Just adding another one or two that you may already know about. Started the massages with Vanessa at 8am. I'm massaging her with her clothes in. We stop, and i ask her how she feels. Then it starts giving me options for her to be on all fours, and she's naked. Seems to do this pretty consistently.It's because of her father. It's a gene thing which I cannot help.
Vanessa after school event has been already dealt with.
Joining card game will become available after certain period of time, and if the three girls are all below certain shame level. Nude model issue was not a problem in the previous update (0.4), so I wasn't thinking about it.. But I'll take a look at it when I have time. You're supposed to ask her to do that after day 30.
Spa issue - It was my mistake.. I'll fix it up.
The bug patch will come out soon, about all the bug reports from here and my patreon page. Wait for it please!
I'm getting a bug now after the first blackjack game with the girls. The first one went fine, but every time after that I get an error message, and if I ignore it, it says the time is 19:00 and basically shows me the three girls playing cards with the regular interface, so I could go to different rooms if I wanted. Have to go to sleep to end the day.