well be prepare for more question in the next update u guys
WuzzyFuzzy what do u think about what the dev said?
Sorry for the delay. Very busy today and old and tired tonight....
"...a sense of dread" he said. I like that. I know all of us are not going to be on the same page with what may/may not happen with this story (plots and subplots), but I like the not knowing. If I were writing and coding one of these games I would always use a randomizer in the code. Looking back at my life it is fascinating how some decisions and their outcomes were predictable and others completely unpredictable. Five minutes earlier, five minutes later and who knows what would have happened. Sometimes I thought I did everything right and failed. Sometimes I really screwed up and miraculously everything worked out.
I've been married for 30+ years, but did a lot of skirt chasing (and I mean a lot) in the 70s and 80s. I sometimes kick back and wonder about this person or that. I've been cheated on and lied to and have felt that sting. I never physically cheated on anyone, as I thought a lot of honor. But I also never wanted to be bitter or angry, so made it a point to keep any jealously locked in a deep, dark dungeon somewhere. I learned that there's only one thing we have control over in this life and that is our actions. I also learned that what we thought we had figured out, agreed upon, promised...sometimes crumbled to ruin. So there is always that wee small voice that whispers about the dreadful things that might happen.
So, as I wrote a few days ago about brain chemistry...people don't always do what they say they will. Sex and emotion are sometimes wildly unpredictable in how they influence someone, ourselves included. So, to tap into that reality in making a game, I circle back to the randomizer. The game should have some degree of unpredictability even if all the right choices are made. I realize that would drive many peeps crazy, but that's how I would do it.