-Awake- , you desperately need an English translator. It really slows things down when we have to read something twice or three times to try to figure out what you mean. It's little things, and it starts right off at the beginning of the intro and continues throughout all dialogue. "When it all started, you were Captain of the US Navy at a military base on Okinawa Island, Japan."
The player was a Captain, like the rank, or are you saying he was the senior officer in charge of all of the Navy forces on Okinawa? Since there's only two navy bases on Okinawa, and one is a hospital and the other is a small shipyard, I guess you're just saying their rank.
Typos throughout the text, like "foreing land" instead of foreign land, Phrases that make sense in their original language but don't translate to English well. If you're willing to share the dialogue files, I'm willing to do some translation and clean-up. I like this game, the premise in interesting, the art is great, and the environmental sound and background music really add to the aesthetic.