
Apr 30, 2018
Hey! Sorry I totally forgot to update you. Turns out it wasn't the trainer that was borked but a specific single card in my class that was messing up the trainer when it loaded the roster.

I somehow came across a random korean forum post with my same error and they mentioned it's a "bombed card" I asked in the discord and they said to try replacing the roster png and background stuff with a non transparent background and that fixed it. Don't know how to tell if a card has a problem without brute force removing cards until the trainer works but I got it done. Thanks for the help!

Edit: I almost forget is there a tutorial on the forced action section? There are some not so intuitive options i have no idea what they do and forcing an action doesn't seem to do anything.
Right, here's a quick and dirty rundown. Reminder that the NPC will only attempt any actions given, and if I'm remembering right "Forced Interaction" only comes into play when it involes the PC.

EDIT: Forgot to add it in the slide, but if you don't enable "Forced Perform", the action basically just gets added to the NPCs list of "actions it will consider doing when it feels like it". A list which can range, depending on the NPC, from not in a million years to "I can't believe it's not Forced Perform!"

Screenshot 2022-11-14 063122.png
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The NTRtainer

May 22, 2020
The NTRtainer My mind just goes EVERYWHERE thinking about it:

1. I am unclear on the concept of NTR itself: if you are inherently faithful - you do not run around banging everyone, and if you are WILLINGLY unfaithful - does that not contradict the premise? Like stealing something that never had an owner, to begin with. How does NTR function as a sexual premise, exactly? Blackmail themes of some sort?

2. Should really be "1" rather than "2: the game was not designed for this. At all. Frankly, it was never properly designed as a dating sim, either. Point being, the game is built around "design your favorite character and view preset sex scenes with them" with a rather weak interaction system [that can easily be bruteforced - something you clearly experienced].

3. Anyway, if you want to be on the "cucked" end - you can probably get away by fiddling with virtue: "Lowest" virtue from the get-go, modules like "Sex Addict" (or maybe "Sex Crazed" - going back to unfaithfulness, is it still NTR if your lover is the one hunting for fuckbuddies?). If you want to be the "hunter" instead - sounds like you want variety...that you want to be able to control...but is it really "varied" if you "control" the whole thing? Not to mention that NPCs doing random things with random people can hardly compete with you if you decide to beeline for their lover. You could, for example, steal the lover from another NPC, then switch to that NPC and try to steal the lover back. Playing chess for both sides, I know.

4. Going back to blackmail: Blackmailer module (duh - still, RNG...unless you take control of that...see where this is going, again?), or pretty much any module that makes the boys (we ARE talking "default" setup, right? Boys stealing girls from other boys.) more forceful in their approach.

5. Afterthought since you probably tried it, given how obvious it is: Cuck/Cheating modules.

[/randomthoughts] :LOL:
I just checked out the sex addict/sex crazed modules, somehow I think I overlooked those, makes for potentially interesting scenarios! This will no doubt prove useful :cool: thank you for the elaborate answer and for all your other points as well, I find myself often thinking this game is the best lewd game I've ever encountered (a subjective opinion, surely, I'm sure it's far from being objectively the best) but my imagination goes haywire trying to contemplate how much more they could do with a potential third instalment. As stated several times in this thread and many more, Koikatsu is a good graphical premise for such a game but mechanics wise it is sorely lacking.

Thanks for the tips, and for your other insights as well, going to give it a whirl when I have time!


Jan 25, 2018
Hi i have few questions
1)does someone has a link for clothing mods? (non school related one) like actual clothes fromanime girls?
if so could you send me a link?
2)also i have downloaded some new personalities, how do i add them into the game?
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Jul 15, 2020
Someone is having the same problem, I can't open the game or edit, a message is appearing saying that the d3dx9_42.dll was not found, is there a way to fix this ?


Oct 22, 2022
Someone is having the same problem, I can't open the game or edit, a message is appearing saying that the d3dx9_42.dll was not found, is there a way to fix this ?
Yes, you fix this by installing directx9c which is the base requirement of any directx 9 game.


New Member
Sep 13, 2018
Can anyone tell me where I can find a Karaoke song pack? I've looked over tons of places through the net over the last few months and the only one I'm aware of that exists was part of the Hongfire patch and that of course, is dead and any website promising to get a link for it has been shady as hell so I was hoping if anyone here could help me? Thanks in advance :)


Nov 21, 2017
Can anyone tell me where I can find a Karaoke song pack? I've looked over tons of places through the net over the last few months and the only one I'm aware of that exists was part of the Hongfire patch and that of course, is dead and any website promising to get a link for it has been shady as hell so I was hoping if anyone here could help me? Thanks in advance :)


May 25, 2020
Grr: Running Windows 11 and some driver updated itself and now I get
"The Application Was Unable to Start (0xc000007b)" error.

Anyone know how to diagnose this and fix?


May 31, 2017
So I installed the game but the game is a laggy mess and my computer is high end. Does anyone know how to solve this?


New Member
Mar 19, 2020
So I installed the game but the game is a laggy mess and my computer is high end. Does anyone know how to solve this?
Had the same prob for a while but there is a couple of fixes you could try on the main page under "Installation", after a few attempts for me it now works wonders :D.
  • Like
Reactions: MarianeElos


May 31, 2017
Had the same prob for a while but there is a couple of fixes you could try on the main page under "Installation", after a few attempts for me it now works wonders :D.
Thank you! I found out my issue. I needed to go to the launcher > scripts > and enable wined3. Now it works perfectly well!
  • Yay, new update!
Reactions: Hibiibin


New Member
Feb 19, 2020
I installed the game and are trying to get the uncensor mod work, but it's not.

I put my "02_uncensor_mkiii_v21.ppx" file in the "data" folder, but it's not working. Does anyone now what I'm doing wrong.

P.S.: I got my mod from here


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2018
StrawberryDonut Did you check ?

I assume you are NOT using CCC, since it has the relevant uncensor link right below it (and you would still need that same box checked, anyway).


New Member
Dec 7, 2018
After updating my drivers I have this error when trying to open the game, I tried a fresh install and reinstalling direct X. Does anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it?

Edit: I was able to fix it by disabling all toggles then launching the game exiting and re selecting the toggles.

Unhandled exception. System.IO.IOException: All pipe instances are busy.
at System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeServerStream.Create(String pipeName, PipeDirection direction, Int32 maxNumberOfServerInstances, PipeTransmissionMode transmissionMode, PipeOptions options, Int32 inBufferSize, Int32 outBufferSize, PipeSecurity pipeSecurity, HandleInheritability inheritability, PipeAccessRights additionalAccessRights)
at System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeServerStream..ctor(String pipeName, PipeDirection direction, Int32 maxNumberOfServerInstances, PipeTransmissionMode transmissionMode, PipeOptions options, Int32 inBufferSize, Int32 outBufferSize, HandleInheritability inheritability)
at System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeServerStream..ctor(String pipeName, PipeDirection direction)
at PPeXM64.PipeServer..ctor(String name) in D:\Sourcecode\GitHub-Bepis\PPeX\PPeXM64\Pipe.cs:line 24
at PPeXM64.Program.Main(String[] args) in D:\Sourcecode\GitHub-Bepis\PPeX\PPeXM64\Program.cs:line 47
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New Member
Feb 19, 2020
StrawberryDonut Did you check ?

I assume you are NOT using CCC, since it has the relevant uncensor link right below it (and you would still need that same box checked, anyway).
I do have the box checked, here's pics of my data folder and settings. I don't know if I'm missing anything or what. I really wanna play the game but the mosaics are a huge turn off.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2018
StrawberryDonut Might be related to your issue, might not, but there are already two (and a half) issues I see on those screens (kudos for informative screenies):

1. Your AAU version is 1.5.3 - grossly outdated. Use the Modern Installation Guide link in "Other Sources" in OP instead - that way you can get the up-to-date version of everything...which kind of ties into the next issue:
2. Your data folder shows "ppx" files AND "pp2" files - the two formats are incompatible, you cannot have both enabled at the same time - either, or. You can use PP and PPX mods together. PPX is supposed to supercede PP2, anyway.
2.5. Checkboxes: you can use PP and PP2 together or PP and PPX, but not PP2 and PPX. Make sure the respective boxes are [un]ticked in the AA2Unlimited tab. For example, your screenshot of that tab shows PP and PP2 boxes ticked, and your data folder contains a bunch of PPX mods, none of which are active since PPX box is unticked.

Summary: AAU outdated - update. And your data folder shows PP2 mods and PPX mods - they are NOT going to work side by side. Unless you have a specific reason to stick with PP2, go with PPX instead.
4.70 star(s) 17 Votes