Dear devs,
Defensive Mod "Nano Blood" effect 'Regeneration - The User recovers 4% of their total health every turn' doesn't work.
I looked at the code and found the problem:
This particular item object's key "params" first value was set to 0 (params[0, ...]), which for every other 'Regeneration' item was actually 35 (params[35, ...]). After changing it to 35 the item works as intended.
Warden Training skill "Sidejob II" doesn't provide 45 tokens like the skill specifies. It says that you received 45 tokens in the morning alerts when the day starts, but only infact get 25 tokens from "Sidejob I"(previous tier).
The Warden Point skill "Metabolism" does NOT grant 5% regeneration. Doesn't do anything.
I am starting to think that perhaps TIER-1 (very first row of every tree) are the ONLY Warden Training skills that work in the game at all?
Comparing TIER-1 vs higher tiers of Warden Training objects in Map066.json, I can see there's not that many differences, mostly just a handful of different property values that act as pointers, but I can't really afford to spend all the time to go through them 1 by 1, learning what they are to check if they and the values they're pointing to are correct, since I'm not being paid a cent to debug this game. But I trust the bug reporting will be useful and hope the devs will keep working on this fun little game