
Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2020
Welp if anyone is still wondering as of 1.G the game is beatable/finished from start to end but man i know the game is buggy but this game is incomplete like Elona has a specfic threesome scene with Scubbar Futa Jade Queen is in the IMG folder but not implemented in game and Raven Suicide Quest feels half baked she asked you for any allies but for whatever reason Amantha Bannesa Netari and Futa Alien from the spaceport and Herb Robot aren't options? Not to mention the ones i could recruit didn't seem to affect anything? and that ending HOLY SHIT there is no ending or epilogue you beat the queen and the city is burning/rioting you get rescued and are told where you want to go next while the credits rolled and this anime ending song plays while all the people you've met are still down there in a warzone then the news shows ups and the reporter gets bombed then POOF right back to the main menu no where are tehy now to all the people you've met let alone what you and your gladiator are doing?! I said this in my review way back but this game just is desperately trying to be "real" but it comes off edgy and try hard should just have been trying to be #1 with your favorite waifu nothing more but you get the this weird ending man I'm disappointed if i could review the game again i'd give it 2.5 probably still a 3 to a newcomer but the fact that it took me 4 new playthroughs and like 5 updates to even make it to the end burned me out there's no point in doing a second playthrough unless you pick a different gender to see what you missed out but picking a new gladiator is pointless they all share the same scenes while they act differently the scenes don't use it to any potential someone like armida whose more brash and dominant won't ever dom you or take the lead in sex each gladiator is the same big tits and ass woman dialogue slightly varies SPEAKIN of lost potential it seems that the affection points and your reputation seems pointless. LOVE seems to only be in the game to gatekeep the few sex scenes between you and your girl like seriously there are 15 LOSE sex scenes in game and only 5 sex scenes between you and your gladiator is fucking ridiculous. Overall i'm glad to be done with this game i would love to see the fallout of this game it feels like someone at the dev team wanted to implement so many new ideas and mechanics into what could have been a simple and fun trainer the game feels like it's at the 80% mark but to me this game is simply incomplete and it looks like it'll stay that way.
Couldn't agree more.

I've said once & I'll say it again, if you wanna play a futuristic porn game that's decent & won't make you seek out for a psychiatrist? Just play Apostle: rebellion.


Nov 12, 2021
I am making this "Review," but first, let me say that I've only gone through Elona's run of the game since I have a feeling that there are only a few variations between the Gladiators, though feel free to correct or add your thoughts cause this is not a FULL game.

Game Mechanics:
The basic premise of this game is that you train your chosen Gladiator to improve their Power, Agility, Endurance, and Mind, either done by working at the Construction, Bar, or Gym or later helping the resistance. Along with managing the stress and mood of your gladiators and building relations with each shop/place. So at first, it feels like you are doing a management sim of the game, but the bad part is that it resets at the END OF EVERY WEEK. That should not be the case since you want to FEEL progress and SEE that your Gladiator is getting stronger to face the challenges in the Arena and on missions, a way to LEVEL up your characters.

Managing your gladiators:
I firmly believe that the developers should have allowed us to train ALL THREE Gladiators as it is feasible to do (If you can do it by finishing all Three characters, please feel free to correct me) and assign them to each with a given specialty example; Elona could get more Points with working at the Construction site how she seems fit for that role, Armida (base on her background) could get more Points working at the Bar, and Geyna (base on her profile) could have more Points in either Gym or helping the Resistance-fighters or have all three of them get additional points working with the Resistance-fighters since it seems they all have gripes with the Empire (correct me if I'm wrong)

Shops relation:
It feels lacking, very lacking. You are trying to build better with each shop, which I assumed to get sponsorships, but that's not the case. It's just discounts and gifts, no additional points or such. Like in the Gym, a good story with the character Zalex are you help her develop her Gym thus, getting more Browny points from her for later H-scene and getting discounts like, say, being a sponsor and having her Gym name mentioned or placed on a shirt or mentioned in an interview. I saw this possibility with helping Amantha and her quest-line, but it is so few.

I had assumed that's how you would get sponsorships, additional income, discounts, H-scenes, or free stuff, but nope, that's not the case.

Super lacking, and from what I've seen in the pictures little variety between the main focus of the game: Gladiators and the MC. It would be best to download the MOD to check the scene since the game wastes your time in BONDING with your Gladiators.

Boring, lacking, and predictable. The MC is overly generic with a little backstory that can stand out, it would be good of a story if there is a reason for the MC to want either to side with the Resistants or with the Empire like say him/her being related to the Queen. The dialago doesn't affect all much on how characts preceive the MC (correct me if I'm wrong or add to this) it would been nice to have more reasons to doing one over the other and that each Gladiator would respond better to certain combination of dialog choice. But it's all too simple.

Overall the game lacks quality that Below the Sunshade has and quanity-variarity of Roundscape. I had wanted this game to build up from the first two games that came before it but this feels like a first game project, I would have forgiven it for all those faults if it's the devloper's first time making this game but it is their thrid game.

I didn't mentione the art since it was the only positive aspects but it would been better to hack stuck with or have a choice of having pixle art animated scene which they had done a bit in Roundscape or have that in as well for the scenes.

But that's my over all experience and review of the game tell me what you guys think or disagree with or anything to add?


Dec 27, 2019
I am making this "Review," but first, let me say that I've only gone through Elona's run of the game since I have a feeling that there are only a few variations between the Gladiators, though feel free to correct or add your thoughts cause this is not a FULL game.

Game Mechanics:
The basic premise of this game is that you train your chosen Gladiator to improve their Power, Agility, Endurance, and Mind, either done by working at the Construction, Bar, or Gym or later helping the resistance. Along with managing the stress and mood of your gladiators and building relations with each shop/place. So at first, it feels like you are doing a management sim of the game, but the bad part is that it resets at the END OF EVERY WEEK. That should not be the case since you want to FEEL progress and SEE that your Gladiator is getting stronger to face the challenges in the Arena and on missions, a way to LEVEL up your characters.

Managing your gladiators:
I firmly believe that the developers should have allowed us to train ALL THREE Gladiators as it is feasible to do (If you can do it by finishing all Three characters, please feel free to correct me) and assign them to each with a given specialty example; Elona could get more Points with working at the Construction site how she seems fit for that role, Armida (base on her background) could get more Points working at the Bar, and Geyna (base on her profile) could have more Points in either Gym or helping the Resistance-fighters or have all three of them get additional points working with the Resistance-fighters since it seems they all have gripes with the Empire (correct me if I'm wrong)

Shops relation:
It feels lacking, very lacking. You are trying to build better with each shop, which I assumed to get sponsorships, but that's not the case. It's just discounts and gifts, no additional points or such. Like in the Gym, a good story with the character Zalex are you help her develop her Gym thus, getting more Browny points from her for later H-scene and getting discounts like, say, being a sponsor and having her Gym name mentioned or placed on a shirt or mentioned in an interview. I saw this possibility with helping Amantha and her quest-line, but it is so few.

I had assumed that's how you would get sponsorships, additional income, discounts, H-scenes, or free stuff, but nope, that's not the case.

Super lacking, and from what I've seen in the pictures little variety between the main focus of the game: Gladiators and the MC. It would be best to download the MOD to check the scene since the game wastes your time in BONDING with your Gladiators.

Boring, lacking, and predictable. The MC is overly generic with a little backstory that can stand out, it would be good of a story if there is a reason for the MC to want either to side with the Resistants or with the Empire like say him/her being related to the Queen. The dialago doesn't affect all much on how characts preceive the MC (correct me if I'm wrong or add to this) it would been nice to have more reasons to doing one over the other and that each Gladiator would respond better to certain combination of dialog choice. But it's all too simple.

Overall the game lacks quality that Below the Sunshade has and quanity-variarity of Roundscape. I had wanted this game to build up from the first two games that came before it but this feels like a first game project, I would have forgiven it for all those faults if it's the devloper's first time making this game but it is their thrid game.

I didn't mentione the art since it was the only positive aspects but it would been better to hack stuck with or have a choice of having pixle art animated scene which they had done a bit in Roundscape or have that in as well for the scenes.

But that's my over all experience and review of the game tell me what you guys think or disagree with or anything to add?
Honestly man you should just copy and paste this into an actual review all your points are pretty fair and you seem to know more about the devs other games so it seems like more of a bummer it ended like this if anything i would say talk more about the mechanics i have no idea how to get breakthroughs from the jobs I've dumped so many action points in that gym and nothing seemed to happen i guess my only pointer for your review would be the diffrence between normal and hardcore where if you don't pick hardcore you lose the chance to see the majority of the sex scenes which are the 15 lose h scenes if you go the normal route but great review overall man oh and just small spelling checks lol


Jan 3, 2020
Arenus [v1.1G] [Arvus Games] Compressed UAGC_v2.2.

PC (3,4GB/1,29GB)

Audio 25 Img 59 For Me work Good My any Trouble let me know rsrsrs.


Webp Codec SetUp For Windows to preview the igm in your pc.

Drive. Google Drive

Any Trouble Extract this java file as start a new Game.
Last edited:
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Reactions: Amens
May 3, 2022
I agree, the game right now does not have a compelling reason to force us to only work with one gladiator. Picking one at the start to be your first and main one makes sense, but they should have allowed to acquire the other two after a week or two. As fantastic as the artwork is having the exact same scenes play out with different gladiators and different flavor text is not a compelling reason to replay the game.

This really feels like the result of holding the game back from the public for too long. They have a great core of a game, but they really need to incorporate more player feedback to flesh out the parts of the gameplay that are lacking. They could have started on that process years ago if they had brought it to early access but the choice to keep it under wraps so long really ends up setting them further back, something the steam users that have been grumbling about setbacks will not be kind about.


Jan 10, 2020
Sorry but it baffles me that they didn't properly fix a gamebreaking bug in two new versions and yes i know how to fix it but its getting annoying to redownload the old version thinking they ''fix'' it

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Reactions: HitD


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2020
I agree, the game right now does not have a compelling reason to force us to only work with one gladiator. Picking one at the start to be your first and main one makes sense, but they should have allowed to acquire the other two after a week or two. As fantastic as the artwork is having the exact same scenes play out with different gladiators and different flavor text is not a compelling reason to replay the game.

This really feels like the result of holding the game back from the public for too long. They have a great core of a game, but they really need to incorporate more player feedback to flesh out the parts of the gameplay that are lacking. They could have started on that process years ago if they had brought it to early access but the choice to keep it under wraps so long really ends up setting them further back, something the steam users that have been grumbling about setbacks will not be kind about.
Honestly, even if they just turned this into a cloned futuristic version of Roundscape...

It would've been better than this current turd of a game we have right now.

This thing gonna bomb harder than Velma (2023) when it comes to Steam.
May 3, 2022
Yeah they can't release this on steam the way it is. I still think the core of the game has significant potential, they can work with this. It can become a good game but do they have the desire to keep working on it and will people be patient for that work to pan out.


Dec 26, 2017
I honestly think this game is a good example that, just because something is a good idea/premise, doesn't mean it's also going to be a good game.


Active Member
Jun 22, 2022
Judging by the demo 2 years ago and no progress since but promises of a finished game and delayed many times with an updated demo with hardly anything new, I think most of us knew how the game was going to turn out, nice images mixed with the most basic and boring gameplay, probably trying to blind us with those big skill trees as if that's content and worth anything when it's pretty much a grueling trainer game with a big grind and no though put into much other things except the random npc interactions to try and end up with sex


Nov 12, 2021
Couldn't agree more.

I've said once & I'll say it again, if you wanna play a futuristic porn game that's decent & won't make you seek out for a psychiatrist? Just play Apostle: rebellion.
Yeah a much better game, though they did making the dating easier wish they kept the mechanic from the first game cause it'll feel more personalize for each ladies


Nov 12, 2021
Honestly man you should just copy and paste this into an actual review all your points are pretty fair and you seem to know more about the devs other games so it seems like more of a bummer it ended like this if anything i would say talk more about the mechanics i have no idea how to get breakthroughs from the jobs I've dumped so many action points in that gym and nothing seemed to happen i guess my only pointer for your review would be the diffrence between normal and hardcore where if you don't pick hardcore you lose the chance to see the majority of the sex scenes which are the 15 lose h scenes if you go the normal route but great review overall man oh and just small spelling checks lol
Thanks, I did play the previous game and it is an extreme downgrade in terms of quality interaction with the female leads (Below the sunshade and game play goal) and quantity interaction/scene (Roundscape) I wasn't expecting greatness but I was expecting improvement building from the previous game try them and let me know what ya think of the first two if you haven't played them.


Nov 12, 2021
Honestly, even if they just turned this into a cloned futuristic version of Roundscape...

It would've been better than this current turd of a game we have right now.

This thing gonna bomb harder than Velma (2023) when it comes to Steam.
Not even close to Roundscape at least in terms of quantity, such as the H-scene, and you have an actual set of goals that made sense


Nov 12, 2021
Honestly man you should just copy and paste this into an actual review all your points are pretty fair and you seem to know more about the devs other games so it seems like more of a bummer it ended like this if anything i would say talk more about the mechanics i have no idea how to get breakthroughs from the jobs I've dumped so many action points in that gym and nothing seemed to happen i guess my only pointer for your review would be the diffrence between normal and hardcore where if you don't pick hardcore you lose the chance to see the majority of the sex scenes which are the 15 lose h scenes if you go the normal route but great review overall man oh and just small spelling checks lol

For breakthroughs if you someone still plan to place yourself in the game is doing one of the "Job" for example Escort a number of times the Gladiator will give dialog about it then will cause a breakthrough or the game will indicate a breakthrough like when I had Elona do straight 3 sparring for the week but I'm 90% sure this mechanic is not fully realize so to anyone seeing this just save edit your character to 999 and just go through the game
3.20 star(s) 38 Votes