What module causes an npc to set you to auto mode? I remember reading something like that but I can't find it again. It shows the text "Let me in" in orange when it happens and it sets your character on autopilot. I need to remove that shit because man is it annoying. It keeps making me break up with my lover even though I don't have anybody else interested in me too, dunno if that's random or part of the module. Having to sit around and wait for a period to end really blows.
I think it happens right after I have sex with my lover, but she doesn't seem to have anything that would do that. Oh, maybe Skinwalker can do that? I don't know why she'd make me break up with her when she's in love with me though. Mind Control sounds like it's just for making people bang, so I don't think it's that and nobody I've noticed even has that anyways. Haunted is only proc'd with massages and that's not happening, don't think anybody in my roster even has that either.
I finally afked and let the period end. When it ended, it changed my PC control to another character. This almost seems more like a bug than an intentional feature lol. I can't find anything that does all that weird shit, so it's probably some feature that isn't explained properly of some module, annoying. This is why you have to explain exactly what modules do, or people add it to characters without realizing it's going to fuck up somebody's game. When somebody needs to know how a character acts, not the time to be vague with descriptions. Summoner and some others do that shit too.
Well, I wanted to restart and mod some characters anyways. Albedo being at lower strength than Naraberal bothers me, lol. Albedo is a good judge of "max" scores for strength and intelligence. Somebody gave Sword Maiden from Goblin Slayer 0 strength too, wtf. Her name is fucking Sword Maiden, lol. Even if you didn't know anything about the anime, her name implies she's strong. /end rant. Another downside to characters being modded by so many different people, poor balance between character stats.