thanks. but already done all of it. but julia alwz recognizes mc when ever he tried to offer sex. after recognizing mc she leaves. also there is a 2do list of observing julia's behaviour. bt nothing happens if mc watches or interacts with her all day even in weekends. completed other quests.

Thanks for the laugh, my friend! Julia is MC's MOTHER!!! Put on a hoodie and try pretending to be some anonymous person with YOUR mother and see how fast she recognizes you! Hahaha

The sex scenes between MC and his mother Julia occur at home after MC saves Julia from the vampire attack in the dining room and MC advises Julia to never return to the club, that he is making sufficient earnings to support the household and he wants her safe. MC's actions there change Julia's disposition with MC from son to man of the house. Not sure if that is actually in the code but it is the only reasoning I can figure for her sudden and complete change of heart. After that night, MC can fuck mom on the couch watching TV, leave his door open when he masturbates and she will join in and ride him in his gaming chair, have two more options by the pool, in the shower, good morning fucks in the kitchen, late night visits in both Julia's and MC's room as well as some random nocturnal encounters in the dining room. Pretty sure I'm still forgetting some as well... Before MC saves Julia from the vampire she is totally freaked out by MC peeping or being too overt in his touching of her person. After that night Julia becomes MC's willing and utterly cock starved concubine.
TBH, I didn't even know that what you advise was even possible. The only time I ever encountered Julia at the club was in the bar. In my gameplay she only waits tables and serves drinks, never dances. However, I do not play the vampire route or the werewolf route for that matter. My MC remains human throughout the game so there may be loopholes and other content spawned in other routes of which I am unaware. The club is owned and operated by vampires.
I'm thinking you may be mistaking Julia for the vampire woman that IS a dancer. Not the vampire chick from MC's school but her mother. You have to be on the vampire path to have sex with her AFAIK. In this game, vampires and lycans can identify you by scent so your hoodie isn't fooling anyone past the doorman and the other humans in the club.
Hope this helps you, my friend. Thanks for the laugh and adventure ever on, Phat