
Jul 22, 2019
AMS v0.34B is now LIVE!
Word Count: 1,821,825
LinesOfCode: 109,895
Characters: 12,826,119



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um is this version after the one i have which is 0.99d?


Game Developer
Feb 25, 2018
um is this version after the one i have which is 0.99d?

The newest versions are v0.34B.

v0.99D was ....a looooong long time ago.

v0.34B is the actual number of release the game is on---it's had 34 full updates since conception. The other number is before I knew how to number the releases as when I first started I didn't know any better so I made each update v0.5 and v0.10 and v.15 and so on. ^_^ Hope that clears up any confusion!

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Jul 22, 2019
The newest versions are v0.34B.

v0.99D was ....a looooong long time ago.

v0.34B is the actual number of release the game is on---it's had 34 full updates since conception. The other number is before I knew how to number the releases as when I first started I didn't know any better so I made each update v0.5 and v0.10 and v.15 and so on. ^_^ Hope that clears up any confusion!

ok i didn't know that cause the i didn't understand how the versions worked as to wut was the latest. so i how do i get 34b cause there's only a link for 34a


Active Member
Mar 29, 2017
ok i didn't know that cause the i didn't understand how the versions worked as to wut was the latest. so i how do i get 34b cause there's only a link for 34a
I believe non-Patreons are one version behind. You want the latest release then you'll have to support the developer.
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Game Developer
Feb 25, 2018
oh ok. so we won't get b until c is released or whatever the next version is
Yup! I thought monthly releases would be fair to everyone ^_^ Plus donators get a lot of perks too! But you are in no way require to donate. Plus, if people help me out by finding a lot of bugs or catches grammar issues, or helping in some other useful way, I usually give them free donator versions or codes. I do things like that since not everyone has extra money these days.

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Feb 6, 2018
Am I missing something here? The saving and loading is completely and utterly busted for me.

I use the "Save filename" commands and it just goes "About to do some clones" then nothing happens. Nothing shows up when I hit DIR and nothing happens when I "Load" any of the files I saved. I tried to get around this by using the file -> save as system which.. worked, I could actually load when I launched the new save but now, all the textboxes and/or choices after them are failing to show and I can't progress, or I can progress sometimes, just completely blind.

Also, the first time I tried to play as a female character (the save is gone now so I can't check it), after interacting with Pascal (I think the second time, after I "paid in other ways"), every single screen was flagging an error. I think I recall it saying something along the lines that "GreaterThan" or "EqualsTo" 7 lust was not defined, if that helps.
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Joe Steel

Engaged Member
Jan 10, 2018
Am I missing something here? The saving and loading is completely and utterly busted for me.
Yes, you are missing the countless posts in this thread discussing the topic of the broken save system. The dev is well aware of the problem and has taken steps to fix it, so far with no joy.
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Feb 6, 2018
Yes, you are missing the countless posts in this thread discussing the topic of the broken save system. The dev is well aware of the problem and has taken steps to fix it, so far with no joy.
Ah, the previous pages are indeed filled with it each time an update is posted, apologies my bad, didn't think it would have been a long-standing problem. OP should really have some sort of warning somewhere that the save system is broken and the developer is looking for a programmer to fix it, might help reduce responses/help it get fixed.

Aren't there any workarounds or something at least? How can he even be bug testing new content if there's no way to load saves for it?


Active Member
Mar 29, 2017
Aren't there any workarounds or something at least? How can he even be bug testing new content if there's no way to load saves for it?
Well, developers usually have inside knowledge, tools and cheats that we do not when it comes to testing a game. If you're talking about the players' experience then it's easy - most report what they find in one sitting. Alas, a lot of people won't touch this game until the save system is fixed so I assume the amount of bug reports Anonyn gets is minimal... if not outright non-existent at this point.

The developer can't program himself and the last two people he contacted for this job turned out to be unreliable, so even if a workaround was planned he still needs a coder to do it for him. Sadly, this means the game is stuck in a rut... People won't play until it gets patched, meaning they may drop support depending on how long this takes (which has been a few months now). And without money the dev will have a hard time finding a programmer to fix it.
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Game Developer
Feb 25, 2018
Ah, the previous pages are indeed filled with it each time an update is posted, apologies my bad, didn't think it would have been a long-standing problem. OP should really have some sort of warning somewhere that the save system is broken and the developer is looking for a programmer to fix it, might help reduce responses/help it get fixed.

Aren't there any workarounds or something at least? How can he even be bug testing new content if there's no way to load saves for it?
Yeah, it's been a royal pain in the butt >.< But actually, testing content is generally quite easy for me to do. The only problem is I don't always have the time to test everything nor do I have the means to test every single piece of content I add. The game is quite large and sifting through all that code by myself can take days.

That's why having people report bugs is the best way. You guys can test faster and larger bits of the game in a fraction of the time it would take me as there are tons and tons of variables to take into account.

I don't use the Save/Load System at all to test and never have.

Well, developers usually have inside knowledge, tools and cheats that we do not when it comes to testing a game. If you're talking about the players' experience then it's easy - most report what they find in one sitting. Alas, a lot of people won't touch this game until the save system is fixed so I assume the amount of bug reports Anonyn gets is minimal... if not outright non-existent at this point.

The developer can't program himself and the last two people he contacted for this job turned out to be unreliable, so even if a workaround was planned he still needs a coder to do it for him. Sadly, this means the game is stuck in a rut... People won't play until it gets patched, meaning they may drop support depending on how long this takes (which has been a few months now). And without money the dev will have a hard time finding a programmer to fix it.
Actually, I do program! I've programmed the entire game and have written all the content alone so far, except for the library that uses the Save/Load System as it's extremely complex and beyond my coding ability at the moment. That's why I can't fix that particular problem by myself.

But yes, developers have ways of testing their own games --- and using hidden shortcuts etc. I do receive a lot of bug reports and usually fix them very quickly (that's pretty much the first thing I focus on at the beginning of each month). Sometimes bugs are complicated though and have to be fixed over multiple versions or I try to fix it and it seems fixed only to pop up with an error again. Bugs are part of every game though and no game in the world is completely bug free. All we can do is our best to catch the really bad ones ^_^

I am currently looking for a programmer to handle the Save/Load Library though but yeah, the first two were very unreliable. The search continues though.



Game Developer
Feb 25, 2018
AMS v0.34C-Beta Release is now LIVE!
This is a mid-month beta release for $5+ Patrons as a thank you!

ChangeLog Below:
v0.34C-Beta Release
Bug Fixes/Changes

Fixed: an Index Error with the Rest Command regarding building Shelters.

Added Rold’s Sex variable.

Fixed a couple of spelling errors and grammar mistakes here and there throughout the Rest Command. Nothing major, just a couple of minor things from typing too fast >.< . If you see anymore, let me know.

Removed the Flirt Verb with Rold and replaced it with Proposition (which will allow you to have sex with Rold if you haven’t yet, or to repeat sex with him if you want to). This means there are roughly three variations of this scene. Obviously, you must meet the right parameters by being Female as he will reject Male companionship. This option is available for all Dominant Moods. You cannot use this option until you have actually met Rold. You will earn +2 Relationship Points with him per bang. Remember the scenario slightly changes based on several factors including how much Lust and how Horny you are.

Changed the Chit Chat Verb with Rold and replaced it with Idle Conversation. This verb is repeatable to an extent. Each time you use it, there’s a 50% chance that it’ll be removed from available topics. But when you use it, you have a 50% chance to gain +5 Relationship Points with him, or a 33% chance to lose -3 Relationship Points with him. There’s also a third scenario where neither scenario happens (which will NOT trigger the topic removal). You can repeat this until the topic is removed by the proc. Probably a good thing since you shouldn’t bother Rold more than you have to! You cannot use this option until you have actually met Rold.

I greatly reduced the size of the game file, hopefully this will allow me to start uploading to Quest Text Adventures again. If not, well, smaller game means easier to load and less prone to crashing! Hurrah!

Fixed a missing script with Rold’s, Flirt With Him Scenario for Sexy Dominant Mood Males. I guess during the massive rehaul when that entire script was throwing a Memory Error that one script got lost somewhere! It has been restored.

Having Sex with Rold is now properly updated in the Player’s Stats.

Fixed a couple of expression errors with Jensen. Let’s see if they stay fixed this time >.< ! These expressions sometimes cause errors to pop up.

Game Expansion

The Rest Command, Scavenge Scenario recode and rewrites are fully completed. Let me know if you run across any bugs.

The Rest Command, Shelter Scenarios have been completely recoded and rewritten. Again, let me know if you run across any wonkiness while using them.


I have completely restructured the Goblin Transformation from top to bottom and made it more Gender neutral as well (meaning I can use this script for both Male and Female characters). This restructuring removes the randomness of the transformation process (meaning every single time you have sex with a Goblin (or in the future take a Goblin Potion) you will encounter a different transformation (if you have 0 Resist). You might also have a possible randomized stat variable as well that goes in line with a goblin’s nature such as Corruption etc.


Rold’s sex scenes are now repeatable (once you have met him) via the Proposition verb. You can also have sex with him for the first time with this verb as well. I rewrote several scripts for this so that the lead up makes sense in this context. Pregnancy and Transformations can be procced during this.


I’ve continued tinkering around with the Rest Command again.
*The Supply Scavenge scenario has been completely redone and now takes into account a number of new variables that it didn’t have before. I’ve also drastically reduced the size of the code because it was sometimes causing Quest to crash. It no longer has a fixed/static Random Chance either and now incoporates the Player’s Background, the Player’s Speciality, the Player’s Skill-Set, it also now includes current Weather and Time Of Day as factors. You start with a 65% chance of success. The Thief Background earns you +3% chance and so does the Big Saver Speciality; If the Player’s Thief Skill is between 2-3 you will gain a +3, a skill between 4-6 will gain you a +6 and a skill between 7-10 will gain you a +9 chance. Only Storm Weather affects your ability to Scavenge supplies which is -10% toward your chance, all other Weather conditions give a +3. If the Time of Day is Night, you will lose a -10% chance to Scavenge as well. Seasons do not play a role in the success/failure of a Scavenge. Scavenging has a 50% chance to take 1 Time of Day Cycle and can be done infinitely too (just watch your Health)!

If you successfully scavenge; You have a 50% chance to find both a Small and a Large Stick or if that doesn’t proc, a 25% chance to find a Large Stick and if that doesn’t proc, you will find a Small Stick. You will also lose between 1-3 Health with every scavenge.

If you fail your scavenge; you will lose betwee 1-3 Health and obviously come up empty-handed in your search. Don’t be discouraged though! You can always try again. (You failing does not mean your allies will either (explained below))!

You also have the choice to send allies, like Aaleahya, out to Scavenge as well. This has a 20% success rate toward finding extra loot/supplies at the cost of 1-3 Health. If your Corruption is 50 or above, you will command her which will force you to lose a Relationship Point with her. If your Corruption is 49 or under, no Relationship Points will be lost.

If Aaleahya successfully scavenge; she will have a 50% chance to bring you either a Large Stick or a Small Stick.

If Aaleahya fails her scavenge; She will lose between 1-3 Health.

((Other allies might have the ability to hunt for supplies OR sticks but that will be decided later)).

*The Construct A Shelter scenario has been completely redone and now takes into account a number of new variables that it didn’t have before, although they are different between having No Shelter and having a shelter and so are the rewards. Right off the bat, shelters no longer restore Health. Instead, they give the Player Resist (for the first two scenarios, No Shelter and Debris Shelter) and stat increases for the latter (Lean and Sub Shelters). The difference Chance outcomes between No Shelter and the rest of the scenarios are as follows:

No Shelter: has no predetermined conditions and starts at a base 75% chance of success. In the Morning Time of Day (TOD) you get a +5 chance, Afternoon TOD gives you a 5% chance, Evening TOD gives you a +3% chance and Night TOD gives you a -20%. As for Weather conditions; Rain -30% chance, Storm -40% chance and all other Weather conditions; Clear and Cloudy will give +5%. Calendar Month makes an impact as well; January, February or December will enforce a -40% chance and all other months will give a +5% chance. So every little bit counts when dealing with the No Shelter scenario. There are definitely times when you should use it and times when you shouldn’t. Having a success will advance the TOD by one.

Success: This scenario now includes all Weather, TOD and Calendar Month variables. Though even with a success, if you try to rest without a Shelter in Winter Months (January, February, December), you have a 50% chance to lose between -1 and -5 Health. A success will grant a 75% chance to gain +1 Resist too.

Failure: Same situation as above except you have no chance to gain +1 Resist.

WTDebris Shelter: has some predetermined conditions that must be met before a Shelter can be constructed. If you have the Tier 1 Defense Skill, Brick House, the cost of Small and Large Sticks is reduced. Without it, you need, 4 Small Sticks and 5 Large Sticks. With it, you need 2 Small Sticks and 3 Large Sticks. Without the correct amount of sticks you will not be able to construct this Shelter. There is no Intelligence minimal for this Shelter either. You start with a 75% chance of success rate. In the Morning Time of Day (TOD) you get a +5 chance, Afternoon TOD gives you a 5% chance, Evening TOD gives you a +3% chance and Night TOD gives you a -10%. As for Weather conditions; Rain -15% chance, Storm -30% chance and all other Weather conditions; Clear and Cloudy will give +5%. Calendar Month makes an impact as well; January, February or December will enforce a -10% chance and all other months will give a +5% chance. So every little bit counts. Having a success will advance the TOD by one.

Success: A success will grant a 100% chance to gain between +1 to +3 Resist. And Weather, TOD or Calendar Month does not affect a success. You also have a 1% chance to gain either; +1 Maximum Health, +1 Strength, +1 Agility, +1 Intelligence, +1 Defense, or +1 Maximum Carry.

Failure: You will be given back a Small Stick and a Large Stick but no chance to gain any Resist or any other stat advancement.

WTLeanShelter: has some predetermined conditions that must be met before a Shelter can be constructed. You must have 5 Intelligence or greater to construct this Shelter. If you have the Tier 1 Defense Skill, Brick House, the cost of Small and Large sticks is reduced as well. Without it, the Shelter will cost 5 Small Sticks and 10 Large Sticks. With it, the cost will be 3 Small Sticks and 7 Large Sticks. You start with a 75% chance of success rate. In the Morning Time of Day (TOD) you get a +5 chance, Afternoon TOD gives you a 5% chance, Evening TOD gives you a +3% chance and Night TOD gives you a -10%. As for Weather conditions; Rain -15% chance, Storm -30% chance and all other Weather conditions; Clear and Cloudy will give +5%. Calendar Month makes an impact as well; January, February or December will enforce a -10% chance and all other months will give a +5% chance. So every little bit counts. Having a success will advance the TOD by one.

Success: A success will grant a 100% chance to gain between +3 to +6 Resist. And Weather, TOD or Calendar Month does not affect a success. You also have a 30% chance to gain either; +1 Maximum Health, +1 Strength, +1 Agility, +1 Intelligence, +1 Defense, or +1 Maximum Carry.

Failure: You will be given back a 2 Small Sticks and 2 Large Sticks but no chance to gain any Resist or any other stat advancement.

WTSubShelther: has some predetermined conditions that must be met before a Shelter can be constructed. You must have 5 Intelligence or greater to construct this Shelter. If you have the Tier 1 Defense Skill, Brick House, the cost of Small and Large sticks is reduced as well. Without it, the Shelter will cost 10 Small Sticks and 15 Large Sticks. With it, the cost will be 7 Small Sticks and 10 Large Sticks. You start with a 75% chance of success rate. In the Morning Time of Day (TOD) you get a +5 chance, Afternoon TOD gives you a 5% chance, Evening TOD gives you a +3% chance and Night TOD gives you a -10%. As for Weather conditions; Rain -25% chance, Storm -35% chance (since rain + subterreanean shelter = bad idea) and all other Weather conditions; Clear and Cloudy will give +5%. Calendar Month makes an impact as well; January, February or December will enforce a -10% chance and all other months will give a +5% chance. So every little bit counts. Having a success will advance the TOD by one.

Success: A success will grant a 100% chance to gain between +6 to +10 Resist. And Weather, TOD or Calendar Month does not affect a success. You also have a 75% chance to gain either; +2 Maximum Health, +2 Strength, +2 Agility, +2 Intelligence, +1 Defense, or +2 Maximum Carry. You will also gain +3 Relationship Points for all current companions that are with you.

Failure: You will be given back a 3 Small Sticks and 3 Large Sticks but no chance to gain any Resist or any other stat advancement.

BE SURE TO REPORT ANY BUGS YOU COME ACROSS SO I CAN FIX THEM. Just type “Anonynn” (without quotations) into the Command Bar and it will bring up a link to my email.
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Jul 22, 2019
Yeah, it's been a royal pain in the butt >.< But actually, testing content is generally quite easy for me to do. The only problem is I don't always have the time to test everything nor do I have the means to test every single piece of content I add. The game is quite large and sifting through all that code by myself can take days.

That's why having people report bugs is the best way. You guys can test faster and larger bits of the game in a fraction of the time it would take me as there are tons and tons of variables to take into account.

I don't use the Save/Load System at all to test and never have.

Actually, I do program! I've programmed the entire game and have written all the content alone so far, except for the library that uses the Save/Load System as it's extremely complex and beyond my coding ability at the moment. That's why I can't fix that particular problem by myself.

But yes, developers have ways of testing their own games --- and using hidden shortcuts etc. I do receive a lot of bug reports and usually fix them very quickly (that's pretty much the first thing I focus on at the beginning of each month). Sometimes bugs are complicated though and have to be fixed over multiple versions or I try to fix it and it seems fixed only to pop up with an error again. Bugs are part of every game though and no game in the world is completely bug free. All we can do is our best to catch the really bad ones ^_^

I am currently looking for a programmer to handle the Save/Load Library though but yeah, the first two were very unreliable. The search continues though.

uh I dunno if this is a bug but, when i play one of the premade characters(specifically the cat girl) i can't seem to have sex with the male goblin in the withered snag( i forgot wut his name is)


Game Developer
Feb 25, 2018
uh I dunno if this is a bug but, when i play one of the premade characters(specifically the cat girl) i can't seem to have sex with the male goblin in the withered snag( i forgot wut his name is)
Is there a specific message that comes up when you try? Or is there an error that prevents it ^_^? Are you trying for the Repeatable Sex Scene with Rold or the one during the main conversations where you flirt with him. The more detailed you are about it the easier I can find the solution. :)



Game Developer
Feb 25, 2018
where is the online link?
I removed the Online Link for the time being because it was extremely outdated and kind of broken since the game is quite large and the single Quest server (that has to run every game on there simultaneously) was having trouble running it. I'm going to do my best to reduce the file size for this coming update so that I can upload a fresh version to the Quest website. But I have to get it under 20mb ... and before the game's first size reduction it was 66mb. Right now it's 33mb.



Jul 22, 2019
Is there a specific message that comes up when you try? Or is there an error that prevents it ^_^? Are you trying for the Repeatable Sex Scene with Rold or the one during the main conversations where you flirt with him. The more detailed you are about it the easier I can find the solution. :)

the first time u have sex with him. the problem is i can't click continue cause the text won't scroll down enough. thats why i can't have sex with him and it's only happened with a premade character. making my own works just fine but then i can't play as a catgirl.


Apr 9, 2018
the first time u have sex with him. the problem is i can't click continue cause the text won't scroll down enough. thats why i can't have sex with him and it's only happened with a premade character. making my own works just fine but then i can't play as a catgirl.
Bigger question here is why you can't make a custom character a catgirl.
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