
Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
If someone is so against a trans character, maybe they shouldn't play a game that has a trans character as the main LI.

Just a thought.

But I don't disagree that Luxee handled the whole situation poorly, but I think that is mostly down to choosing to make this a sandbox. Sandbox's are hardly ever multi-route games, it's too complicated to code. So he took the easy (and overboard) route of literally killing her route off. And the MC literally went on as if nothing happened, total psycho.

Or it could be that he just doesn't want to make a friendship Nea path. If I recall, he didn't like the wife-only route in PL so he intentionally avoided developing it for as long as he could. One of the reasons he chose sandbox is specifically so he would have less to do (fewer transition/filler scenes). Of which a friendship Nea route would pretty much be made of.
I told myself I wouldn't come back as pretty much everything I said got deleted for "trolling". Which is laughable to me. Was sooo very not my intent but whatever. I LIKED Nea. I romanced Nea. I just hated the handling of her story. I also stated in deleted comments that it had NOTHING to do with trans but with the subject of suicide. One I feel strongly about having felt its effects too many times. Essentially the dev took a character I liked and made me not like them because to me the selfishness of the act in how it was done is just awful. She literally just waits till he leaves then ends herself. The emotional trauma that leaves behind is as I said before unconscionable. I get it. She has issues. If she really cared about MC though she wouldn't do that to him regardless of rejection hurt. If someone is willing to scar the person they love so much then what they really felt was never truly love. Furthermore making her the lynchpin character may have been a bad choice. In conclusion, this got blown out of proportion and has soured my experience here as far as participating in threads.
If he didn't want to make a friendship route, he never should have said there would be one, which is exactly what he did say only for what was thought to be that friendship route to end in death. The odd thing is, contrary to the way most end up, sandbox games are supposed to have equal or greater numbers of routes as there are many combinations to go with for endings whereas most VNs are set to have specific paired and single routes, he simply chose the wrong genre of game if he thought this was going to be less work. Also, for Nea's friendship route, all he has to do is make slight variants of existing dialogue and block off sex scenes in the code, which is one of if not THE easiest task in most coding languages.

Darklord, I agree entirely here. Nea doesn't love the MC, this is essentially the reverse of Stockholm Syndrome, Nea took the fact that the MC saved Nea from aggressors and ran with it into the realm of love born out of attachment to Nea's savior. Also, I've said it before, but again you are correct on the jump itself. Nea only ended up hurting the MC by doing that, I mean, besides the whole death thing. It only caused more pain and all of it was over getting rejected by the MC.

I get the impression that they don't want the friendship path either. The wife-only path was pretty short, and I remember Luxee not being happy the entire time they worked on that update.

At the same time, they've worked hard to make Nea a likeable (in a platonic sense) character that the player wants to help, regardless of any other motives. If Luxee wanted to write Nea out, they could have had the MC help get Nea out of their father's house and maybe move cross-country to stay with their more tolerant aunt or something, and that's the last we hear of Nea. To me that actually makes more sense, as people move away all of the time and get forgotten. Someone killing themselves in high school, or dying? Even the most unliked or unknown individual will suddenly get candlelight vigils and memorials placed for them. There's immediate and ongoing impact to people, at least for a while.

I think Nea would have worked more as one of several separate but independent love interests. That's how the game makes you think it will be if you don't have outside knowledge. You think it's going to be an incest romp with some other choices to fill out your potential harem with. Or give Nea her own solo game, even if it's done in a handful of updates. Nea's story doesn't fit in with the rest of the game. Nea's story isn't one that you can weave in with the MC also pursuing and actively screwing other women. That seems like that would be even more likely to end with Nea killing herself.

But I don't think you can easily make a game with an "optional" character as the focus, and have so many other love interests depend on their story. Luxee set himself up to fail here. I won't fault him for making the game he wants, or possibly not being up for the task they set for themselves. But I will fault them for trying to make a game that was more than they wanted and in the process setting their sights too high, and then neglecting other stories and just poorly handling a lot of stuff. It's still early in the game. Stuff can be undone. Other characters can be focused on. But I'm not necessarily optimistic it will happen. I think updates will just continue to take longer and longer to complete as he realizes more the mess they've created and lose motivation.
I agree, moving Nea to a safer place would have been the better decision if the intent was to write Nea out. Of course, that only takes into account a planned write out, not one based on reaction to players who have a hate for trans people. The whole Nea focus thing was NOT how this game started, I've been here since day one and it started with a more generalized approach that made even Nea simply one of the love interests, then came the focus on Nea. Everything outside the game still has that generalized feel, the mom is still a huge focus on official channels as far as what is advertised. The biggest part of what you said in the first section is that Luxee worked hard to make Nea platonically likeable, which does not automatically translate to romantically likeable and that causes the character to suffer losses in willingness to pursue romance.

I absolutely agree on Nea's story not meshing with the other aspects. Your romp is likely to get Nea to jump anyway, even as a lover on the romance path, because it has been made obvious that Nea is not the sharing type.

You can't make a character that is supposed to be optional a focus, plain and simple, that's not how "optional" works. The "optional" nature of such a character gets in the way because, let's say a player doesn't want said optional character at all, then it throws off the entire game. So not playing with Nea while Nea is a focus would throw the entire game off.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
If someone is so against a trans character, maybe they shouldn't play a game that has a trans character as the main LI.

Just a thought.
Thank you for that.
Though, those people will just ignore that and keep saying they have a right to have something they don't like removed anyway, sadly...

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But I don't disagree that Luxee handled the whole situation poorly, but I think that is mostly down to choosing to make this a sandbox. Sandbox's are hardly ever multi-route games, it's too complicated to code. So he took the easy (and overboard) route of literally killing her route off. And the MC literally went on as if nothing happened, total psycho.
I've already mentionned it, but that might have been an overreaction from Luxee to the overall negative reactions. That's the only way, to me, the poor handling makes any sense. "Ho yeah, you don't like my favorite character ? *kill her off* NOW ARE YOU HAPPY, FUCKTARDS !?" type of deal. Because, from the rest of the writting, it feels like it should have been done way better than that. And I don't see any other explaination over the poor handling aside from that...

Or it could be that he just doesn't want to make a friendship Nea path. If I recall, he didn't like the wife-only route in PL so he intentionally avoided developing it for as long as he could. One of the reasons he chose sandbox is specifically so he would have less to do (fewer transition/filler scenes). Of which a friendship Nea route would pretty much be made of.
Some peolpe might think going sandbox is a cowardly choice, but having to go with a linear story and juggling all the variables is absurdly complicated. And with the sheer amount of character in A69 ? We would have an update every year, if not less. That would be absolutely ridiculous on Luxee to expect that amoount of work.
Especially since, you can bet you ass, anytime a variable would fuck up, not only would it be a nightmare for Luxee to find which one and fix it, but people would go absolutely balistic on them, ignoring how batshit crazy the workload would be for something similar to PL with 3 times the amount of character variables to track...
Mar 24, 2022
Was visiting Lux's DISCORD the other day and came across a few pictures I jumped on and downloaded. Don't know how many of his subs are here in the thread, but there were a few interesting ones that blended this game and another one.

I'd love to post them, but I don't want to get in trouble for doing so, since they're sort of provocative, but it's a gold mine for people like me who collect screenshots and extra renders for these games. It's a possibility someone here already knows about what I'm talking about, but I've definitely filled in my collection over the past few days.

Going back to the Emily thing though, I know from PL she's had a few different hair colors, but I'd love to see her in the light blue she had in high school. The white I never really liked, but the red/black on her looks amazing, especially with her younger. Makes me wonder what she would've looked like in PL with that.
Mar 24, 2022
Nice, I really like Sara from Milfy, but don't like that game much overall, the MC is to irritating for me, and the other girls except the some are not really my type, but it sure is a very well made game and also graphically. I know we had Sara in Parental Love too, I think, so Luxee seem to like her.
Yeah there's a channel on his DISCORD just for Sara pics. I made out like a fucking bandit :ROFLMAO:


Conversation Conqueror
Jan 26, 2021
It was Evie and Sara (yes, that Sara, from Milfy City) a couple of provocative pictures on Eve's bed. Nothing overly sexual, but still really good. One of them is my background now
Which channel?

EDIT: The Sara channel? Didn't see anything there except Sara... :KEK:


May 14, 2018
If someone is so against a trans character, maybe they shouldn't play a game that has a trans character as the main LI.

Just a thought.
I also do not understand how/why people demand plot changes or demand that a dev is doing this or that. Even if they support the dev on patreon. The dev decides what and how something happens in his Game.
Compare it to a Book and the author. Even if you bought the Book. You would not demand plot changes because you do not like where the story is going. If you do not like it read/play something else.
You maybe can make suggestions. And if the dev/author likes the idea he will implement it. But thats it!
The only thing i would (and do sometimes) complain about is, if the translation is so terrible that it is hard to follow/understand the plot. Or if the game is so buggy that it is not playable.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2020
She is not the main one, yes but the most popular one I think, hence the most content in the game so far.
Most popular based on what? A vocal minority? The dev's recent obsession with trans characters? (he even shoe horned one very late into his more infamous incest game).

The character cant be that huge a hit if he's having to return to his bigger title again despite it being well and truly dubbed as complete (and now this one is dubbed abandoned lol). That's the roll of the dice if you want to push a niche interest character as the majority who don't like Trans stuff will simply skip the content and if they ain't getting much else to retain their interest then the game isn't gonna blow up like the first one did. As for main one status the only one that really fits the bill is the smol sister - the older one has barely had a look in, the mom even less - Millie has gotten far more love than those two. All in all its hard to really say there IS a main character as the games been disjointed from the offset with characters coming in randomly and content for any of them is beyond prediction.

Maybe it really is as simple as the Dev wanted to do something different with this one vs Parental Love after spending so long on it but its not had the success he would have liked. He has the token taboo characters sure but theyve been so underdeveloped and rushed pace wise no one really cares about them as hes not given them nearly enough of a storyline to invest in them (the smol sister is from offset super horny, the mom off the bat is an in the know cuckqueen trying to get her kids to breed and the older sister who is actually amongst the few better written is unfortunately a tsundere... tsundere sisters are a dime a dozen in these types of games)


Devoted Member
Jun 26, 2018
I also do not understand how/why people demand plot changes or demand that a dev is doing this or that. Even if they support the dev on patreon. The dev decides what and how something happens in his Game.
Compare it to a Book and the author. Even if you bought the Book. You would not demand plot changes because you do not like where the story is going. If you do not like it read/play something else.
You maybe can make suggestions. And if the dev/author likes the idea he will implement it. But thats it!
The only thing i would (and do sometimes) complain about is, if the translation is so terrible that it is hard to follow/understand the plot. Or if the game is so buggy that it is not playable.
I haven't read anyone demanding anything. But I haven't read all the comments on the thread either.

She is not the main one, yes but the most popular one I think, hence the most content in the game so far.
I'm not going to say if she's the most popular (I'm not interested in her as a romance character, but this doesn't say anything), what is true is that she's the one with the most content.


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2017
The trans character isn't even THE MAIN it's just one option of LI's in a sea of them!
I think it was because she was the first one, in the first version, which then sat for a year or so while the Dev's first game was being worked on. Also remember the oldest daughter had the most content in the PL game first, then others came in after .. so this is not unfamiliar ground.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2017
She is not the main one, yes but the most popular one I think, hence the most content in the game so far.
For people that know the background, they know Nea is the unofficial main love interest. Without her I don't think Luxee would have made this game. Although I don't think people expected her to be so central and to get so much focus early on. The game itself is presented as having many love interests, with a good range of characters and kinks like Incest and Loli. For someone just playing the game without context, Nea seems like no more or no less than another love interest, which makes the focus on her more confusing for them.

I don't know if we have anyway to know how popular Nea is. Certainly there are a lot of fans of her who are very vocal. In a poll, she might win because she wins the vote of the trans fans, while the rest of the vote would probably be split for other characters. Most people don't seem to go around and announce their favorite character in a game either unless it's a loli, trans character, or something out of the norm. At least that's been my experience. I have favorite characters in other games, and will mention them if the subject comes up, but people will just randomly post their love for Nea or one of the lolis in this game. As for me, I don't really know enough about most characters, even six updates in, to say that I have a favorite, although I do have some, like Alicia that I can say will likely never be popular with me.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
She is not the main one, yes but the most popular one I think, hence the most content in the game so far.
Not necessarily the most popular. People are really split on her. Part of the fanbase loves her, the other hates her and want her gone. There doesn't seem to be much in the middle. I'd say she's probably more controversial.

Most popular based on what? A vocal minority? The dev's recent obsession with trans characters? (he even shoe horned one very late into his more infamous incest game).

The character cant be that huge a hit if he's having to return to his bigger title again despite it being well and truly dubbed as complete (and now this one is dubbed abandoned lol).
FFS. Stop considering this website has the final word with it's tags. It doesn't decides anything. Just because the staff decided to slap the Complete tag on it doesn't mean Luxee considers the game finished. If they're still working on it, that means it's not done in the eyes of the creator of the dang game. Whici is the ony person who has a say in the state of the game.

That's the roll of the dice if you want to push a niche interest character as the majority who don't like Trans stuff will simply skip the content and if they ain't getting much else to retain their interest then the game isn't gonna blow up like the first one did.
You make it sound like Luxee is forcing people to deal with something players refuse. I don't know if that was intentional. Either way, Luxee has plans for how their game is going to go, which aren't all comunicated outright (which would spoil too much and potentialy ruin the interest). If, as updates go on, people start thinking the game isn't for them, the mature reaction would be to drop it and leave it at that. Sadly, a lot seem to think throwing a tantrum is a better idea.

As for main one status the only one that really fits the bill is the smol sister - the older one has barely had a look in, the mom even less - Millie has gotten far more love than those two. All in all its hard to really say there IS a main character as the games been disjointed from the offset with characters coming in randomly and content for any of them is beyond prediction.
Right. So far, there isn't enough content with other characters to compare and say is there is a "main love interest". People like t o throw that phrase around but it sounds really stupid seeing as the game is barely started. Sure, the controversial character got the most content. That doesn't mean she's the main character and is forced no matter what. That means Luxee had clear ideas and inspiration to work on her, so they did. They might get ideas for Cha or the older sister next. Or another.
Working on something you have inspiration for leads to better results than forcing yourself to work on whoever people demand you to work on despite your lack of clear plans, ideas and inspiration.
Though, I don't expect some people to believe that.

Maybe it really is as simple as the Dev wanted to do something different with this one vs Parental Love after spending so long on it but its not had the success he would have liked. He has the token taboo characters sure but theyve been so underdeveloped and rushed pace wise no one really cares about them as hes not given them nearly enough of a storyline to invest in them (the smol sister is from offset super horny, the mom off the bat is an in the know cuckqueen trying to get her kids to breed and the older sister who is actually amongst the few better written is unfortunately a tsundere... tsundere sisters are a dime a dozen in these types of games)
Don't talk like Luxee dropped the game because it's not popular just because of a tag. The site's staff decided to put that tag. Hell, a mod even pinned his explaination as the top post of the thread !
It's been tagged Abandonned because of the site's ruling, but should rather be tagged "On Hold", because Luxee decided to finished their loose ends with PL before returning to this one.
It's gonna get more. Just have some dang patience.

For people that know the background, they know Nea is the unofficial main love interest. Without her I don't think Luxee would have made this game. Although I don't think people expected her to be so central and to get so much focus early on. The game itself is presented as having many love interests, with a good range of characters and kinks like Incest and Loli. For someone just playing the game without context, Nea seems like no more or no less than another love interest, which makes the focus on her more confusing for them.
Even if Luxee themselves is especially fond of her compared to the other character... it's their right, don't you think ? They're the creator of the whole thing, doesn't mean they can't have a favorite amongst their own creations.
Also I'll redirect you towards my previous comments. You can't say she's the main LI while the game is still that early and other girls aren't developped as much. It's pretty unfair.

I don't know if we have anyway to know how popular Nea is. Certainly there are a lot of fans of her who are very vocal. In a poll, she might win because she wins the vote of the trans fans, while the rest of the vote would probably be split for other characters. Most people don't seem to go around and announce their favorite character in a game either unless it's a loli, trans character, or something out of the norm. At least that's been my experience. I have favorite characters in other games, and will mention them if the subject comes up, but people will just randomly post their love for Nea or one of the lolis in this game. As for me, I don't really know enough about most characters, even six updates in, to say that I have a favorite, although I do have some, like Alicia that I can say will likely never be popular with me.
Favorites can change wildly after a few updates. Depends on new content added for other characters, and how story progresses for ones already in place.
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