It's an opinion you (and the game) can check through conditions. I recall the threshold for Slut was 15 recognized partners, so congrats! It is meant to be a unique hate-flavored opinion so I expect NPCs to generate some dislike / hate when you become a Slut, or engage in NPC-only LLDH mechanics that antagonize sluts since the Selective Amnesia module exists just to forget sex partners and never gain the Slut opinion. Back when I was playing / making for AA2 regularly, I used opinions to add weight to a system that would make a character force sex onto another character, along with consideration for who is doing it and their orientation.[...]
Any ideas about the "Slut" status? Or it just an annoying flavor text that obstructs your actual LLDH indicators?
I personally like the immersion value of it. The status definitely does block other opinion indicators in case their priority does not outrank Slut, but I don't think it would cover the most important ones. Although I'm not completely sure on that, but I expect deadly opinions to still show. What is important is NPCs will remember opinions even if they can only show 1 through the status statue window. So sure, make conditions adding weight per relevant opinion and you can make things happen.