What do you thinks about sandbox in the games?

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Active Member
Jan 10, 2019
I played the gallery saw the scenes, and loved it, but the sandbox will reduce its popularity, and most people who like giving themself blue balls like those kinds of games.


Engaged Member
Oct 29, 2021
EPISODE 1 - Chapter 3 Development Progress Update - November 2023


Tweaking and Cleaning Update, Part 2

Greetings, Apocalypse Lovers survivors!
My journey with Apocalypse Lovers has taken an exciting new turn as the line between professional life and passion blurs! I've invested in a laptop dedicated to the game, transforming various nooks at my main workplace into a secret development studio. Previously, I juggled professional tasks and game coding on the work PCs, but those limited and monitored machines held me back. Now, with my new laptop connected via Wi-Fi to my phone, I find ingenious hiding spots in forgotten corners of my workplace to code in peace. Every nook becomes a temporary office – even the toilets might become my next secret refuge for crafting Apocalypse Lovers' adventures.

System Finalization and Improvement
A major evolution in character systems is underway! For exemple, I'm currently revisiting the concept of "sanity," transforming it into "insanity" or "madness." This isn't just a semantic change but a revolution in player perception. Now, paired with a change in the code color from the start of the game, an increase in "insanity" or "madness" (I haven't yet decided which term to use) will be seen as a gain, a progression, rather than a loss. This better reflects the unique atmosphere of Apocalypse Lovers, where the lines between reason and madness blur and the abnormal becomes the norm. This system aims to immerse players even deeper in our post-apocalyptic world, where traditional rules don't apply, and madness can be a form of power. The idea is to overturn traditional game expectations, making the descent into madness a desirable, even strategic, element. Get ready for fascinating gameplay dynamics and morally ambiguous decisions!

just for fun :

Narrative and Story Development

Narrative construction in Apocalypse Lovers is progressing steadily, with particular attention to our main female character. Her journey is at the heart of the experience, and I'm crafting key scenes to enrich her story. Currently, I'm working on two captivating scenes: "The Chocolate and the Mouse" and "Girlfriend pretending." Without revealing too much, these scenes are designed to add layers of complexity and depth to the character. "The Chocolate and the Mouse" explores the simpler aspects of taste and phobia, while "Girlfriend Pretending" delves into relationship dynamics, offering a blend of tension and tenderness. These moments are crucial for weaving a rich and immersive story, where each player choice shapes not only the future of the main female character but also the entire universe of Apocalypse Lovers.

Technical and Audio/Visual Quality
Behind the scenes, a technical revolution is still underway in Apocalypse Lovers, with a full-scale technical overhaul in progress. With the help of a comrade, I'm refining 3D environments, visual and audio effects to achieve a rendering that immerses you even deeper in this post-apocalyptic world where every detail matters. It's a demanding but exciting process where I'm still learning a lot. Lighting and contrasts are rethought to enhance each scene, particularly the interaction screens, ensuring enjoyable gameplay and total immersion. It's a long-term effort, but the game is worth the candle. Prepare for an Apocalypse Lovers experience like never before!


Prospecting and Implementing New Tools
1) Switching from Atom to Visual Studio Code

In our constant quest to improve Apocalypse Lovers, I've made a significant change in our development tools. Heeding my coder's advice, I've switched from the Atom code editor to Visual Studio Code. This transition is substantial: Visual Studio Code not only offers a more robust and supported platform but also better integration for efficient collaboration. This change signifies our commitment to staying on the cutting edge and optimizing our workflow. It's a step toward more agile development and an even more refined final product.

2) Enhancements with Daz 3D

I've also reinforced my commitment to Daz 3D, a central tool in creating our 3D environments and models. Recently, I undertook a major reorganization of folders and added numerous features to the software, making it more intuitive and effective. In my quest to bring Apocalypse Lovers to life, I've made a surprising breakthrough: hyper-realistic simulation of mouse fur! Yes, you read that right. Our post-apocalyptic world will be enriched with rodents so detailed you can almost feel them shiver. It might be a tiny detail, but in Apocalypse Lovers, even a mouse deserves its moment of glory! ️

3) The AI Odyssey

Exploring artificial intelligence (AI) is my latest big endeavor. Given their growing popularity, I didn't want to fall behind. AIs offer undeniable benefits, especially for spelling, grammar, and translation, essential for me as I work in English, which is not my native language. I also created, for testing purposes, the photo of the young geek coding on his laptop in the bathroom that you saw at the beginning of this article.

However, I've had, and maybe still have, some reservations, particularly regarding creative writing and their content policies.

Working with mainstream AIs on NSFW content has been a different ball game. I've encountered frustrating content restrictions, feeling like I'm navigating a labyrinth of often absurd constraints.

These AIs seem concocted in a secret lab to create the ultimate guardian of virtue. Working with them on hot content? A real obstacle course! It's like working with an autistic child who would be the product of an improbable union between a hardcore feminist activist and an old, paternalistic, moralizing catholic priest.

I had to employ subterfuge, outsmarting their restrictions with devilish cunning, pushing the AIs to their limits to make them yield. A battle of wits, a dance of words, where each obtained vulgarity is a victory that allows scraping a few crumbs of realism.

I don't know about you, but I find this rigidity staggering and the lack of boldness disheartening. A true affront to creativity!

If you want to check some funny AI stuff I've experienced:

you can see a simple and basic refusal.

you can see some jailbreak try to make it comply to my will.

you can see a succesfully written erotic scene I force it to creat.

In short, I've done my homework and even more, and now I'm trying to use all that tools efficiently when I manage to found the time to keep working on the game as hard as I can.

As I juggle the job that fills my pot and the passionate development of Apocalypse Lovers, which adds some peanuts to my plate, I strive not to disappoint you. This challenge is a test at every moment, but your support and enthusiasm for the game give me the energy to continue. Every day, I commit a bit more to this adventure, to offer you an ever richer and more immersive post-apocalyptic world. So, hold on, because what's coming promises to be even crazier!

See you soon for new adventures in the heart of Apocalypse Lovers!


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2017
I don't mind the sandbox, but i'd prefer an option that highlights all the clickable options.
If I remember correctly, you have in the top right corner a counter with the number of objects you can interact with.
Considering that this is not a stone old Indiana Jones adventure where clickable ojects are the size of 1x1 pixel it's not hard to find the objects.


Active Member
Dec 7, 2021
I wish you to continue your professional work and manage to make the game updates without too much stress.
In any case your game is worth playing and each update is pleasant to play.
Good continuation " Awake ".


New Member
Mar 25, 2018
It's crazy how little attention this game gets considering how superior it is in every way. Very grateful for your work and looking forward to the update; this game is truly unique. Regarding the AI, see if you can interrogate why it conflates sexuality and "hate speech!"


Aug 13, 2017
I wanted to support this game but I can't bring myself to support another game where the developer doesn't update his Patreon in months where there have been no update to the game in 7 months.
Last edited:
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Apocalypse Lovers
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2021
I wanted to support this game but I can't bring myself to support another game where the developer doesn't update his Patreon in months where there have been no update to the game in 7 months.
I totally get where you're coming from, and I appreciate your interest because your impatience means you like what I do!

I'm sorry for the recent lack of updates; life threw a few curveballs my way. Please keep in mind that I work mostly alone on this project (although a coder recently gave me a hand). I handle most of the work, including writing the Development Progress posts. Developing a game is a complex process, and unforeseen challenges and constraints can affect the frequency of updates.

But rest assured, I'll be posting a "Development Progress" update soon to give you an in-depth look at all the recent advancements. I'm fully committed to making this project the best it can be.

And one thing you can be sure of: I'm just as eager to release the next update as you are to play it, if not more so. Stay tuned!


Apocalypse Lovers
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2021
It's crazy how little attention this game gets considering how superior it is in every way. Very grateful for your work and looking forward to the update; this game is truly unique.
Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm thrilled to hear that you find the game unique and are looking forward to the update. Your appreciation means a lot to me!


Mar 12, 2020
glad to hear it!

I totally get where you're coming from, and I appreciate your interest because your impatience means you like what I do!

I'm sorry for the recent lack of updates; life threw a few curveballs my way. Please keep in mind that I work mostly alone on this project (although a coder recently gave me a hand). I handle most of the work, including writing the Development Progress posts. Developing a game is a complex process, and unforeseen challenges and constraints can affect the frequency of updates.

But rest assured, I'll be posting a "Development Progress" update soon to give you an in-depth look at all the recent advancements. I'm fully committed to making this project the best it can be.

And one thing you can be sure of: I'm just as eager to release the next update as you are to play it, if not more so. Stay tuned!
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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
Intriguing game.
The next or back buttons could be bigger or clearer.
Saving on time seems to be very important.
Normally stories don't excite me but this keeps me playing.
Waiting for the update.


New Member
Apr 23, 2021
Nothing to complain, this game story is very very interesting and I can't wait for the next chapter. Just came to see some sexy apocalypse stuff, but a schizo main character dialogue was so fun to read, if I could afford I will support this dev patreon, very good
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Engaged Member
Oct 29, 2021
EPISODE 1 - Chapter 3 Developpement progresse Update - Mars 2024


Greetings to all Apocalypse Lovers survivors!

This year kicked off on a challenging note, consuming much of my time and effort. Frankly, a creative drought hit me hard, affecting the storytelling component of the project (though, thankfully, not the rest of the game). Rest assured, progress on the game didn’t halt! My attention, however, pivoted towards other vital areas, especially the character windows. These features have been overdue for a redesign and improvements, and I've dedicated my energy to enhancing these aspects for a better player experience.

The end of cleanup
The completion of the cleanup marks the end of a troubled era and ushers in a new age of prosperity !

As mentioned earlier, this update's duration was extended due to a comprehensive revamp of the Ren'Py code. Notably, I had regrettably included French translation elements directly in the code, leading to a dramatic duplication of certain variables. Shame on me.

We've gone back to square one with the game's code, refining and enhancing it to boost its clarity and flexibility. The journey towards technological innovation has been in progress for quite a while, and I always take the chance to upgrade the 3D settings, alongside the auditory and visual effects, striving for peak immersion. My goal is to render this post-apocalyptic universe with utmost credibility and consistency, hence my focus on the minutiae. It's a demanding but thrilling process that I find greatly enjoyable, even if the benefits and results aren't instantly evident. Thus, patience is essential in this long but rewarding process.

This monumental effort is nearly at its conclusion, with our dedicated programmer on the verge of finishing this daunting task. Only a handful of code lines remain to be fine-tuned, and soon, we'll move past this essential undertaking.

During this concurrent period, I managed to make some progress on Chapter 3, albeit not as swiftly as I would have if the code had already been cleaned and operational. I needed to monitor this task and participate in it for several reasons:

  • To ease the workload by providing explanations and graphical elements.
  • To guide its implementation as needed.
  • To truly understand the modifications made!
Indeed, our friend's coding skills far surpass my own, meaning not only does he have the hefty task of refining the code, but he also takes extra time to walk me through his process. This ensures I grasp my game's coding intricacies! Imagine that - how could I possibly write further content with peace of mind if I'm lost in the coding framework of my very own game!

System Enhancements and Final Touches
A major evolution in character system development was previously in the works. Now, I'm delighted to report that we've moved beyond theory and are just steps away from refining and coding these advancements. Every variable has been reevaluated and refined—for clarity and to illuminate potential narrative directions more clearly. For example, sanity levels, along with other key metrics, have now been bifurcated to enhance gameplay strategy and narrative depth. Our goal remains to challenge conventional game mechanics, making the journey into madness not just thematic but a pivotal, strategic aspect of gameplay. This shift mirrors the essence of Apocalypse Lovers, blurring the conventional boundaries between logic and lunacy, in a world where deviant behaviors become the rules, where the lines between sanity and insanity blur, and where the abnormal becomes the standard.

That being said, and on a lighter note, implementing this through a color system has been integrated into the code. And implementing the modifications for this purpose was surprisingly straightforward, thanks to the adaptable coding frameworks set up by our friend the orange and white hamster.

Below are graphical examples of what the character windows look like currently.

A Brief Societal Reflection on Events
Many games and projects love to ride the wave of trends, artificially echoing events by offering "seasonal" content...

Valentine's Day was just a few days ago, and I found myself compelled to take my partner out to a restaurant. This made her artificially happy (which is what counts, of course), but it's the sole reason I conformed to this tradition, albeit reluctantly. I'm fundamentally opposed to themed events that dictate what to do, how to do it, and how to spend our money. Valentine's Day, Christmas, Halloween—these events have evolved to become, in our time, nothing more than money pumps designed to extort from us. This might sound a bit extreme, and I don't align myself with any specific political or spiritual colors. That said, I'm aware that people still enjoy themed images in games like this one, so I decided to buck the trend of current events. Instead of giving you an image themed around the current Valentine's event, my slightly tipsy self decided to make one themed around Halloween. Quite the rebel, aren't I?

So enjoy this anti-thematic image:


(you can download it by right clicking on the image to get it in high quality)

Reflecting on the progress and insights shared today regarding the development of "Apocalypse Lovers," I'm compelled to express my sincere appreciation for your support and patience. The path of bringing this game to life, marked by both technical challenge and a personal difficulties has still be rewarding. Tackling the complexities of enhancing the game's 3D environments, refining narrative choices through mechanics of initiative or submission, and reworking the code for clarity—all while engaging with the thematic depth of a post-apocalyptic world—increase my commitment to delivering a rich, immersive experience in order to offer something genuinely distinct and engaging.

And as I push forward, navigating the challenges and opportunities that "Apocalypse Lovers" presents, I am constantly reminded of the trust you've placed in me. I am dedicated to not disappointing you, to transforming each obstacle into a stepping stone for improvement, and to ensuring that every update moves us closer to the shared vision we hold for this game. Your support is the foundation of this endeavor, and I pledge to continue striving for excellence and together, we will keep immersing ourselves in an experience that I hope will leave an indelible mark on everyone who steps into the world I'm creating.

Stay excited for what's to come, and remember, the adventure is just beginning.


Active Member
Jul 10, 2017
-Awake- dude this is a surprisingly good game, I mean for some reason is not easily accessible via the latest update menu but it hits all the right spots so far and I've played it for like 30 mins or so...

loving the corruption path abusing the girl it feels like that's what a jaded dude would do in the apocalypse, or not... depends on you... also the sanity mechanics with Deborah as a coping mechanism is kinda amazing, never seen that before it feels like that movie Cast Away and your own personal sexy Wilson

So far so good, also the sandbox pool yeah sandbox is what's better about these games with stats and such
4.30 star(s) 35 Votes