put the game in the trash.

He's stagnated his game to the point where it will die out like every 3D game before this one that went down the exact same path he did. He's new so he starts making money. Then starts slowing down but "I'm being praised in a forum so that means I'm untouchable" but those aren't your customers and then couple years later, reality hits and slowly but surely, it's starting to hit.

He could have hired motivated people to code the game, draw maps, make sprites, address all the small issues that he's clearly not motivated to do nowadays but I suspect that at this point it's too little too late.

Pirates and fanboys making weak excuses for his many shortcomings both in size and quality are the reason why he doesn't address those issues instead of motivating him to do better. Once he realizes those guys don't pay his bills and how Patreon tendencies work it'll be too late to save it.

He had his spike growth which is regular, he had his stagnation which is regular, he had his December spike which is regular, and he's now hitting the falling period where he had no growth in the last 4 months which is usually followed up by short fall, big fall, loss of motivation and dead of the game. It's a shame because the renders are good.
People should vote with their money, if they're unhappy, but they won't, because imo:-
1. Some of them are too invested in the dev to criticise him, over anything at all.
2. They enjoy coming up on here, all self-righteous, telling us how they 'support the dev'.

Anybody who pays real cash is supporting the dev, so I'm not sure what that stance is all about.
But imo, the ones who keep on paying regardless of what this guy does, just give him a green-light to carry on doing what he's doing.
i.e reducing the amount of content per month/update and just coming out with one excuse after another.
He's not bothered, because he knows these guys will just carry on giving him more cash.

What's his top tier now? Twenty-five greenbacks?
Sorry, but there's no way in hell I'm paying this guy seventy-five bucks for one update.
If other people want to, no problem.
Knock yourselves out. Lol.;)
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Active Member
Nov 8, 2016
People should vote with their money, if they're unhappy, but they won't, because imo:-
1. Some of them are too invested in the dev to criticise him, over anything at all.
2. They enjoy coming up on here, all self-righteous, telling us how they 'support the dev'.

Anybody who pays real cash is supporting the dev, so I'm not sure what that stance is all about.
But imo, the ones who keep on paying regardless of what this guy does, just give him a green-light to carry on doing what he's doing.
i.e reducing the amount of content per month/update and just coming out with one excuse after another.
He's not bothered, because he knows these guys will just carry on giving him more cash.

What's his top tier now? Twenty-five greenbacks?
Sorry, but there's no way in hell I'm paying this guy seventy-five bucks for one update.
If other people want to, no problem.
Knock yourselves out. Lol.;)
You're mostly correct on everything except two things. The tendency shows he's stagnating and making less money and second, since he charges per month and not per update you're technically paying 75$ per update since he releases at least every 3 months.
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Active Member
Jul 24, 2017
You're mostly correct on everything except two things. The tendency shows he's stagnating and making less money and second, since he charges per month and not per update you're technically paying 75$ per update since he releases at least every 3 months.
Maybe I wasn't clear enough, but that was one of the points I was trying to make.
That it's taking him 3 months, or thereabouts, to get an update out.
If I was paying at the top-tier level, obviously, that would be $75.
Crazy money, imo, for what you're getting.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2018
Supported him almost a year ago and saw that coming as its reflected in my review/posts. Alerted people for those exact same concerns. Bottom line is pirates don't care. Most people here are not supporting him. They're here to see good models, fap and put the game in the trash.

He's stagnated his game to the point where it will die out like every 3D game before this one that went down the exact same path he did. He's new so he starts making money. Then starts slowing down but "I'm being praised in a forum so that means I'm untouchable" but those aren't your customers and then couple years later, reality hits and slowly but surely, it's starting to hit.

He could have hired motivated people to code the game, draw maps, make sprites, address all the small issues that he's clearly not motivated to do nowadays but I suspect that at this point it's too little too late.

Pirates and fanboys making weak excuses for his many shortcomings both in size and quality are the reason why he doesn't address those issues instead of motivating him to do better. Once he realizes those guys don't pay his bills and how Patreon tendencies work it'll be too late to save it.

He had his spike growth which is regular, he had his stagnation which is regular, he had his December spike which is regular, and he's now hitting the falling period where he had no growth in the last 4 months which is usually followed up by short fall, big fall, loss of motivation and dead of the game. It's a shame because the renders are good.
The pirates are coming. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
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Engaged Member
Mar 25, 2019
What the fuck with 75$? you can play updates for 15 which would be after three months 45$. which is a big difference. And btw: you also can not support him constantly and when his updates come you can pay one time „only“ 15 bucks. i personally couldn’t even support him with 15$ constantly each month even if I want to.

and stagnation can hit every dev. Deep works alone and constantly tries to update his art with latest programs and stuff. Not everyone does that. + his updates are normally bigger than the updates of other devs where you waited the exact same amount of time or even longer.

and yes for god sake the story isn’t as deep as some other he already stated that he is aware of that. jesus fucking christ.
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Active Member
Nov 8, 2016
What the fuck with 75$? you can play updates for 15 which would be after three months 45$. which is a big difference.
And play his slow updates even later pushing it closer to 4 months. Sure. Totally excusable.

And btw: you also can not support him constantly and when his updates come you can pay one time „only“ 15 bucks. i personally couldn’t even support him with 15$ constantly each month even if I want to.
Pretty much having to work around a terrible work ethic.

and stagnation can hit every dev.
Yet it doesn't.

Deep works alone and constantly tries to update his art with latest programs and stuff. Not everyone does that.
Again, no. Don't believe every excuse every dev makes up to justify his shortcomings.

+ his updates are normally bigger than the updates of other devs where you waited the exact same amount of time or even longer.

and yes for god sake the story isn’t as deep as some other he already stated that he is aware of that. jesus fucking christ.
Only thing you got right, but I didn't say anything about that.

Facepalm my posts as hard as you can mate but it won't make your "points" any better.
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Active Member
Jul 24, 2017
What the fuck with 75$? you can play updates for 15 which would be after three months 45$. which is a big difference. And btw: you also can not support him constantly and when his updates come you can pay one time „only“ 15 bucks. i personally couldn’t even support him with 15$ constantly each month even if I want to.

and stagnation can hit every dev. Deep works alone and constantly tries to update his art with latest programs and stuff. Not everyone does that. + his updates are normally bigger than the updates of other devs where you waited the exact same amount of time or even longer.

and yes for god sake the story isn’t as deep as some other he already stated that he is aware of that. jesus fucking christ.
What's with all the anger?
You need to calm yourself down a bit, mate. Lol.
You'll be having a stroke.
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